Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 257 The last of the four sacred books, the Book of Memory, is obtained!

Mnemosyne was also thinking about the reason for Hestia's arrival.

As for saying.

Mnemosyne chose to avoid it, or did something else?


Stop it!

Mnemosyne is not an idiot. Don't you know that if she does those fancy and messy operations, she knows that something will happen without even thinking about it? Please! Who is behind Hestia?

Behind Hestia is the underworld. The Titan War has just ended, and a lot of things have happened in the underworld.

The birth of Sparta, a believer, is destined to become a god-king-level existence in the future. The road is right in front of you, you just need to go step by step.

In the underworld, there are Ceres, Ceres, Eurynomous, and Karl. Four Titan-level gods of the underworld are secretly guarding you, allowing you to fulfill your promises and complete your deeds!

Of course!

The four gods of the underworld will not help, but will guard in secret. All difficulties and obstacles require Sparta to go through it on its own. Other than that? Of course, the thing to guard against is the attack of higher-level gods.

If Sparta is really dead and crippled in an honest battle, then! This means admitting that it is because you are not good at studying, it is your own problem, and there is nothing you can do about it.


If you leapfrog the level and cause trouble, then we have to keep talking, is the Titan Lord not enough? Then the God King! God King is still not enough? Then our Lord Hades will come and talk to you in person, if that doesn't work! Erebus and Nyx, the ancient divine couple, would definitely come out to chat.

This is the current situation in the underworld. Speaking of which, in addition to Sparta, Etel has just become the God King.

This made Mnemosyne very helpless. Facing a god like Hestia who was backed by the underworld and had a very high status, she really didn't want to have anything to do with him.

She also has a lot of secrets!


Hestia had already arrived. She was wearing a pure white dress. She smiled and looked very gentle and said: "Mnemosyne, first time meeting."

"Hestia, first time meeting." Mnemosyne also greeted with a smile.

Both of them have been foxes for thousands of years, and neither is afraid of the other. Although they don't know the other's purpose, they can just have a little chat.

The two entered the temple and were greeting each other.

Hestia was not afraid of what Mnemosyne wanted to do. Before coming, Hestia personally went to find Erebus and Nyx, the ancient god couple.

That’s all I can say!

Since the fall of Cronus, Erebus and Nyx, the ancient god couple, have really become completely inappropriate. The couple understands that, don't hesitate, Stud! As long as you stud, then the probability of success is there.

Of course, Hestia didn't want this ancient god couple to stand up for her or act as bodyguards. She just hoped that if other ancient gods took action against her, they would stop them.

Erebus and Nyx, the ancient god couple, although they don't know what happened.


This ancient god couple still didn't ask too much. It will be clear in the future. They just looked at it, small problems, small problems.


After the greetings, Mnemosyne asked with a smile: "Hestia, what do you want to see me for?"


Hestia was elegant and decent, smiling like a lady: "It's not a big deal, it's just! Mnemosyne, I also came to see you. After all, in this world, there is nothing wrong with the Titan. Of the twelve main gods, you are the only one left."


Mnemosyne also sighed slightly and said: "Hestia, thank you very much, but! I do think this kind of life is quite good. Although I can't go to other places casually and can only live on the earth, but This kind of peaceful life is also very comfortable.”

"Really?" Hestia asked in return, and then answered her own question: "Mnemosyne, if you feel happy, that's great. In addition, there is one more thing."

"Please say."

Mnemosyne knew that she was finally on the right track and what the two of them were going to talk about.

Hestia smiled and said: "Mnemosyne, you should know the four sacred books, right? The Book of Omniscience, the Book of Knowledge, the Book of Wisdom, and the Book of Memory. What a pity! Master Hades has already obtained it. Three of them are now looking for this last book of memories."


Hestia seemed to shake her head with regret.


Hestia seemed to be very sorry, as if she was just asking Mnemosyne if she knew about the Book of Memory!

The Book of Wisdom, which Hades obtained from Metis.

The Book of Knowledge, which Hades obtained from Theia.

The Book of Omniscience, after the defeat of Cronus, officially entered the stage of operation as the underworld officially began. This represents the book of omniscience of the deceased, which was born in the underworld and has been taken away by Hades.


Now among the four great sacred books, only the last book of memory has not been obtained, and Hestia's arrival was due to this last sacred book.

As for whether Mnemosyne will be handed over?


Mnemosyne will take it out, and Hestia also has a way to make Mnemosyne take it out.


Mnemosyne seemed to want to say something.

Hestia smiled and said: "Recently, as you know, the parents of Hypnos and Thanatos, the two supreme twin gods, were talking about something interesting. , it seems to involve the Black Sea, what a pity! Although the Black Sea contains very precious divine objects, ordinary gods like us cannot step into it to find them!"

Hestia seemed to mention this matter casually and felt it was a pity.

after all!

The Black Sea itself is extremely dangerous, and if you want to enter the Black Sea, you can only enter through the sea boundary. The sea boundary is Poseidon's territory, how can you let you enter casually?

What is Hestia's purpose in bringing this up is the most interesting thing.


Mnemosyne's smile was barely maintained. After a moment, she smiled and said: "Since Lord Hades has obtained three of the four sacred books, then! This book of memory should indeed be given to Hades. Lord Dis, it just so happens that this book of memory is in my hands, so I will give it to Lord Hades."


Hestia smiled and said, "Mnemosyne, thank you very much!"

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