Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 93 Heaven and earth are like snakes blending into the underworld! The creation of the underw

Hades was not hesitant, he just did what he thought of. In an instant, the magic star turned into a magic star chain, directly binding and restraining the snake of heaven and earth. According to the divine power of the snake of heaven and earth, he wanted to break free? It's almost impossible to do!

the reason is simple.

If the Demon Star Chain had not absorbed the World Chain, I am afraid it would not be able to bind the Heaven and Earth Snake. To put it bluntly, the Heaven and Earth Snake is a divine beast that represents the sky and the earth, and the Demon Star is an artifact that has absorbed the Heaven and World Chain. .

Under such circumstances, no matter how fiercely the Heaven and Earth Snake struggled, it was impossible to break free. As time went by, the Heaven and Earth Snake was completely bound by the magic star chain.


The door to the underworld opened, and under the drag of the demon star, the entire world was completely dragged into the underworld.

Rhea watched this scene quietly, then shook his head and said: "Hades, it's just a meaningless thing. The world is a snake, you can't seal it, even if it is..."

"Mother Goddess." Hades interrupted quietly: "Goodbye."

With this calm voice, Hades stepped into the underworld. Then, as the gate to the underworld closed, everything returned to calm. Hades had no idea of ​​killing his mother goddess.


It cannot be done. Hades can kill the other twelve Titan gods. That is their pride and arrogance. Cronus will not save him. And if Hades is really right Rhea takes action.

Hades can be sure that his father, the Titan God King, will definitely come and kill him soon. At that time, it will be really troublesome to leave.


Rhea looked at Hades leaving, and smiled slightly, shook his head gently, and said softly: "Hades, you left, but! It's so easy to leave anywhere! Even if it's going to be Heaven and earth are sealed by snakes, but the question is, according to the characteristics of heaven and earth being snakes, how long can you seal it?"

Rhea untied the barrier and left, and the Heaven and Earth Snake will always exist. This is not because Rhea did not lift the summoning spell, but because the Heaven and Earth Snake awakened again and again, and after being resurrected again and again, the current Heaven and Earth Snake Snakes are becoming more and more special.

Hades wants to kill all the snakes in the world? It is almost impossible to do. In Rhea's opinion, Hades may not die, but according to the characteristics of snakes in the world, this time it will cause huge harm to Hades.


What Rhea doesn't know is that heaven and earth do not exist in the underworld. Normally, no matter it is any world, even the underworld, essentially, there are heaven and earth, but they have never been revealed. But the underworld does not exist.

Although the underworld seems to be a complete world, in fact, it was created by Hades, but! What if you say that the underworld is the real world? That's really not the case. The heaven and earth in the underworld are still in the process of being conceived.

as expected.

Just after being brought to the underworld, the snakes of heaven and earth let out painful wails. The originally terrifying divine power and laws were quickly fading away, and the sky and earth no longer existed.

The world is like a snake. No matter how crazy and terrifying it is, the result is! It is already doomed. In essence, it is just meaningless. The current world is like a snake and can only struggle violently.



The snake of heaven and earth made crazy roars and shouts, but as its divine power faded, it was unable to break free from the seal of the demon star, and it was even more unable to break free now. As time went by, it gradually made only a sound wailing.


Hypnos stared at the Snake of Heaven and Earth quietly, and said in shock: "This is Snake of Snake of Heaven and Earth? How is it possible? Snake of Snake of Heaven and Earth should be dead. How could this be Snake of Snake of Heaven and Earth?"


Hypnos knew the origin of the snakes in the world. As the son of the ancient god couple, he was also the most valued son. Obviously, Hypnos knew a lot of secrets.

Thanatos thought for a moment and said respectfully: "Master Hades, heaven and earth are snakes in the underworld. Without the support of heaven and earth, they will eventually dissipate slowly as time goes by."

That’s right!

Originally, it was Rhea's Law of Time and Summoning that supported the Snake of Heaven and Earth. But as time went by, what supported the Snake of Heaven and Earth became the sky and the earth, but now it is different.

When the sky and the earth completely disappear, and the snake of heaven and earth is sealed here and separated from the time battle formation, it will naturally gradually dissipate over time.

"It cannot dissipate."

Hades's voice was very soft, and then he disappeared in an instant with the snake of heaven and earth. Hypnos and Thanatos, looking at the World Tree in the distance, seemed to suddenly think of something.


The twin gods have a very excited look in their eyes. For them, although they have already entered the level of the Titan Lord God, do they want to become the God King in the future?

Theoretically speaking, it is almost impossible, but they are the gods of Hades and the gods of Hades. As their Lord Hades becomes stronger, they are also qualified to follow him.

If that is really the case, does it mean that they can also step into the level of God King? And the one who was more excited than the twin gods was of course Mephistopheles.


Mephistopheles really looked extremely excited about the birth of heaven and earth! Representing the entire underworld, it will be a further step. Although the result of this step may not be what it is, no matter what it is, it is still a step forward!

Isn't this a good thing?

As long as you can take a step further, you will have the opportunity to take a step further in the future. This is the most important thing! As long as you take it step by step, slowly you can reach the limit of the future step by step. This is the most important thing!

Naturally, I can break through to the level of the God King!

And Hades didn't know what his family gods were thinking. Of course, according to Hades's character, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care at all. He just quietly came to the top of the World Tree, taking the world with him. The snake means that the snake of heaven and earth is thrown into the underworld.

In an instant!

The entire underworld seemed to have stopped running at this moment, but this brief stop only lasted a short time. Immediately afterwards, the entire underworld began to move rapidly again, and the speed of movement was very fast. It seems like something is changing!



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