Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 462 Poseidon gradually transforms into the evil god! The sealed Pontos will eventually turn

In the case of Poseidon.

Boros also shook his head.

It’s hard to evaluate.

not kidding!


Poseidon has always been mysterious and mysterious. It feels too mysterious. There are very few things exposed to the outside world. In fact, almost nothing clear is exposed.

Judging from this situation, Poseidon's situation will be extremely mysterious.

Even Boros is not very clear about what Poseidon is doing.


Hermes thought for a moment and asked softly, "Your Majesty, if we continue in this way, then! Aren't humans destined to remain the ultimate protagonist?"

"What about this war?"

Hermes looked confused.


If the result is destined to be like this, then what is the point of this war? Is it just a joke?


Hermes was not very able to understand. It was impossible for the Earth Goddess not to be able to understand things that he could understand, but even if he could understand them, the Earth Goddess still did this.

So what's the reason?


For the earth goddess, it is already self-evident.

That means that the earth goddess still chose this choice.


Poros said lightly with a slight smile; "The things here are actually the core point. For other gods, these problems are huge problems, but! Only for the earth goddess Say, the problem here is not the problem.”

"For the Earth Goddess, everything is under the control of the other party. This is the fundamental core point."


"If the same is true for the protagonist's race, then this point would be too important."

Poros looked at Hermes and Demeter and did not continue to say anything. Instead, he smiled and shook his head. Some things were meaningless if said too much.

Thoughts about that earth goddess.

Boros also knew that what the Earth Goddess wanted was to bring the entire mythical world under her control.




This is not a joke, but a real fact. This is what the earth goddess wants to do. She wants to truly control the entire mythical world, just like a puppet, completely controlling the entire mythical world. In the palm of your hand.

The statement of this and that seems very strange.

But this is the truth.

As for the mythical world, if even the protagonist's position is controlled by the earth goddess, I'm afraid! It is to be truly controlled by the earth goddess.

This is the fundamental core of the battle, and all other gods are essentially just companions.


Boros secretly said in his heart: "So! Earth Goddess, what are your thoughts? If you want to truly control this mythical world, you need a god-king who can control everything, and such a god Is it really possible for a king to be born?”

In the current mythical world, there are four god kings.

Hades, Boros, Poseidon, Athena.

Poros is not a pure arrogant person like Zeus, and has a character that cannot tolerate and accept anything else.

Quite the opposite!

Boros can bear all this and accept it all. He is a person with a very stable and calm mood.

At this moment.

Boros is quite curious about what will happen next?

This is the fundamental core point!

Be it yourself, Poseidon, or Athena, even the earth goddess can be dealt with, then! What about facing Hades? How do you deal with Hades?


With a smile, Boros thought secretly: "Things are really interesting! This is an undoubted thing and really makes people look forward to it. What will happen next? "

Boros looked into the distance quietly. What will be the next result, everything that will happen next?

Are these two protagonists going to really start a war?


In this game, the two gods, Hades and Gaia, really stand in the center of the stage.

A Hades.

An earth goddess.

They are now standing in the center of the stage. Although they have not yet reached that step in terms of steps, as long as they know a little bit about the inside story, they will know that everything here is simply unstoppable. This is the core point of everything.

Those two are the absolute protagonists.

Boros was looking forward to this.

Sea world!




In the temple, in the silence, a shadow that no one could see was roaring crazily. He was twisting violently, but the body sealed by the chains had become more and more... Transparent, but also getting weaker and weaker.

Just by looking at it, you can feel that He has actually reached his limit.


At this moment.

Poseidon, who was sitting on the divine throne, exuded terrifying divine power, which was similar to the divine power of an external god, and could also be called the divine power of an evil god.

A large amount of divine power is emerging crazily.


As time goes by, everything gradually converges.

Poseidon slowly opened his eyes. Those beautiful sea-blue eyes, at this moment, had been dyed with a layer of darkness, and gradually turned into dark blue.


The most terrifying thing is Poseidon's divine power. His divine power has truly reached the peak of the God King. Compared with Hades, his divine power seems to be no less powerful.


If a powerful god is here, he will find that compared to Hades, Poseidon's situation is not very good. Poseidon's divine power does not really belong to him.


Poseidon's current divine power is very unstable, and he is in a state where he may go berserk.

If it really explodes, then! The impact is extremely huge.


Poseidon exhaled a deep breath and said in a cold voice: "For the time being, this is the limit. Next, we need to steadily master this terrifying divine power. However, this is not the end yet, Pontos , just wait a little, you will also become my nourishment."


"They will all become my nourishment."

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