Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 331 A great flood swept everything, and Poseidon and Zeus found that the problem was getting



The twin gods showed infinite divine power, and as the twin gods stood under the mountain peak, looking down, the infinite divine power turned into a monstrous flood in an instant. In an instant, the endless flood spread out in two ways. With people in the center, it spreads continuously towards the entire upper world and begins to sweep the entire world.

This is the great flood that will destroy the world.

It seems that there is no bells and whistles, it is just a simple flow of water, but the more ordinary it is, the more terrifying it is. This is the power that represents strength. Whether it is any god or any human being, with pure power, Want to block it? It’s almost impossible!

This endless power represents the great power of the entire mythical world. No matter what existence it is, it is meaningless to stand on the opposite side to block it.


Hypnos and Thanatos also let out a sigh of relief in silence.


For the Twin Gods, this is the limit of what they can do. This is no joke. Do they want to do more? It is also something that is simply impossible to do. There is no way. They are just releasing the power of the mythical world, not that they can do anything on their own.

As for controlling this power? Stop it! That is simply unrealistic. To a certain extent, destroying the world and creating the world are just releasing the power prepared by this mythical world. It does not mean that you are really qualified to do this. You are not qualified to manipulate this force.

This is the fundamental core, the unchangeable core.

And now, with the passage of time, after the Twin Gods have released this divine power, the rest does not have much to do with them.

"That's it." Thanatos said in a very soft voice: "Next, all we need to do is wait quietly. Everything will happen. We just need to wait quietly. That’s it.”

Hypnos nodded and said: "Everything that should be prepared has been prepared. For more planning and preparation, we have no choice but to wait quietly."

Both Hypnos and Thanatos know that they have already done what they need to do and what they can do, and what about more?

That's not what they're qualified for, nor what they're capable of doing, now! As long as they wait quietly and obediently, that's all. As for everything else, that's not what they should do.

The twin gods see this very clearly.

"The land of the far north..."

Hypnos looked at the Far North with a hint of worry. The Endless Flood would almost cover the Far North first, after all! Now in the above world, very few humans from the Golden Age are still alive.

Among the remaining surviving humans of the Golden Age, many live in the Kingdom of Sparta in the far north, and in the Kingdom of Sparta, so many humans of the Golden Age gathered together.

Can they survive?

Hard to say!

This is a huge danger. This kind of danger cannot be accomplished with the help of external forces. You can only go forward step by step and cautiously. No external force can help at all.

"Hypnos." Thanatos persuaded softly; "Everything that should be prepared has been prepared. If we still fail and still cannot succeed, then! There is indeed nothing. There is a way."

Hypnos nodded. He knew that Thanatos was right. Everything that should be prepared has been prepared, even if it failed at this time.


It's nothing that can be done about it. It's destined to happen, and there's no way around it! The underworld has arranged so much, and the result is! You still failed in the far north, then! What can I do? I am also very helpless! Everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared, and everything that needs to be done has been done.

If you still meet death, then! What can we do? What can I do! There is really no way, everything has been done, at this time, even if you ask me to do something more, I can't do it!

In the void.

"The destruction of the world has begun."

Zeus looked condescendingly at the great flood of destruction that began to sweep across the entire upper world, and spoke slowly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. The destruction of the world had already begun. At this point, it would be complete. No one can stop it.

But the problem is that the destruction of the world has just begun, and the creation of the world will follow! And this creation is not in the hands of Hades, nor in the hands of the underworld. As long as the next holy war is victorious, then...

Zeus has many ideas, and in a sense, the benefits that creation can bring are higher than those of destruction. If this is the case, does that mean?

Just thinking about it, it seems that we can already know how amazing the income this time is? some things! This is indeed the case. If you think about it for a while, you will find that there are indeed many things in it. Think carefully, think carefully, there are many things!


Compared to Zeus, Poseidon is calmer. He is quietly thinking about something. In Poseidon's view, these are just small problems, and these Small problems, the more important thing is how to deal with them.

The subsequent processing and arrangements are more important. He has a plan of his own, and Poseidon, squinting his eyes slightly, has already begun to think about the benefits and gains that can be brought about next.

over time.

Poseidon and Zeus, however, began to keenly sense that something was wrong.




Is there something wrong with this?

What exactly did you do in the underworld? What's going on with this power? Is this situation too outrageous? Is this problem getting a little bit wrong?

Poseidon and Zeus both looked at Hades, and Hades just remained calm from beginning to end, as if there were no emotional fluctuations. From beginning to end, he watched everything quietly, without any trace of emotion. No emotional fluctuations.

But the more it is like this, the weirder it feels!

This time, the two god kings' instincts were really reminding themselves that everything was getting more and more wrong.

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