Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1464 The young masters gather!

As soon as these words came out, many representatives of the clan leaders pricked up their ears curiously.

Although they also do business with the Star Chamber of Commerce, the Star Chamber of Commerce only talks about business and not any news.

"Next, a group of gods will invade here." Lin Fan said.

The representative of the Fox clan snorted coldly: "Every day, some gods who are not afraid of death come here. Isn't this normal? We have elves who listen to the forest, and they will take care of it."

"It's just a matter of eating a few more hearts." The wolf clan leader grinned.

Lin Fan continued: "This time, many masters are preparing to enter together."

"Young Master? What do you mean?" Crewe frowned.

The Odin pantheon is fundamentally different from the Zeus pantheon.

Zeus adopted a management method similar to the "feudal system" to rule the divine world. The strong commanded the temples. Many temples performed their own duties, shared power, and controlled one alone.

The Odin pantheon is highly centralized, and there are no temple divisions among the many gods. The powerful ones all live in the fairy palace and are sent by Odin.

This is not to say who is good or bad. The management method of Odin's pantheon seems old, but it can completely control the divine world, but the gods lack enthusiasm because of this.

The "enfeoffment system" adopted by Zeus can mobilize the enthusiasm of the gods to the greatest extent. At the beginning, the gods followed Zeus at all costs and fought with the Odin pantheon in order to equally share the power and share the divine world.

But Zeus's temple system also has its own shortcomings. Once the God Realm settles down, Zeus's control over many temples is not as good as Odin's back then. This is why he is now eager to start conquest again and completely destroy those temples.

Since there is no temple in the Odin pantheon, there is no "young master".

Lin Fan explained: "Young Master, I am talking about the children trained by extremely powerful gods, the new generation of gods who are ready to inherit authority. And now, they are about to arrive."


As soon as these words came out, all the tribes were stunned for a moment, and even Crewe's expression suddenly changed.

"What do you mean? Are the young men under Odin's command coming?"

"Although the tacit agreement of not entering the forest has not been broken...but...are these guys testing!"

"Damn it, what should I do...Is it possible that there will be another war?"

“Are these guys here to inquire about the situation?

For a moment, these clan leaders all had ugly faces. Their eyes were filled with anger, but even more fear!

Unlike the six tribes of mythical beasts, they were weak and knew the horror of war. Although the war was led by powerful races such as dragons and phoenixes, it was these ordinary races that suffered the most casualties.

"But it's okay, I will help you." Lin Fan smiled, "I will enter with them, I will expose them, and let you catch them."

For a moment, many of the mythical beast clan leaders were stunned for a moment, their faces full of disbelief.

Crewe glanced at Lin Fan and frowned slightly: "Looking at your clothes and your breath, you should be the child of Nyod, the Lord of the Sea. And you should be the third newborn child. After all, your brother Frey , We have all met your sister Freya."

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses.

The god in charge of the ocean in the Odin pantheon is Njord.

Njord has two children, Frey and Freya.

"You have also inherited Njord's authority as the Poseidon. In other words, you are also the so-called Young Master."

"So, as one of those young masters, why do you want to help us?" Crewe said coldly.

Lin Fan smiled: "Don't get me wrong, I am loyal to Grandpa Odin, and I am equally loyal to my father, Poseidon Njord. But... there is also a need for competition among the gods."

"I hope I can please grandpa, and I don't want other young masters to please grandpa."

"I understand." Crewe sneered: "So you are a traitor to the God Realm."

Lin Fan's face instantly turned gloomy: "Don't slander me, I just..."

"No need to explain, I am not interested in the internal struggles of your gods. We would even like to thank you for your internal struggles. If you gods don't like to kill each other, and many factions can even fight within their own factions, then my beast The clan has long since been destroyed." Kru waved his hands indifferently, "For this reason alone, my clan of divine beasts will help you deal with those young masters."

"Besides, this is not where they should come!"

"They dare to peek into our forest. I'm afraid the next step will be to start a war again! We must show them how powerful they are!"

"Well, take this with you." Crewe threw Lin Fan a finger-long branch with dense leaves growing on it.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

"As long as they come and input their divine power into a leaf, we will know the coordinates." Crewe smiled: "Then leave it to us."

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded. He could vaguely feel that this branch was unusual, and there was an aura on it that made him feel very familiar.

Crewe turned to look at the clan leaders: "In the name of the elves, I call on all clans to strengthen their defenses during this time!"

"Once the elves receive feedback from the Earth Ancestor Spirit, the elves will inform the ethnic group in charge of the area, and ask the corresponding ethnic group to take action at that time."

Many clan leaders stood up one after another.

"Accept the elf's promise!"

"This is our forest!"

"I really can't wait to taste the hearts of those gods. Wow~"

"Wolf clan, don't be so murderous. Remember to give me the fox clan some fun before killing."

Defending the forest of mythical beasts is the common mission of these mythical beasts!

"Thank you for informing us of this news. You are a friend of the forest. In return, we will ensure your safety in the Forest of Divine Beasts." Kru made a strange elf salute to Lin Fan and tapped his forehead: "So, let's agree on a secret code. As long as you shout out the secret code, the tribes can be sure that you are one of them."

Lin Fan smiled: "Okay. The secret code is, you run fast, I'll cover you!"


Kru nodded, and then said to the tribe leaders: "Each tribe should also inform their tribe members when they go back. As long as they meet someone who shouts out the secret code, don't hurt them."

"Thank you." Lin Fan nodded. This is really an unexpected gain.

Originally, he just added some difficulty to the young masters, but he never expected that he would be favored by the elves and the tribes.

"But please pretend to be my enemy," Lin Fan said with a smile, "I don't want Grandpa Odin to know about this."

"Don't worry." Kru nodded, "I swear in the name of the Elf King."

The meeting ended, and many clan leaders left in a hurry with gloomy faces. Lin Fan was also escorted out of the Forest of Divine Beasts by the elf guards sent by Kru.

Outside the Forest of Divine Beasts, Lin Fan looked back at the dense forest.

"What a pleasant surprise." Lin Fan smiled, "I actually got the protection of the Divine Beasts... Now I'm an undercover agent of the Divine Beasts again..."

Lin Fan looked at the time and immediately rushed away!

One hour later.

Southeast Divine City.

This is the most southeastern Divine City in the Divine Realm. Further southeast is the Divine Beast Forest that the gods dare not enter.

The Divine Beast Forest in the distance can be seen from afar, like a giant beast entrenched in the sky, staring at the world of the gods.

This Divine City is like the southern gate of the Divine Realm, facing the Divine Beast Forest from a distance.

This place is not usually prosperous because it is too dangerous. Although the Forest of Divine Beasts can produce fur and divine fruits, the Star Chamber of Commerce directly goes deep into the illegal areas to purchase them. The criminals dare not set foot here, so they did not reap the dividends of the transaction.

But on this day, the city gate was crowded with people!

A group of gods stood curiously at the city gate, watching the dazzling figures that were rarely seen on weekdays.

The glory was dazzling, and the divine power was surging!

One by one, the noble figures stood there, each of them was a well-known god in the God Realm.

"Oh my god, that's Master Jesse from the Knight Temple."

"Standing next to him is the most popular Knight Master Lü Xiaobu!"

"Master Beijian... look at the monkey with chains next to him, it's so well-behaved. He is worthy of being the child of the Lord of Beast Taming."

"They are all Masters and their followers, what are they doing here... are they going to explore the God's Treasure again?"

"No way, it's too dangerous to go to the Forest of Divine Beasts in a group, these are all Masters."

"Why didn't Master Nos come? He sold a bunch of top-quality God slaves to many temples, and he is very popular. He made great contributions in the last God's Treasure and saved many Masters. How could he not come?"

"Are you kidding me? Why would Nos come... don't you know that Zeus gave his mother to..."

Under the gaze of the gods, the Masters waited at ease.

There were three or four elders standing beside them, and there was at least one high-level god among them!

Obviously, this expedition to the Forest of Divine Beasts was too dangerous, and even many main gods were worried.

As the gods of Daxia who accompanied the young masters to participate in the last divine treasure, they also followed the young masters to participate again.

After all, they proved their loyalty last time. In order to cover the young masters' escape from Susanoo, they risked their lives to stay behind!

How could such a divine slave not be brought?

"Why hasn't the God King come yet?" Young Master Jesse complained in a low voice, then looked at his elder brother beside him and whispered: "Brother, this time I still have to rely on you."

Lv Bu shook Jesse's hand: "Don't worry, I, Lv Xiaobu, value friendship the most, you are my younger brother. How could I let you get into danger!"

Feeling the breath of the twelfth-level high-level god and looking at his elder brother's kind smile, Young Master Jesse felt relieved.

Big brother, always makes people feel at ease.

Even another elder smiled and said, "With Brother Xiaobu here, we will be safe."

"Of course, we are good brothers for life! We have sworn brotherhood in front of the statue of Guan Gong." Lu Xiaobu shook his hand cordially, "Just leave your back to me."

The elder couldn't help but sigh, this Lu Xiaobu not only improved rapidly in strength, but also was loyal and righteous, and would stick his neck out for his brothers.

"Brother Xiaobu's loyalty is no less than that of Guan Yu back then!" the elder sighed.

It was obviously a compliment, but Lu Xiaobu's face inexplicably became a little ugly.

After a while, Lu Xiaobu suddenly whispered: "By the way, if the young master suddenly died here, I mean, if, will the Lord God blame us?"

"Well, that's natural!" The elder's face changed: "Young Master, although you have made meritorious service last time and are also considered as flesh and blood by the Lord God... But to put it bluntly, you have only made that merit! You have just gotten rid of your status as a slave of God!"

"If something happens to the young master, the Lord God will not only dismiss you, but also execute you!"

Lu Xiaobu nodded, thinking for a while: "It seems that I still have to protect him once... This father still doesn't trust me enough... It seems that I have to do it later..."

The elder suddenly felt something was wrong and said: "Young Master, why are you asking this!"

"What are you doing? Of course I want you to realize the importance of this mission!" Lu Xiaobu patted the elder on the shoulder: "So, no matter what, we must protect my second brother, do you understand!"

"Young Master reminded me! My subordinates know!" The elder nodded deeply and suddenly asked curiously: "Elder Xiao Bu, by the way...where is your horse? Why didn't you bring it with you this time?"

After all, it is a temple of knights, with one man and one horse.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

Lu Xiaobu: "."

The young masters kept greeting each other and discussing the next countermeasures with their elders.

And right now.

A cold snort came.

"You chickens and tile dogs, please come and be fine!"

All the masters looked up and saw four people walking proudly.

One of them was red-faced and burly, holding a book, driving a black horse, and holding a broadsword. He was calm and powerful, and a force of anger rushed towards his face.

The other three people's faces were also flushed, as if they were painted with oil paint, and they seemed a little embarrassed to show off.

All with eyes closed.

"Such a strong sword intention." The young master of You Temple frowned slightly: "The strength of the Temple of Swords has indeed increased greatly."

"Although I can understand it, it still feels did the Sword God Temple become like this?" Jesse sighed helplessly, "You think so, Little Liss."

"Yes, why did it become like this." Xiao Lisi, the young master of the Temple of Strength, rubbed his scarred head, sighed helplessly, then lowered his head and said: "Sir, once said, mighty power cannot It’s obscene. If someone shows off in front of me, I’ll beat him so that he can’t have any more children... But forget it, I know him after all, and God is kind to me, so that’s good.”

Jesse: "..."

Do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?

No wonder the Temple of Poetry recently said that you gods of power are trying to steal your jobs!

Suddenly someone whispered: "I hold the sun and moon in my hands and pick the stars. There is no one like me in the world!"

All the masters looked up and saw four more figures approaching.

It’s really just a figure.

Because they had their backs to everyone, they couldn't see their faces at all.

A forceful energy mixed with sword intent rose into the sky.

"The Sword God Temple is getting stronger and stronger!" A young master whispered.

But before he finished speaking, someone tripped on a stone on the ground and fell. He quickly pretended that nothing happened and stood up again.

"Yeah, it's time to send him to the Temple of Thought to have his brain checked. How long have he had these symptoms in the Temple of the Sword God?" Jesse sighed helplessly.

"What do you know? This is the true meaning of the sword." The young master of the Sword God Temple snorted coldly, and then slowly turned his back, and the four of them pointed their backs at the Sword God Temple.

"It's so strong." Sword God Zhang Feng whispered.

"A fellow-minded person." The second master turned a page.

The wind seemed to be still in the two groups of people, time seemed to have frozen, and invisible forces were clashing.

Sword God Zhang Feng had a slight cold sweat on his forehead. The Second Master's pressure was so shocking that he couldn't bear it and wanted to turn around and face him!

"Can't turn around, can't turn around!"

"Once I turn around and my force energy is completely broken, I will lose this force energy duel! From now on, it will be difficult to progress in the force path!"

As the saying goes, if the king fails to see the king, the same is true if he forces the king.

In Bi Dao, there can only be one Bi King.

Young Master Jesse looked at the Sword God who was walking with his eyes closed, then at the Sword God with his back facing people, and then at the scars on the head next to him. He said "Mr. once said" one by one. Some were wearing yellow linen robes, carrying Gods of strength holding sticks, and some holding heavy books, pens, inks, paper and inkstones.

Something feels wrong.

It seems that some strange and terrifying changes are taking place in the God Realm, as if some terrible force is quietly invading the God Realm and distorting the God Realm...

Fortunately, with big brother here, there is nothing to fear.

Jesse silently glanced at Lu Xiaobu, the elder brother always made people feel reassuring.

And right now.

"Everyone is here, but our Aoki Temple is far away." A voice came from the Southeast Divine City, and a beautiful figure slowly walked out.

Young Master Aoki!

A young girl, wearing a green and exquisite divine costume, nodded slightly to the many masters.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little busy during this time." Young Master Aoki glanced at all the young masters and said with a smile: "Have you seen the Gods of Agriculture recently? They have all gone to cultivate new farmland recently. I, Aoki, The temple is looking for them for something, but they can’t be found.”


"Never seen it before."

"The God King also asked us to help find the Temple of the God of Agriculture, but we have never seen it." Many masters shook their heads with strange expressions, and their eyes were slightly suspicious.

Xiao Lisi also looked at the two elders beside him, one big and one small, and clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, two gentlemen, the Aoki Temple is searching for the God of Agriculture Temple... Could it be that the Aoki Temple and the God of Agriculture Temple that students heard about before are fighting? Are the rumors true? If so, should I inform my father and stock up on some food? Or let him lead people to search for the God of Agriculture and capture some Gods of Agriculture to farm..."

Xiao Lisi's first reaction was to capture some agricultural gods and take them back... This is why the Aoki Temple did not want to make any announcement.

"Probably not," Mo Zhi smiled, "these two temples love each other, how could they fight."

"And these two temples are the foundation of the God Realm, and the God King will never allow them to go wrong. Didn't I hear that they shared the same plane some time ago?"

"Sir, what you said makes sense. I was overthinking it." Xiao Lisi dispelled his doubts.

At this time, many masters also discussed with their elders, but with a few words from the gods of Daxia, they all dispelled their suspicions.

After all, the entire God Realm knows that the Aoki Temple and the God of Agriculture Temple love each other and are as close as one family.

What's more, for the sake of the stability of the divine world, how could God King Zeus allow them to fight!

Young Master Aoki shook his head when he saw the masters, and said with a smile: "That's good. If you see it, please tell me Aoki..."

The words stopped abruptly.

In other words, at this moment, all sounds stopped suddenly.

The terrifying roar shook the world, the dazzling white blocked all light, and the terrifying thunder illuminated everything!


Amid the roar of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, thunderclouds surged, and terrifying thunder fell from the sky!

Six figures slowly emerged.

The leader was surrounded by thunder and lightning, exuding a terrifying aura that made it impossible to look directly at him. The violent pressure made the gods almost unable to breathe, as if they were about to kneel down.


He held an eternal spear in one hand and stood in the thunder and lightning.

Behind him, stood a young man. His eyebrows were somewhat similar to those of Zeus and the former Zeuni, but there was an arrogant smile on his lips, and he was full of arrogance.

Today's true number one young master in the God Realm, the Young Master of the Thunder Temple, the second biological child of Zeus, the God destined to inherit the power of Zeus, and the future new king of the God Realm, Zhou Nan!

Next to him stood an inconspicuous girl. Although thunder and lightning was also faintly emitted from her body, in comparison, the thunder and lightning was so weak and dull that even she seemed extremely small.

The young masters didn't even bother to look at him. He was just a hybrid god, a personal attendant who took care of the young master's food and daily life.

On the other side of Zhou Nan, there is a twelfth-level high-level thunder god, with powerful thunder and lightning surging all over his body. This is the main force who follows Zhou Nan to explore the divine treasure this time.

After that, there were two old acquaintances, both of whom were slaves of the gods sold by North.

One is the bald little emperor.

The other one was witnessed by a group of young masters before. Young Master North wanted to sell it without telling Zeus, but was snatched away by Zeus. He even gave Young Master North a good lesson for this.

"Greetings to the God King!" All the young masters knelt down respectfully to pay their respects.

", that's all, you are all the future pillars of my God Realm, you don't have to be like this." Zeus laughed and waved his hands grandly, "Everyone knows, I shared a divine treasure."

"Thank you God King!"

"Don't thank me in a hurry." Zeus smiled: "That divine treasure is in the Forest of Divine Beasts."

"You will enter the Forest of Divine Beasts next."

"You should know how powerful the mythical beasts are, and the forest of mythical beasts is where the mythical beasts live."

"They have an incomparable hatred for my god. Here, you must be careful to search for the gods, and don't be discovered by the beasts. Once discovered..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the young masters were a little nervous.

These new generation gods have also heard a little bit about the terrible war led by Odin and the Dragon King.

Naturally, he knows how powerful the mythical beast is.

That is a clan of mythical beasts that even Odin cannot completely defeat!

"But you don't have to worry." Zeus smiled: "The mythical beasts don't know that you are about to enter, and they are unprepared. The Aoki Temple also has a way to block the perception of the forest, hiding it from the elves who listen to the forest. Moreover, even if it is true, I happened to encounter a few divine beasts, and with the strength of you and the accompanying elders, you can kill them easily."

"Otherwise, how could I be willing to let you young masters take risks? Each and every one of you is extremely important!"

As soon as these words came out, the young masters breathed a sigh of relief.

The beast is defenseless!

The advantage is mine!

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