Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 454 Five underworld god-king-level Hades join forces to act! The seven evils of mankind, it’


Mephistopheles breaks through.


After the breakthrough, Mephistopheles fell into silence.

At this moment, he was crying with joy, but he didn't know what to say.

The whole person's state is extremely weird.

Of course.

Mephistopheles who broke through was not weak. He felt the divine power of the God King flowing through him, which was a divine power comparable to Eris.

This is not surprising.

After all, Mephistopheles was the last remaining god after the destruction of a certain mythical world. In that ancient god and god-king, including all gods, humans, and the mythical world itself, it was a destroyed mythical world.

Mephistopheles survives.

In a sense!

Mephistopheles can be regarded as the darling of luck. He cannot break through the God King just because of the limitations of the god himself, but! This does not mean that Mephisto's accumulation is not amazing enough.


From Mephisto's strength after his breakthrough, it can actually be seen that Mephisto's background is amazing enough.


"turn out to be!"

"This is the God King!"

Mephistopheles stood there for a long time with a hoarse smile. His voice was very soft, so soft that it even gave a feeling of silence. After a long time, he shook his head with a touch of emotion.


Mephistopheles didn't say anything more, and he didn't know what he should say. Some things just ended here and ended like this.

This is a good thing.


Mephistopheles took a deep breath and calmed down.

"His Majesty!"

Mephistopheles was suddenly stunned, then knelt down on one knee, put one hand on his chest, and saluted respectfully.

A looming shadow appeared, and an indifferent voice came from it, saying: "Mephisto, I see your efforts, I will leave this matter to you, go and give it a try. I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

A ray of divine power blended into Mephisto's eyebrows.


The shadow has disappeared without a trace.


Mephistopheles felt the recorded information and various feasibility in a ray of divine power.

All of a sudden.

Mephisto's eyes widened and he murmured: "This...this...your majesty? You!"

Mephistopheles sighed again at this moment.

His Majesty!

It is His Majesty after all!

Look at His Majesty's foresight, look at His Majesty's preparations, look at His Majesty's plans.

That's just all kinds of preparation.

It’s really too fulfilling!

This is really no joke.

You can say it without any politeness.

Everything that His Majesty has prepared is simply unimaginable shock. If His Majesty really succeeds, then! It is no longer the increase of god-king-level Hades. Maybe, it will simply be the increase of ancient god-level Hades.

Mephistopheles just thought about it.

next moment!

Mephistopheles became excited, stood up, and then left the underworld. He would also start to get busy next, but he could not relax in any way.

His Majesty has entrusted all this to himself. It would be too embarrassing if I could not complete His Majesty's mission.

His Majesty has already paved the way for himself.

Could it be that!

Still can't do it yourself?



That was really too embarrassing.

Mephistopheles could not accept such incompetence.


"Pity, return, lust, comparison, degradation..."


"The seven evils of mankind!"


"Where should I start?"

Mephistopheles was thinking about this matter, and his figure had left the underworld loomingly. Next, he would really start to get busy.


Mephistopheles has just left the underworld and arrived in the far north.

Several figures are already waiting for Mephisto here.


Etel, Ceres, Carl, Europa.

Four god-king-level Hades from the underworld are already waiting for Mephistopheles here.


Mephistopheles said with a smile: "Four of you, you guys have been kept waiting for so long!"

"It doesn't matter."

Ethel looked at Mephisto and said maturely and elegantly: "Mephisto, you have already taken this step. Next! We will also start taking action."


Mephisto nodded.

All of a sudden.

Led by Mephistopheles, Etel, Ceres, Carl, and Europa.

Five underworld god-king-level gods joined forces and began to walk on the earth.

They hide themselves under the power of the invisibility helmet.

Completely isolated from any exploration.


What are they doing?

But no gods know at all, and what exactly will they do?

Who knows!

This would be an extremely horrific thing.

At the very least!

If one of them is not handled well, I'm afraid! There will be huge problems.

Pure land of bliss!

Hades was sitting on the throne. Eris thought for a moment and said softly, "Your Majesty, do I need to be involved in this matter?"


There are now a large number of god-king-level Hades.

Mephistopheles, Etel, Ceres, Carl, Moira, Eris, Europa, Sparta.

The whole underworld!

There are eight god-king-level gods of the underworld.

From this quantity, it can actually be seen.

How terrifying is the power of the underworld.


This time.

In order to deal with the seven evils of mankind, Hades sent five gods of the underworld headed by Mephistopheles to deal with it.

You can see it from here.

Hades really takes it seriously.

Eris was also thinking about whether he needed to participate in it?

Hades looked at Eris and just said quietly: "This is not necessary for the time being. The exploration of the other mythical world is also imminent. The main energy of you and Sparta is with the Queen of the Underworld, and it will be placed in that mythical world. The big world will do.”

"As you command!"

Eris nodded seriously and immediately understood what was going on.


Hades was also thinking secretly in his heart: "Mephisto, Etel, Ceres, Carl, and Europa, the five of them are responsible for the seven evils of mankind, and Moirai is dealing with that matter. , Sparta and Eris are also busy.”

"Race War."

"This era is really the best era."


"The Age of Heroes is really the best era."

Hades was also sighing in his heart. It is undeniable that the arrival of the Age of Heroes will really bring huge improvements to the underworld, even earth-shaking improvements!

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