Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1499 Let me endorse it for you

But the moment Lin Fan took a step forward.


These corpses suddenly turned into ashes.

"Huh?" Xingye's eyes widened.

"This is..." Lin Fan thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "By the way, this is a time and space that does not exist, and our corpses should not have appeared... but the real us appear here, false will naturally disappear."

The world is like a bug.

As an erased time and space, it should not exist. .đź…†.

But it happened to exist.

So it exists outside of time in a weird way that exists and doesn't exist at the same time.

But if the "reality" appears, the falsehood will naturally disappear.

After all, there would never be two Lin Fans at one time. A "real" Lin Fan appears, and the "fake" Lin Fan must disappear, otherwise a paradox will occur.

"Let's go, what I want to show you is not here." The master waved his hand and continued walking forward.

The front area is tightly defended.

As Lin Fan walked along, he saw groups of soldiers who were armed and ready to go. He saw battle positions set up every 100 meters. Each soldier was prostrate in them, maintaining a fighting posture, as if they were always on guard against the gods that were about to rush in.

But they all turned into bones, but still maintained a vigilant posture.

Further back is the living area.

The dormitories were lined up quietly, the air was filled with the smell of decay, and the floor was covered with thick dust.

In every dormitory room and on every bed, there was a skeleton lying there.

Further back is the planting area, but the plants grown without water have long since rotted and all the nutrient solutions have dried up.

It seems like no one has been here for a hundred years.

"After that battle, the land outside turned into a sea of ​​blood, and we could only struggle to support ourselves here."

"In the first year, this place ran according to plan. I fought with the gods and gods of Great Xia who held on."

"The gods don't want to pay a huge price, they want to drag us to death."

"But even so, the gods of Daxia still suffered heavy casualties, and eventually only my Confucian disciples were left. But we are still holding on."

"The next year, we had power problems, but it was still running. We're still hanging on."

"In the eighth year, the ventilation, water supply, and power supply here completely collapsed. This refuge began to go extinct. The gods succeeded in dragging us to death...Only my Confucian disciples are still holding on."

The Master spoke softly, but everyone knew how much perseverance it took to persevere.

Even if this refuge is extinct, the Confucian disciples are still fulfilling their mission!

hold fast!

This is a heavy word.

"Old Chen said that here is the last hope for mankind." Master sighed.

"Before he died, he said that he must stick to this place and protect it. This was his final order... He said that if there are other shelters that can persist and come here, let me bring them into the laboratory."

"But I know that no one will come. This world is broken. I don't know when even the gods will disappear."

"But I didn't expect that you are here." The master stopped, looked at the door in front of him, and said slowly: "Go in, Mr. Chen has been waiting for you for a long time. He has something to say to you."

Lin Fan was a little surprised that Mr. Chen was still alive.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan walked to the laboratory door and slowly opened the door.

What came into view was a pure white laboratory, and with his back to Lin Fan was a figure wearing a yellowish white coat.

"Mr. Chen," Lin Fanqiang smiled and walked away, patting Mr. Chen on the shoulder: "You didn't expect that you would see me again..."

But the next moment.


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Mr. Chen was scattered all over the place.

Pieces of withered bones rolled to the ground, stirring up dust on the ground. The white coat also turned into pieces and scattered on the ground in pieces.

Lin Fan looked at Mr. Chen in front of him, was silent for two seconds, and sighed: "It seems that you have been waiting for a long time... I was late."

"You said you had something to say to me, but unfortunately there seems to be no chance. If only you could know what Daxia is like now."

Lin Fan bowed slowly, took two steps back, and was about to leave, but the next moment, Lin Fan stopped.

There was a yellowed notebook on the table, which was placed in front of Mr. Chen.

"This is……"

Lin Fan blew away the dust and carefully turned over the paper, which was brittle due to age. He saw that it was filled with various incomprehensible chemical formulas.

Finally, Lin Fan turned to the last page.

This is no longer a chemical formula.

But a brief message.

"I'm sorry, we tried our best."

"We try to keep hope, we try to struggle, but... God is so powerful."

"We humiliated the remnants underground, trying to survive this terrible doomsday, but it turned out that our imagination was too good. In the first year, self-sufficiency was indeed achieved here. At that time, we naively thought that we could live like this forever. Go down."

"I also thought that we could persevere until the day our hopes come true."

"I have seen the light of hope!"


"It's too late, it's still too late!"

"If you can give me another two years and enough materials and energy, I will definitely be able to mass-produce it!"

"I've perfected the theory, I've even created the first sample! I've grasped hope! There's hope for humanity!"

"But... we can't hold on anymore. The first shelter will completely lose power in an hour, and only the power that was used to open the door for the last time will be retained."

"Within three minutes after the power outage, everyone will fall into a coma due to the increase in carbon dioxide concentration, and their brains will die within five minutes. Although if the power used to open the door for the last time is used, everyone can live for half an hour longer, but this half Hours are meaningless...this last power should be left to the last hope to open the door."

"If anyone can see this note, it means that the world can still be saved."

"Congratulations, there is still hope for you."

"Whether you are from the Second Vault or the Third Vault, take this note back with you."

"If you still have the ability to produce chemicals, and if your sanctuary possesses the godhead of the gods we once killed, congratulations, you have obtained the code for humans to defeat the gods."

"This is my last invention, I call it the Step to God!"

"As long as you reach the level of demigod, you will have at least a 50% chance of becoming a god by injecting this potion. This potion uses the godhead as the main material. A godhead can produce five needles to reach the level of a god, although it will be a bit dangerous... But as long as the physical strength is high enough and the genetic lock has been shaken enough, there will be some pain at most."

"I have probably calculated that as long as the gene lock is shaken nine times, no, eight times! The probability of becoming a god will reach 100%!"

"This is not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that once a god who already has godhood takes root, his godhood will skyrocket and he will gain extremely strong combat power within an hour. A medium god will have the strength of a high god! High gods can even understand a ray of rules!"

"But the second usage for those who have become gods is not recommended. Remember, this will cost your life and can only be used once."

"I hope you come from the second shelter, where Mr. Zhang is responsible for

The research direction of responsibility can cooperate with my Ascension to God level, and it may be able to slightly restrain the side effects of the second usage. "

"The Star Destroyer Cannon project that Mr. Jin and Senior Lu Ban of the Third Refuge are responsible for, although it is powerful, cannot cooperate with my medicine, and it requires too much energy and materials. I have long objected to it. It is not suitable for today's materials. We are destitute and living on our last breath. That lunatic Mr. Jin, whose brain is blocked by gunpowder, is still thinking about bombarding the gods... I don’t know if he is dead, but it’s a pity that I don’t have a chance to scold him in person.”

"The sample is in the incubator in the first drawer on my left. It is an incubator made from the skull of a god of winter that I once killed. It can still function even if the power is cut off..."

"Now, take this notebook and samples and go with your last hope...Kill God!"

Lin Fan's breathing quickened and he whispered: "Mr. Chen, you are worthy of being the one...even if you are dead, you can give me such a big surprise..."

Lin Fan's hand holding the notebook was trembling.

The divine potion!

A terrifying potion created using the godhead as a medicine guide!

A potion that can 100% transform a demigod into a god!

It can even increase the strength of those who become gods!

Of course, the second usage requires the cost of life, but not to mention the second usage, the first usage alone is terrifying enough!

How difficult is it to become a god?

That is an improvement in the level of life that breaks through the limits of human beings and achieves the power of gods.

Now Lin Fan has started the God-Building Project three times. The soldiers have dived from 500 meters, skied at 89 degrees, and harvested while blindfolded.

Just like this, there are only 16,372 gods among millions of demigods.

With this potion, at least half of the millions of demigods would become gods!

And the rest can become gods 100% as long as they go through eight god-making plans!

This is the stable path to becoming a god!

It can even make everyone in Daxia become gods.

This "step to godhood" is really the step to godhood for humans.

Mr. Chen used his last time to create a ladder for mankind to lead to the gods and defeat them!

This is a potion that can change the entire situation of the war. This is a potion that can be called humanity's hope.

However, for the former Daxia, this hope came too late.


"Mr. Chen, your hope will never dissipate." Lin Fan carefully put away his notebook and picked up the blue needle on the table.

He said softly to the bones on the ground: "Daxia is very good today, with sufficient supplies and energy. We have the ability to produce on a large scale."

"I will take your hope, take this hope from the broken Great Xia, take our failed hope... to our Great Xia, the more powerful Great Xia."

"That is the Great Summer that belongs to us, and it is also the Great Summer that belongs to you."

"This time, Daxia will not be destroyed. We will not fail again!"

"The hope you bring with your life will become the hope of Daxia! Light up the entire Daxia!"

"Your death will not be in vain, your... um..."

Lin Fan felt admired and sad in his heart, but midway through his words, his expression became complicated... After all, Mr. Chen is still alive.

The feeling of sadness suddenly disappeared, replaced by a strange feeling.

It was as if I had taken an oath in memory of my ancestors in front of the photos of my ancestors, but my ancestors came over and said hello...

"It's better to give Mr. Chen a salary increase after we go back." Lin Fan put away the sample.

The significance of this potion is self-evident.

It’s just that the production conditions are strict, it requires the god’s divinity, and it requires large-scale

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production capacity.

In this lingering refuge, it is almost impossible to achieve it. The previous Great Xia did not leave many corpses of gods, and as for the large-scale production capacity... there is no such thing.

But today’s Daxia.

There is plenty of mass production capability!

Just to fight against the Temple of Saturn, countless fertilizer factories were built.

The fertilizer factory already has chemical production equipment. You only need to select a few modifications, and that is a steady stream of chemical productivity!

As for the god's divinity...last time, the god of winter still kept all the divinity he gave up!

Even the gods of the God of Winter who were killed by Lin Fan before and who have long since died and are stored in the treasure house of the Winter Temple are there!

There are at least more than two thousand!

As for all the Ocean Gods who died in battle, as well as the Ocean Gods’ divine heads that originally existed in the Ocean Temple’s treasury, although the Ocean Temple is weak and not as good as the Winter Temple, there are still nearly two thousand Ocean Gods in total.

These godheads are usually of no use, so they are all placed there to let the demigods feel the divine power and see if they can promote breakthroughs... but in fact they are still of little use.

But with this information, this is the actual number of more than 20,000 shots to "reach the level of God"!

According to the 50% probability, at least more than 10,000 gods can be created. If you include the previous three god-making plans to shake the gene lock, the probability increases, and there will probably be nearly 20,000!

This number is extremely terrifying!

"I've been busy since I went back this time." Lin Fan chuckled, bowed to Mr. Chen again, and walked out of the laboratory.

"Have you gained anything?" Master saw Lin Fan's smile and asked in anticipation.

"The harvest has been great. What is recorded in the notes is enough to turn the entire war situation around." Lin Fan nodded: "Thank you for your perseverance over the years. We will pass on the hope you persevere."

"It's good to have gained something." Master nodded, "Then are you ready to leave? There is nothing else here, the artifact has been used up long ago..."

"It's time to go. It's hard enough for you to stay here for so long. This time I will take you back to Daxia with us." Lin Fan looked excited. He went to Daxia with his master's strength. What should Daxia be afraid of? have!

The master smiled: "Okay, I really want to see... what Daxia is like today."

There was something complicated in his smile.

Lin Fan took out the space-time nexus and was about to crush it. The master suddenly looked at Lin Fan and said: "The notes you mentioned... I'm afraid it will be difficult to save. Such important content cannot be just put in the notes. To be on the safe side, it's better to memorize it. Bar."

"Ah?" Lin Fan was stunned for a moment: "Memorize it? There's no need to be so cautious, right?"

"What if I haven't had time to return to Daxia and encounter any danger that causes the space ring to be damaged? Even if I carry it with me, it may be damaged." Master insisted: "Keeping it in mind is the most useful thing."

Lin Fan took out his notes and hesitated: "But I..."

Lin Fan didn't think he had a high IQ and could memorize a dense and complicated notebook in a short time.

"It's okay. Zilu has been trained by me for many years and is very good at memorizing." Master looked at Zilu and said, "Zilu, memorize it, and then we go out."

"Huh? Me?" Zilu also looked horrified. He had been studying for many years and was indeed knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

But those things are all equations, like a heavenly book. He can only understand ABCD... He has no idea what it means!

"Haha, it's okay, I will help you." Master clenched his fists and grinned: "Zilu, do you still remember when I taught you to memorize books? I really... miss you!"

Zilu's eyes became frightened: "Teacher..."

"Never tire of learning, never tire of teaching! You will never feel disgusted when learning new postures, and you will never feel tired when beaten! Zilu, look at my fist of benevolence and righteousness!"

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