Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 187 The Promise of Life and Death

The old man looked at the shadow, as if he understood something, and his eyes turned slightly red.

He stretched out his hand to touch his son's face, but the old palm passed through his son's face and touched nothing.

The old man was silent for a moment and said in a trembling voice: "It'll be nice to come back..."

This scene appeared in 150,000 families.

Some people may say that from the data point of view, the death rate in Daxia is less than 1%. After all, the base number of 50 million soldiers is there.

This loss is simply negligible, how could it be so tragic?


That’s 150,000 families!

One hundred and fifty thousand young faces that should be full of infinite hope!

There is a shadow of a soldier kowtowing in front of his parents and sobbing: "A child is unfilial and cannot support his parents until they die."

There was a shadow of a soldier sitting on the sofa, stroking his wife's pregnant belly with illusory hands. He was speechless. In the end, he just said: "Let's fight and find a good family."

There was a soldier standing outside the window, speechless and choked. He didn't even have the courage to go in. He just secretly looked at the three-year-old child playing on the ground and the beautiful figure sitting alone and silent.

"Mom, I thought I saw dad just now!" The child who was playing with toy cars on the ground suddenly said, "Dad is outside the window!"

The woman who was sitting blankly on the chair suddenly turned her head to look, but saw nothing.

Three months ago, many people in Daxia may have forgotten where they were.

Every day, I socialize in a tiring job, and calculate in the wine shop where I drink wine.

Some people work hard for money, while others keep climbing for status.

But when there were only five minutes left, staying with and hugging family members seemed to be the only option.

Family is always the most precious to Daxia people!

All fame, fortune, and status disappeared at this moment.

And these 150,000 warriors stood on the city wall to protect their families and the families of other Daxia people, fighting to the death without taking a step back!

And they also chose to spend these five minutes with their families.

Time seems extremely long at this moment.

But after all, it was only five minutes.

This separation is an eternal farewell.

five minutes later.

Without anyone's organization, these 150,000 shadows that were about to dissipate returned from all directions and stood above the sea again, looking at the Great Steel Wall.

They chose to disappear here, as if they wanted to continue to guard the country for Daxia in the dark!

They looked up at the Great Steel Wall and the flag fluttering in the sea breeze with nostalgia in their eyes.

At this moment, the Great Wall was silent and the sea was silent.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Lin Fan looked at those dark shadows and said slowly: "Don't worry, those of us who are still alive will continue to fight and defend Daxia with our lives!"

"Your sacrifice will not be in vain!"

"Eighteen years later, we will still fight side by side! Daxia will still be waiting for you! This land is still Daxia!"

Fifty million soldiers also shouted with red eyes: "Brother, feel free to go!"

"Erhei, I promise, I will guard it for you!"

"Eighteen years later, we are still comrades-in-arms and brothers!"

"We will never let down the land you defend with your lives!"

"When you come back, it will still be Daxia here!"

The shadows seemed to have heard the answer they wanted and laughed.

"Haha, Longzi, you agreed to guard it for me! If you can't guard it, I'll come back and kill you!"

"Old man, live well and don't let me see you down there! When I come back, we will still be brothers! I still have to drink with you!"

"We have agreed, eighteen years from now, when you enlist in the army, we will still be brothers!"

"Eighteen years later, this land will still be Daxia!"

The sea breeze blows.

The shadows were on the sea, looking at the Great Steel Wall, looking at the 50 million comrades, and saluting in unison!

"I will not regret living in Daxia in this life, and I will still be a Daxia person in the next life!"

"Eighteen years later, when we come back, we will still be brothers!"

They slowly dissipated in the sea breeze.

They will go to the Temple of Death and experience reincarnation.

Under the protection of Lin Fan's Shura divine power, they will deceive the Temple of Death, retain their memories, and return to Daxia again in reincarnation.

The sea was lonely, with only the faint echo of the shout.

"Eighteen years later, we are still brothers!"

"Daxia, wait for us to come back!"

Lin Fan wiped his eyes and saluted in the same way: "It's a deal."

Fifty million soldiers saluted in unison: "Better go, brothers!"

"We promise with our lives that when you come back, this will still be Daxia, and we will still be brothers fighting side by side!"

There are flames burning in the eyes of the living warriors!

We must protect Daxia!

Only by guarding Daxia can we have a home and let those brothers go home!

Defend Daxia, and those brothers will not die in vain!

Eighteen years later, we are still brothers!

This is a life and death commitment!

Some words don't need to be said, but they are more deeply rooted in people's hearts than words.

The living warriors clenched their fists, shouted out their promises to the blood-stained ocean, and bid farewell to their brothers.

It was not until ten minutes later that Lin Fan gathered his emotions and put away the Shura army.

"Everyone, give their bodies a good burial!"

"Inform the family members. If the family members are willing, open a cemetery behind the city wall and hold a state funeral! Let them see that the Great Wall does not fall! Let them protect the Great Steel Wall with us!"

"Carve their names on the Great Wall!"

"I want all Daxia people to look up and see their names. See the names of those who fought to the death for Daxia and sacrificed to protect all Daxia people!"

Lin Fan's voice echoed on the city wall.

"Yes!" the soldiers shouted loudly.

The treatment of these Daxia shadows cannot be too good!

Bury each other in the country, and bury them at the gate of the country, so that they can witness that the Great Wall does not fall, that Daxia is eternal, and that those who are still alive fight for the ideals they died for!

Lin Fan turned around and said, "Mr. Jin, you go back and rest first. Situ Hong, you come and organize the cleaning of the battlefield and follow-up matters."

Situ Hong nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Soldiers who have been fighting for twelve consecutive hours should go down and rest immediately without delay! This is an order!"

"The logistics team, clean the battlefield and properly store the bodies of our comrades, don't show any disrespect! They are heroes! The heroes of the entire Great Xia!"

Lin Fan supported Mr. Jin and sent him to the dormitory.

Mr. Jin simply washed his face and fell asleep quickly. He didn't even take off his clothes and started snoring on the bed.

After all, I have reached this age, and I have not slept a wink during the entire battle. You know, even ordinary soldiers, even during the two days and two nights of fierce fighting, Jin Lao forced them to take turns to sleep for two hours a day.

At this time, the battle was over and Mr. Jin could take a rest.

Looking at the sleeping Mr. Jin, Lin Fan sighed, got up and went to the office of the State Council.

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