Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 385 The dust has settled in the heaven! Is the god of awakening Zeus or Abel?

A shadow emerged.

It’s Gaia!

even though.

This is just a shadow, but any god can see that this is Gaia. There will never be any problems. This is definitely Gaia.

And under such circumstances, what will happen next?


That's the most important thing.

Eris, Gaia.

These two gods, who are not equal at all, value the same thing at this moment, which is the identity of the God King of Zeus. They both want to take away this origin.


Eris was too fast, and the origin of the God King had gradually been integrated into Eris' divine body, making Hera's God's Heart completely useless.

Not even Gaia can do anything about it.

this moment!

The face of Gaia, the gentle earth goddess, has become unsightly, even speaking! It would be no exaggeration to call it extremely ugly.


This is the fundamental core.

The most important thing is that at this moment, Eris's body is flashing with wisps of divine power, which is the divine power of the invisibility helmet. Under the divine power of the invisibility helmet, normally, it is impossible to stop Gaia. attack.

But the more so...

This thing happened more and more.


There was a hint of smile in Eris's voice, and she said softly: "Everything is almost a coincidence, but the more coincidences there are, the more they come together, the result will be."


"Bye now!"

Eris was smiling, but her figure had been swallowed up by the unfolding darkness. Almost in an instant, it had disappeared without a trace and completely dissipated.

You can see it from here.

It can be said.

Eris was able to take out these two artifacts, the Invisibility Helmet and the Sword of Hades, which proved that Hades was watching quietly from behind.


The gods who were watching all this were silent. Why? Gaia didn't fight for Eris? why is that.

"The great world of myth..."

The shadow of Gaia dissipated, leaving only these five words.

this moment.

The gods have completely understood what is going on, and this is the fundamental core. The great world of myth blocks everything. Even Gaia, the goddess of creation, as the goddess of the earth, cannot block the myth. The constraints of the big world.

This is what Eris said.

Everything is a coincidence.


When all the coincidences come together completely, everything becomes fact and fundamental.

Gaia's actions made the world of mythology angry, thus blocking the power of the ancient gods in the world of mythology, forming restrictions on them.

What Gaia did in Hades and Tartarus consumed a lot of divine power, and under the consumption of this huge divine power, Gaia also fell into a weak state.

In this situation of 1+1\u003e2, it can be said! In a short period of time, Gaia was almost weakened to the extreme.


Under the blow of Gaia's phantom, even the defense of the invisibility helmet was not broken, but! Sometimes, the opportunity is only once, as long as you have this moment of opportunity.

Eris can just leave.

all of these!

It all happened in an instant, everything was so fast, it was almost here! To the extent that people have no time to react, and under such circumstances, what will be the next result?


This is already self-evident.

Everything that happened in the entire heaven came to an end in this weird situation, even! It is impossible for people to understand what is going on.

This is already destined.


Hera, Metis, Prometheus.


At this moment, all the gods in the heavens on the Holy Mountain of Olympus fell into silence and watched quietly. They all wanted to know what the next result would be.


Prometheus also never thought that Gaia had almost prepared everything and made all preparations, but at this last moment, it would stumble because of Eris.

The most important thing is that Eris can almost be taken down with a pinch, and! The reason for the failure was actually due to Gaia's own actions.

When all the coincidences come together, they become the result. In a sense, this is almost a real fact. And what will this situation be like?

This is the most helpless thing!

Even though Gaia was annoyed, she had no choice but to activate backup means.

That’s all I can say!

Gaia is also worthy of her essence and power as the original God of Creation. She made many backup methods at the beginning, and these backup methods were, in a sense, enough.

Be it Eris or the other gods, everything is just a coincidence.

And when coincidences come together, they become facts.

This situation!

In a sense, it is the most helpless thing, even for Gaia.

The other side!

Within Abel's divine body, the souls of Zeus and Abel, father and son, two generations of god kings, gathered together and stared at each other quietly.

"Father God." Abel said sarcastically with a touch of sarcasm; "It seems! The final result indeed exceeded all expectations. It ended with Eris taking everything. It really made People find it funny!”

"My uncle, even though he didn't do anything, he became the final winner."

"My brother?"


Zeus said with a touch of emotion: "I also have to admit that in a sense I am not my brother's opponent, but! Because I understand my own problems and want to continue, this itself has a lot of problems. matter."

"And now..."

Zeus came towards Abel step by step and said calmly: "Abel, when everything about you is swallowed up by me and absorbs everything about you, I will become complete. This is enough."


Abel's eyes flashed with terrifying light, and he said ferociously: "Father God! All of this will never end here, and I will not lose."


Abel let out a terrifying roar, and the divine fire that represented the origin was burning blazingly.

this moment!

No one really knows what the result will be, and no one knows what the result will be!

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