Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 366 God has arrived

"It's unrealistic to drag all the European people to Daxia..." Lin Fan was also a little embarrassed and could only say: "Let me help you think about it in the next few days."

Entering the Great Steel Wall, everyone came to a conference room.

"Okay, everyone, you are not here for a trip." Lin Fan looked at the members of the Alliance of Gods, "There is still a week until the second arrival of the gods, and the battle is about to begin."

"In the next time, study hard with your teacher."

"In addition, in the past few days, I will explain to the God-killing Army how to deal with gods and the weaknesses of gods. You can also come and listen."

When Lin Fan said this, he suddenly looked at Neil: "By the way, you are a descendant of the God of the Ocean, right?"

"Yeah." Neil nodded.

Lin Fan said in a deep voice: "Among the God-killing Army, there are two water attribute users who are preparing to devour the divine heads of two ocean gods. Go back and help them. After all, you are very familiar with that power."

The last time the gods came, after the two ocean gods died, Lin Fan dug up their godheads.

And the godhead can be swallowed.

Once successful, humans can break through the upper limit of life and become gods!

This is the second path besides the path to becoming a god, and it is much less painful. Of course, the gods achieved through this way of becoming gods are far less powerful than those who become gods like Lin Fan, so it is equivalent to a shortcut.

But even if it is a shortcut, it is extremely dangerous.

Those two water-attribute superpowers are the most powerful water-attribute superpowers in the God-killing Army now. They have both practiced the God-killing and Demon-Slaying Technique to the level of demigods, but for the sake of safety, they have been comprehending the two godheads.

Neil just happened to be here. As a descendant of the God of the Ocean, he was born with the divine personality of the God of the Ocean and could guide the two water attribute users.

"Okay." Neil nodded, but then suddenly said: "Commander-in-Chief, I have an idea."

"Huh?" Lin Fan frowned.

Neil said in a deep voice: "You, Daxia, have previously developed a device that can communicate with gods, right?"

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded.

Neil said with a serious face: "Commander-in-Chief, you know that I am a divine descendant, and a divine descendant of the God of the Ocean."

"The gods of the ocean have a natural affinity for me. After all, they are related to me by blood."

"Last time, Asir found me first after he arrived, had a conversation with me, and tried to win me over and let me work for the Ocean Temple."

When Neil said this, he looked guilty: "I did agree at that time..."

Lin Fan thought that Neil was worried about Daxia and doubted him, so he smiled and said: "You have told me, don't worry, you have made your choice now, we are comrades in arms."

"No, that's not what I meant." Neil said, "I mean, those gods who are about to come don't know yet that we, the gods, have chosen to stand with humans."

"If we talk to them, they will definitely believe us because of our blood relationship! After all, we are their pawns!"

"Huh?!" Lin Fan's eyes widened and he said in an excited voice: "What do you mean..."

"When the time comes, I can lead them!" Neil smiled: "We can lead them wherever we want..."

For a moment, Lin Fan was breathing rapidly!

"Good idea!" Lin Fan patted Neil hard on the shoulder.

Neil's face turned pale: "Brother, watch your strength. I can't bear your strength. If you want to take a picture, go take a picture of President Brenda."

Brenda blushed.

"Haha, I'm sorry." Lin Fan smiled awkwardly: "But your idea is really good!"

Immediately, Lin Fan stood up slowly and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen, prepare the instruments immediately!"

"Now, the second conversation with the gods begins!"

"This time, do it in secret!"

"Yes." Mr. Chen stood up immediately.

Half an hour later.

In a laboratory.

Lin Fan turned to look at Neil: "Remember our plan."

"Don't worry!" Neil smiled.

"Yes." Lin Fan finished speaking, nodded, and then left the laboratory with the gods of Daxia, leaving only Neil in the laboratory.

Neil took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and then turned on the instrument and said: "Ahem, hey, hey, hey, are you there? Is God here?"

at the same time.

In the dark void, a plane wall shines brightly.

Several gods stood outside the one facing the wall, all with blue hair, holding tridents, emitting holy light, and wearing blue sea battle armor.

The aura of the god who took the lead was particularly powerful, and there was water surging around his body. One of his hands was pressing on the plane wall and stroking it.

The other gods looked at this plane greedily.

Suddenly, the leading god opened his eyes and said solemnly: "It's confirmed, Asir, Arsha and their breath will disappear in this plane."

"In other words, they died inside?" A god frowned.

"Yes." The leading god nodded.

"What a waste," the god who spoke arrogantly snorted, "To die in such a low-level plane."

Another god smiled and said: "It's not bad to die. If they hadn't died, the temple would not have sent the four of us to search, and we would not have found this plane... I have to say that although this plane is not very good, But the number of lives inside is huge!”

"I even doubt that before this plane weakened, it would have been a high-level plane where high-level gods once sat."

"Better be careful." The leading god frowned, "Being able to kill Asir and Arsha proves that the life inside at least has the ability to kill gods."

The god who spoke smiled indifferently: "Huh, those two trashes, second level, third level... ha."

"Now that you have discovered it, do you want to report it?" asked another god.

The leading god glanced at the person with a complicated expression and whispered: "According to the regulations, the spatial coordinates of this plane need to be reported to the temple, so that the temple can handle it and conquer it."

"But then..." the leading god's eyes were tangled, "it would be of no benefit to us."

He looked at that face.

Although the face was somewhat damaged and seemed to have been severely damaged,... the number of lives in the face made him feel incredible!

Maybe this really was once a high-level plane!

In the end, the greed in his eyes defeated his reason, and he pursed his lips and said: "How about we directly help Asir and Alsha get revenge, and on the way... take this plane, and how about sharing it equally among the potential believers in it?"


"Why bother with the temple in such a plane!"

"It is our duty to avenge Asir and Arsha. After all, they are our compatriots!"

The other gods smiled and nodded.

"Now, let me try to break through this plane wall... It's not difficult. This plane wall has been severely damaged before, and the plane wall is not stable." The leading god stretched out his hands and slowly pressed on the wall, and the divine power surged. And out.

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