Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1381 Then who are we?

With the whole country watching, Chione moved slowly on the Great Wall. Her eyes suddenly paused and stayed on the banners.

The banners fluttered in the still cold breeze.

"Sincerely welcome the arrival of the God of Winter!"

"The surrender ceremony has been prepared!"

"Invite the gods to come here and perform a surrender ceremony!"

Festive and enthusiastic.

This is a banner that was hung on the city wall before the war began. .🅆.

Looking at this familiar banner, Chione's eyes suddenly became complicated.

When she first saw these banners, she was filled with joy and lamented that she had never seen such a pious race. She actually prepared the surrender ceremony and hung up the banners.

The result was totally unexpected.

The banners are still these banners.

Surrender ceremony is still surrender ceremony.

He was indeed the protagonist of the surrender ceremony, appearing under the gaze of these humans.

As a result, the role was completely reversed from what he had imagined, and he and the gods of winter became the ones who surrendered...

The majestic gods turned out to be prisoners of humans, facing the judgment of humans!

And just when the gods of winter appeared as surrendered prisoners, under the city wall, huge ice and snow beasts were guarded by a group of god-killing troops and warriors, supporting each other and struggling to move forward.

This is the remaining snow beast.

There were once 200 million believers, but now there are only 60 million left.

In just seven days on the battlefield, more than two-thirds of these snow beasts died!

This does not count the wounded. If the wounded were included, almost none of these snow beasts were intact. Most of the snow beasts either had broken arms or legs, or were wearing heavy bandages, and some were even pulled up by trucks.

This was due to the mercy of the soldiers and the timely surrender of Chione.

As for Chione's unique and proud army of 30 million snow beasts, only less than 5 million are left. Almost all of them died in the battle, and only less than one-sixth survived!

It was really because Chione fought too hard with Lin Fan, and it was also because Daxia was too well prepared!

The monstrous sea of ​​​​fire created by 200 million tons of fuel almost burned them all to death.

Even with the icy road paved by Chione, it was still firmly occupied by the orcs and other armies of the Alliance of All Races, making it impossible for these believers to escape.

Those who survived were all burned and bruised. Fortunately, after Chione surrendered, the orcs and other tribes tried their best to rescue them.

For a while, these snow beast believers were bandaged one by one, supporting each other and struggling to walk. They roared in pain with every step they took. Some even fainted on the spot, and some who were unable to walk were pulled away by trucks.

He no longer looked as majestic as before, but instead looked like a child who was frightened by being beaten.

Looking at the people around them, their eyes were horrified and complicated.

Frightened because they know how terrifying these humans are!

I even witnessed many of the same kind being sent into the kitchen by humans... Being surrounded here now, it's hard not to be frightened.

And the reason for the complexity is that our main gods are actually ready to surrender... Before, everyone was still fighting to the death for the main gods!

For a moment, some believers roared unyieldingly, seeming to tell the Lord God that we can still fight! Don't give in, Lord God!

But the God of Winter did not respond to this. They looked at the believers with guilt, comfort, and cold warning!

Under the gaze of everyone, Chione and the gods of winter finally came to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took a file from Mr. Jin and said in a deep voice: "Three months ago, Chione, the main god of winter, led the gods of winter to invade Daxia in order to avoid Zeus' pursuit!"

"From then on, under the power of the entire Winter Temple headed by Chione, winter came and the world entered a three-month Ice Age!"

"Subsequently, the main criminal Chione led 193 mid-level Winter God accomplices, 482 low-level Winter God accomplices, and 200 million Winter Believers accomplices... to invade the world with the intention of conquering All human beings! In this process, huge losses have been caused to Daxia and the human race!"

"The main culprit Chione, is the above true?" Lin Fan said solemnly.

Chione's voice was hoarse: "It's true."

"Chione, the main culprit, please plead guilty!"

Chione only felt ashamed in her heart. After all, as a god, it was not human’s turn to be judged!

But it was only a moment of shame. After all, she is no longer a god!

She is just a lost dog now!

Looking at the densely packed human beings below, she suddenly felt guilty and whispered: "Plead guilty!"

"A group of accomplices, do you plead guilty?"

"Confess your guilt!" The gods of winter also said in complex voices.

At this moment, the gods are judged!

The judgment of humanity!

Looking across thousands of planes, there has never been such a trial!

Can humans also judge the superior gods?

Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone's eyes were filled with unprecedented excitement.

“God, it turns out that he will also be judged!”

"So what if you are a god! In our country, as long as you do something wrong or break the law, even a god will have to go in and reform!"

"This is our land, this is our world!"

A sense of pride to be born as a human being and to be a Daxia person arises spontaneously!

Lin Fan nodded slightly and continued: "Since the facts are clear, today we will file a war crimes prosecution against the main criminal Chione and a total of 775 accomplices!"

"According to the laws of Bactria, combined with the huge damage caused to the Winter Temple, he should have been punished by death!"

Chione trembled all over!

But Lin Fan continued: "However, in view of the good attitude of Chione and a group of accomplices in pleading guilty, and the fact that no real casualties were caused, after discussion by the Supreme Privy Council, the principal criminal Chione was sentenced to a thousand years in prison!"

"Each accomplice will be sentenced to five hundred years in prison!"

Sun Houhou grinned: "Hehe!"

I'm familiar with this!

Lin Fan continued: "Based on the current situation, there are two options. The first one is to be imprisoned in Shenming Prison and undergo labor reform until the sentence is completed!"

"The second type is to perform meritorious service and undergo labor reform according to one's own specialties. The Winter Temple has since joined Daxia, been incorporated into Daxia's establishment, and reorganized into the Winter Legion. From then on, it has become a member of Daxia and has the legal status of Daxia.

The main criminal, Chione, will serve his sentence at the Great Wall in the North and be responsible for the storage of military supplies. Each accomplice is responsible for maintaining warehouses in various places, helping residents store daily necessities, and maintaining the temperature in various places. When it is hot, they sit in the underground furnace and transport the cold air to people's homes through the existing heating network. "

For a time, the people cheered.

"Choose this!"

"Oh my God, this is not only a refrigerator, it can even be used as an air conditioner!"

Choose this, Chione, don’t be confused!

"We want a Shenming refrigerator!"

Lin Fan continued: "If you perform well, you can apply for bail pending trial, and you can go out in batches as long as the transformation effect is not affected."

To put it bluntly, the God of Winter can schedule his duties.

Three winter gods work in groups for eight hours a day. As long as the winter gods are always in charge, the remaining two can eat and sleep.

Just clock in and clock out like normal people.

As long as Chione is willing, she can even work in a massage parlor in her spare time.

"In addition, we must obey all orders of Daxia. When gods invade again, the Winter Army must obey Daxia's battle arrangements!"

"Chione, which one do you choose?"

Regarding this issue, Chione had already communicated with Lin Fan!

The second one is obviously preferential treatment!

What's more, Chione was unwilling to return to the god's prison even if she was beaten to death. Just the night he was locked up there, the insidious and cunning chef almost cooked a certain winter god three times!

As a result, Chionedu had to count the head count every half hour!

And for Chione now, this surrender ceremony doesn't matter anymore. Hurry up and get over, the next step is business!

"I am willing to take the blame and make meritorious service!" Chione said solemnly.

Behind him, the God of Winter also spoke one after another: "We are willing to pay the penalty and make meritorious service!"

But the next moment.

"I don't want to! I, the God of Winter, also have conditions!" The goddess named Dong Jiu suddenly said coldly.

Chione looked at Lin Fan with a confused look on her face, thinking to herself that this was not arranged by me!

"A prisoner, are you worthy of negotiating terms with me?" Lin Fan said coldly.

"We are gods after all, and we are not so easy to surrender!" Facing this Shura God and these terrifying humans, Dong Jiu's body was trembling with fear, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "There are always some things. Higher than life!”

The persistence in her eyes never wavered!

Lin Fan sneered and said: "Higher than life... Haha, tell me what conditions I want to hear."

It's best not to have any whimsical conditions.

Otherwise, even if he couldn't kill her on this occasion, Lin Fan could just put her in a divine prison until the end of her sentence! Or until it becomes a dish!

"My condition is..." Dongjiu said coldly: "One hot pot meal every day!"

ah? Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that Lin Fan didn't agree, Dong Jiu hesitated in his eyes, wondering if he had gone too far. He was sweating slightly on his forehead, but still said in a strong voice: "Three days, three days is not impossible... If it really doesn't work, just one meal every seven days. , this is the least!”

Steaming hot pot!

She ate a meal in prison and her taste buds were instantly captured.

That taste, that hot feeling... was something she had never experienced before eating those cold foods in the cold temple!

Lin Fan: "..."

Daxia citizens: "..."

Seeing Dong Jiu looking at him nervously, Lin Fan nodded and said, "Okay."

"That's great!" Dong Jiu instantly smiled happily, "Then I'm willing too...wait, there's one more condition!"

Lin Fan: "...Say."

Lin Fan was worried before that the other party would make a big move, but now, Lin Fan just wanted to know what the conditions were.

"I want to marry a Daxia man! Please allocate one to me!" Dong Jiu said in a deep voice.

Lin Fan: "???"

"That's right. We have free love and free marriage in Daxia. It's a bit difficult to allocate such things." Lin Fan said in a weird tone: "But this way, you can seek marriage here on the spot. If you are interested, all citizens can call the official."

The camera captures Dong Jiu.

Dongjiu showed a sweet and shy smile.

At the same time, behind them, a group of winter gods came out one after another: "Me too!"

"I also want!"

Add me!

The camera swept across, as if it had turned into a large-scale marriage proposal scene.

In fact, Lin Fan should have stopped this scene that broke the serious atmosphere, but if you think about it carefully, this Winter Temple has just joined Daxia and may not have any feelings for Daxia yet.

But if they all get married and start a business in Daxia...

This directly deepens the relationship!

They are directly from Daxia!

When the time comes, if Zeus comes to invade, they will be the first to refuse!

No need for Daxia to give orders, just rush up!

For a time, Daxia was boiling!

One by one, citizens took out their mobile phones and started calling!

"I want No. 9! Yes, let me introduce myself..."

"I'm optimistic about No. 5, that one is good!"

"Hehe, you are worthy of being a god. With this figure and this temperament, if I marry him back..."

As a god, it goes without saying much about his appearance.

Especially that aloof temperament!

If you take this home, and the noble gods at night... I will make you noble! I make you noble!

It is a coincidence that almost most of the people in this Winter Temple are single. Because of Chione's reputation, the entire Winter Temple is looked down upon by other temples.

In the God Realm, anyone who has sex with the God of Winter will be laughed at for the rest of his life.

Moreover, most people in the Winter Temple are relatives, and it is not easy to marry close relatives. In fact, most of the people in a temple are relatives, so everyone is married to other temples, and the children born to them will be raised and cultivated by whichever temple they belong to.

Therefore, for a time, almost the entire Winter Temple was seeking marriage immediately!

Looking at this messy scene, Chione's face was gloomy and she couldn't wait any longer.

She is still anxious for the next engagement session!

Then he said in a cold voice: "Everyone, please be quiet. Are there any rules? This is a surrender ceremony!"

“We’ll talk about finding a partner later!”

All the winter gods could only murmur, but they looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

Judging from the reactions of those humans, it seems that I am very popular!

Haha, stupid humans are only confused by our appearance.

They never imagined the wisdom of gods, let alone the dangers of gods!

They will become the spouses of the Daxia people, enchant them with love, be obedient to them, remain loyal throughout their lives, and give birth to descendants of the gods one after another with the blood of the gods flowing through them.

And before the people of Daxia know it, Winter's bloodline will spread all over Daxia!


Ten thousand years from now, all the people of Great Xia will become descendants of the God of Winter!

This land still belongs to the Winter Temple!

This is conquest!

Humans, wait until you see the dangers of gods!

By the time you find out, it's too late!

On the side, Mr. Jin looked at the sneering gods of winter and felt something was wrong. He whispered: "Do you think they want to spread their bloodline here and take over Daxia..."

Lin Fan frowned slightly: "Is it so sinister... But this move is useless against me, Daxia."

Is Daxia afraid of your bloodline?

Is Daxia’s bloodline still missing?

But even the bloodline that wants to occupy Daxia will eventually be assimilated by Daxia.

This land seems to have unparalleled magical power, assimilating all the people on this land all the time, becoming brothers and sisters connected by blood.

Just these hundreds of gods still want to conquer Daxia with their blood?

It would be good if it lasts for two generations... Many southerners have a bad taste of dirt after two months after arriving in the north.

And after this brief interlude.

"We will all return to Daxia!"

On the Great Wall, the gods knelt down and worshiped!

The red flag is flying!

For a while.

"We have a refrigerator!"

"Hahaha, not only is it a refrigerator, it even has an air conditioner!"

"Finally I no longer have to pay hundreds of yuan in electricity bills every month! My three freezers can be sold for recycling!"

The people cheered. It was true that every household had stored too much food. Before winter came, they had to spend hundreds of dollars on electricity every month to store it!

And now, finally there is a Shenming brand refrigerator!

It can even be used as an air conditioner!

Long live winter!

In this land, even the cold winter that freezes everything has to be turned into air conditioners and refrigerators!

At the same time, some people looked forward to it: "When will Zeus come? If he comes... wouldn't we even have to pay the electricity bill?"

But there are still many single people who are still calling the hotline: "Hello? I choose number 3... What, more than 80,000 people have signed up for blind dates? The competition is so fierce, he is worthy of being a god, he is quite popular..."

Seeing this scene, the snow beast believers who were injured and suffered heavy casualties all fell into deathly silence.

They didn't roar, they didn't mourn, they didn't cry.

They just stared blankly at the gods, who were extremely noble in their hearts, kneeling before humans.

They are sad.

But more importantly, I am confused.

At this moment, witnessing the monumental god kneeling down and surrendering, the solid faith in their hearts collapsed!

"God, kneel down..." A dire ox muttered blankly, as if it had forgotten the pain of burns on its body.

"The Lord God has surrendered..." A wounded Ice Bear looked blankly at the kneeling god on the city wall, and said softly: "With just one order, one hundred thousand of my clan members were killed, and yet he actually surrendered... My brother, My brother, my father and mother all fought to the death for him..."

"One thought made our people fight to the death without fear of death or injury."

"Even if we all died in battle, we never wavered. Even if our legs were cut off, we never retreated."

"But, he surrendered on his own..."

So what are our previous battles and previous deaths? Who are we who fight for him? What’s the point of our desperate piety...

On the side, an ice cow with its horns broken said coldly: "Lao San, don't say this! We are devout believers, you are blaspheming!"

"By the way, we..." the ice bear showed a sad smile, "we are just turns out that this is what believers mean."

God never shows mercy.

Those devout believers who regard God as the only salvation are nothing more than tools in the eyes of God.

"I don't believe in God anymore." The ice bear roared softly.

"It turns out that our piety and our desperate efforts are just a joke. We... are also just a joke." Another burnt and bloody dire ox also whispered: "From now on, I will only fight for myself. .”



A slight crackling sound was passed among these surviving believers.

The shining divine marks shattered.

Every belief is shattered!

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