Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 328 The Guardian God of Great Xia enters the scene!

The division commander in charge of the second line of defense was stunned for a moment: "But there are no reinforcements. If it was a large-scale troop mobilization, we would definitely see it here, but now there are none..."


There was a sharp buzz in the sky.

In an instant, the division commander suddenly raised his head and looked at the stealth fighter jet passing by at low altitude in the sky.

The division commander was shocked and said: "This is... you can't bombard it with fire! There are still Bai Zhan and 40,000 soldiers inside!"

Mr. Jin said coldly: "What kind of fire bombing, can I let 40,000 soldiers die?"

"That is……"

"Guardian God of Great Xia!" Jin Lao said every word!

at the same time.

The last two kilometers.

After the road was completely blocked, Bai Zhan and the 40,000 soldiers who had not retreated were completely alone.

But even so, Bai Zhan was still firing wildly.

But the ammunition that had just been replenished was about to be exhausted again under this horrific consumption!

"Commander!" the staff officer shouted, "the ammunition is running out again, the helicopter hasn't arrived yet!"

After the helicopter lands outside, it also takes time to reload the ammunition!

"We can't go on like this." Bai Zhan exhaled, already feeling determined in his heart.

Even if the helicopter can continuously replenish them with ammunition.

But it also delays time.

The road has been blocked, and the troops outside have their own tasks. Bai Zhan must not allow the entire line to collapse because of him!

A lone army, in a city where countless rats are attacking from all directions, even if it resists stubbornly, it will only delay time.

Not as good as...

He stood up and looked at the soldiers around him.

"Brothers, if we continue like this, we will just waste ammunition and time for Daxia!"


"Now, we have used it as bait to attract all those rats!"

"The rat tide in the entire city is gathering towards us!"

"As long as the brothers outside use heavy firepower, they can kill these rats in an instant! It's just because we are here that the brothers outside don't dare to attack."

"Brothers, are you afraid of death?"

Bai Zhan's voice echoed in the ears of the soldiers.

He didn't seem to say anything.

But it seems that everything has been said!

All the soldiers understood what Bai Zhan meant.

Now, they are surrounded, the road is blocked, and if the brothers outside rush in to save them, it will cause the entire line to collapse.

By then, without the second line of defense, once these rat tides break out of Qingqiu City, the surrounding villages, towns, and several surrounding cities will be affected!

I can't even kill him!

But if the brothers on the second line of defense don't rush in, their lone army will still be torn apart by the rat tide if they drag on like this.

But because of this, now, the entire city's rat tide is gathering towards them.

As long as the brothers outside use heavy weapons... with Daxia's current firepower configuration, it only takes an instant to destroy a city!

By then, countless rats will be buried under the ruins with them and disappear in the explosion.

"Damn it," a soldier suddenly laughed loudly: "It's the same as death. Rather than being chewed to pieces by these rats, it's better to let my brothers give it a good time!"

"Commander Bai, I listen to you!"

"Damn it, you're not a good man if you're afraid of death!"

"It's my fault to have these rats buried with me before I die!"

"It's worth sacrificing us to solve this disaster!"

"Do it, Commander Bai!"

Daxia people are never afraid of death!

I'm just afraid that death is meaningless!

In times of crisis, Daxia people never lack the courage to die!

But now, this lone soldier has made up his mind to die with these rat tides with his own life!

Use the lives of 40,000 soldiers to drag these rats to hell!

Bai Zhan said coldly: "Members of the God-killing Army, prepare to kill yourself and leave us alone!"

Members of the God-Slaying Army are very powerful individually.

They could forcefully fight their way out of the rat tide, but they stayed in the rat tide only to protect these warriors.

Chique remained silent, still gritting his teeth and releasing blazing flames to burn the rat tide.

She wanted to refuse, but she had to say that the method Bai Zhan chose was the best one at the moment!

Although there is a heavy price to pay.


"Momen disciples," Bai Zhan ordered in an orderly manner, "I beg you, Bai Zhan, to send the young soldiers away with wooden birds when you leave!"

The Momen disciples were silent.

Bai Zhan looked at the soldiers, then smiled and said: "Brothers, I, Bai Zhan, will be proud to fight alongside you all my life!"

After saying that, Bai Zhan picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Jin."

"Here we are." Old Jin's voice came from the intercom, "Hold on, reinforcements will be here soon!"

Bai Zhan said in a deep voice: "Don't send reinforcements! The second line of defense cannot be loosened!"

"Mr. Jin, I have fought in this life for nothing. It is an honor to work with you!"

"Now, shoot me!"

"The rats have been attracted to our unit. All heavy weapons are at full firepower. With our unit as the core of the attack, we are covering the city! Fighters and bombers are all sent out!"

"Use my life to replace these rats, I won't lose at all!"

Jin Lao was stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Jin, you can't hesitate any longer, fire at me! Cover the whole city!" Bai Zhan shouted and hung up the intercom.

He didn't want to listen to Mr. Jin's advice.


There was a sharp buzz in the sky.

Bai Zhan looked at the sky and saw a fighter plane approaching!

"It's begun." Bai Zhan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. He looked at the direction in which the fighter plane was coming and pointed at his eyebrows: "Aim and shoot at me!"

For a moment, the scene was tragic.

At this moment, while the 40,000 lone soldiers continued to fire at the rat tide from all directions, they raised their heads and shouted in unison: "Fire at me!"

Angry to the sky!

Forty thousand people went to die together!

They have decided to use their own lives to die together with these rats!

Drone after drone captured this tragic scene and spread it throughout Daxia.

The audience in Daxia, whose fingers were already clasped in their palms, turned red-eyed at this moment.

"Forty thousand soldiers!"

"Don't fire!"

"They are all heroes..."

"If it weren't for the last twenty-eight households... they would have left! Forty thousand soldiers!"

"Damn, wait for me, I and my brother are already driving halfway, I want to save them with a knife!"

The fighter plane roared and dived into the sky where Bai Zhan was, and the fighter plane's hatch opened suddenly.

"Rat people, I will die with you!" Bai Zhan laughed loudly: "Come on, shoot at me!"

The soldiers also gritted their teeth and pulled the final trigger towards the rat tide!

But what came out of the hatch was not a bombing.

"Fire a fucking gun!"

A figure fell from the sky!


The sword roars like a dragon!

There was a flash of black light between the sky and the earth, and the terrifying sword light was like a black dragon, swooping down towards the rat tide! !


The black dragon roars!

The black dragon roared and roared, and rushed away in the tide of rats. All rats that were contaminated were chopped into pieces by the terrifying sword energy!

In just an instant, the black dragon swept through the rat tide, crushing and killing all the rats that wanted to rush into the position!

The name of the sword, protect!

at the same time.

Several figures also fell straight down!

The patron saint of Daxia, everyone is here!

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