Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 334 Let’s not talk about Hades, but you, Poseidon, also have a share of the pie?

What to do?

What to do?


What do you mean by Hades?


It’s not over, right?

Zeus's current mental state is obviously not normal, or rather! It’s definitely not very good, no! Isn't this just a joke? What the hell?

Ceres and Karl, these are two real god-kings!

Counting Etel from before, you already have three god-kings in the underworld. The result! Tell me, this is not the end, you actually plan to research the fourth God King? ah? ! Endless! Is it endless?

Good guy!

Good guy!

I am really a good friend of TM. Zeus's current state has obviously begun to gradually become abnormal. It is obviously different from normal people. This is not surprising, that's it. If Zeus's current state was really the same as a normal person, that would be a strange thing.

This problem, it is obvious that something is not normal!

The more this is the case, the more we need to think carefully about it, and the more we need to start thinking carefully about whether there may be any big problems here.

The results of it?


The big problem has really arisen. What on earth do you want Hades to do? Looking for trouble? ah! What's wrong with you? Are you crazy! Just thinking about this possibility means knowing what the problem is, okay?

Are you, Hades, now about to summon the fourth God King? Fourth place! Fourth place! If this is really the case for you, then you are going too far!

Just thinking about it, I know that you want to cultivate the fourth God King. Isn't this a bit outrageous? For such a situation, anyone who is not an idiot knows what the specific situation is.


Hades just looked at Zeus indifferently. From beginning to end, there was almost no emotion and his expression was calm, as if he had never cared about this.

Zeus's face also remained calm. No matter what happened, he couldn't stop it now. To put it bluntly! Everything has reached this point, and it is simply impossible to stop it.


Zeus is also controlling himself, there is no need! Could it be that you already know that you can't stop it, but just thinking about it, you know that if you do this, wouldn't it be a bit too embarrassing?

Although Zeus is a tyrannical king of gods, he would not do such a shameful thing, then! No matter from any angle, it is too embarrassing.


With the gradual flow of the world-destroying flood, the entire golden age gradually came to an end.

Wisps of divine power began to pour into Moilai's divine body. At this moment, the four-in-one goddess of fate had finally reached her limit, and infinite divine power completely poured into Moilai's body. Lai's divine body has made Moilai the bottleneck of the card master, and he has begun to truly make further progress.

Wisps of divine power and rays of light are quickly and perfectly integrated into Moilai's body, urging Moilai's improvement.


Compared with other god-kings, Moilai's promotion is almost the most troublesome and extremely difficult thing.

This is helpless and undeniable. In a sense, Moira's destiny is written. It does not mean that she can simply come out at the end of the world-destroying flood.

It's like a comedy.

Moilai can only truly compose this destiny if he calculates everything perfectly from beginning to end, every step of the way! You can only be regarded as participating in this fate.

From the expeditionary force, from the holy war, from the great flood...

It can be said!

Everything needs to be dealt with step by step by Moilai, and it needs to be written step by step by Moilai, and it must happen clearly. Only this can truly be imprinted in destiny and represent Moilai. Lai, truly the master of destiny.

This is the real fundamental core.

It really doesn’t mean that you can just do that if you want to. It’s impossible. You need to handle everything from beginning to end, and this! This is the most fundamental and important core point.

Rather than saying that you stood at the end, you just stood there quietly. If that is really the case, then everything! Isn't it that it is really too simple?


This is simply impossible, and everything is definitely not so simple.

The final result is needless to say. Moilai has already achieved this, or in other words, with the help and busyness of the entire underworld, he has truly achieved this.

It is in this way, step by step, step by step, that Moirai can write his destiny step by step. It can truly be achieved through the merits of destroying the world. Let yourself sublime and become a god king.



Wisps of divine power are integrated into Moilai's divine body, and Moilai's divine power is rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, unlike Ethel, Ceres, and Karl.

Although these three god kings are god kings, they are also the most rubbish and weakest level 1 god kings. They are not god kings who truly broke through. In essence, they are all god kings who came by taking advantage of the situation. , cannot be regarded as a true God King.

As for Moirai, she is completely different. She has truly become completely different. A true god-king, even if it is not as special as Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. sex.

But the same!

Moilai is not a weak God-King either. This newly born, true God-King is exuding his infinite divine power, seeming to tell everyone how amazing his own power and terror is.

The birth of Moilai also told the gods how powerful the underworld is, how terrifying it is, the four god kings?


Before the gods could think more, another thing happened, a completely different thing. A completely different divine power happened again in the earth world, and the infinite formations began to burst out.

That was the divine power that represented the ocean. The divine power mixed with the world-destroying flood actually began to sweep through most of the earth at this moment.

Zeus couldn't help but set his sights on Poseidon. Do you want a share of the pie?

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