Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1279 The Fall of Ice!

Soldiers: "???"

"Please believe us!" Mr. Chen said with a smile from the side: "In order to ensure that the five-kilometer-long northern Great Wall has an 89-degree angle, the best construction team in Daxia was specially hired for this area, and I was responsible for the entire inspection. "

"Absolutely all eighty-nine degrees! No more, no less, no error at all!"

"The same applies to the cliff below. We filled it with cement and smoothed it, and it was all 89 degrees!"

Some soldiers said in horror: "Even if we slide down, we will be smashed to pieces!"

"Don't worry, we have already considered this." Mr. Chen said with a smile: "In the last 500 meters of the drop, we designed a smooth and spacious buffer zone with a gradually smaller slope. As long as you successfully slide down, you can definitely buffer and slow down safely. , take the cable car back here for the next try, of course, if it doesn’t succeed, you don’t have to worry..."

The soldiers were silent, with only fear in their eyes.


This is countless times scarier than diving from 500 meters!

When diving from 500 meters, there is vast sea water below. I jump in as soon as I close my eyes and open them again.

What is the difference between skiing at a slope of 3,500 meters and an 89-degree slope and jumping off a building directly?

You have to be mentally tense during the whole process. If you neglect even a moment, you will not be able to survive!

They looked at the almost vertical, ice-covered wall below and the vast white snow below, and felt their whole bodies trembling.

That's the body's instinctive fear.

It was facing the fear of death.

Fortunately, these fighters have all experienced combat, and their psychological quality is not at the same level as before, and they can still stay calm.

"I know you are scared." Lin Fan said solemnly: "But the gods are close at hand. Daxia's current power may be enough to cope with the Winter Temple, but it will definitely not be able to cope with the next temple!"

"Temple after temple will fall from the sky."

"Daxia needs a large number of god-like beings!"

"Daxia, we need you!"

"I need you to become the sword that kills gods!"

"Of course, you can also give up. If anyone really can't overcome their fear, take a step back and leave the team! I can handle the discharge procedures for you on the spot."

"An hour later, a comfortable vehicle will take you back to your home. You will sit on the soft sofa, enjoy the warm heating, have a warm reunion with your parents, wives and children, eat hot pot with peace of mind behind the roaring barrier, and watch Watching TV.”

"I won't blame you for this, and no one will blame you, because you have already participated in the battle. Even if you quit, you are still heroes protecting your home and country!"

“But when you are sitting at home, enjoying a warm reunion with your relatives and friends, when you are singing songs and eating hot pot, don’t forget that a group of people are still on the Great Wall in the north, facing the cold wind and fighting against the cold winter. , and become the enemy of the gods!”

"And they were once your comrades fighting alongside you!"

Listening to Lin Fan's words, the trembling bodies of the soldiers suddenly stopped trembling, and the terrifying 3,500-meter drop in front of them no longer seemed unacceptable!

"I want you to think about it too."

Lin Fanyi


He said after a pause: "What you are more afraid of is the 3,500-meter ski slope or Daxia's defeat by the gods!"

"Are you afraid of the cold winter before you, or are you afraid of the raging ice and snow in the summer, or are you afraid that your family will turn into ice sculptures, your children will starve in the cold house, and your friends will be chased and chewed by snow beasts!"

"Are you afraid of jumping, or are you afraid that your home will be submerged in ice and snow, your compatriots will be devoured by snow beasts, and the remaining people will kneel down devoutly to the winter and the gods, begging for a way out!"

"Five thousand years of culture disappeared in the ice and snow, and the land left to us by our ancestors became a breeding ground for the gods."

"Ask the blood on your body, what are you more afraid of!"

Lin Fan's voice echoed on the top of the Great Wall where the cold wind was howling.

Facing the cold wind, they looked at the ice-covered world beyond the Great Wall, and a stream of blood that was so hot that it could not be frozen in the winter surged in their chests!

The ski slope with a drop of 3,500 meters is certainly scary.


Compared with the loss of our homeland, it is nothing!

This is a bloodline that has been passed down for five thousand years. This is the land left by our ancestors, the land soaked with the blood of countless ancestors!

Lin Fan asked loudly: "Is anyone leaving? Last chance!"

"Damn it," a soldier who had turned pale before gritted his teeth, "I just bought a house and got married. Who the hell wants to flood my house with snow? Who am I to risk my life for?"

"My mother has just retired, and I'm just trying to take some time to take her out on a trip to enjoy herself... These beautiful mountains and rivers must not be buried by ice and snow!"

"My ancestral temple is here. It didn't fall down in the earthquake or flood that year. Who dares to drown it in ice and snow?"

“Even God can’t freeze us!”

"Isn't it just a matter of jumping down? Damn it, just close your eyes! Come on!"

"Liu Laoer, if you run away, you are my grandson!"

"Fuck, who said you were going to run away! Whoever is afraid of your grandson, I will be the first!"

"It's not 90 degrees, we can still survive! At least... maybe we should have a chance to survive..."

"Commander-in-Chief, give the order, let us jump down!"

For a moment, these soldiers seemed to have forgotten their fear, and they were like hungry wolves, shouting to rush down!

Land is always the obsession of Daxia people, and it is also the opposite of Daxia people!

In the countryside, if a neighbor takes up an extra inch of land to build a house, he or she will have to argue for a long time.

In the city, countless people have spent their entire lives trying to own a house of their own.

And if someone covets this land, all the people of Daxia will fight for their lives!

God cannot take away the land of Daxia people!

"This makes me look like a warrior of Great Xia!" Lin Fan nodded with a smile and said, "Are you all ready?"

"Get ready, damn, since the gods are coming, how can we hide!"

"Fuck them!"


To become Daxia’s god-killing sword! We have to take that step and step into becoming a god! "

“Isn’t it just winter? Isn’t it just skiing?”

At this moment, they were not taking risks because Daxia needed them to become gods.

It's because they want to become the god-killing sword!

Even if Lin Fan stops them, they will jump down on their own!


Lin Fan nodded solemnly, turned to Mr. Chen and whispered, "Are you all ready?"

"Ready." Mr. Chen whispered in Lin Fan's ear: "For the last hundred meters of drop, we laid one-meter anti-fall nets in the ice and snow."

"Once someone falls, they can be stopped immediately and accurately."

"In addition, under the bottom layer of snow, we have also prepared buffers with reinforced surfaces. If it is normal sliding, the buffers will not have any effect, but if someone falls straight up, the snow layer will break. It will fall on the buffer.”

"Of course, once you fall, you will still roll over... But it doesn't matter. The physical strength of these demigods can still withstand rolling on the snow, with some fractures at most. Mr. Zhang and the medical team are waiting below. And the shadow of the sea beast is also lying in the snow, ready to rescue at any time.”

Speaking of this, Mr. Chen couldn't help but admire: "These shadows are so useful. They are tireless and not afraid of the cold. They can hide in the snow for days and nights without making a sound."

"Also, Shang Weitian also specially invited some animal trainers to cooperate with Daji to train a group of ice goats with the blood of snow beasts. Those goats can walk on the ground even on the 89-degree ski slope. If there is any problem, we will Quick entry and rescue is also possible.”

Listening to Mr. Chen's report, Lin Fan nodded.

He only made the warriors become gods, but he did not let them die.

These protective measures have been carefully considered, and I am afraid that there is nothing missing. After all, even the loss of one demigod is a huge loss for Daxia.

The preciousness of these demigod realms can be said to be only one in a thousand!

Some people may think that one million demigods is a lot, but in fact, there are one million demigods among 140 million people, and only one among more than a thousand people!

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded and said to the soldiers: "Now that you are ready, you can start. However, it is not enough if you are not afraid. Just a rush of blood is useless."

"Let me tell you the truth here. We have not prepared any emergency plan. If you make a mistake, you will end up falling into the ice and snow. Otherwise, you will directly become minced meat!"

"But don't worry, Daxia has bought insurance for each of you!"

"In case of an accident, Daxia will collect your body and bury it in the cemetery, help you take care of your wife and children, and will provide you with generous pensions and insurance benefits. They will also burn paper for you during the holidays, so you can go with peace of mind!"

"You're welcome, this is what we should do."

Lin Fan said with a blushing face and a heartbeat. He could not let the soldiers know about the safety measures Daxia had taken. After all, he wanted to use violent mood swings to break through physiological limits.

If the soldiers knew that they would not die no matter what they did, the most they could do was bungee jumping in the snow...


Hearing this, the originally fearless warriors only felt that the pressure had increased again... Is the game so exciting?

Don't tell me, it's quite considerate...

"Also, don't just be excited, be sure to remember."

"Feel the cold wind, feel the ice and snow, feel the winter in the fear of falling through the ice and snow!"

"This is the winter brewed by the God of Winter. It contains the mystery of winter's divine power, and it also contains the true meaning of [Winter]!"

"You should be excited and scared, but you should also feel the cold winter carefully, and treat yourself wholeheartedly as a snowflake, as a part of this ice and snow!"

"Especially for those with ice-type powers. This is in line with your cultivation direction. If you are not a person with ice-type powers, you have a greater chance of becoming a god. You have to feel more about it. In addition, even if you don't become a god, it doesn't matter. , you will also become familiar with winter and the way to fight on ice and snow in this process."

"The most important opponent we face is the God of Winter, a creature that lives in the snowfields!"

"Not only must you use this to break through the physiological limits of human beings, but you must also become familiar with ice and snow, and be familiar with the battle that will follow!"

"Yes!" the soldiers responded loudly.

Lin Fan said in a deep voice: "Now, put on protective gear!"


Millions of demigods neatly pulled off the goggles on their hats, put on their anti-fall helmets, scarves, protective gear, put on their skis, and applied antifreeze!

"Line up!"

Millions of demigods lined up in order, panting, and walked step by step to the top of the Great Wall of the North!

In front of us is the howling cold wind, falling ice and snow, and the freezing cold temperature of minus 40 degrees Celsius.

It’s a dizzying, almost vertical “piste”!

The instinctive fear that could not be suppressed once again arose in their hearts. It was the awe of Daxia people for the vast nature, but they did not fear or surrender. The blood in their bodies was extremely hot at this moment, their hearts beat powerfully, and their brains were extremely clear!

Because behind them is home, Daxia!

The people of Daxia revere nature and pursue the harmony between man and nature. However, if the power of nature goes against Daxia, then one person must conquer nature!

"Everyone." Lin Fan said in a deep voice, "Since the gods want to wreak havoc on our summer with the harsh winter."

"Then I, Daxia, will step on the cold winter and become a god!"

"Here, I officially announce that the second phase of the God-casting Project, Ice Fall, has officially begun!"

"Now, for the sake of Daxia and our homeland, I invite you to have a wonderful and exciting skiing! Conquer this ice and snow!"


Lin Fan raised his gun and pulled the trigger toward the sky!

The gunshot shook and resounded throughout the world!

On the Great Wall of the North, rows of soldiers took a step forward in unison, rushing into the ice, snow and cold winter, roaring down the 3,500-meter 89-degree ski slope!

The dense snowflakes were knocked apart by the layers, and the ice and snow surged behind them, just like one after another rushing into the ice and snow, crushing the winter beasts!

Millions of demigods, walking down the snow!

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