Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 348 European Evacuation

And the other side.

Brenda was speechless for a moment, but then she said: "Teacher, it's not that I'm trying to belittle myself, it's..."

Lin Fan said directly: "Don't worry, I, Daxia, will support you with some sulfur. When the time comes, you can spread it all over Argos. Not only will it be able to effectively restrain other venomous snakes that have arisen, but it will also weaken some of Medusa's strength."


"Don't think about subduing her like Daxia. The source of mysteries in your place is different from Daxia. We are the resurrection of the Eastern God of War, and what you have revived is the sleeping god."

"End the battle as soon as possible, otherwise you will also lose a city. This is the path Daxia has explored for you."

Brenda was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Thank you, teacher, thank you Daxia."

"You're welcome. Let's help each other. The next batch of gods will arrive in a month." Lin Fan smiled and said, "No more chatting. You can quickly go and give instructions. If you need a template, you can refer to Daxia's work here Performance in the battle."


Brenda said solemnly: "Teacher, believe me, I promise to hand in a beautiful answer sheet!"

After saying that, Brenda hung up the phone.

Mr. Jin rubbed his face and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that we would become comrades now..."

You know, just before, Daxia was fighting back and forth with the Alliance of Gods!

"No matter what, everyone is fighting for humanity, so there shouldn't be any sectarian opinions." Lin Fan said solemnly: "It was for their own good to educate them before."

Mr. Jin nodded: "Yes, after all, we are Daxia. If we were in a free country, even if we knew, we wouldn't be able to inform you in advance, and we might take the opportunity to do something."

free country.

Lin Fan suddenly frowned.

Lin Fan turned to the State Council and said: "Call the State Council, please call the Free State and inform the top management of the Free State that a disaster will also break out in the Green City in seven days. The location is the No. 3 mine seven kilometers east of the Green City."

"The one who is resurrected is the Queen of the Insects. She is at the fifth level of strength and can control insects and ants... We need to prepare as soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Jin stood up suddenly: "We can't inform them!"

Guo Zuo looked at Mr. Jin and frowned, "Why?"

"They were before..." Mr. Jin clenched his fists, "Now they have a disaster that is about to break out. It would be great if I, Daxia, don't take advantage of it!"

"I suggest that we, Daxia, might as well take this opportunity to attack... at least we can get a lot of resources!"

Anger surged from Jin Lao's eyes!

Why should we help free countries?

Order of the Phoenix arrest incident!

Maliciously criticizing the Daxia incident!

He even tried to attack Lin Fan when he went to the press conference to explain!

As a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, Jin Lao has a clear understanding of love and hate. For the enemy, he only has guns and bullets, and the murderous intention of the autumn wind to sweep away the fallen leaves!

Why should we help free countries?

Is it worth it!

Does it deserve it?

The king looked at Mr. Jin, sighed after a long time, and said to Lin Fan: "I will call the Free State in a moment."

Mr. Jin's eyes were red: "The throne..."

"No matter what, the free country is also a side of mankind." Guo Zuo said softly: "Old Jin, I understand how you feel, but now, mankind must unite!"

"From the perspective of all mankind, they have suffered less losses, which is also a good thing for Daxia."

Daxia, no matter what, is always kind to others!

Although the Free State had caused some damage to Daxia before, Daxia still chose to warn them of the danger.

This is from the perspective of all mankind!

at the same time.

Brenda put down the phone.

The moment she turned around, the girlish shyness on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by the domineering and arrogant look of the president of the Alliance of Gods!

"Daxia told us that Medusa is about to resurrect. In seven days, Argos City!" Brenda's voice echoed like thunder.

All the gods who were watching the replay of the battle in Daxia were shocked: "President, you mean..."

Everyone looked extremely nervous.

"Order," she turned to look at Berkeley and the other gods, "all residents of Argos City, evacuate!"

"Also, we ask the Greek officials, French baguette country officials, and pasta country officials to provide help and evacuate residents!"

The previous European countries were still in disarray.

But after the establishment of the Alliance of Gods, this situation was completely reversed!

Although they lost to Daxia before, the stance of the Alliance of Gods actually gave the Alliance of Gods a higher status in the hearts of the European people.

The strength displayed by the Alliance of Gods is enough to shock the officials of various countries.

Although the current status of the Alliance of Gods is that it is a special force that obeys the orders of the various countries and is the link between them, in fact, even the European countries must cooperate with their requests!

Today, the Great Steel Wall on the European side is also being built.

"Yes, I'll make a call right away." Berkeley nodded and walked out of the office quickly.

Because of the leadership of the Alliance of Gods, the officials of various countries are extremely efficient in handling this matter!

Two hours later, in Argos City, countless buses and trucks entered various streets in an orderly manner and stopped at each residential area.

Official staff even held up loudspeakers in the community and shouted: "Residents please get on the bus in an orderly manner and follow the arrangements..."


"How many evacuations have been done!" Brenda, who had hurriedly arrived, looked at the street with almost no vehicles leaving the temporary command center with a gloomy expression.

The temporary person in charge said with an ugly face: "One percent... No, not even one percent, there are only thirty-two households in total. Ah, there are thirty-one households now, and one household refuses to evacuate..."

"What?!" Brenda's eyes flashed with thunder and lightning, and she said coldly: "What did you do! Daxia evacuated nearly three million people in twelve hours!"

"It's been two hours and we've only evacuated thirty-two households!"

Brenda's eyes were full of disbelief. She lowered her head and glanced at the picture of the evacuation of Daxia on her phone as a reference. The buses were full of residents and were evacuated in an orderly manner!

"There's nothing we can do." The temporary person in charge rubbed his face, "Why don't you go to the City Hall Square and have a look. You'll understand after you go there."

Brenda was stunned.

City Hall Square.

Crowds of people gathered.

But instead of evacuating, they protested loudly!

"This is not free!"

"Why are you forcing us to leave!"

They even held up a banner: "Never leave home!"

An evacuation staff member held a loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "Everyone, the information has been sent to you. You also know what happened in Daxia. We will be here soon..."

"No, never leave!"

"You have an obligation to protect us, why do you want us to leave!"

"Yes, this is a conspiracy. They are making up excuses to rob us! Don't believe it!"

"The gods want to destroy our home. Now even the officials want to take away our home!"

"Whoever forces me to leave, I will shoot!"

European citizens raised their fists high, and some even held guns to confront the evacuations.

This scene appeared at every evacuation point for residents.

I have to say that freedom is still respected here.

Moreover, the distrust of the officials has also made conspiracy theories rampant. There is already news that the officials evacuated them in order to transform the place into a military base.

Brenda and the members of the Alliance of Gods were sitting on the bus, looking at the scene outside the window with gloomy expressions.

She thought it wouldn't be a difficult thing!

After all, Daxia evacuated all of them within twelve hours, and in the last few hours, Daxia resisted the impact of the rats and evacuated the last people!

As for myself, there are still seven days left!

Very generous!

What's more, with Daxia as an example, Daxia's evacuation plan can almost be used!

As a result, two hours passed before thirty-two households were evacuated...

Only then did she realize the difference between Ou Fang and Da Xia!

Action, cohesion, execution.

This thing hidden deep in the nation cannot be seen on ordinary days, but at critical times it can determine life and death!

When releasing the news, the European social platforms directly posted the evacuation news

In City Hall Square, Brenda got off the bus.

When the people who were confronting the evacuees saw the Alliance of Gods, they immediately shouted: "President Brenda, we are unwilling to evacuate!"

"Yes, this is our home! My ancestors have lived here for generations!"

"Don't try to lie to us. I heard people say that there is no danger to us here at all. The officials want to use this city as a military base!"

Dennis, the divine being behind Brenda, frowned, "President, this situation is very difficult to handle."

Berkeley also nodded: "It is indeed difficult to handle. They are different from the people of Daxia. The people of Daxia trust the official, but even if they receive the information, they still don't believe it..."

"Is there anything difficult to handle?" Brenda seemed to have made up her mind and said softly: "They are just a group of mortals."

"As long as we can get them to evacuate, it doesn't matter if we, the Gods Alliance, become a villain once!"

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