Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1284 Support Europe!

The comfortable life returns again.

Lin Fan once again lived a life of sparring with the gods of Daxia during the day and getting massages at the club at night.

And the other side.

European side.

Cold and hungry day after day, every day seemed like being in purgatory, extremely long.

In the cold, dark little room, a small flame swayed.

Ma Qi was so thin that she was almost out of shape, but she still held her cell phone and said, "We have consumed more food than planned... The weather is getting colder."

"Our bread can last for about five days...the firewood can last for about two months, but we don't know if it can be burned out."

She turned the camera and took a special photo of the two children.

Originally there was only one, but now there is one more, Willy.

That is the child of my best friend Chrissy and her husband.

"Okay, goodbye everyone. Also, I wish you all a Merry Christmas today." Ma Qi hung up the live broadcast.

The little girl blinked and swallowed: "Mom, will they really give us food?"

Sharon and Willy, who were relatively fat at first, have now lost a lot of weight.

But fortunately, Ma Qi gave the two children a lot of food, so the two children were still in normal shape.

"Ahem," Ma Qi covered her mouth and coughed, her eyes darkened as she said, "I should... yes."

Although she said this, she had given up hope.

In other words, the entire European people have passed the period of high expectations at this time.

They had thought that the enthusiastic Daxia would help them unconditionally, but nearly two months had passed and Daxia had not made any statement.

This makes them give up hope.

Ma Qi glanced at the small half basket of dry hard bread in the corner. In fact, the food she had saved had already been eaten. Fortunately, the food left by Chrissy's husband had kept her going until now.

But even so, it only lasts for three or four days at most.

The weather is getting colder and colder, the snow is getting thicker and thicker, and they are consuming food faster and faster.

After eating... Ma Qi herself didn't know what to do.

"Okay, Sharon, you play with Willy at home while I go clear the snow from the roof and return the phone."


After Ma Qi finished speaking, she covered her mouth and coughed twice. She tried her best to open the door and walked into the snow.

Not long after.



Ma Qi stood on the low roof, wearing thick but not warm clothes filled with hay, trying to use a shovel to clear away the snow that was more than one meter deep.

There was frost on her eyebrows and hat, and she panted like a dehydrated fish.


Maggie coughed violently.


In the settlement, many residents who were clearing the snow coughed from time to time, and the violent coughs came and went one after another amidst the howling of the cold wind.

During this period, many European people fell ill under this extremely low temperature.


"Ma Qi!" Someone shouted from below.

Ma Qi was unwilling to speak outside. The cold felt like it could be poured into her throat, and the intense labor and long-term hunger made her mind feel as if it was frozen.

She already had a slight fever.


The man shouted louder again.

"What?" Ma Qi then noticed the person calling her below and answered with only one word.

Hungry people are not willing to talk much, and they are too lazy to even think.

It was a neighbor in the settlement, Maggie knew him, Rory.

He is a good and warm-hearted person and once helped Maggie repair the house.

"You don't look good... By the way, do you have food at home?" Rory shouted loudly: "I can exchange it for medicine. You know, many people are sick now."

This kind of primitive barter is not uncommon in Europe today.

Ma Qi coughed a few times and wanted to agree, but thinking about the limited food at home, she still shook her head.

"Ma Qi, you seem to have a fever."

"You have to know that if you have a fever in this environment, you will die. You'd better think about it." Rory said again.

Ma Qi shook her head and said weakly: "I don't have much food at home."

Without medicine, we may survive this winter, or we may not survive this cold winter.

But without food, you will definitely die! And he will die within a few days!

Rory stared at Ma Qi and said word by word: "But, you still have food at home, right?"

Ma Qi suddenly felt a chill. She tightened her grip on the shovel and said in a more serious tone, "But I still have two children at home."

Rory was silent for a long time, his eyes seemed a little tangled, and finally said: "Okay, then I'll ask another family."

Maggie cleared the snow while watching Rory knock on the door of another low house.

The door was opened by a coughing man with a weak, abnormal blush on his face.

"Do you have food at home? I'm willing to trade medicine for it."

"Oh, my friend, Rory, you are always so considerate." The man smiled happily, his weak face glowing, but then he coughed violently: "Ahem, cough, sorry..."

"Of course I'm willing to agree."

"I still have a lot of food at home. You know, I live alone and can't eat much. Rory, how much do you want, I'm willing to exchange for your medicine..."

Rory nodded, and amid the man's expectant and grateful smile, Rory suddenly shouted loudly: "He has a lot of food at home!"

"Tap tap tap!"

Three or four men suddenly appeared in the surrounding alleys. Although they were thin, their eyes were fierce!

"Rory! What are you doing!"

The man looked at this scene in disbelief and subconsciously wanted to close the door, but it was too late. Rory had already blocked the door with one foot and then pushed it with both hands.


The man, weak from illness, fell straight back into the house!

"You are crazy! Rory!" the man wailed, "We are all neighbors, and you have eaten at my house before!"

"I know your names, Mark, Keen, and Pei Di. Aren't you afraid that I'll call the police?"

"You don't usually behave like this!"

But no matter how he wailed, the men just rushed into the house and ran out carrying baskets of bread.

The movements did not become sluggish at all.

"Mark, you, you forgot, we used to..." The man grabbed a person's trouser leg on the ground.


"Get out!" Mark kicked the sick and weak man over, his eyes red: "My family of four is waiting for me!"

"Go call the police! Now the traffic is blocked, and the Gods Alliance has no food to provide us, who cares about this!"

Amid the men's wails, the group of men rushed out of the house holding the food.

The man fell to the ground blankly, his eyes were gloomy, and he said blankly: "At least leave me some food, at least let me have a full stomach this Christmas..."

Ma Qi was also shocked. These people are usually very good people, and everyone is kind and friendly.

But now...

It's like turning into a beast!

The men leaving with the food passed by Ma Qi's house. Some of them looked up at Ma Qi, their eyes slightly stern.

There is only one woman in this family, Ma Qi.

Ma Qi tightened her grip on the shovel, but her heart was beating fiercely.

The man walked towards Ma Qi's door, just when Ma Qi was about to grit her teeth and jump out for her life.

"Mark," Rory, who was behind him, ran over with the food he grabbed and gritted his teeth: "She has two children at home!!"

"It's time, I don't care about that..." Mark said coldly.

"Even if we are beasts, we can't eat cubs! We just live for our families. We are beasts, but we have to have a certain bottom line!" Rory's face was grim, and he grabbed Mark's collar, "And it's not like this now. !”

"All right."

Mark glanced at Ma Qi fiercely, like a wild animal sizing up its prey, and then ran away with the food in his arms.

"Sorry." Rory smiled at Ma Qi.

His expression became gentle again, like before.

But Ma Qi couldn't help but think of his brutality when he snatched the man just now, and still couldn't help but hold on to the shovel.

It wasn't until Rory ran away with the food that Ma Qi took a breath and immediately got off the roof, regardless of the fact that there was still some snow that hadn't been shoveled away.


The cold wind blew into the house, and Ma Qi closed the door with a pale face. She pressed her bony back against the door, coughing violently and gasping for air.

It seemed like there was some terrifying beast outside the door.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Sharon, who was playing a game with Willy, looked at Maggie in surprise.

"It's okay, it's okay." Ma Qi tried her best to return to normal, but her heart became increasingly cold.

She trembled and walked to the fire and sat down. In order to calm her thoughts, she took a thumb-sized piece of bread from the wooden frame and put it into her mouth to suck, letting the precious sugar wake up her brain.

Not long after, she walked out of the room, but did not shovel the snow.

Instead, he walked to Chrissy’s house, which was dozens of meters away and had been evacuated.

In the cold house, she took out her mobile phone, turned on the live broadcast tremblingly, and said almost begging: "The situation is getting serious."

"Everyone, we really can't hold on any longer!"

"I don't care about our Ou Fang's face anymore, I just said it directly."

"Order is collapsing and disease is spreading...ahem!"

"I, I have started to have a fever. Many people have a fever... It's a cold winter of minus 40 degrees..."

"But it's nothing. It doesn't make me despair..."

"But what really makes me despair is that just now, they finally robbed me in broad daylight!"

"Actually, the crime has started a long time ago. Even before winter comes, some people have started stealing while no one is at home.

It’s time for food…”

"Half a month ago, someone started breaking into houses in the middle of the night."

"At that time, no one knew who did it. People still wanted to keep their dignity. At least, they still helped each other on the surface. Everyone would say hello to each other when they met occasionally..."

"But today, they finally started robbing in daylight!"

"They don't care if they are acquaintances! Ahem... They were originally warm neighbors, Rory. Rory was originally a programmer, and Mark was a barista... Why did it become like this?"

"They are still friends with the man who was robbed, and they even helped each other repair their houses..."

"But they looted all the poor man's food right in front of him! Like wild beasts!"

"The order has completely collapsed... No, they may still have the last bit of morality in their hearts and have not taken action against Sharon Willey and me, but maybe tomorrow..."

"Everyone, please help us!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Ma Qi coughed violently, gasping for breath, with extremely fear in her eyes.

Suddenly, barrages flew up!


"Is it already so serious? I thought it was just hunger and cold..."

"Oh my God, what are the Alliance of Gods doing? Do you care?"

But Ma Qi had no intention of replying anymore and tried her best to return her expression to normal: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I don't have time to say anything more to you."

"Willie and Sharon have two kids at's too dangerous."

Not that she might freeze to death. She had just added firewood before going out.

But maybe...

Ma Qi turned off her phone and walked into the ice and snow again, heading towards her home.


Ma Qi, who was coughing in the ice and snow, suddenly thought that today is Christmas.

This is the most important and festive holiday in Europe, also called Thanksgiving.

And the other side.

"Drip Lingling!"

Lin Fan's cell phone rang.

Lin Fan, who was eating, put down his chopsticks and looked at his phone. It belonged to Brenda.

He didn't answer because he knew what Brenda was going to say.

He put the phone aside and continued to look up at the Oufang live broadcast on the screen.

"The order has been disrupted."

Mr. Jin on the side also sighed: "Yes, I heard from the League of Gods that the crime rate has increased to 30%, which means that for every ten people, three people have begun to engage in criminal activities... Already No more covering up.”

"It seems that they really persisted to the limit." Jin Lao sympathized.

"No, they didn't hold on to the limit." Lin Fan shook his head: "Actually, in my expectation, they can hold on for at least half a month...if they stick together."

But the current situation is obviously not the case.

In the face of winter, the evil nature of human beings has been exposed. European people have begun to abandon the past laws and commit blatant crimes.

He took off the mask of the past and abandoned the politeness of the past.

If left unchecked, the entire European side will soon fall into complete chaos!

"Human nature is so...sigh," Mr. Jin said in a complicated voice, "We can't really watch them starve to death. After all, they are our comrades-in-arms."

"So, it's time." Lin Fan slowly stood up and said in a deep voice: "Notify Shang Weitian!"

"Immediately mobilize the flight transport team and the sea beast transport team to send all the excess food and materials stored in the northwest production areas to Europe!"

"In addition, private support is released!"

"All private transport teams that want to transport supplies to Europe will be allowed to pass!"

"There is only one request. Don't use Daxia's strategic reserves, and don't use too much food from the people! Transport all the urgent and excess food! The food donated by the people must be stored for more than one year! It just so happens that it can be given to Let’s clear out our inventory!”

"Oh, we can send more snow beast meat, just enough to store it for half a year... That thing is rich in fat. Although it is the best food to keep out the cold, Daxia has too much high blood fat now. Let Oufang give it to us later. Get some dry, hard bread to clear your stomach."


Two minutes later.

People all over Daxia received a text message!


"Daxia announced nationwide that it will officially provide material support to the European side!"

"All private transport teams are fully authorized and all routes to Europe are open!"

"Each street has set up material collection points. If citizens want to donate, they can send their own materials."

"The only donation requirement: it must be stored for more than one year! Snow beast meat can be relaxed to half a year!"

For a while.

A nationwide sensation!

Starting today, Daxia begins to provide assistance to Europe!

In a warm room.

Look at the soft-hearted aunt

In the live broadcast, the skinny European woman with protruding eyes was wiping her tears while making hot pot and eating meat slices: "Oh, poor baby, I want to help you, but the hard-hearted commander-in-chief can't help you." Let..."

"If you were at my house, I would let you have a meal of dumplings."

"It's so miserable. Hey, you're still raising a child... Look how thin he's become. Poor that child. He's obviously at the age where he should be eating milk powder, but he's eating water boiled from bread..."

The middle-aged man on the side said helplessly: "Mom, that's it. We've only had enough to eat for a few years."

"If you ask me, the commander-in-chief did the right thing. Although we have enough food, we can't just give it away!"

"What do you know!" The aunt glared at the middle-aged man: "Your grandfather lived like this back then. I still haven't forgotten how hard it was to live with only two bowls of porridge every day... Alas, they are better than us at that time. It’s all bitter…”

There are many Daxia people like this aunt.

Because Daxia is a kind country.

Five thousand years of kindness, five thousand years of etiquette, and the poverty and hunger experienced in modern times are destined to prevent the people of Daxia from being indifferent to the tragic situation on the European side.

After all, they are all human beings.

And Oufang is not Kameda Kingdom... To be honest, if Kameda Kingdom were to experience the same situation, the people of Daxia would have to eat a lot more.

Many people in Daxia just used the live broadcasts of European people to eat at first, just like watching survival in the wilderness.

But after watching it for a long time, I started to feel emotional and full of sympathy for the European people who were counting on food and firewood every day and suffered from hunger and cold.

Hungry, cold.

These words seem so insignificant.

But when a person is under your gaze, he becomes thinner day by day.

The white skin has become withered, the plump figure has become dry, the thick hair has become sparse, the bright eyes have become dim, the high-spirited expression has become silent, and the flushed face has become thin and out of shape.

It will make people feel the weight of the word hunger.

What's more, it's not just one person who is exposed in front of the people of Daxia.

But the whole of Europe!

The aunt sighed, her eyes couldn't help but turn red, she thought of herself when she was a child.

And right now.


All the cell phones in the house suddenly rang in unison!

The aunt looked at her phone and suddenly stood up excitedly!

"We can support you!"

"The commander-in-chief finally can't stand it anymore!"

"Son, hurry up, hurry up, get all the meat at home... wait, it must be stored for more than a year." The aunt was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then freeze the ones piled in the snow. The sea animal meat for the New Year was sent here, as well as the snow beast meat that had been frozen for half a year! Oh, there are also three boxes of instant noodles, two boxes of emergency biscuits, and down jackets that I had stored before."

The son who had objected before also nodded repeatedly: "Okay!"

The aunt was stunned: "You, you agreed just like that? Weren't you quite reluctant just now?"

The middle-aged man laughed: "Haha, those sea beast meat from Poseidon's time has been frozen for a year and is almost spoiled. Although the snow beast meat is delicious, it is too greasy. I have gained more than ten pounds. Moderate fatty liver disease has come out.”

"I originally wanted to throw it away, but you refused to let me throw it away, saying that you were afraid of waste... I always dreamed of eating some fresh, low-fat and healthy sea animal meat. But you also said that you haven't finished eating the ones you saved before, and you are not allowed to eat the new ones. "

Old people who have experienced the hungry years have a habit.

Eat what you save and eat what you save.

Buy fresh ones, freeze the fresh ones and save them, and eat the ones you saved before. As a result, the food you eat is always stale...

This year we will eat what we saved last year, and next year we will eat what we saved this year...

"There are also the instant noodles that will expire in half a month, and the five bags of flour you stocked up when the gods came for the first time two years ago. I told you at that time that there was no need to stock up. Look, they are almost expired. The flour has turned yellow. It still takes up space at home. Especially the two boxes of emergency biscuits... Who eats those things? Even my family, Wangcai, doesn't eat them, right? Wangcai."

The middle-aged man said, throwing two bones with oil stars in front of his dog.

Wangcai smelled the smell and seemed to feel it was too greasy, or maybe he was not interested in eating all day, so he turned around and walked away wagging his tail...

"For whatever reason, do you know how many people in Oufang want to eat these two bones!" The middle-aged man glared at Gouzi and continued: "There are also down jackets. When you stocked up more than a dozen pieces, I said there was no need... …Now that the three major projects are running, the house is very hot. I have a warmer snow beast coat when I go out occasionally. Who wants to wear a down jacket? Send it away quickly, the closet has been full for half a year!”

"Oh, by the way, we still have two boxes of baby warmers at home. We don't need them either. They are almost expired. So we gave them away together. It would be a waste to throw them away."

The middle-aged man didn't think much about helping Ou Fang. He was more pragmatic, but he also felt that it was time to clear out the inventory, otherwise it would be spoiled and wasted, and it would take up space at home... It would be better to give away the food that has been moved for more than a year and then Eat fresh.

The aunt was stunned for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly: "Didn't you want to stock up more just in case... Okay, okay, send the stock quickly, and I will make fresh sea animal meat for you later."

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