Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 33 Construction begins

Daxia's execution ability has always been second to none.

That afternoon, the entire eastern Shandong coast was completely under construction!

Various videos have exploded on the Internet. I saw construction vehicles lined up all over the beach. At a glance, it was endless, and there were more construction vehicles coming from behind like a long steel river!

Eighty million tons of steel urgently transferred from the Kyoto treasury have been put in place. Every hundred miles, there is a mountain of steel piled together like a hill. Along with it, there are also construction resources such as concrete and sand!

Every highway is like a river at this moment. Civilian engineering vehicles from all over the country follow this river and rush directly to Shandong. Trucks loaded with various building materials are like a long steel queue!

The roar of the long steel dragon roaring towards Ludong made the earth shake!

The entire eastern Shandong, with two thousand kilometers of coastline, whether it is cliffside or beach, is all covered with the Great Steel Wall at this moment!

Those tiny figures shuttled among them, as small as ants on the edge of this vast ocean.

But these ants have to fight against the ocean!

Engineering vehicles are roaring, excavators are breaking through the soil, and drilling rigs are punching through rocks. Every private or state-owned construction team is united at this moment, vowing to fight against this vast world!

Under the scorching sun.

This long steel dragon born in the Great Summer is building a Great Wall to block the ocean with a will stronger than steel!

"I heard you all clearly. According to the plan, no corners are cut at all!" Lao Wang, the contractor, was sweating profusely and loudly commanded: "The work we did this time was not to make money. We cut corners and suffered disaster later. Ourselves!”

"Oh, leave it to us, don't worry!"

"Definitely accomplished the mission!"

"We are not fools. We are working for ourselves, how can we cut corners!"

"If you cut corners on this matter, aren't you cheating yourself?"

"We can't be lazy, don't be looked down upon by other engineering teams coming over!"

Each powerful voice echoed.

Behind them, red flags fluttered.

At this moment, the shouts of these humans, who were as small as ants on the edge of the ocean, silenced the ocean!

This is Daxia’s struggle!

Fight against gods, against heaven and earth!

The gods use the power of heaven and earth to invade Daxia, so the people of Daxia must use the power of steel to let the gods know what the forbidden zone of the gods is!

The machinery roared.

Daxia is roaring!

at this time.

Lao Wang, the contractor who was stopped by Lin Fan on the highway and had no choice but to let him go, was appointed to be responsible for the construction of a 500-meter long steel Great Wall because he could understand the drawings and had good discipline.

This distance of 500 meters seems to be as insignificant as a drop in the ocean in the preliminary construction of the 2,000 kilometers of the Great Steel Wall.

But to Lao Wang, these five hundred meters are bigger than the sky!

In just a few hours, the construction site shoes that Lao Wang originally put on were worn out, but he was still sweating, holding the drawings and walking back and forth within the 500-meter area of ​​responsibility, as if he was possessed. , sometimes shouting instructions, sometimes bending down, planting flags on the beach according to the drawings, demarcating areas with red ropes, and mumbling words.

"Second pillar, please note that we have to dig a hundred meters deep here. The sandy soil is soft. After the excavation, we must immediately reinforce it."

"Lao Wu, pay attention here. We are going to build a watchtower. It is 110 meters high and 10 meters by 20 meters. It doesn't matter whether it is one meter more or less! The foundation needs to be reinforced twice!"

The workers assigned to him immediately took notes carefully, for fear of making any mistakes.

This scene appeared in various construction bases. Everyone forgot their identity and worked tirelessly on construction. The contractors, who usually had some conflicts, also put aside their past grievances and negotiated and cooperated with each other.

Because they know that this is a contribution to Daxia, and this is a contribution to the safety of all the people of Daxia!

Although the distance of hundreds of meters and tens of meters that I am responsible for seems insignificant.

But a thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest!

If anyone is careless, everyone's hard work may be wasted, and the two thousand kilometers of the Great Steel Wall along the east coast of Shandong will disappear in an instant!

This is huge pressure.

The pressure is enough to crush anyone.

However, Daxia never lacks resilience and firm will!

"It's been allocated. Now you can work hard." After walking for countless times, Lao Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at this 500-meter-long and 100-meter-wide area, he only felt a sense of weakness. It turned out to be Somewhat exhausted.


Lao Wang resisted the feeling of dizziness and continued: "Now, there is another problem that needs to be reported to the superior."

"There are not enough manpower... If this continues, it will take at least five months to complete the project, let alone three months..."

And right now.



A series of roars came, and military green trucks roared and stopped on the coastline.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, young men in military uniforms with immature expressions on their faces ran out of the car and lined up quickly!

The army-green ocean is vast, with as many as four to five million people.

Looking around, you can hardly see the original color of the beach, only the green military uniforms!

These young boys and girls in military uniforms entered these construction sites without saying a word! In the five hundred meters area of ​​Lao Wang alone, more than a thousand people trotted over.

"You..." This sudden change shocked Lao Wang.

"Report to the person in charge!" A slightly older officer who led the team saluted and said quickly: "These are recruits recruited from all over the country. The commander-in-chief has said that we should have military training at the construction site, and everyone should participate every day. The eight hours of construction of the Great Wall are considered as physical training! Support the construction of the Great Steel Wall!"

"This!" Lao Wang was stunned for a moment: "The Daxia conscription just started yesterday... and four to five million have been recruited?"

"Already eight million." The officer seemed a little proud, "There are also some new recruits recruited from provinces far away on their way to here."

"Hiss..." Lao Wang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

What follows is a sense of pride!

Proud to be a Daxia person!

When Daxia just announced that it would recruit 20 million troops in one week, everyone abroad was pessimistic, and even domestically there were many "elites" ready to watch the fun.

But who would have thought.

In just one day, eight million soldiers were recruited!

Calculated in this way, this is not only overfulfilling the military expansion task, this is simply completing it twice!

"People of Daxia, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country!" The officer seemed to know what Lao Wang was thinking, and said with the same respect: "Aren't you and these brothers also a civilian engineering team who came here spontaneously?"

"You are much more ruthless than us. In just one day, more than 20 million people came directly. Counting the state-owned engineering team, the number is 30 million!"

Lao Wang couldn't help laughing: "Haha, you're right."

"Fate of the nation, everyone is responsible!"

"Now, please assign us tasks." The officer pointed at the immature recruits behind him and said with a smile: "These recruits are very good-natured, so we need to train them well."

"Don't worry about them getting tired."

"Their enemies in the future will be much more terrifying than moving bricks."

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