Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1403 You will be completely impressed by my delicious taste

As soon as these words came out, many temples immediately shut up, and the scene fell into silence.

A temple representative looked at Hades silently.

Zeus is the younger brother of Hades, and Zeus once saved Hades' life in the battle against the Titans, and Hades has always fought side by side with Zeus.

How could he sit back and watch Zeus being called an old dog?

Some temple representatives who were close to Hades silently moved a few steps away. After all, Hades, the king of Hades, was very difficult to talk to and was also one of the gods with the weirdest temper.

If you turn around and fight, don't bleed yourself all over.

Sure enough, in the deathly silence, Hades slowly stood up. The gloomy aura made the entire auction house dim, and a cold aura rushed towards his face.

"It's over, Young Master North is going to be beaten again..." Little Lis sighed, but he did not dare to speak for North, because he not only represented himself, but also represented the Temple of Power.


"Zeus is not here." A smile appeared on Hades' pale face, and he replied as gently as possible in a voice that sounded like the roar of countless evil ghosts.

He seemed to be trying his best to appear kind, but his temperament was too dark, and his smile was even more terrifying.

Lin Fan looked at Hades in surprise.

"Don't look at me so surprised," Hades looked at Lin Fan with care: "You are not only the nephew of Zeus, but also my nephew."

" also my most beloved brother."

"I heard about the conflict between you and Zeus. It shouldn't be like this... But I don't have much to say. Zeus seems to be no longer the Zeus he used to be..."

"So, let's talk about our own affairs. I don't care what happens to you and Zeus. Today, I'm just here to visit you as an uncle."

Lin Fan nodded: "Thank you, uncle."

So, strictly speaking, he should be called Second Uncle Zeus?

It sounds weird, no wonder Zeus never reminded himself.

"Well, let's get started. I'm also very interested in your divine slave." Hades smiled and said, "I heard that you even prepared a Hades specially for me."

"Okay, let's start now." Lin Fan stopped inking and clapped his hands.

Five people immediately came forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Zhao Gao behind Lin Fan!

Iron fan, white bones, Guan Erye, Yang Jian, Hannibal, Zhao Gao, as well as a dog and a horse.

Seeing these new divine slaves, all the temples immediately opened their eyes and observed carefully, while some lowered their heads and began to read the previously issued divine slave information.

"As the protagonist of this feast, the first divine slave to be sold is," Lin Fan looked at Hannibal: "The elegant and famous chef, Han Xiaoba."

The chef is the protagonist of the feast!

Under the gaze of many temples, Hannibal smoothed his suit and walked quickly to the stage with a smile on his face.

Faced with so many gods.

There was no trace of restraint or nervousness on his face. Instead, his eyes were extremely excited and he had a warm smile on his face.

"I have met all the gods." He waved his hand politely and scanned every god with his deep eyes.

A temple representative whispered: "This guy is quite enthusiastic..."

"Yes, he is not afraid of strangers at all. He is completely different from ordinary god slaves. Well, he is indeed elegant."

"I always feel that he is looking at us a little too enthusiastically...isn't he afraid of us at all?"

Hannibal smiled and said: "Everyone, although I am not familiar with you now, please believe that after a few times of hospitality, you will become my acquaintances."

"We will become inseparable and close partners."



I, Hannibal, will be afraid of strangers?

I, Hannibal, like to eat raw food the most!

Hannibal was wearing a decent suit, looking at each god carefully with a smile on his face, and the passion in his eyes suppressed the incomparable impulse.


The day has finally come.

God... such excellent ingredients!

Here, you can get it at your fingertips!

It’s full of gods!

Hannibal thought about it for too long, but when the day came, he still felt unbelievably happy and satisfied.

Such excellent and rare ingredients are everywhere in this plane!

If you had told me earlier, if you had told me earlier, Hannibal would have been here!

If there are gods to eat, who would eat humans?

Hannibal could hardly control himself. He took two steps forward and shook hands with the gods sitting in the front row.

"Hello hello, nice to meet you."

"Hello, it's our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice."

"If you buy from me...believe me, you will never regret it. You will be the star of my banquet."

He held his hands vigorously and sniffed at the same time, as if he was smelling something.

"What are you smelling?" Xiao Lisi was stunned for a moment.

Hannibal held Little Reese's tough and strong arm intoxicated and said with a smile: "No.

What, this is the first time I have the honor to meet all the gods... The smell of you is so sweet and intoxicating. "

Little Lisi and the other gods smiled proudly.

"This kid is really good at being a man, haha. He makes no secret of his admiration for our gods."

"This is the most well-behaved god slave I have ever seen. It's not bad yet, but he came to fawn over him first."

"We can't help it. After all, we are gods. The glory emanating from our bodies is too wonderful for the beings in the lower world... They will naturally be inextricably attracted to our bodies. Look, isn't this kid attracted?"

Hannibal did not reject it, but nodded and said: "Yes, dear gods... you are so attractive to me. I really wish I could have a banquet to entertain you as soon as possible."

"Han Xiaoba, come back." Lin Fan said, "Don't cause trouble."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself for a moment after seeing so many excellent food...ahem, God." Hannibal smiled awkwardly and returned to stand behind Lin Fan with his suitcase again.

"Everyone is laughing at me. This god slave is good at everything, but he is so good at being a human being. When he sees the god, he wants to go up to him." Lin Fan said with an embarrassed smile.

Many visitors to the temple laughed indifferently.

This is a normal phenomenon. Noble gods will naturally attract the worship of beings in the lower world, making them want to get closer instinctively.

This is the survival instinct of the strong that is written in the blood.

"Haha, this is what human beings should be like. Yes, this divine slave is very good."

"He is indeed a good person. It would be great if all the humans in that plane were like him. If you ask me, you should throw this kid into that plane and let them see how humans should do it and teach them. Teach them how to behave.”

Lin Fan waved his hand, interrupting the laughter of many temples, and then said: "To tell you briefly, Han Xiaoba, tenth level of strength, the god of food."

Many temples also opened information one after another.

"Priesthood: God of Food."

"Speciality: Very good at being a good person."

For a moment, some gods looked disappointed.

"The God of Food...forget it, what is the use of the God of Food in our Sword God Temple?" The deputy master of the Sword God Temple shook his head: "Sword God Temple, are you interested?"

"What, do you think all the chefs in our Sword God Temple are cooks?" The deputy master of the Sword God Temple snorted coldly: "Although they all use knives, we still can't stand a cook."

Xiao Lisi frowned and said, "Does being good at being a good person count as a specialty... Well, it seems that it does count."

"Young Master, how about we buy it and use it as a cook when we go back?" the power elder on the side said in a low voice.

"Forget it, sir, he said that if you eat without eating, drink water, and rest on your head with your arms bent, you will also enjoy it. Teach us not to just think about eating." Xiao Lisi shook his head, and then looked at the young master of the Food Temple: "Congratulations to the Temple of Food, you have a God of Food."

All the temples also looked at the Food Temple.

After all, Han Xiaoba is the god of food.

If Han Xiaoba had another priesthood, even an unrelated temple would grab it.

After all, even if the priesthood does not match the temple, as long as the combat power is strong, it can be used.

But the God of Food...this thing has no fighting power at all.

Why would you spend a large amount of divine crystals to buy such a divine slave and throw it into your own canteen to cook?

Being a good person is of no use!

However, facing Hannibal, Young Master Roy of the Food Temple was not interested at all.

"Young Master Roy, you can start quoting." Lin Fan couldn't hold back and proactively reminded him.

"Oh, Master North, I'm sorry," Master Roy, who was short and fat, with a big face and thick neck, smoothed his apron and said with an awkward smile, "I have no interest in this divine slave."

"Huh?" Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, "Isn't this divine slave good?"

"No, no, no, as we all know, the divine slaves sold by Young Master North are all excellent, extremely loyal, and powerful." Young Master Roy looked at Hannibal, "As the tenth-level God of Food, this man himself is The strength is already very high in the field of the God of Food, after all, the God of Food is not good at fighting."

"He did behave well."

"I also believe in Young Master North's vision. But..." Young Master Roy said slowly: "Young Master North may not know much about our God of Food."

"What we, the gods of food, look for is not the strength, but the pursuit of food and the attainments in cooking skills."

"Even if you are a god of food as strong as level 15, if you fail to cook a dish, you will still be ridiculed."

"After all, we rely on delicious food to conquer planes and conquer believers. Moreover, our Food Temple also relies on opening restaurant chains in the God Realm to make profits."

Lin Fan said awkwardly: "His cooking skills are actually pretty good."

"I believe this, but this is only for the lower realm." Young Master Roy looked at Hannibal with an arrogant look, "It may be hard to hear it, but it is the truth."

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34; The resources in the lower realm are scarce, their ingredients are too common, and they are limited to the output of that realm.

"Those beings in the lower realm have such narrow visions that they only see the ingredients in their own plane throughout their lives."

"They thought they had glimpsed the true meaning of food and cooked real food...but in fact, this was only based on the scarce ingredients in their plane."

"The output of the plane limits them. Just like humans know how to cook fish, but have never eaten sea beasts, humans know how to cook beef, but they will never taste the plumper meat of ice cattle in their lifetime."

Lin Fanxin said, how do you know we haven’t eaten it?

Thank the gods for their gifts.

Roy sighed: "You, a divine slave, may be very talented."

"But once he comes to the God Realm, the recipes he spent his whole life summarizing will be nothing."

"Actually, most of the famous chefs in the lower world are like this. In the past, there seemed to be a member of the Takamagahara god line, called Amaterasu. Among his followers, there was a craftsman who spent his life cultivating A5 Wagyu beef and cooking it all his life... It seems that he was Known as the God of Wagyu, he wants to compete with my gourmet temple for the crown of gourmet food.”

"He is indeed very professional. He always talks about his passion, craftsmanship, and his lifelong sounds very powerful."

"His skills are indeed very good, including refrigerating and de-acidifying, low-temperature slow-cooking, pressing with a needle plate, and controlling the heat... He was busy for three days and nights, and we all suspected that he was... It’s going to kill us.”

"The god of food we sent was too sleepy, so he simply grabbed an eighth-level sacred cow, cut off the meat and roasted it casually. It was a little burnt, but after tasting it, the god of wagyu was still He was hit head-on and killed."

Lin Fan: "..."

Roy smiled: "Those famous chefs in the lower world are like this. They think they have reached the highest level of cooking skills, but in fact, just because of the limitations of the plane, the ingredients they use are too simple."

"What they think is fancy is actually the same as scrambled eggs in our opinion."

"The seasonings they think are exquisite taste like no salt in our mouths."

"Ingredients that they think are rare are as ubiquitous as sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes to us."

"The divine world that controls many planes is too prosperous. Rare ingredients from each plane can be found everywhere here. We can even eat the beasts that they regard as gods."

"Only the God Realm has all the ingredients. Only the God Realm that transcends many planes can true chefs be born."

"And when those chefs from the lower world come to the God Realm, they will become elementary school students outside the door of gourmet food."

"The food they see, the cooking they see, is just a joke. They don't understand the true meaning of food."

Roy looked at Hannibal, shook his head and said: "So, unfortunately, I don't think you can join the Gourmet Temple. Maybe you can consider working as an apprentice in the restaurant opened by my Gourmet Temple for a few years to see the world of gods. What is the difference between the ingredients used and the ingredients in your ridiculous plane?"

Hannibal's deep eyes narrowed slightly: "So, you think I can't cook?"

"In the God Realm, this is indeed the case." Roy nodded without showing any mercy.

Hannibal smiled.

Lin Fan knew that he wanted to start dinner.

After all, every time Lin Fan saw Hannibal smiling, he would prepare dinner and treat Brenda the same way, treat himself the same way, and treat the gods of winter the same way.

This elegant smile is the fangs exposed by a wild beast.

People who don't know Hannibal will think that his smile is very warm and this guy is very approachable.

But Lin Fan, who knows Hannibal well, knows that when Hannibal smiles, life or death is uncertain, and when a ditty plays, the banquet begins on the spot.

"I have said so much, but I just want to emphasize the superiority of gods. I don't object, I even agree. In my opinion, some existences are indeed born to be superior to all living beings."

Hannibal stared at Roy with a smile, "I also believe that the hierarchy you mentioned is strict. This hierarchy has been determined since birth."

“God is so powerful and so noble that it makes people addicted.”

Hannibal's eyes were a little dazed, but then he said: "But I also feel that since it is a level, there is a way to climb up."

“And my way is cooking.”

"You said I don't understand the true meaning of food... No, maybe you are the one who doesn't understand."

Food, for Hannibal, is more than just food!

That's a whole set of strict logic!

That's the way up!

Through cooking, Hannibal personally identified each food chain that was unique to him, and he continuously improved his position... Now, as a chef, he finally stood in front of God.

This is the true meaning of food that belongs only to humans, which the gods who are born to stand at the highest level will never understand!

"God, you should try my cooking skills."

Hannibal smiled: "I will use ingredients you would never imagine, and use the most noble ingredients you have never tasted in your life to entertain you."

"Ingredients that I have never eaten before?" Roy laughed, as if he heard a joke: "Chef from the lower world, do you know what you are talking about, do you know who I am?"

"I am the young master of the Food Temple, Roy!"

"I used the heart of a dragon to cook delicious food, I used the ice crystals of the ages to brew wine, and I used the volcanoes that burned the stars to bake bread."

"In my kitchen, any piece of meat you grab will be a mythical beast that you can't even imagine. Any seasoning you grab will be your legendary seasoning."

"Do you have these in the lower world?"

"It's true that we humans don't have that." Hannibal chuckled, "But we humans also have things that your gods don't have."

Roy was a little curious at this time and frowned slightly: "You humans have ingredients that even gods don't have?"

"I'm not talking about the ingredients."

It’s about the dangers unique to humans and the determination to climb up!

"God, I invite you to accept my banquet." Hannibal said respectfully: "All your doubts will disappear at my banquet."

"God, do you accept my invitation?"

Lin Fan on the side also echoed: "Master Roy, why don't you try it first? After all, you don't know how good his cooking skills are yet."

Roy looked at Lin Fan and then at Hannibal, who was looking at him longingly.

Although he has no interest in it, he doesn't think that the human chef from the lower world can bring him any surprises.

He knows very well what a plane that can give birth to human races is like. The climate and temperature there can only grow some corn, rice, wheat, and seasonings usually include MSG, salt, ** sauce, etc. Ordinary ingredients.

But looking at Han Xiaoba's confident and enthusiastic look, and Lin Fan's equally sincere request.

"Forget it, for the sake of Young Master North, I reluctantly agree to your invitation." Roy said lightly: "I would like to see what delicious food you can make."

"Then please wait for me for a moment. I'll be cooking right away." Hannibal nodded with a smile.

Lin Fan turned around and looked at Death Ancient.

Although he didn’t expect that the auction would require on-site cooking, Su Gu immediately said: “Our branch has a kitchen.”

Lin Fan immediately said: "Please borrow it."

"It's okay." Sui Gu nodded, but then he said with a complex expression: "But it is relatively simple, and there are no precious ingredients and seasonings... After all, they are all used to prepare employee meals, and it is definitely not comparable to the kitchen of the legendary gourmet temple. "

I'm afraid it's hard to satisfy Young Master Roy with what he's made, and he's afraid it will be embarrassing...

"It's okay, I always bring my own ingredients." Hannibal said with a smile, "Seasonings... Really high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods. It doesn't matter if you don't have any seasonings or anything like that."

“This will highlight the flavor of the ingredients themselves.”

Roy sneered.

As the young master of the gourmet temple, he has never eaten anything. He really doesn't believe that this god's slave can come up with some "high-end ingredients" that he has never tasted before!

Thinking of this, Roy suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, don't forget, I don't eat beef."

Other temple representatives also nodded. It was actually the battle that year and the cow left a psychological shadow on them.

"Don't worry, I've remembered it." Hannibal smiled, "I don't know how to cook beef. How can I dedicate that kind of ordinary ingredients to the noble gods?"

"Only the same noble ingredients are worthy of such a noble you."

Roy nodded happily.

It seems that this guy also knows the nobility of gods.

"It's just..." Hannibal suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I still have a merciless invitation... After all, I am just a chef from the lower world who has never seen the world. This is my first time cooking in the God Realm. I'm afraid there is something wrong. I don’t quite understand...if it’s possible..."

"Haha, you know it well." Roy looked at the elder beside him, who was a ninth-level god of food. "Elder 262, please go and join him and explain our god to this chef from the lower world. world-class ingredients and kitchen utensils.”

"Oh, by the way," Roy added: "After all, words are not valid, and we have to show some strength, otherwise even if we say it is not delicious, we will be said to be deliberately making things difficult. In this way, you also You can make a dish at random and let everyone taste it when the time comes, so that this chef from the lower world knows the gap between him and our gourmet temple."

"I obey the wishes of the young master." Elder 262 nodded solemnly, then walked towards Hannibal, and said with a smile: "Boy, come with me to learn about cooking... Haha, you will regret it, I will use my best Level, my latest research and development of a superb dish, the ingredients I used are so precious that you can’t imagine, they are the dragon claws of the twelfth-level dragon.”

He said disdainfully to Hannibal: "After this meal, you will be completely impressed by my delicious food."

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