Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 362 The path between Hades and Poseidon is clear! Zeus full of contradictions! Confused Prom



The three Hades came to the star realm and quietly came to Ethel's side.

Ethel nodded calmly and said in a gentle voice: "The position has been determined, now it's time to take action, and! This time, failure is absolutely not allowed."

The three underworld gods did not answer, but nodded seriously.

For the entire underworld, this action is very important, and failure is absolutely not allowed.

Earth, water, fire and wind!

This is the next step forward for Yggdrasil.


The underworld has gathered two divine beasts, earth and water, and both are divine king-level beasts. As for wind? His Majesty is prepared, and the divine beast with the wind attribute knows that it is enough to wait for the time to appear.

As for fire?

It is the most important!

The existence of god kings is extremely rare. In the world of Greek gods and mythology, are there hidden gods of god kings?


This is absolutely unquestionable. In any mythical world, there are such reclusive existences, obviously! Such existence is absolutely beyond doubt.


Such existences are just gods, and they are extremely rare. Such rarity is meaningless to the underworld. As for the god king of the divine beast type corresponding to the fire attribute?

That is even more rare. In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say that there is only such one.


If it really fails, then! In the underworld, it is absolutely impossible to capture or succeed again. This is absolutely unquestionable for the other gods.

For Poseidon and Zeus.

The first time is a sure thing.

The failure of the first time means that the second time will definitely not succeed.

This is the great improvement in the strength of the underworld brought about by the destruction of the world. Of course, there seem to be several opportunities, but what is the reality? Not at all! Success the first time is possible, but success the second time is extremely difficult.

And this is the extremely fundamental and important core point.


This is absolutely true! absolute! absolute! There is no doubt about it.

Poseidon and Zeus naturally knew what Hades wanted to do. Earth and water could not stop it, and fire, if it failed the first time, then! There is absolutely no chance of success the second time.

not to mention.

Why didn't Hades personally take action to capture the divine beast of fire?

This can be regarded as an unspoken rule. Hades succeeded without taking action himself! Then it is a success, what if it fails? Hehehe~~~

That is very sorry, there is no second chance, remember! This is definitely not a joke, but a real fact.

The two god-kings would not allow it.

And this is also an invisible rule. Both sides are waiting here.


Everything is about to begin.

Sea world!

Poseidon whispered softly: "It took tens of millions of years to finally find Ethel. However, compared to him, whether the underworld will succeed is also uncertain."

Poseidon just watched quietly and had no idea of ​​getting involved.

To Poseidon, all of this was meaningless, and he was not interested in it.

Or rather!

In Poseidon's eyes, all of this itself is meaningless, success and failure! None of this will change anything for me, and I won't care about anything.

This is Poseidon's character. Of course, this also comes from Poseidon's own self-confidence. There is no need to doubt this.

Everything about Poseidon is there, it is absolute confidence and absolute pride, and his path is right in front of him.

This is just like Hades. The path of Hades is right in front of you. You just need to follow it step by step. The same is true for Poseidon.

Poseidon's path is also in front of him. Just walking step by step is enough. What else? Everything else! It doesn't make any sense.

Only Zeus…


It’s so embarrassing!

While Hades and Poseidon have truly determined their own paths, Zeus has more problems. This is not surprising.

Among the three god kings, Zeus was the real protagonist, but what about now?

However, Zeus has changed. Everything he owns is not as huge as in the original story, but all his own problems have not changed, and this, after all, means that Zeus will be very troublesome.

Even said!

If Zeus cannot stabilize the current situation, his death will come easily. If it really comes to that point, then everything! But here comes the real trouble. On that day, Zeus may be greeted by his real death.

This is something that cannot be denied.


The current situation is still gathering within the star realm.


Although Zeus remained silent and said nothing, the thunder around him was radiating, and his flames were obviously burning. In Zeus's eyes, all this was simply a huge irony.

What's the meaning?

You have been promoted in the underworld again and again, and now you are no longer carrying others behind your back, right?


What do you want in the underworld? Under the gaze of Zeus, this is simply a kind of irony. What do you want in Hades?


Zeus also knew that he couldn't do anything, he could only watch quietly.

On the other side.



Prometheus sighed slightly, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Will my plan really succeed? What will be the next result?"

"What will everything be like?"

Prometheus really fell into a daze. With the entry of the Earth Goddess, everything changed, and with all these changes.

Prometheus is really at a loss now.

As the God of Wisdom, he should be able to control many things, but! As time went by, Prometheus discovered that this was not the case at all.

In his heart, he really didn't know whether his plan could succeed!

This is Prometheus now. As the God of Wisdom, he is at a loss. The fear and helplessness completely fill Prometheus's heart.

But this!

It is indeed a normal thing. Just because he is the God of Wisdom, sometimes, it will be like this, because of him! I really feel the despair that comes from huge oppression.

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