Immediately, the live broadcast screen kept switching.

An orangutan placed a brick on the top of a section of the Great Steel Wall, then beat his chest and roared with excitement.

Amidst the cheers that reached the sky, the person in charge picked up the walkie-talkie, looked directly at the camera, and loudly said: "Fuzhou Province, construction area 103, completed at 12:25 and 32 seconds at noon!"

The 100-meter Great Wall stands between heaven and earth!

The workers looked at the behemoth being built brick by brick and raised their fists in excitement.


"We made it!"

The beasts are also roaring to the sky.

The screen changed again.

The shadow of a dark sea beast climbed up the Great Steel Wall, planted a red flag on the Great Wall, and roared to the sky!


The warrior riding on the shadow of the sea beast also clenched his fists and said loudly: "Zhezhou Province, construction area No. 255 was completed at 12:25 and 38 seconds at noon!"

Red flag waving!

Afterwards, the camera kept changing!

Someone with earth powers controlled the last ball of cement to complete the pouring and planted a red flag on the city wall.

A vampire shadow cut off the last protruding steel bar and planted a red flag!

A giant elephant stepped on the last brick, roared to the sky, and hung a red flag on the Great Wall with its huge trunk!

In each construction area, red flags were planted on the Great Wall that stands between heaven and earth!

At the same time, a deafening sound came.

"Dongguang Province, construction area No. 052, completed at 12:25 and 45 seconds at noon!"

"Zhezhou Province, construction area No. 132, completed at 12:25 and 53 seconds at noon!"

"Jiangzhou Province, construction area No. 152, completed at 12:25 and 59 seconds at noon!"

"Jinzhou City, construction area No. 178, completed at 12:26:05 noon!"

"Bei Ha Province, construction area No. 027, completed at 12:26:12 noon!"

"Liaozhou Province, construction area No. 075, completed at 12:26:18 noon!"

"Zhezhou Province..."

Red flags were planted one after another, fluttering in the wind on the Great Steel Wall!

The shouts resounded throughout the mountains and rivers!

This is the cry of Daxia people.

This shouting lasted for nearly two hours without interruption!

In the past two hours, all the people in Daxia were staring closely at the live broadcast, watching the red flags being planted at each construction site, watching the towering sections of the Great Steel Wall, and watching the happy smiles of each worker and soldier.

A sense of pride arose spontaneously.

The Great Steel Wall, a national project!

Now, Daxia handed in the answer sheet.

This completion report sounds simple.

But no one knows how many people shed blood and sweat after this completion report.

One worker broke his leg, but still refused to leave and applied to be transferred to the kitchen to help with cooking.

Some people in the surrounding area make a pot of steamed buns every day and comfort the workers at the gate of the construction site.

There are young recruits who have just joined the army, facing the scorching sun, tirelessly carrying and turning their heads.

A driver drove a truck across the Baili Expressway, hauling tons of cement to the construction site and turning the piles to the piles.

In the past two months, all people in Daxia have been directly or indirectly building the second phase of the Great Steel Wall project!

This is a battle between human beings and the ocean, and between heaven and earth.

This completion report contains too many hardships and the hard work of Daxia people.

And now.

Daxia, handed in the answer sheet!

Those completion reports were passed around Daxia, making every Daxia person couldn't help but clench their fists.

In a classroom, a child stood up with pride, pointed at the worker flashing on the TV and said, "That's my dad!"

On a street, a woman was carrying a bowl of steaming steamed buns on a bicycle. A woman going to the construction site of the Great Steel Wall listened to the completion report on the loudspeaker. She suddenly froze and looked at the standing Great Steel Wall in the distance and the fluttering wind. A little red, I couldn't help but blush.

On the highway, trucks one after another drove towards the Great Steel Wall, like giant dragons, all honking their horns and saluting from afar!

In the office, the old man who was correcting documents could not help but take off his glasses and rub his eyes when he heard the completion report, but there was a smile on his lips.

In the Supreme Command Center, Mr. Chen looked at the construction areas flashing on the screen, watched the flags being planted one after another, and listened to the completion reports, he couldn't help but exhale.

He turned to look at the other screen.

On that screen was a map of Daxia.

On the map, the gray steel Great Wall stretches across the coast of Daxia. As reports are sounded, patches of gray areas turn red.

Every area is very small.

Like a dot.

But as the completion reports came one after another, the gray dots turned red. Those red dots slowly connected together, and countless tiny red dots formed a dazzling red line.

Almost lighting up the entire Daxia coast on the map!

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are all red!

As the completion reports came one after another, the dazzling red line was like a red dragon, gradually being pieced together on this land, like a dragon about to take off.

At this moment, people living on this land put down their work, watched TV, and listened to the live broadcast.

The completion reports and flags made everyone smile with relief.

The entire Great Xia fell silent at this moment, with only the completion reports coming from the TVs in every household.

Time seems to be moving extremely fast at this moment.

This is the happiest moment for Daxia people since the arrival of the gods.

Two hours later, each construction area was declared completed, and the constantly switching camera was fixed on the only construction area where construction had not been completed.

The workers there were working hard, the beasts were roaring to help, and the superpowers were trying their best.

"Brothers, come on, don't let them watch the fun!"

"Although our area is the most difficult to build, this is no reason! Come on, everyone!"

"They're all waiting for us!"

The workers cheered loudly while constructing.

This construction area is in the center of the Daxia coastline, at the mouth of the Yangtze River!

Precisely because it is the mouth of the sea, it is the most difficult. They want to build an almost suspended city wall above the river!

Therefore, it also slowed down the progress.

At this time, among the workers, a figure wearing an undershirt stood out.

Every time, he carried a mountain of bricks on his back, shuttled between the Great Wall and the river at extremely fast speeds, placed piles of bricks on the Great Steel Wall, and built them with cement at extremely fast speeds.

As if he was tireless, his whole body was soaked with sweat, stained with cement and dust, yet he skied down the hundred-meter-high wall again and again, and rushed up again carrying a mountain of bricks and cement on his back.

The figure that shuttled back and forth was extremely fast, like a black sword light or a black dragon!

At his waist is a pitch black knife!

The commander-in-chief of Daxia, God Shura, Lin Fan!

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