Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1454 The Battle of Beast Death

A year-long era of hunger begins from this moment.

This will be global hunger.

But facing the barren land and the fruit trees with withered leaves, the people of Daxia did not have the slightest fear.

"By the way, can we take a rest next?"

"Tsk, tsk, it seems I can't farm anymore. It seems I can only work, eat, sleep, and play games as usual..."

"To put it this way, I actually miss farming."

"Yes, I have been working at this job for a year, and even the herniated disc in my waist has been cured, and I no longer have insomnia... I suddenly stopped working, and I really miss it."

"By the way, what will we have for breakfast tomorrow..."

There is no sense of crisis at all.

After all, there is food in the house and there is no need to panic, so there is no chance of famine...

"Everyone, the Hunger Era has begun." Lin Fan took the microphone and said, "But all food in Daxia will be supplied as usual. Whether it is fruits or rice and noodles, it will continue to be supplied from the cold storage."

"Just here, I want to announce something."

Lin Fan paused briefly and then said: "For the next year, we will not be able to farm for the time being, but please keep exercising and control your diet."

"Ah?" Some people asked in confusion, "Why?"

"After a year of no harvest, the God of Agriculture came." Lin Fan explained: "This year's famine was the God of Agriculture's means of conquering us."

"We can indeed fight with the God of Agriculture, but we have a better way."

"We want to conquer the god of agriculture! We want to deceive the god of agriculture!"

"We want the God of Agriculture to think that we really can't afford to eat, and make the God of Agriculture think that we have really endured hunger for a year!"

"We will let Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, think that she has successfully conquered us. We can even praise this goddess of agriculture devoutly..."

Having said this, Lin Fan paused and touched his nose: "Although none of us can be pious... But as long as we put the mark of the God of Agriculture on it, we will be pious..."

"In short, as long as the gods of agriculture regard us as devout believers, they will begin to show mercy..."

Some people asked curiously: "Show kindness?"

"In other words, help us cultivate the land!" Lin Fan smiled: "They will make the barren land burst into life, they will make the withered crops grow strong again, they will help us produce food day and night, and spread the blessings! "

For a moment, the people all swallowed their saliva.

"Good guy, isn't this Demeter brand agricultural machinery?"

"Following the Cold Winter refrigerator, here comes the Farm Machinery?"

"This is totally a farm machine sent to us!"

"The commander-in-chief is too bad. He actually wants to trick people into using them as farm machinery for us..."

"Hehe, as long as they farm the land for us wholeheartedly, it doesn't matter if they are more pious! Praise the God of Agriculture! Praise Demeter!"

Lin Fan pressed down his hand and continued: "Not only are you helping us farm, you may also know that this time we have to face not only the God of Agriculture Temple, but also the Aoki Temple!"

"As long as the God of Agriculture thinks they have conquered us, when the Aoki Temple discovers this place...these Gods of Agriculture will fight to the death for us devout believers, and they will do their best to protect us weak humans!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

"That means... God, will he fight with God?"

"Is this definitely a divine invasion?"

"So, we only need to be responsible for breaking up the fight then? Wait, I understand, this is a competition between a crane and a clam, and the fisherman gets the advantage!"

"It's so bad, the commander-in-chief is so bad, he actually deceived a simple god like this... I suddenly felt some sympathy for this goddess of agriculture."

Some people raised their heads and looked up at the bright figure of divine light in the sky. However, instead of fear and panic in their eyes, they were extremely sympathetic.

Demeter, who started the invasion with high spirits and vowed to restore the glory of the God of Agriculture, didn't know yet that she was more anxious to become Daxia's agricultural machine than to start conquering...

"Despicable God Shura... I actually thought of becoming his enemy." Kaone sighed with emotion on her face.

She had rushed into this dimension with high spirits, but now she became Daxia's refrigerator.

"So, everyone," Lin Fan said, "In order to make this goddess of agriculture believe that she has conquered us, we must pretend to have endured hunger for a year."

"We have to lose weight!"

"Of course, being sallow and thin doesn't mean that we can put on makeup, but we can't make a fat man look sallow and thin!"

"Fortunately, after a year of clearing and planting, and the last month of harvesting, all the fat we ate during the winter has gone away, and we have lost a lot of weight."

"Now all you need to do is keep your mouth shut and open your legs. Since the next year is an era of famine, let's take advantage of the famine and work hard to lose weight!"

"This year will be my weight loss era in the summer."

"In this year of famine, everyone must not gain weight! During this year, the media will vigorously launch aerobics programs, and major sects will also expand enrollment. In addition, food programs will launch weight loss recipes every day."

"At the same time, Mr. Chen calls on everyone to eat less rice.

and pasta, control carbohydrate intake and avoid gaining weight. As long as you eat less carbohydrates, it will be difficult to gain weight! "

"In addition, Daxia will also start to produce healthy snacks. Everyone should read the ingredient list when buying snacks in the future and eat less carbohydrates!"

Everyone: "..."

In this god comes, in this era of hunger.

The people of Daxia want to lose weight quickly...

"Don't worry, we will definitely lose weight for Daxia!"

"I won't eat rice for three days!"

"I will definitely not let Daxia lose my grip!"

The people roared loudly.

Lin Fan nodded deeply: "Thank you all, I will also set an example and not eat rice or staple food for three days! Eat healthily!"

The era of weight loss in Daxia begins now!

It was as if Demeter was a health ambassador who came specifically to help Daxia lose weight.

That night.

"Boss, here are fifty skewers of grilled pork belly, fifty skewers of lean meat, twenty skewers of chicken hearts, twenty skewers of crispy bones, and five skewers of whole wings."

Lin Fan said while drooling in the bustling barbecue restaurant.

"Add fifty skewers of beef skewers and a bowl of beef noodles!" The Bull Demon King swallowed his saliva and quickly added, "Also, I don't eat chopped green onions!"

Xingye slapped the table: "That's enough!"

The Bull Demon King glanced at the suddenly furious Xingye, was stunned for a moment, and came back to his senses: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, you can't eat staple food... Boss, don't use chopped green onion or noodles for beef noodles!"

"That's not what I meant." Xingye said coldly: "I mean, don't we want to lose weight?"

"Oh, you need to eat to lose weight." Lin Fan waved his hand: "Besides, Mr. Chen said that you won't gain weight if you don't eat staple food."

"Look at this table of meat skewers. There is no staple food at all. It's all meat. How healthy it is."

"How can I gain weight after eating such a healthy diet?"

Xingye looked at the greasy barbecue on the table and felt that something was wrong. He frowned and said, "Really?"

Mr. Chen on the side was silent for a long time: "Actually, what I said is that it is difficult to gain weight."

"Almost the same." Lin Fan chuckled: "And we can't really go hungry. When the gods come back, our soldiers will fall down one by one when the wind blows. How can we still fight?"

"That's right!" The guests in the barbecue restaurant also expressed their support: "We have been working for a year and opened such a large agricultural area. We can finally take a rest. Can't we have some food?"

"Oh, don't talk about it. I have been working in the agricultural area this year. I have been hungry at night, and eating late night snacks has become a habit... Even if I stop working now, my stomach will feel uncomfortable if I don't eat something at night."

"Commander, don't worry, we will definitely not gain weight! You, the four of us ordered 300 skewers, all of them meat, no pasta at all! In response to the call, we stopped drinking beer and drank only water. Can water make you gain weight?”

"That's right, this diet is so healthy! How can I gain weight?"

"There's no ingredient list for this barbecue. What I have is zero calories! Can I still gain weight with zero calories?"

"Not only is it zero calories, we also need energy for digestion. We are simply losing weight! The more we eat, the thinner we get! If we have such a meal every night, we will lose weight to death?"

"Brothers, I will take you to the Winter Massage Shop for a massage later. You will sweat a lot and become thinner! We are massaging for the rise of Great Xia!"

"Hey, Lao Li, why did you order a grilled pancake?" Suddenly a man holding a handful of meat skewers looked at the man opposite who was eating grilled pancakes angrily, "How could you eat carbs so late at night! Are you worthy of Daxia, worthy of the commander-in-chief!"

"I'd rather change my habit of eating staple food! You can still be full if you eat meat! Come on, eat meat! The meat is light!" The man stuffed a large amount of meat skewers into the man's face.

The entire barbecue restaurant was buzzing with people.

The entire agricultural area is already filled with open-air barbecue restaurants.

On this day of famine, people eat barbecue on the land they have cultivated for a year.


There are more lights flashing in the distance, and the First Emperor is leading the dance.

"Your Majesty," Bai Qi said while waving his sickle to harvest the air, "Without the crops, the harvest dance always feels weird."

"It is indeed a bit weird." The First Emperor frowned as he danced: "And after dancing for a month, it is indeed a bit old-fashioned. When I return to the God Realm, I will think about it and see if I should change to another dance... How about a skewers dance?"

Great summer is a joyful time, eating meat crazily, as if to soothe the fatigue of this year.

Lin Fan actually didn't really expect that all the people and soldiers of Daxia would starve to death.

After all, if you are really hungry and skinny, how can you fight after the gods arrive?

If the people of Great Xia are really going to starve, then what will the previous efforts and sweat mean? Are agricultural areas being reclaimed in vain? One hundred and fourteen million people working in vain?

It was impossible for Lin Fan to let the people of Daxia go hungry when the warehouse was full of food. If the gods did not bring the famine, they could not make up for it by man-made famine.

Everything is still about health.

And Lin Fan also

I wonder if the people of Daxia can lose weight... The people of Daxia are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or even death, but they are afraid of going hungry.

In their blood, the people of Daxia have a fear of hunger and attach great importance to food.

Because of this, it is difficult for people in Daxia to lose weight successfully...

So Lin Fan just tried his best to appeal, but never forced it.

If it is really difficult to lose weight successfully... the worst possible scenario is to hire a group of actors.

In this era of hunger, are there too many people who are hungry and have sallow complexions?

Right now.


Lin Fan's cell phone suddenly rang.

Lin Fan picked up: "Hey, Brenda, what's wrong?"

"Master, are you busy now?" Brenda's voice was filled with anxiety.

Lin Fan paused: "I'm eating barbecue at the barbecue street. It's okay. Just tell me."


Brenda looked at the dry crops in front of her and the shriveled ears of wheat, and swallowed.

Famine has arrived, and mankind has entered an era of hunger with no harvest.

Daxia is having barbecue here...

Is this ridiculous?

Brenda looked into the distance. In the distance, countless women and men covered in dust and holding sickles stood silently.

Their hands have developed calluses due to overwork, but their bodies appear thin.

Because the minerals were buried in mud and have not been able to be excavated again, they lacked large equipment. Therefore, this year, they used their bodies to reclaim the European agricultural area and used sickles and hoes to plant and harvest.

Even because there is no spare time to produce pesticides, these European people have to catch bugs with their hands in order to ensure food production.

Although they did not speak at this time, their eyes were full of despair as they looked at the withered crops in front of them.

Looking at the withered wheat ears that had not had time to be harvested, they seemed to see themselves about to starve to death in the future.

"Mom, I'm hungry..." a little girl whispered.

"Child, be patient, today's bread is gone... We have to save food... Famine is coming soon..." The woman sighed.

A man on the side whispered: "Fortunately, I collected all the bugs I caught every day and dried them... If I really ran out of food, maybe I could still get one. At least they are high in protein. It is said that How many times the amount of beef..."

"Leader," the staff on the side whispered: "Hurry up and ask Daxia if we can still get assistance this time, or we can go work!"

"Master, the Age of Hunger is coming." Brenda sighed and finally raised the topic: "Do you have any countermeasures?"

"Yes." Lin Fan scratched his head: "Encourage the public to take this opportunity to lose weight, start the era of weight loss, and call for a lighter diet, eat less carbohydrates and eat more meat. No, I will come to have barbecue in the evening."

"I heard that you won't gain weight this way, but you don't know. In the cold winter, many people in Great Xia eat and drink to a high level. After working in this agricultural area for a year, they finally lost weight."

"We can't gain weight again in the Age of Hungry. By the way, you should also eat less carbohydrates. I'm afraid you will gain weight over there too."

Brenda: "..."

Do you hear this?

The Age of Famine was started by the gods in order to starve mankind to death!

Are you afraid of gaining weight?

You still want to take the opportunity to lose weight and call for eating less carbohydrates?

Demeter is here to help you lose weight!

"Master, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat the carbohydrates we want." Brenda sighed: "We also reclaimed the agricultural area this year, although the area is not large... We also completed the harvest yesterday, but due to the lack of large equipment , we have only harvested two-thirds of the agricultural area.”

"The unharvested fruits and ears of wheat withered along with the crops."

"According to statistics, our current food supply can only last for eight months even if it is based on the minimum wartime supply..."

"That's great!" Lin Fan said in surprise, "I was worried that you would be full..."

"What?" Brenda was stunned for a moment.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Fan consoled him, "It's good to be hungry. It's a good thing to be hungry! I can't even get hungry here! Don't worry, I will give you something in advance when you can't hold it anymore." Part of the performance fee..."

Brenda: “???”

Performance fee?

What performance fee?

"Okay, that's it, hang up." Lin Fan felt relieved.

Brenda was stunned for a long time holding the phone.

Although she didn't understand what "performance fee" meant, she made this call just to hope that Daxia would allow a group of European people to work in Daxia in exchange for remuneration, as they had done before.

But it's okay now, Master seems to understand what he means.

But why do you say it is a performance fee? Shouldn't it be labor fee?

the next day.

It was time for the gods of Daxia to return to the God Realm, and it was time for Lin Fan to go back and see the latest situation in the God Realm.

Inside the highest command room.

Lin Fan looked at the many Daxia gods in front of him and Brenda who was coming, and said, "Everyone, it's time to go back to work, so be careful."

"rest assured."

"It's time to replenish my skeleton army." Baigu looked at the underworld skeleton army outside the city wall that had suffered a lot of damage due to farm work during this period, and smiled.

The number of these skeleton legions was reduced by hundreds of thousands, and the remaining ones had become yellowed and dry due to long-term labor, as if they had been drained dry.

Fortunately, there are still many skeletons in the underworld.

Hades was unwilling to waste the skeleton army, and the bones stood up and kicked!

"It's time for me, the old cow, to go back! Hehe! I've been holding back this time..." The Bull Demon King's complexion is much better than before he came. Obviously, the mythical beasts in the forest of mythical beasts are much more powerful than the cows in the farm. .

The iron fan on the side rolled his eyes, and the Bull Demon King suddenly trembled and changed the subject: "By the way, the sacred beasts have almost tried it, and they are all very satisfied. Some races are already interested in buying me."

"Go to the Star Chamber of Commerce later and ask the ancient elders to organize an auction of divine beasts and sell me."

Lin Fan nodded.

This will be his first contact with a divine beast in this life, but it is not his first time.

"Mythical beasts..." Lin Fan smiled: "Speaking of which, if you carefully calculate, it's almost time for the God Realm's siege on the Forest of Divine Beasts to begin."

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, the enemies of the gods are our friends."

"In the last life, the situation in Daxia was critical, and there was no spare energy to participate in this encirclement and suppression of the divine beasts."

"The Divine Beast Clan was also seriously injured due to this siege... By the time I discovered the existence of the Divine Beast Clan and contacted the Divine Beast Clan on behalf of Daxia, the Divine Beast Clan had almost been destroyed except for a few surviving tribes and a few old guys. ”

"This encirclement and suppression of the divine beasts is known as the Battle of the Beasts' Fall in the history of the divine world."

In the last life, this battle of Beastfall was particularly weird.

It stands to reason that although the mythical beasts were driven into the forest of mythical beasts by the gods, since they can rely on the forest of mythical beasts to support themselves in the divine world where the gods are in control, the forest of mythical beasts even becomes a nightmare that the gods dare not easily set foot on.

That shows that the strength of the divine beast cannot be underestimated.

After all, they were also the powerful race that fought with the gods to rob the divine world. Even at its peak, it once ran rampant in the divine realm, killing the gods and hiding in the divine city.

Nowadays, even if the strength of the mythical beast clan is weakened, even the many temples headed by the current God King Zeus still dare not challenge the mythical beast.

It's not that Zeus and the gods can't truly eliminate the mythical beasts, but at least it will make many temples pay a price they are not willing to bear.

Theoretically speaking, this battle will be a difficult battle for both the mythical beast and the god, with each side suffering losses.

But in the last life, the battle of Beast Death suddenly broke out and ended suddenly.

It has almost no effect on the gods.

The many temples led by God King Zeus did not even suffer any losses. Daxia, which was being invaded by the gods, did not feel any decrease in pressure. The temples that descended were still stronger than the last.

On the contrary, the mythical beast clan was completely lonely, with only the giant dragon clan and the few remaining races surviving.

This is very strange.

"Fortunately, the situation in this life is different. Daxia is powerful and has penetrated into the divine world. It is time to come into contact with the divine beasts."

"I can personally participate and understand what is going on in this Battle of the Beasts... Why did the gods kill the beasts almost to extinction without paying any heavy price."

"If possible, maybe I can prevent the Battle of the Beast from happening. After all, Daxia currently needs teammates."

"And the mythical beast...maybe a good teammate."

Thinking of this, Lin Fan said: "Everyone, if after you go back, your temple wants to select people to encircle and suppress the forest of mythical beasts, please take the initiative to sign up."

"I will gather with you in the Forest of Divine Beasts."

"Yeah." Xingye nodded.

Sun Wukong grinned: "Hey, mythical beast... I wonder how it can compare with the immortal mounts in Heaven, how many blows can it take with my grandson!"

Lin Fan finally looked at Lao Zhu, but before he spoke, Lao Zhu chuckled: "Don't worry, I know what to do, continue to defraud the gods of food!"

"Well, there is still some food in the God Realm, and there is no temple that believes that the God of Agriculture Temple and the Aoki Temple will fight, so the gods are indifferent until now." Lin Fan nodded: "But after a while, the gods will suddenly discover, The Temple of Saturn is gone, and the endless fields waiting for harvest are gone! "

"The God Realm will enter the Age of Hunger."

"The gods will not starve to death. But before the food urgently cultivated by other temples is produced, their believers will starve! And once the believers fall into hunger, their faith in the gods will be shaken!"

"And once the faith is shaken too much, the god's strength will decline, and it may even go out of control because it loses its anchor point!"

"By then, food will be the most precious resource in the God Realm!"

"As long as we control the food, Daxia can control the divine world!"

"I, Daxia, can even make some temples surrender with the help of food!"

All the gods of Great Xia looked stunned. They suddenly discovered that this cunning God Shura was playing a big game of chess.

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