Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1202 The City of Forbidden Demons

A figure walked out of the surrounding grass. It was only then that the gods discovered that there were millions of these strange beings!

Elder Lei Ming was astonished to see more than thirty strong men emerging from a bush. He looked at the two-meter-high and one-meter-square bush in disbelief, and then looked at the more than thirty tall and powerful men in front of him. The strong man, his voice trembled slightly: "How on earth did you get in!"

The other gods also looked shocked, but Lin Fan looked like he had seen too much.

"I want you to take care of it, take it away!"

The strong man snorted coldly, and a team of millions escorted these gods, heading in a certain direction in the maze of green grass.

As the owners here, they will not lose their way.

The god still wanted to resist, but after taking a look at the woman who was holding a crossbow as if she was about to pull the trigger at any time and mastering the rules of [killing], she silently lowered her head.

"This is so embarrassing." Elder Fuwu, who was beside North, looked ugly. "A dignified high god was captured alive by a weird life hidden by a low-level god." 🄼.🄳.

An elder from the Aoki Temple on the side also had a complicated look on his face: "It's also my first time... I didn't expect to fall into a low-level divine treasure."

The young master of the Temple of Speed ​​looked at Lin Fan behind him and said to the young master North, "And he was captured alive together with that Shura god... If it weren't for the wrong occasion, I really wanted to kill him."

"Yes, I really want to kill him!" Young Master North gritted his teeth.

"Young Master, don't think about this now. What we should worry about most now is not the Shura God who was captured together, but these weird beings." Dong De suddenly said: "It is actually a good thing that we were captured alive. These weird beings seem to It’s different from those weird beings in other gods who want the flesh and blood of gods.”

"Normal weird life will never leave alive. And they actually want to capture us alive..."

"They may want to ask us something, but no matter what, we won't die anytime soon."

"As long as some time passes, even if we are locked up, when God King Zeus and the main gods of other temples find out that we did not return in time... they will definitely come in person to see what is going on."

"I know." Young Master North nodded, which is why the other young masters and elders of the temple decisively gave up resistance.

After all, no one is here to die. As long as they don’t go back on time, God King Zeus and the main gods of many temples will feel something is wrong!

Asura God Lin Fan, who was walking at the end, frowned slightly, and his pale eyes looked at Dong De with some surprise - under the gaze of the eyes of ghosts and gods, Dong De, who faced Young Master North, was above the soul. It actually revealed a trace of suppressed black that represented murderous intent.

"He wants to kill Young Master North?"

"Something's wrong."

"Although he was born as a divine slave, Chione told me that he is the "eye" that monitors Winter Fury."

"It stands to reason that he should have been domesticated long ago and is loyal to the pure-blooded gods. How could he have suppressed murderous intention towards his young master..."

"And the thing is also very strange, because in the previous life, the one who cooperated with Daxia but betrayed Daxia was Winter Fury... In order to deceive Daxia and show his sincerity, the high god who was a slave of the gods he killed was Dong De..."

"How could Chione allow the surveillance "eyes" to die, and instead let her uneasy Dong Fury pretend to cooperate with Daxia..."

The eyes of ghosts and gods turned, and Lin Fan looked at Winter Fury, who looked at Young Master North coldly and said nothing.

Facing Young Master North, Dongnuo's eyes were disdainful and cold, but his soul exuded brown, which represented respect and obedience, and calm blue.

Lin Fan was silent for a moment and slowly exhaled.

"Chione lied to me."

"Winter's fury is the "eye" that monitors Dongde."

"As for Dongde, it has not been completely domesticated yet, and Chione is also aware of this."

"Perhaps we can take advantage of this... Of course, I still can't completely trust Dong De. All divine slaves are untrustworthy, but I want to see what choice he will make if he is given a chance..."

Lin Fan had a bottom line in his heart and would never tell a god slave anything about Daxia.

But that doesn't stop him from using divine slaves, as well as some divine slaves who are willing to be enemies of the gods!

"But I really didn't expect that Winter Fury is completely domesticated... I still remember when I was eavesdropping next door, he looked like he wanted to kill Chione immediately, and urged Dong De to do it with him. His he actually fishing for law enforcement?"

Lin Fan frowned and thought in his mind: "If Dongde refuses not firmly enough, or even wavers...then maybe he will die immediately."

"This guy has been living in danger."

While Lin Fan was thinking, the gods had been escorted out of the grass labyrinth by millions of strange beings. To the gods, the strange green grass that was disorienting was like their own back garden to these strange beings.

A city came into view.

When they saw the city, even the gods were shocked.

The city is like a giant beast, entrenched at the end, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

The city walls are all white and tall, and are made of a special kind of stone, making them look noble and pure.

The city wall is carved with gorgeous patterns, and on both sides of the huge city gate, there are huge stone statues carved from stone that are equally white and stand quietly, with their white wings folded, as if they are falling into a deep sleep.

"What kind of divine treasure is this..." A god looked at the huge city and said in shock: "Unexpectedly, there is a city comparable to the divine city!"

"How on earth did they build it!"

Divine cities are cities built by gathering the power of the gods. Each sacred city represents the prosperity of the divine world.

The scale and grandeur of this city are no less than a divine city!

On the city gate, there are four words.


Under the clan emblem of light and shield, those four characters shine brightly!

Lin Fan's eyes were even more shocked than a god's. He stared at those four words and the huge city in front of him, his expression almost lost.

This is really a city-state in the game!

The weird green grass, the characters in the game, the rules that are exactly the same as the setting, and now even city-states are out?

It's like someone embodied everything in the game!

But this is clearly a divine place!

"That existence came from Blue Star! It must have come from Blue Star!" Lin Fan was sure, but he became more and more confused, "But why did that person never appear, and the believers abandoned their faith... Is he already dead? Or is it? He voluntarily gave up being a believer?"

"If he is still alive and Daxia is facing a crisis, why doesn't he show up?"

"No, it stands to reason that only after the death of a powerful pure-blooded god can a divine treasure be created by coincidence. If that existence is a god in Daxia, then why does he have followers..."

"And why did he create it according to the game..."

Lin Fan thought quickly. He couldn't understand it, but he was certain that the current situation of that existence was definitely not optimistic.

Shenzang is the product of the death of the gods. The fragmented divine realm distorts the surrounding space, and the flesh and blood pollutes the land. Some believers are lucky to survive for some reason, and become strange beings on the land contaminated by the flesh and blood of the gods!

Just when Lin Fan was thinking.


The city gate slowly opened, and the white giant beast opened its mouth.



Gun salutes sounded continuously, and some people rushed out.

The common people looked similar to the prince, the strong men, the gun-wielding warriors, the giant hammer girl and other teams, and they were obviously believers of the same race.

But they had no armor or weapons on their bodies. Instead, some carried hoes and wore short-sleeved shirts that looked like farmers, some were dressed as horsemen with whips tied around their waists, some looked like bartenders, and some were dressed like chefs. Some of them were dressed like a butcher, with a butcher's knife on his waist.

Obviously, this is a complete city, a city that can operate on its own, with not only fighting troops, but also ordinary residents from all walks of life.

Facing the cheers and warm welcome, the leading prince raised his flag high and said, "Victory belongs to Demacia!"

"We captured the god alive!"

His voice came loudly, and in an instant, the crowd shouted in surprise, and looked curiously at the gods who were captured alive!

"Oh my god, did we capture the god alive?"

"Can a god be captured alive?"

"This doesn't look very powerful. It doesn't seem to be as powerful as the demigods in Freljord."

The gods either glared at them angrily or lowered their heads in shame.

It’s so embarrassing!

God is always aloof!

Wherever he goes, he conquers and bows down!

When had he ever been captured alive like this?

"Brother, we are so embarrassed this time. If word gets out that Young Master is captured alive, we will all become a joke in the God Realm!" Young Master Jesse, who was first in line, said with a face of shame. He is no longer here As usual, he was riding high on the Pegasus, but instead he was walking in shabby clothes.


"Oh." Lu Bu didn't take it seriously.

Young Master Jesse was stunned for a moment: "Brother, don't you feel ashamed that we were captured alive? This simply betrays the honor of the knight!"

"Ah? Oh, shame," Lu Bu quickly put on a look of shame: "What a shame, so-and-so was actually captured alive..."

In fact, Lu Bu had no shame in his heart.

Captured alive?

This is not the first time that I, Lu Bu, have been captured alive!

The worst thing is to recognize a father!

Glory is nothing, as long as you live, after all, only by living can you get Diao Chan back!

Young Master Jesse turned around and saw that the faces of all the gods were full of shame. Only God Shura was not ashamed. Instead, he looked excited in front of the cheering lower beings and cheered together.

"That's right, you captured the god alive!"

"You guys are so awesome!"

If his hands weren't tied by shackles, I would have wanted to applaud!

The proud look on his face made people wonder if he was out of his mind!

Young Master Jesse was stunned for a moment. Even if he is God Shura, he is still a god. Logically speaking, shouldn't you feel ashamed too?

Even the women holding crossbows and guarding Lin Fan next to him looked confused, wondering what he was so happy about...

And actually, shame?

If a god is captured alive, what does it have to do with me, Daxia Linfan?

Not only was there no anger or shame in Lin Fan's heart, but he felt from the bottom of his heart that this life created by someone had done a great job...

Lin Fan even seemed to see the people of Daxia cheering when he captured the God of Winter alive and brought him back to make a refrigerator...

The white city gates opened wide, and millions of troops entered the city in a mighty manner. The gods were surrounded like trophies.

The gods were escorted into the city amidst cheers. The buildings in the city were different, but the ground was made of the same white stone.

"Okay, take off the shackles and send them into the dungeon." The leading prince snorted coldly: "After a while, I will personally interrogate them to see if they are sent by Noxus."


At the command, the soldiers untied the shackles on the gods' hands.

Only more than a hundred soldiers were left to escort them. Most of the soldiers turned around and left, allowing the more than a hundred soldiers to lead them into the alleyway leading to the dungeon.

"Haha, they are careless. Do you really think we will just surrender?" Elder Lei Ming sneered.

These broken shackles can't restrain him at all!

God, have no fear of mortal iron!

Along the way, he could break the shackles at any time, but those strange women who mastered the rules of [killing] made him dare not do it.

But now... there are only more than a hundred soldiers to guard them, and there are only a dozen of those weird women among them!

"Get ready to brew your divine power, let's rush out together!" He lowered his voice and said coldly to the gods beside him.

The other gods nodded.


"I endured it all the way, and finally waited until they relaxed their vigilance!"

"Haha, more than a hundred can keep an eye on us? You are too underestimated of our gods!"

Seeing that all the gods responded to him, Elder Lei Ming took a deep breath and said loudly: "Do it!"


The divine power of thunder surged out, and the handcuffs made of Fantie were instantly broken...


Pull it off...

Pull it off...

Keep pulling! !

Elder Lei Ming was suddenly embarrassed. He looked at the iron shackles on his wrists in disbelief.

This is just an ordinary shackle. It is like playing with plasticine when pinched, and it can be broken easily. Only lower life forms would find this kind of thing extremely strong, but why can't it be pulled at all at this time!

Elder Lei Ming even felt the same as the lower beings - these shackles are extremely strong!

The other gods also pulled at the chains in disbelief, but they couldn't stop!


"My divine power...has completely disappeared!"

Elder Lei Ming was suddenly shocked to find that his divine power had completely disappeared, and even his own strength had become weak!

For a moment, his eyes were full of fear and doubt!

"Do something?" The strong man guarding slowly turned around, frowning: "What do you do? Do you want to resist?"

"Looks like it's too late to clean up."

He raised his sword high and pointed it at Elder Lei Ming.

"You can't hit me!" Elder Lei Ming showed his majesty and said loudly: "I am a god, and our god-king will eventually come. You..."

"God your mother!"

"Our actions are righteous!"

More than twenty strong men roared and jumped up high, some holding spears, some lifting swords high, some holding long spears, and crashed down!

Elder Lei Ming was wailing under the siege, and it had to be said that the physical fitness of the high god was indeed extraordinary. Even if he was beaten by a group, he would just fall to the ground like a dead dog, and he could still stretch out a trembling hand.

"I am God, you can't...ah!"

"At least have some respect for God...ah!"

"Please, stop hitting me!"

"I'm done with it, I'm done with it!"

"You are gods, I really don't dare!"

Elder Lei Ming's tone became weaker every time.

The gods were silent.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, applauded from the bottom of his heart and frowned slightly. At this time, he also discovered that his Shura divine power had also disappeared. The only divine spell he could use was not considered a divine spell, but belonged to him. The body-modified [Eye of Ghosts and Gods]...

Lin Fan suddenly turned his head and looked at Gong Shuming.

With his divine power gone, this is the only one of the Daxia gods who may still have fighting power, because Gongshu Ming controls puppets to fight.

Gongshu Ming shook his head slightly, his face also looking ugly.

Although he is a demigod who controls puppets to fight, he still needs divine power to operate the Mohist techniques, and the operation of the puppets is also powered by divine crystals.

His divine power completely failed and he could not control the puppet.


"Okay, stop fighting, we are almost at the killing line." The strong man who was mad at Elder Ou Leiming suddenly said this without any end, and the other strong men immediately stopped.

"What killing line..."

"I don't know... They don't really think they can kill high gods, do they? They are not the women who master the rules of [killing]..."

Some gods whispered in astonishment, unable to understand.

Gods will not be easily killed by lower beings. Gods have very strong vitality.

Lower life forms cannot destroy God's divinity.

But those strong men did not explain to the gods. Instead, they looked around and said coldly: "Be honest, this is the royal city of Demacia!"

"I know you know some magic, but I, Demacia, restrain magic! This is a city made of forbidden magic stone!"

Lin Fan's eyes suddenly dawned.


No wonder his Shura power disappeared at this moment.

Forbidden magic stone!

In the setting, it is a specialty of Demacia!

Lin Fan turned his head to look at the tall, white city wall and the equally white stone slabs covering the ground, his eyes becoming complicated.

This is the city where magic is suppressed!

Lin Fan was extremely shocked and had only one thought in his mind: "We must bring some back to Daxia!"

After all, we have come.

Of course there are some specialties!

As a despicable and shameless Shura God, Lin Fan deeply adheres to the principle of "Thieves don't steal away". No matter what he sees, he wants to move it back...

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