Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1316 Prepare for war!

The Great Wall of the North opened fire with all its strength, tearing apart the winter and winter with artillery fire.

The cold wind has to retreat. Above the 13,000-kilometer northern border, the heat wave is soaring and the ice and snow are melting!

"Damn it, the Second Artillery Regiment did a good job!" Mr. Jin looked at the heat map in his hand and nodded slightly: "Second Artillery Regiment, everyone will have hot pot tonight!"

"Haha!" The Second Artillery Regiment suddenly cheered.

The commander of the First Artillery Regiment asked on the intercom system: "Lao Jin, what about us?"

"You?" Mr. Jin said coldly: "When will you be able to bombard the entire target area with a wave of artillery, leaving no gaps, you will also eat hot pot!"

"Otherwise, we'll eat from the big pot in the cafeteria!"

Devil training!

For a whole month, artillery fire roared from the Great Wall in the north during the day, and the soldiers fell asleep when they were tired at night.

But I didn't treat the soldiers badly. Although they were a little tired, they had a good meal.

Those who performed well in the exercise ate hot pot. The big fat and thin slices of meat were dipped in the red oil boiling with chili peppers, wrapped in dipping sauce, and swallowed in the cold winter wind. It was a satisfying experience.

Those who don't perform well say they eat big pot rice, but in fact, the big pot rice in Daxia nowadays is all swordfish warrior meatballs, octopus warrior sashimi, grilled ice-cracked bird legs, and braised ice plain beef tendons.

It still tastes full of oil.

This is just about eating, Daxia did not treat the soldiers badly in other aspects.

After four months of staying at the Great Wall in the north, blown by the howling cold wind and ice and snow, the soldiers had no frostbite on their faces and hands, and all of them had white and tender skin.

They all wore warm snow beast coats, covering them from head to toe, with warmers stuck inside. They were changed every two hours, and sometimes the soldiers even had to unbutton them to dissipate heat.

The Great Wall of the North under your feet also has floor heating, and you can go shirtless in the dormitory. Even if you stand on the city wall with the cold wind howling, you can only feel a steam of heat rising from the bottom up!

Warehouses are filled with cold-warming items such as liquor, chili peppers, and cigarettes. There are hot pot stoves every 20 meters on the city wall. Every team can make hot pot at any time in the cold winter.

Even antifreeze, every soldier is given half a pound of antifreeze every day, and it is impossible to apply it!

The entire Great Wall of the North is like a warm fire dragon, driving away all the cold and roaring towards the cold winter!

This is Daxia’s current national strength!

Focusing on a big family and a big business!

As the saying goes, there is no real disaster, as long as you are willing to spend money... This is also thanks to Shang Weitian's hard work during this period.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Great Wall of the North were practicing in full swing.


The Great Wall of Oufang Ice Crystal, the cold wind howls.

On the Great Wall, high-level officials from Europe and core members of the Alliance of Gods were speaking impassioned words that made people's blood boil. From today on, the Ice Crystal Great Wall will be completely completed. One month later, winter is coming, and what has been done over there in Daxia Even if there is a battle drill, we can’t hold it back...

Below, slightly thin men stood quietly, crowded with people.

But no matter how much the higher-ups on the city wall talk, the people below still have no fighting spirit.

"Damn it, Simon, I'm freezing to death." A man said to the man next to him: "Do you have any wine?"

"Wine, do you think I look good? The last batch of support from Daxia has been drunk long ago. The next batch will not arrive until three days later." Simon grinned, his lips were already cracked, and they were bare. After saying a few words, the blood started to bleed.

His face was also bruised by the cold, and he had two chilblains. One of his hands was so swollen that he couldn't put on gloves at all and could only hold it in his arms.

The others were all similar. They were all sallow and thin, their faces and hands were bruised and cracked by the cold, and their flesh was open, but there was no bleeding.

"Damn, I heard that the soldiers in Daxia can drink white wine every day... and even eat hot pot..." Simon looked at the world in the east and swallowed dryly, missing the spicy wine in his throat. , feeling hot all over my body, and looking forward to the steaming hot pot even more.

"Hey, look at what kind of life they are living, and what kind of life we ​​are living." The man also swallowed his saliva and shrank his neck in the biting cold wind, "That's the Great Wall with floor heating and a hot pot. have……"

"Fuck, look at our ice crystals again

city! "

"You still have the nerve to stand up there and say that we also have the Great Wall of Ice... This thing is of no use!" The man glared angrily at the Great Wall made of soil and water.

Thick ice crystals hung on the walls.

This is the Great Wall made of ice.

It's a trick, but the price of the trick will be bone-chilling coldness!

Simon also looked helpless: "We can't even light a fire to cook up there, and many heavy weapons such as heavy artillery can't be used, which will seriously lack firepower... The Great Wall made of ice is really a joke, and it can even light a fire. Can the melting city wall also protect us? Damn, I stayed up there for three hours yesterday, and guess what, my feet were numb from the cold!"

When the other soldiers looked at the city wall that they had built to protect them, not only did they not feel any sense of accomplishment, but their eyes were bleak, even full of nervousness and apprehension.

"Damn it, next we have to eat hard and cold instant noodles and fight with cold guns... Fortunately, Daxia has provided us with supplies, otherwise we would all starve to death now!"

"Hey, did you listen to what the people above said? In order to prevent the springs and firing pins in the guns from freezing, we have to pour warm water over the guns before practicing every day... Damn it, we have to do it in the cold wind of minus forty degrees, Wearing wet gloves and holding a wet gun..."

"When I was repairing this thing, my feet were almost rotten, and I had to go up to fight..."

There are countless soldiers complaining at this moment.

No intention to fight!

The same is true of facing the city wall built by oneself.

But at this moment, there was no pride or excitement in their eyes like the Daxia warriors, only endless rejection!

Facing the cold winter, the warriors of Great Xia have warm city walls as shelter, hot pots and steaming meals, warm snow beast coats, warm babies, and white wine and chili peppers.

And they can only stand on this city wall as cold as ice, gnawing on dry and hard cold food, holding cold and almost frozen guns, and facing the winter with wet gloves!

Rely on the walls made of winter to resist the cold winter!

Even in order to prevent the city wall from melting, they could not even rest on the city wall. Instead, they had to walk a certain distance through the howling cold wind to go to a small, damp, dark and cold underground shelter.

When Daxia soldiers rest, they only need to go downstairs to reach the warm, dry and floor-heated dormitories in the Great Wall of the North!

This gap is simply not too big!

For a time, no matter how high-level officials shouted or spoke enthusiastically, the crowd below showed no motivation.


John, the leader of the Baguette Kingdom, looked at the warriors below who were shivering in the cold wind and had no intention of fighting. He sighed and complained to Neil, the core member of the Alliance of Gods on the side: "What about us warriors?" What's going on, why don't you have any fighting spirit at all? I've said so much, my words are worn out, and they have no motivation."

"I watched the official video from Daxia. Lin Fan didn't even say a few words. The 70 million soldiers were so full of fighting spirit that they were howling and screaming. Even the common people were like evil wolves."

"As a result, our soldiers here were all listless and sighing. The common people didn't even come..."

"It's not that we can't do it, it's the gap between the people." John, the leader of the French Country, sighed: "They all say that Daxia is good, but if we are given those people, we can definitely do it!"

Neil glanced at John like an idiot, and slowly said:

"Our people didn't come because the roads blocked by ice and snow have not yet resumed traffic. The people are hiding in shelters and eating the relief supplies from Daxia. Over there in Daxia, the roads are covered with floor heating! People Everyone has enough to eat and drink.”

"What do you mean?" John was stunned.

"No matter how many inspiring words you say, they can't compete with the cold winter. Only true warmth can cheer people up." Neil sighed, "It's true that Lin Fan didn't say a few words, but what Da Xia did... …But there’s more to it than that.”

Frenchman John was silent for a long time and was about to retort.


A voice interrupted the passionate speech of the leader of the Pasta Country.

"Okay, no need to say more!"

A soldier wearing a worn down jacket raised his head, opened his mouth full of holes, and shouted in the cold wind: "No matter how much you say, to be honest, we don't feel anything."

"We have all this time to listen to your nonsense here, why not let us go back early to warm up."

The leader of the Pasta Country suddenly felt a little embarrassed to get off the stage, his face darkened: "You..."

"But don't worry, we don't need your orders. We will still set foot on this ridiculous icy Great Wall. We will still try our best to fight against the cold winter on this icy wall! We will still fight for our lives here!" The soldier suddenly shouted: "But not because of you, but because of... the land behind us, our home!"

At this moment, all the soldiers clenched their fists.

They had no response to what the leader of the Spaghetti Kingdom had shouted for a long time, but when it came to their homeland, their eyes still brewed with silent fighting intent!

"Let's go back and rest!" Neil shouted loudly: "In three hours, we will gather and practice!"

A month passed quickly amidst the constant roar of Daxia's artillery fire.

Every day seems extremely long, but every day also seems too short.

On the city wall where the soldiers rested briefly, Jin Lao shouted to Lin Fan: "There is news from Neil that their Ice Crystal Great Wall is also preparing for war."

"It's just that although their soldiers are full of fighting spirit, their condition is really lacking, and their supplies are insufficient, which greatly affects their combat effectiveness and sustained combat time."

"In addition, heavy firepower, such as artillery and missiles, cannot be used continuously on the Ice Crystal Wall. Otherwise, the wall will melt."

"He asked us what to do."

"The Great Ice Crystal Wall...when they choose this method, they should be prepared to bear the consequences." Lin Fan sighed, but he was a comrade after all, so he could not ignore death.

Moreover, Lin Fan had already anticipated the situation on the European side, so Lin Fan did not place the twelve battlefields of gods on the European front.

If we were to be enemies with the gods there... Hehe, let alone rely on the city wall to face the gods directly. If the God of Winter waved his hand casually, the Great Wall made of ice crystals would become an ice brick hitting the European warriors.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment and said methodically: "In this case, contact Shang Weitian to see the extra cold-proof materials in our warehouse and deliver some to the soldiers over there overnight. In any case, the soldiers are all good."

"In addition, synchronize our combat plan with the European side and tell them that they only need to deal with the snow beasts coming through the snow to help Daxia share some of the pressure."

"As for the battlefield of gods, Daxia will be responsible for dealing with it."

"But in exchange, they must also send all the gods with second-level strength and above to Daxia, led by Brenda and King Arthur, obey Daxia's command, and face the gods together!"

Because this is not a war between one country in Daxia!

This is a war between all mankind and the gods!

How can Daxia be allowed to face the risk alone?

The European side is now weak and cannot face the gods directly, but all their strong men who are capable of fighting must come!

Mr. Jin nodded and immediately ordered his staff to communicate with Ou Fang. Mr. Jin turned to Lin Fan and said, "Can the Free State help us? Just like last time when a group of gods were trapped."

"I spoke to Mike some time ago." Lin Fan shook his head: "It's difficult. Now his status has risen and he has become a powerful member of the industry."

"There are more people watching him, but he told me that something big will happen in the Free Country soon."

"We won't let him take risks this time. His situation is more dangerous than ours."

"Okay." Mr. Jin nodded.

Lin Fan rubbed his eyebrows: "It's been a month...tomorrow morning, the gods of Great Xia will come back, and I will come with a group of gods of winter."

"At that time, it will be a decisive battle between humans and winter!" Lin Fan exhaled and frowned: "Are the soldiers ready?"

"Haha." Mr. Jin looked at the time and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Come on, don't even rest!"

"Let me tell you, tomorrow, winter is coming! It will be

Our last walkthrough! We've run out of time! "

"Let's all have a good rest tonight, eat and drink enough, and prepare to fight, but now, let the commander-in-chief see the results of your training!"


The fighting spirit was overwhelming, and the soldiers immediately stood up and took up their positions, ready for battle!

Jin Lao said in a deep voice: "Now, the snow beast appears a hundred kilometers away!"

Just a moment.


Millions of heavy cannons roared at the same time, the dazzling firelight illuminated the ice and snow, and the cannon eggs shredded the cold wind!

Fighter planes soared into the sky and rushed towards the vast ice and snow!

Missiles shot into the sky one after another!

Before winter, the dragon breathes!

The explosion is so precise that even if the ice and snow blocks the line of sight, even if the cold wind howls and the ice and snow falls, it cannot interfere with the soldiers' artillery fire!

On the thermal map, the entire northern Great Wall is hundreds of kilometers away.


On that extremely low-temperature image, a fiery red line lit up!

That is the fire of the explosion, that is the high temperature of human beings!


Even though they were hundreds of kilometers apart, the terrifying explosion and heat wave still penetrated the cold wind!

"They are still approaching! Covered by fire!" Mr. Jin shouted loudly!

The line of explosion crushed the ice and snow inch by inch!

It is conceivable that under this line of fire, all snow beasts will be wiped out!

"Arrived at ten kilometers! Combat teams! Fire!"

"Da da da!"

One machine gun after another roared like a giant beast, and the Gatling buzzed and spun!

In the dazzling firelight, dense bullets rushed out of the dark gun barrel, tearing the winter apart, leaving scorching lines of fire in the air. The lines of fire formed a huge firepower network, strangling the winter, tearing the ice and snow, and twisting the air. Broken cold wind!

The air is hot at this moment, and this dazzling fire net is like the fangs of a giant dragon!

"We've reached 1,000 meters! The snow beasts are charging!" Mr. Jin's eyes widened, as if he saw ferocious beasts rushing out of the wind and snow in front of him, and he shouted: "Melee troops!"


The cry to kill overshadowed the artillery fire and drowned out the cold wind!

Millions of god-killing troops jumped down from the vertical city wall on skateboards!

Ice and snow were flying behind them. These warriors were like millions of angry beasts, roaring out from the warm Great Wall, smashing through the howling cold wind, smashing through the layers of wind and snow, and rushing into the cold winter!

This is the result of their hard training!

If Winter wants to attack Daxia, then Daxia will counterattack Winter!

The terrifying mechas burned with flames and stepped away. Five million armored men stepped on shields and slid down the Great Wall. Five million armored cavalry roared and charged through the snow!

The human race and Winter collided head-on!

At this moment, even Lin Fan was trembling!

A month of devil training, a month of cold wind, a month of exhaustion and blood and sweat.

Create an army that is not afraid of the cold and faces the ice and snow!

This army has become a terrifying army that can crush the cold winter!

Mr. Chen on the side took out a button and said with a smile: "The researchers and I also prepared a surprise for the gods... Haha, it just consumes a lot of fuel, so I won't show it. Since it is a surprise, of course it must be Save it for last.”

The smile is as enthusiastic as a child who can't wait for the distinguished guests to arrive, or like a child who has got a new toy and can't wait to show it off.

That was the surprise he prepared to give to the gods. Mr. Chen extremely hoped that the gods would be satisfied with it, and he even looked forward to seeing the gods look surprised and happy.

Obviously, King Thunder and Lightning will have a new profession.

This wave, this wave is the second job transfer...

"How about it, do you think we are ready?" Mr. Jin smiled brightly.

Lin Fan did not answer, but looked towards the dark cloud-covered northern sky. Above the dark clouds and ice and snow, stood a group of vague and glorious figures.

This Shura smiled ferociously: "God, do you think we are ready?"

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