Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1211 Humanoid Roll Call Machine Lin Fan


Fang Tian's painted halberd carried unparalleled power, roaring like a purple dragon, and crashed into the grass pheasant sword!

Lu Bu's anger made him unaware at all. He had recovered the strength of the eleventh-level high god. The power brought by the anger made the grass pheasant sword that was originally slowly pressing down suddenly shook!


Susano'o's huge body paused for a moment. His irrational eyes were red, and he looked at Lu Bu in astonishment, as if he was wondering why this guy suddenly went crazy while he was being slapped... and who is Diao Chan? What is it again...what have my followers done!

This guy is sick! I don’t even know Diao Chan!

"I kill you!!"

Lu Bu was completely crazy, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength. Fang Tian swung his halberd wildly, like a flying dragon, hitting the grass pheasant sword hard again and again!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The grass pheasant sword that had been pressed down before was suddenly lifted up after being smashed!

"Lu Bu, come on!"

"Good Lu Bu!"

Bai Qi and others shouted loudly. They had lost much physical strength at this time, and they all hoped that Lu Bu could defeat Susano'o with his explosion!

"Damn it!" Lin Fan didn't expect Lu Bu to be so ferocious, and his expression suddenly changed, "Isn't this Lu Bu really defeated by Susano'o directly?"

After all, Lin Fan wanted to use the pressure brought by Susano'o to give the gods of Daxia a higher level of intensity.

In other words, use Susanoo to advance as many of the Daxia gods as possible.

Lin Fan looked at Susano'o worriedly and said silently in his heart: "Hold on..."

Fortunately, the physical strength of the Daxia gods was consumed too quickly in the stalemate. Although Lu Bu was violent, the other Daxia gods had reached their physical limit and became increasingly difficult to support.

But when you are on the verge of reaching your limit, it is also the time for a breakthrough! Susano'o was like a juicer, draining his mother's physical strength, exposing the strength of those returning ancestors that had been hidden in their bodies for a long time and could not be recovered for a long time!

"Well done, Susanoo!" Lin Fan exhaled. He didn't expect Susanoo to die so quickly.

"Damn it, I can't hold it anymore!" Bai Qi's face turned ugly and his voice was trembling!

"Bai Qi!" Lin Fan suddenly shouted.

"Lin Fan, don't call me," Bai Qi glanced at Lu Bu, "I'm not as stupid as this fool. I don't have Diao Chan, so I can't be aroused by a few words!"

"Instead of wasting your time on me, you should seize the time to recover as soon as possible and help me!"

Lin Fan was not in a hurry, smiled and said calmly: "I know you don't have Diao Chan."

"But maybe you don't know that the disciple Susano'o left on Blue Star is Kameda Kingdom."

"Their thoughts are twisted and perverted... But it doesn't matter. What's important is that they invaded Daxia!"

"What!" Bai Qi's face suddenly changed!

Although history classes have not yet been taught in primary school curricula, Bai Qi also heard about that difficult war!

"Kameda Kuni, are you his believer?"

"Yes!" Lin Fan said in a sad voice, "That battle was protracted and lasted for a full eight years!"

"The whole Great Xia is full of smoke and all living beings are in ruins!"

"They covet my Daxia land and kill my defenseless people on my Daxia land!"

"My citizens of Daxia suffered heavy casualties, but we finally managed to repel them with great difficulty! Daxia was almost destroyed in that war!"

In fact, Lin Fan was exaggerating a bit.

Daxia, although suffered heavy losses in that war.

However, if Kameda Kingdom wants to destroy Daxia... this is simply impossible! Even now it seems like it is just a dream!

The bloody spirit of the people of Daxia and the inheritance of five thousand years mean that Daxia will never be conquered! Not to mention Kameda Kingdom, even if it is a god, it is impossible!

And the other side.

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Bai Qi's breathing suddenly became heavy. He held the blood sickle tightly and his eyes became serious.

He thought about the war he saw on TV.

The land of Daxia is filled with smoke.

The people of Daxia moisten the earth with their blood and protect their homeland!

That's blood hatred!

"Those...are your followers?" Bai Qi stared at Susanoo, his tired eyes burning with murderous intent, "Your followers dare to invade Daxia!!!"

"That's my Daxia!"

"That is my king's Great Qin!"

"You guys dare to touch my king's Great Qin!!"

The blood energy that had weakened suddenly exploded. After Bai stood up, the word "Killing God" was rich in blood, and together with the anger in his heart, it became fierce and dazzling!

At this moment, Bai Qi was completely angry!

Susano'o blinked, and he, who had little sense at all, once again fell into confusion and doubt - what did his good followers do?

Why is this so damn exciting?

Logically speaking, after Bai Qi woke up after a thousand years, there were very few things that could really arouse his anger.

He also heard that in the history of Great Xia, the countries after the collapse of Great Qin conquered each other, but Bai Qi was not angry, because the countries in that history were all part of the legacy of Great Qin, and they are also part of Great Xia today.

Those who fight with each other are all the people of Da Qin in the past, and they are also the people of Da Xia today!

In Bai Qi's view, it was nothing more than fighting between one's own people, just like playing house with one family. Today your old Li family will be the emperor, tomorrow your old Zhu family will be the emperor, and the day after tomorrow the old Song family will be the emperor.

The emperor takes turns, and no one loses.

In Bai Qi's view, the changes of dynasties are the continuation of Da Qin and the continuation of Da Xia.

After fighting back and forth, everyone is still a citizen of Daxia and the land of Daxia.

Bai Qi, who has a violent personality, often uses the ID of "Killing God Bai Qi" to scold people on the Internet. However, no matter how offended the other party is, Bai Qi, who likes killing, does not take it seriously. He who likes killing does not take it seriously at all. Killing intent, after all, maybe the other party's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather... were the soldiers under his command back then...

Of course, it might also be the Six Nations warrior who was hacked to death by himself...

But only this time.

Thousands of years of anger are burning at this moment!

That is my king’s Great Qin!

That is the dream he and my king share!

That was the unification of the mountains and rivers that countless people fought for their entire lives, and the glorious Qin Dynasty!

The anger was burning, even though they were not invading the Great Qin, in Bai Qi's view, they were invading the land of Great Qin and the land of Great Xia!

What they killed were citizens of Daxia and Daqin!

"How dare you invade my land of Great Qin and kill my citizens of Great Xia!!"

In the wars in the history of Daxia, no matter how hard the Daxia people fight, they are still their own people!

No matter who wins or loses, Daxia is still Daxia!


That invasion war was an invasion of Daxia by outsiders!

It was a war that truly put Daxia on the verge of life and death, a war that would result in the loss of power and humiliation of the country!

Daxia’s own people can fight as they please, but it’s not the outsiders’ turn to covet him!

This is a common mentality among the people of Daxia. There were so many wars in the history of Daxia, but why those eight years of war are so unforgettable to this day!

Because everyone knows that the internal wars in Daxia's history were fought by our own people!

It will not lead to loss of power and humiliation of the country at all. This land is still Daxia. It is nothing more than a process of national unification!

Just like in a family, the couple are noisy with each other, and the elder brother and the younger brother are fighting.

And that war was a foreign invasion!

That is to destroy our country, Daxia, and our nation!

This is the unity of Daxia. On weekdays, if someone is from a bad area, everyone may scold them on the Internet, but as long as people outside Daxia dare to interrupt, all the people of Daxia will get together and start scolding!

If outsiders dare to invade Daxia, all the provinces will immediately unite into a group, and all Daxia people will dare to fight!

Because everyone knows that everyone scolds each other on weekdays, but the same blood bleeds in everyone! There are still times when brothers may fight, but it is definitely not the turn of outsiders to intervene!

Bai Qi's blood was rushing at this moment. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the Great Qin a thousand years ago, and the Susanoo in front of him was just like those Chu and Zhao people who coveted the land of the Great Qin!


Even beyond the hatred and anger of the past! That's a foreign invasion!

"That's my king's Great Qin! My king's people! That's Great Xia!"

"Do you think that when my king and I are gone, Da Qin will be gone, and Da Xia will be gone?"

Bai Qi's thick arms no longer trembled. He had never been so powerful. The shadow of the killing god slowly emerged behind him, surrounded by the souls of the 300,000 Zhao soldiers who had been killed by him.


Even the 300,000 dead souls of the Zhao army stopped wailing at this moment, and instead roared angrily at the Susano'o!

It seems that they also know that even if Da Qin and Bai Qi kill them, they are still their own people. Da Xia is still Da Xia, but Kameda Kingdom... that is a mortal enemy!

That's the hatred in the blood! That is the hatred forged with the blood of Daxia!

Indelible hatred between races!

"If my king hadn't had a map back then, your little kingdom would have already become the territory of Daxia!"

"Speaking of which, we are still your elders! That liar Xu Fu was sent by my king!"

"You still dare to attack me, Da Qin! If it were back then, you would have dared to look directly at Da Qin!"

"Today, I will seek an explanation for the citizens of Daxia who were killed by your Kameda Kingdom!" Bai Qi was like an angry parent who learned that his child had been killed. The blood in his body surged and burned, and the power that had been dormant for thousands of years was at this moment wake!

Ask for an explanation!

How could the glorious Great Qin let go of the foreigners who invaded the land of Great Qin and slaughtered the people of Great Qin!

Da Xia dared to invade Da Xia after the Qin Dynasty was destroyed?

Bai Qi is like a returning elder. When he comes back, he finds that his child was beaten half to death, his home was smashed, and his enemy is right in front of him!

That's right.

Da Qin is the child of Bai Qi and my king, and so is Da Xia after the collapse of Da Qin!

That is the hatred that nearly destroyed the homeland and destroyed the country and the species!

This made Bai Qi angry like never before! It even surpassed the anger when facing Chu and Zhao and his ilk!

This is Bai Qi's reverse scale, and what Kameda Kingdom once did happened to touch Bai Qi's reverse scale!

Since you dare to bully your descendants, you must be prepared for revenge! Prepare for the wrath of your elders when they return!

"Your kingdom of God has been destroyed. Even though I, Bai Qi, would like to kill those beasts thousands of times and enslave them for the rest of my life, I can't do it! But... you, the god they believe in, is still alive!"

"Kill me, the people of Daxia!"

"Then I will slaughter all your gods for nothing!"


This roar resounded throughout the sky!


In an instant, the eternal anger poured out, and after Bai stood up, two hundred thousand Qin troops appeared.

Bai Qi looked up to the sky and roared: "My sons, there are people who invade our mountains and rivers, want to swallow up my land of Qin, and destroy my race! What should we do!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

This answer has been the same since ancient times!


Kill all those who dare to invade, destroy their race, destroy their bodies, eat their flesh alive, drink their blood alive, and enslave them for life to come!

Although the Kameda Kingdom was destroyed, their gods were still there!


Bai Qi raised his sickle!

The great Qin wind is rising again!


Two hundred thousand Qin troops, armed with swords and shields, looked up to the sky and roared!

The anger and hatred reached its peak at this moment, scarlet blood rose into the sky, and the blood dragon roared after Bai stood up!

In an instant, Bai Qi, the ancestor who had been sleeping for thousands of years, the power that had been dormant until now revived again!


Bai Qi raised his sickle and stepped forward, taking just one step to reach the eleventh level!

The blood sickle smashed down, with deep-seated hatred, Bai Qi roared!

Behind him, the thousand-meter phantom of the God of Death also hit the blood sickle!


The grass pheasant sword trembled violently again!

"Whoops!" Lin Fan was startled by Bai Qi's fierceness, and immediately became worried about Susano'o again: "You can't hold on any longer...Hang on, Susano, come on, you are the best of!"

Lin Fan may not have expected that one day he would actually worry about Susanoo from the bottom of his heart...

Of course, Lin Fan didn't care about Susano'o.

Susano'o's fate has long been doomed, from the moment his followers invaded Daxia!

Daxia people hold grudges.

Moreover, the methods of revenge are even worse. If you say you want to kill the whole family, you must kill the whole family.

If Kameda Kingdom kills my people in Daxia, then Daxia will not only destroy their race, but also their gods!

It's just that Lin Fan didn't want Susano'o to die like this. After all, it was rare to see an enemy with such hatred.

It is a good tool and helper for Senior Daxia to regain his strength.

To be honest, when Bai Qi faced this Susano'o, he was countless times more angry than when he faced other gods... double hatred buff blessing.

Fortunately, Susanoo took a few steps back and finally withstood the pressure.

After all, he was at level fifteen, and his state was very strange. He had completely lost his mind, was filled with the desire to kill, and his divine power had become fierce and violent.

"Zilu!" Lin Fan suddenly shouted.

"I'm listening!" Zilu nodded, yes, it's my turn.

At this moment, Lin Fan was like a human-shaped self-propelled roll call machine, breaking through whoever was called... But Zi Lu didn't think that he would be as angry as Lu Bu and Bai Qi by Lin Fan's few words!

"Boy, it's probably difficult for you to provoke my anger and force me to regain my strength." Zilu said calmly: "I'm not like those two fools who can make my blood boil with just a few words from you."

"I am educated, I am a cultural person."

"Although I was violent and had a bad temper back then, under the guidance of the teacher and on the path led by the teacher, I have changed." Zilu sighed: "Now I am peaceful and kind-hearted. I just want to promote the teacher's teachings." Tao, convince people with virtue..."

"Although the Great Qin burned books and harassed Confucians, it did not do much harm to orthodox Confucianism." Lin Fan said, "After the Great Qin, Confucianism remained the same, and your teacher's way has not been discontinued."

"But something happened that almost ended the Master's way!"

Zilu was slightly startled: "What's the matter!"

"During the eight years when the Kameda Kingdom invaded Daxia, they not only killed the citizens of Daxia, but also promoted their culture in an attempt to make Daxia the Kingdom of God in Takamagahara!"

"Under gunfire, they spread their twisted and fanatical ideas to pollute our country, pollute our people, and almost cut off the way of the Master."

"Fortunately, countless younger generations stepped forward and defended themselves, so the Master's way has not been cut off!"

"However, I have to admit that even now, Master's path has still not been as glorious as it was back then, and has almost collapsed! Under their distortion, some citizens even turned their backs on their ancestors and regarded themselves as Kameda people!"

What Lin Fan said was true.

Respecting teachers, benevolence, filial piety, these Confucian ideas that were once valued in ancient times seem to have weakened in modern Daxia. Some students are even proud to fight with their teachers, and some will betray them without any scruples for profit. Brother, even supporting the elderly requires legal protection.

There are also individual citizens who even wear the military uniforms and costumes of Kameda Kingdom in the cemeteries of their ancestors who shed blood and sacrifice, which can be called magical realism.

That is to say, now that Zilu has returned and Confucianism has revived, this situation has been reversed. People have once again begun to relearn the thoughts of their ancestors and strengthen their beliefs.

For a while.

Zilu's casserole-sized fists clenched suddenly, and he became furious!


Susano'o had another ominous premonition in his heart... Isn't this guy going to have a liver attack?

What on earth did those believers of mine who stayed in Blue Star do! !

Susano'o, who didn't have much sense left, fell into confusion again, and his red eyes became more and more doubtful - what did the believers he left behind in Blue Star do, and how many people did he offend?

Why is this so damn exciting?

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