Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 377 The chaotic mythical world! Time is quiet in the underworld!

The upper realm!

After the initial temptation, all the gods discovered it. Is this actually the case?

With the fate of that earth goddess, your mythical world really doesn't care? That! In an instant, the entire upper world exploded completely, and countless races emerged.


The area of ​​the upper world is unparalleled in this era, and the competition between all races has completely ignited the war in the upper world.

Of course.

The war in the upper world lasts for a short time, and it will not last for a long time, at least! After the creation of the world, it will completely enter the Silver Age, which will be a short period of peace.

after all!

Even if the mythical world gives this opportunity, human beings are definitely the only protagonists. This is destined and it is self-evident. As long as the opportunity is given, when that time comes! Everything is doomed.

at this point.

There is absolutely no doubt about it.


Everything in the mythical world is destined, there is absolutely no need to doubt this, and before the creation of the world begins, the struggle for hegemony among all races will completely break out. At that time, what will be the result? Apparently! It is self-evident.

The last surviving race will become mankind's opponent and become part of mankind's confrontation.

This is the fundamental core.

At that time, the real game begins, and the underworld, the heaven, and the sea are not eager to participate in this game.

It's the same thing.

to be honest!

Now it's just the qualifiers, and since it's just the qualifiers, then! What am I anxious about? No need to rush! This, obviously, is a self-evident matter.

This is also fundamentally destined.

at the same time.

At this moment.


Compared with the turbulent melee in the above world, in the underworld, it is very calm, and it can even be said that the years are quiet.


The entire underworld is starting to get busy, after all! When the gods created a large number of races, it is not an exaggeration to even call them countless races.

And under such circumstances, could it be said that it has always been creation? That is obviously impossible. War is bound to be accompanied by death, and death requires procreation.

Now the underworld has begun to get busy, as for that! After you come, it's hard to say whether you can be reincarnated! Since we have entered the underworld, then! Then you have to follow the rules of the underworld. This is a destined thing.

No one would come to the underworld, and you still want to make a fuss, right?


If there is really an idiot who plans to do this, what is the price that needs to be paid? Apparently! It is something that is self-evident.


Hestia squatted on the ground, not showing any majesty as a goddess, but just like a little girl. She muttered: "Brothers and sisters, are you sure there is nothing wrong with you? I always feel that the race created in this way is not right. ?”

Hestia tilted her head and looked at the formula of creation given by Persephone. It seemed strange no matter how she looked at it.

Persephone also fell silent, and she said with a touch of embarrassment: "Sister, I am... I am..."

Persephone, the high-spirited queen of the underworld, obviously! I never thought that this would be the case, that the race I created would have many problems?

For this situation!

It was true that Persephone had never thought of it at all.

It's really a big problem.

Tried again and again, results! When you fail again and again, you just say that there are a lot of failures, which is very embarrassing.



"no way!"


Hestia and Persephone looked at each other, both falling into silence, feeling more or less embarrassed! Something doesn't seem right?

This situation...

Forehead? !

The two sisters, looking at the situation in front of them, always felt that it was not good.


Rhea, who was standing aside, shook her head helplessly, these two children, really! It's really frustrating.

Rhea walked over and said softly: "Persephone, Hestia, you two children, actually! You have forgotten the most fundamental point."

"Mother Goddess?"*2

The two women looked at Rhea curiously, tilting their heads, as if they didn't quite understand what was going on.

Rhea said softly: "One thing! You must be clear, that is the fundamental core point. No matter what life is, they all have their own characteristics, and what you want to create is The most perfect race, but! Does such a race still have its own characteristics?"

Rhea asked softly, and the words she asked caused both women to fall into silence.


Persephone and Rhea are both races that created the underworld in the most perfect way, but! The more so, the more failure it will be.

The reason is here.


When every aspect is unparalleled and perfect, then! In a sense, he is mediocre, and this mediocrity means that he cannot truly become a truly perfect race.

There is absolutely no doubt about this.

No matter at any time, growth is in front of you. All races need to grow, grow step by step, and only truly grow, then! This is the real perfection! It's definitely a no-brainer.


The two women forgot this, and simply created the most perfect race. But the more so, the more impossible it is to create, because! Even God must abide by fundamental laws in terms of creation.

if not.

Can God create a race that can reach heaven and become absolute gods in one step? This is a paradox! But it is also a fact that God’s omnipotence is based on a certain point, it’s not just saying! God is truly completely incomparable and omnipotent.


Both women were in deep thought, thinking about this issue.

Rhea didn't say much. She had already said almost what she needed to say. All that was left was for the two women to understand on their own. No matter how much others said, it would be meaningless.

A lot of the time.

That's the way it is.

The more you say it, the more meaningless it becomes, because that's the truth.

A lot of everything needs to be understood by oneself, otherwise, it cannot be understood simply by describing it.

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