Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 484 For gods, failure is not terrible. In a long time, success once is enough.





Everything is exactly like this, obviously a top god king like Typhon.

The results of it?

But it was completely defeated in such a simple way, it seems! Everything is too simple, so simple that it even feels strange.


Some times.

some things.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand that it is so simple and very normal. In fact, it is very reasonable.

God King!

Ancient God!

There is a world of difference between the two, this is never a joke!

This is just like Mephistopheles and other god kings facing Typhon. They are not opponents. The two sides are not opponents at the same level. Even though they are obviously at the level of god kings, there is still a world of difference.


The gap between Typhon and Hades is even more terrifying than this gap.

There is absolutely no possibility between the two.


Just with the combination of the Pluto Sword and the Demon Star, Hades didn't even need to appear. Just the eight underworld god-king-level gods joining forces were enough to easily defeat and seal Typhon.

Seems ridiculous.

In fact!

But it is unparalleledly reasonable. This is the fundamental core.

There seems to be a problem, but in fact there is no problem at all.


For gods, sometimes, the slightest difference is enough to be fatal, not to mention, this is the gap between the ancient gods and the god kings.

Such a gap is a matter of course.


Even Gaia never expected such a result. For Gaia, she really never imagined that the result would end in such a situation.


It was completely beyond Gaia's expectations.

As predicted by Gaia, Hades stepped into the level of the Ancient God. This is not a bad thing, quite the opposite! This is the best thing, and it cannot be overstated.

after all.

Hades, who has never stepped into the ancient god, is a truly invincible existence.

Under the premise that the ancient gods are restricted by the mythical world, and! Hades is at the level of the God King, that is, he is truly invincible, under such circumstances.

Hades is invincible. No matter which god he is, he will not be a match for Hades.


The results of it? !

Hades has stepped into the level of the Ancient God. Since he has also stepped into the level of the Ancient God, then! Naturally, it will be restricted.

This is a restriction from the mythical world, even if it is said! Hades is powerful enough, and it is not an exaggeration to say that because of the problems in the underworld, it is called an independent mythical world.


There are still many problems here, and Hades cannot get rid of the constraints so easily.

This is what Gaia thinks.

But I never thought that Hades did not get rid of his restraints, and he never even came to the world of mythology.


The final result was still the same, Typhon still lost, with a very simple, very funny, and even very helpless result, it was such a defeat.


In Gaia's thoughts, it shouldn't even appear, but! Should and should not be, this thing is not absolute, it is the fact! All these things happened eventually, and they were inevitable.

Typhon was still defeated.

It's so simple to lose!

This is really very helpless, but in the helplessness, we must admit that this result is actually! Gaia also had some guesses.

The core of the earth!


Gaia finally let out a soft sigh and murmured: "Although, the failure of Typhon and the failure of the Titan bloodline giants, all of this! At the beginning, it was already expected..."



Gaia sighed softly again. Gaia was obviously a little unable to accept such a result.

Of course.

Gaia really couldn't accept it, but she also guessed such a result.

"never mind!"

Gaia finally shook her head and stopped worrying and thinking about this matter any more.

This is not a problem.

after all!

For Gaia itself, Gaia cannot simply be unprepared, to be precise! Gaia is well prepared for Fei Za to mess with you, and all these preparations are laid out here.

Titan bloodline giant clan.



These are Gaia's preparations, but these are not all of Gaia's preparations. For this earth goddess, if it were just like this, it would be too embarrassing.


Never just think about success, but think about failure!

To be more precise.


This is the first thing to consider, and it is the most fundamental thing to consider.

No matter what you do, the first thing to consider must be failure.

This is definitely the most fundamental issue.

How can there be a business where the first consideration is how much money you can make?

That was just a joke!

The first consideration is definitely failure.


Although Gaia is the God of Creation, she is proud and confident enough, but her consideration is very comprehensive. In Gaia's eyes, these things are all things she needs to deal with.


For Gaia, it has never been something that cannot be accepted, or rather! In Gaia's mind, failure is actually very normal.

Before talking about success, think about failure first.

This is a way of thinking that Gaia has always had.

Titan blood giants.


These preparations are certainly sufficient. In Gaia's view, failure is very likely. After all! Humans are the protagonists of the entire mythological world, and if that is the case, then failure is also a matter of course?

This has never been a strange thing, or even! This is a matter of course.

Because of this!

In Gaia's view, these are not unacceptable things, let alone things with huge problems.


Failure now, success in the future is fine.

What's more.

Gaia's prepared means are never just this time. In Gaia's eyes, a failure will certainly make her angry, but she will never lose her mind.

Even said!

Many times, is Gaia's anger and anger really anger and anger?


Think about it carefully, for this creator god who has existed since the beginning of creation, for this person, isn't everything actually here?

Will she really be like a stray dog, unable to bark?


As long as the gods who know a little bit know, they all know that everything this person shows may be just an illusion.

This possibility is extremely high.

"Forget it!"

"Forget it!"

Gaia remained calm and whispered softly: "Then! This matter is over, Hades, this time is just the beginning, I am looking forward to the next fight."


"What exactly is the chaos that the father said?"


Gaia's eyes were deep, and he seemed to be watching something quietly in the core of the earth.

At this moment.

Gaia couldn't help but think of what his father told him.

The chaos is about to begin, and as long as the chaos comes.


For the mythical worlds, the closed road will be open again, and for the gods, they will truly have the hope of stepping into the absolute god.

What kind of hope is that?

What kind of chaos is that?

Gaia didn't know, but what Gaia knew was that since his father had said so, then! Then it is the real representative, the opportunity is already in front of him, maybe! Everything will happen soon.


Then just be prepared, what will happen next, even Gaia himself doesn't know.

But what Gaia can be sure of is that she knows nothing, but the future will definitely not be as simple as it seems.


"Everything will eventually begin."

"In a sense, it really makes people look forward to it!"

A beautiful smile appeared on the corner of Gaia's mouth, and she was quietly waiting for everything to begin.

It's really exciting, isn't it?



This will be a truly exciting news for all the mythological worlds and all the gods in the Chaos Sea.

No one knows.

What will happen in the Chaos Sea.


This is just like a racial war, and for the gods, they are very clear.

This is an opportunity and a miracle!


Even if this is just insignificant, or even that it can be called a miracle, for the gods, they still can't give up, because! This is the only opportunity that can be seized!

The root is already in front of them, so! Who is likely to retreat?

Impossible things!

For the gods, this is something that they absolutely cannot retreat from.

There is only one chance, even if it is an illusory opportunity, calling it a miracle may be a more appropriate opportunity.


This is also the same reason, even if it is such an opportunity, it is also an opportunity!

For the gods, opportunities, you only have to seize, no choice, no chance to be picky.

The same!

In the chaos that is about to erupt in this chaotic sea, it is actually the same reason. In this racial war, the appearance of the gods is the appearance of all gods at that time.

Even if it is a creator god like Gaia, what can it do?

In essence!

Gaia is also you can only make the same choice, and there is no room for choice. This is the fundamental, unchangeable fundamental!

The facts are already in front of you, want to refuse? How can this be so easy!


Rejection is simply impossible. You can only choose to go on. This is a destined thing, which cannot be changed, and you are not qualified to change it.

All this!

It is really in front of you.

"That's all!"

Gaia shook her head softly and said in a soft voice: "Next time, when everything starts again, maybe! Everything will become interesting again, and! The most important thing now is to master it well. Something for next time.”

Gaia turned around and left quietly, as if she didn't care about any of this.

Race war!

In this game, if you lose, you lose.

It's as if in Gaia's eyes, there is no need to care at all.

Or rather!

That's the way it is. In Gaia's eyes, all of this is not something that needs to be cared about.

If you lose, you lose, if you lose, you lose.


If you can't afford to lose even if you lose, that is the most embarrassing thing. For a creation god, he can accept failure, but he cannot accept it. He is like a wild dog, incapable of barking.

For the gods, the most indispensable thing is time.

God's time is endless!

That being the case!

If it fails this time, then just wait until the next time. Will it succeed next time?

Who knows!

Some times!

The contest between gods never happens overnight, but is accumulated over a long period of time.

after all!

For gods, as long as they live, what can they do even if they fail again and again? As long as there is one success, the result is destined, and future success is enough.

That's the best result, just like Hades.

Planned again and again and succeeded.


Even if Hades fails, what will happen? actually! As long as you are not an idiot, you will know very well that to the gods, failure is nothing.

As long as the future.

Having that one success is enough.

Typhon's capture!

Even if it fails!


As for the capture of Typhon, as long as it fails the first time, then! The second time, I'm afraid it won't be successful.


Sometimes, there is only one chance, and if you fail once, then! The other party will be prepared, but the second time, they will never succeed again. This is not a strange thing.

Gods are not idiots. In their long lifespan, what they bring to them is endless accumulation.

How can it be!

Without any preparation, or in other words, like an idiot?

For that matter!

The gods know this very well.


This is the second point, and the most critical point, for the god itself, such a failure.


Even if it fails, so what?

to be honest!

Failure is failure, it doesn’t matter. For Hades, just continue to wait quietly for the opportunity. One day, the divine beast of wind will be encountered again. On that day, he will truly success.

This is the fundamental, failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that you cannot bear such failure!

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