Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1235 I, North, fight for Zeus!

"No need to thank you, I would like to thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would never have thought..." Zeus's face slowly turned gloomy: "Those main gods would actually unite to disobey me!"

He thought again of those main gods and young masters standing in front of him, looking like they were forcing him to go to the palace, asking him to spare North!

Although when Zeus raised the Eternal Spear and faced North with a look of fear, he kept repeating in his heart "My nephew, you can withstand it, you must withstand it!", he also had great hope in his heart that a god would step forward. , persuade yourself, so that you can have a step to pretend to be angry, and you can get off the donkey and let North go.

We can't really kill North! His target is not North at all, but the Winter Temple!

After killing North, how can he legitimately transfer his anger to the Winter Temple?

But he never expected that the more than 20 main gods of the temples participating in the divine hiding place, except for the main god of the Thinking Temple and Chione of the Winter Temple, who did not come, would all stand in front of him!


There is a big factor in this, and it is the reason why North stepped forward to help them delay the Susano'o who was chasing them in the Kamizo, and gave them hope of survival. 🄲

But this still makes Zeus angry!

This is disobedience!

This is challenging the authority of the God King!

At that moment, he believed beyond belief how correct the path that the human emperor had guided him was!

If they became the real God Emperor, would they still dare to do this?

"For your sake, they dared to disobey me..." Zeus sighed: "Perhaps I have been kind for too long and have not truly destroyed them for too long."

"Perhaps, one day, these temples will completely betray me."

Having said this, Zeus glanced at Lin Fan complicatedly: "I really didn't expect that, North, your prestige in their hearts would be so high."

Lin Fan quickly said: "I will always be loyal to uncle!"

Zeus smiled happily: "Nos, I trust you absolutely. After all, your father did it for me back then... If the entire God Realm betrays me, your father, you, and the Ocean Temple will not be able to betray me." !”

"It can be said that you are the only one I can trust. Those temples... are too dishonest now."

"I will not only destroy the Winter Temple. In the future, I will destroy more temples until I become the true God Emperor 1...and in this process, there will definitely be some in those temples who are unwilling to surrender to me. Some choose to be my enemy.”

"Uncle, what you mean is..." Lin Fan was slightly startled, feeling that there was something in Zeus's words.

"How are your undercover abilities?" Zeus suddenly asked.

Lin Fan: "!!!"

Zeus asked me how good I am as an undercover agent?

When Lin Fan heard the word "undercover", the hairs all over Lin Fan's body suddenly stood up, and he felt that death was approaching!

Does Zeus know that he is Daxia's undercover agent?

Exposed yourself?

Lin Fan looked at Zeus in astonishment, but saw Zeus looking at him kindly.


It seems that I thought wrongly...

"Undercover?" Lin Fan asked in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"Haha, don't look at me so surprised. In fact, you are the best candidate." Zeus said slowly: "For the dream of my uncle, you are willing to abandon your mother... plus the relationship between your father and me, you His loyalty is beyond doubt."

"You will follow your father's path, like your father Poseidon, become my right-hand man, and eventually be filled with glory."

Lin Fan thought, if I were really like Poseidon, I might not be able to bear all the glory in the end... The way Poseidon is acting now has absolutely nothing to do with glory.

Lin Fan didn't believe the cake drawn by Zeus at all.

When Poseidon helped Zeus so much, he and the Ocean Temple were destroyed, and Zeus was allowed to sit on the throne. In the end, Zeus did not see how to repay Poseidon and the Ocean Temple.

This is a cruel king!

Zeus looked at Lin Fan with relief and continued: "And your ability... just now, you have deceived many main gods of the temple."

"Moreover, in the eyes of the main gods of the temple, I have the hatred of killing your mother and the hatred of your eyes! To you, I am the enemy who killed your mother and blinded one of your eyes!"

"They don't understand the relationship between you and my uncle, they will think that you


He must hate me to the core and kill me quickly! "

Lin Fan nodded slightly, yes, that's right.

If I hadn't been able to beat you, I would have done it long ago. Why do you still compete so much with you?

Zeus paused and changed the topic: "Today, they dare to disobey me. From then on, as the unification of all worlds proceeds..."

"Some of those temples will realize something is wrong in the future and will have bad thoughts."

"Although I am the God King, I cannot control what they do in private."

"Perhaps, they will unite together in private to resist me."

"They may form an organization, or they may reach a covenant... It's not important. What's important is that they trust you!"

“They’re going to rope you into it!”

"I will even make you a leader! Because your hatred for me is obvious to all!"

"Huh?" Lin Fan looked confused.

"I will not stop you, nor will I stop them!" Zeus smiled fiercely: "On the contrary, I will help you!"

"I will help you and make you the leader of those temples that rebel against me!"

"I can even use some of the Thunder God's lives to help you become the leader of the rebellion against me and the Thunder Temple!"

"And you, go undercover and report their private activities to me! Let me know which temples have decided to become my enemy!"

"In the end, you turn against me again... Hahaha, it's interesting. The god who led many temples to resist me is actually the chess piece left by me, Zeus, and the undercover agent I sent into their interior!"

"With you here, how can they resist me, Zeus! I am the real king!"

Zeus's smile is wild and fierce, and thunder is rolling in the sky!

At this moment, he also tasted the fun of maneuvering and looking at the world. Is this the plan and vision that an emperor should have!

That teacher... ah, the teachings of that divine slave are really wonderful!

Outside the main hall, the Lord God and the Young Master, who had not yet gone far, looked back and saw the thunder rolling in the sky, with sympathetic expressions on their faces.

"Alas, it seems that the God King is still torturing North." Young Master Jesse sighed: "Young Master North, it is so miserable."

And in the main hall.

Lin Fan was already numb.

No, buddy, you're undercover again?

Wait, why do I say another...

By the way, I am obviously an undercover agent sent by Daxia!

Are my acting skills so good? Why does Zeus trust me so much!

"So, what do you think?" Zeus looked at Lin Fan, full of hope.

Lin Fan felt a little guilty: "I, I'm not good at undercover."

"I'm not going undercover at all!"

"Haha, that's right. My nephew, I know that you have a pure and innocent character. I understand that you won't be an undercover agent." Zeus encouraged with a smile: "But don't be humble!"

"I can see your potential as an undercover agent! As long as you are an undercover agent, you will be the best undercover agent! An undercover agent who can deceive any god!"

"You are very smart. You have already deceived those gods just now."

"Just being so smart is very rare."

"You are the best undercover! Don't refuse!"

"Besides, the only one I can trust now is you... Do you want to see your uncle collapse halfway through his business?"

Lin Fan's expression was extremely tangled, but he finally nodded slightly: "In that case... In order for my uncle to rule all the worlds, my nephew is willing to become my uncle's undercover agent!"

Lin Fan raised his head and said slowly: "Then, uncle, what should I do next?"

"Those temples may not be too suspicious now," Zeus mused: "Don't worry now, do whatever you want, and scold me more in private."

"Let's see which temples take the initiative to contact you and contact you in the future."

"When the time comes, report it to me."

"Yes!" Lin Fan said. Suddenly, there was a trace of pain in Lin Fan's eyes, and his divine power was slightly disordered.

"Uncle!" Lin Fan's tone was a little urgent, and he bowed deeply, "This matter has been decided, can I leave?"


The forbidden substances had begun to bite back inside Lin Fan's body!

That big gold chain from Zouni!

Lin Fan didn't know any information about the big gold chain, the conditions of its containment, and he didn't even know its name.

At that time, it was only forcibly contained and used to save lives!

Although some forbidden objects can be contained directly, once the containment conditions and usage conditions are not met within the limited time, it will backfire!

It had been almost twenty-four hours since the big gold chain was taken into custody, including half a day in Daxia and half a day in the God Realm. During this time, Lin Fan had no time to explore this forbidden object, and he had no clue to explore it. .

For a moment, Lin Fan felt a heartbreaking pain, as if there was a small mouth eating away at his body and soul. Although the amplitude was not large, he could barely bear it, but the mouth was getting bigger and bigger. Come and get hungry nibbling!

At this rate. .🅆.

Ten minutes at most!

Lin Fan will die!

If you don't check the containment conditions and usage conditions immediately and meet them quickly, you will die painfully in ten minutes, and your soul and flesh will be devoured by forbidden things!

But even if you want to find out, how can you find out?

Lin Fan was desperate for a moment. He had no clue at all. In fact, the conditions of each forbidden object were completely different, and some were even strange.

In the divine world, many gods died trying to explore the conditions for the containment and use of forbidden objects, and they never understood it until their death.

It often takes hundreds of gods to die to figure out the conditions for a forbidden object.

Therefore, in the face of taboo objects that are unfamiliar to the conditions, some gods who are rarely calm will regard them as taboos, and will not use or contain them even if they contain wonderful power. Even wishing to stay as far away as possible.

Only Lin Fan had to contain and use Susano'o when he was faced with it, so he took it into his body.

But now, in the last ten minutes before the backlash began, even if Lin Fan tried to figure out the conditions on his own, it would be almost impossible!

But at least give it a try!


Under Lin Fan's eager gaze.

"Don't worry, there's one more thing." Zeus waved his hand.

Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat.

It's over.

Why do you want to continue chatting?

Zeus was about to say something when he suddenly frowned: "Nephew Nos, you seem to be feeling uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, I, I just have a little diarrhea." Lin Fan hugged his stomach tightly to suppress the increasingly severe pain in his soul.

The burning sensation in his stomach became stronger and stronger, as if there was a mouth chewing on it.

"Oh, you can go to the Medical Temple later to see the divine slave you sold to before..." Zeus asked with concern.

Seeing that Zeus was still chattering, Lin Fan said directly: "Uncle, you should just tell me what you want me to do. This minor illness is nothing."

You should hurry up and finish, I still have the last few minutes to see if I can figure out the terms!

If you are lucky, the blind cat encounters a dead mouse!

Lin Fan didn't want to be chatted to death by Zeus!

"Yes." Zeus nodded, a little touched by Lin Fan's loyalty.

Do you want to help yourself even if you don't care about your own injuries?

I really saw him right! He will become an undercover agent loyal to himself!

"I want you to help me find that Shura God." Zeus said slowly.

"Ah?" Lin Fan's voice trembled slightly due to the increasingly severe pain, but he said with some doubts: "Then the portraits of God Shura have been sent out, and all the major temples are helping to find them."

Lin Fan meant, don't count on me, just let me go.

"I haven't told them the real solution I can find."

Zeus smiled.

Laugh at your mother!

Lin Fan almost collapsed inside. You are still laughing. This almost hurts me to death!

Stop pretending, let me go quickly, I will


If you can struggle a bit, try to explore the conditions, and see if you can figure it out in the last few minutes!

But no matter how urgent Lin Fan was, Zeus said calmly: "After all, I just said that I can't believe them now."

"If they find the Shura God... they may not hand it over to me."

"Some temples may have already suspected me. If they find Shura God, they may hide...or even cooperate with that damn Shura God to target me!"

"As for how to really find the Shura God."

Lin Fan was anxious in his heart, and the backlash became more intense. Lin Fan seemed to hear the ticking of time, death getting closer and closer, and every second was so long and painful.

Life has entered a countdown!

Zeus is still here analyzing chicken feathers for me!

But Zeus still said calmly, "My son's body no longer contains the taboo items that I used to save his life."

"It should have been taken away by that Shura god."

Lin Fan was stunned: "Forbidden objects..."

Zeus smiled: "Then God Shura doesn't know that this forbidden object is a forbidden object - A016, [The Trouble of the God of Space]."

"Function: Can perform teleportation within a range of 200 meters, with an interval of three seconds."

"Containment conditions: Lose one hair every day and drink a cup of milk tea every day."

"Conditions of use: One hair will be lost with each use."

Lin Fan was suddenly stunned.

"This is Zeuni's secret." Zeus smiled and said: "Then God Shura probably doesn't know these conditions. If so, it will be better, and he will be killed by the backlash."

"There's no need for me to worry."

"But if he knows these conditions, whether he found them out by himself or was forced to ask Zeuni before he died..." Zeus said slowly: "As long as the damn Shura God wants to live, every day, every twenty-four hours, Everyone must drink a cup of milk tea.”

"Otherwise he will suffer to death!"

Lin Fan's eyes that suppressed pain suddenly became enlightened and surprised, and he nodded: "I understand."

This Zeus actually told him on his own initiative!

"This matter must not be spread. Don't let the various temples know about it, and the Shura God... If he doesn't know this condition, he should be in pain now." Zeus sneered: "Maybe he is suffering from the backlash. It’s so painful that I want to know this information even in my dreams.”

"Promise not to spread it out, and don't let that damn God Shura know about this! Let him hurt to death!" Lin Fan said quickly: "If everything is alright, I'll leave first!"

He's going to buy a cup of milk tea!

Those are the containment conditions of [The Trouble of the Space God]!

One cup a day!

Plus hair loss…


Zeus suddenly stopped Lin Fan, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry? I haven't finished speaking yet. Do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Fan held his stomach and said with a trembling tone: "I understand, milk tea..."

"Remember, it's this kind of milk tea." Zeus took out a cup of milk tea directly from the space ring: "This is a new drink in the God Realm. The tea leaves and milk taken from the original plane are combined... and it is your father. The plane where many temples returned together with me."

"You have been trained by Poseidon in the Ocean Temple. You may have never seen it. Take it and take a closer look. Have a taste and remember it clearly."

"Then you secretly arrange people to observe the milk tea shops in the God Realm. As long as anyone buys milk tea 24 hours a day, count them and conduct an investigation."

He handed the milk tea to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took the cup of milk tea with trembling hands.

For a moment, Lin Fan was really moved.

Is this uncle's love?

This is so considerate!

You just told me this life-saving information, but now you've even prepared milk tea for me?

At this moment, Zeus was Lin Fan's savior!

Lin Fan held a cup of warm milk tea and made up his mind to work as an undercover agent for Zeus!

Whoever dares to resist the conquest of Zeus to unify all realms will have trouble with my young master North!

I, North, fight for Zeus!

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