Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 385 Qingqiu City is rebuilt!


Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers saluted at the same time!

Facing the buses leaving one after another, the group leader shouted loudly: "Brother, go home, leave the rest to us! The Great Steel Wall will never fall!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers shouted loudly at the same time: "Go home, leave the rest to us! The Great Steel Wall will never fall!"

Looking at the leaving buses and the leaving worker brothers, the soldiers' eyes were full of fighting spirit!

They stay here just so that these worker brothers and all the citizens of Daxia can stay at home with their wives and children safely!

The battle of the worker brothers is over, and their battle is about to begin!

Never lose!

Beside the warriors, the beasts roared as if saying goodbye.

And hearing the shouts of the soldiers and the roars of the animals, the workers who were still a little lonely in the bus also smiled.

"What the hell, it's as if this Great Steel Wall was created by us and them."

"Okay, don't be reluctant, go home and spend time with your wife and children!" Lao Wang, the contractor, said with a smile: "Then I'll leave it to them!"

In every construction site, workers left reluctantly, while the soldiers were full of fighting spirit, standing on the Great Steel Wall that they and their brother workers built together!

The warriors enter, plus an army of animals!

For a moment, the Great Steel Wall, which had just been built and was still looking a little empty, looked like a dragon showing its fangs!

The 36,000-mile Great Steel Wall, with 50 million soldiers entering every garrison area and firepower point specially set aside during the construction process, loaded with live ammunition, and the dark muzzles of the guns were all pointed at the sea.

Behind them, there are even more heavy artillery!

Beside them, ferocious beasts looked up to the sky and roared, and some of them were tigers carrying warriors on their backs, as if they could kill them at any time.

At this moment, this dragon completely woke up!

On this day, the 36,000-mile Great Steel Wall of Daxia was completely completed and its fangs were exposed.

The scene captured by the drone was simultaneously broadcast to global audiences via global live broadcast.

Seeing this shocking scene, the international network suddenly became very quiet.

It was only then that the international audience discovered that Daxia was actually serious!

"Did Xia really build the 36,000-mile Great Wall in two months?"

"Bullshit, didn't you see the video? It looks like it's fake!"

"Oh my God, I actually saw it on the satellite image. It's so obvious, I don't even need to zoom in!"

"Why don't we have such a Great Steel Wall? We want it too! I envy the people of Daxia!"

"Is it too late to change nationality now? I'm going to Daxia!"

Who doesn’t want to be protected by an indestructible 100-meter Great Wall in the era when gods descend?

But then, a scene that even surprised these international netizens happened.

"Everyone," Lin Fan suddenly said on the screen, "We have another surprise!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people in Daxia became curious.

Any surprises?

Apart from completing the construction of the Great Steel Wall, what other surprises can there be?

"This is the live broadcast from Qingqiu City. This is also a surprise they gave us." When Lin Fan said this, the camera turned again.

Qingqiu City.

A city once devastated by a rat tide outbreak.

In the live broadcast of that battle, all the people of Daxia saw with their own eyes that the city built by humans was turned into ashes under the gunfire.

What appeared on the screen at this time was a bright and clean new city!

Neat streets, tall buildings, and people coming and going!

There are even cars driving on the road!

In the office building, every resident is working.

In the garden of the community, there are parents playing with their children.

On the campus playground, some students were laughing and playing.

This scene shocked all the audience.

"Is this Qingqiu City?"

"Here, you recovered so quickly?"

"It's more than restored, it's even better than before! It's exactly the same, but it's been completely renovated!"

"In other words, while we completed the second phase of the Great Steel Wall project ahead of schedule, we also rebuilt a city?"

They still remember how Qingqiu City was shattered by artillery fire!

That tragic scene made all Daxia people clench their fists and bleed from their hearts.

After all, it is a city built by human efforts and a home for millions of people who have devoted their lives.

But now...

Daxia uses its strength to tell everyone that Daxia people will never be defeated!

Daxia people may fall, but they will always stand up!

Daxia people will always have the courage and determination to rebuild their homes!

Scenes of the brand new Qingqiu City continue to appear on the screen.

Brand-new streets and tall buildings, as well as smiling people walking among them.

There is no way to tell that this is a city that has been shattered by artillery fire!

Finally, the camera focuses on a garden.

In the garden, the flowers are brilliant.

Countless citizens gathered spontaneously in the garden.

A middle-aged man held his wife's hand and stood in front of the camera.

"Everyone, this is where my wife and I proposed. A month and a half ago, this place was destroyed."

"I made a promise to my wife."

"I will rebuild my home with my own hands."

"I will plant flowers with my own hands so that the garden in my wife's memory can appear again."

He looked at his wife beside him, his eyes full of love.

But then, he scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled at the camera: "To be honest, I was a bit bragging at the time... but I didn't expect..."

"Thank you for your support, thank you Daxia! Thank you!"

He looked at the neat garden full of flowers and said with a smile: "This place is exactly the same as before."

"Our home is back!"

He slowly pressed a brick into an empty space under his feet.

That was the last brick in the entire Qingqiu City!

The brick fit perfectly in the gap.

At this moment, the entire Qingqiu City is complete!

"Everyone," the man took the woman's hand and said loudly, "Qingqiu City, the reconstruction is complete!"

"Our home is still there!"

In the garden and in the school, all Qingqiu citizens cheered loudly.

"Our home is still there!"

“This is the home we built with our own hands!”

"Thank you everyone, thank you Daxia!"

During this time, because they personally participated in the reconstruction of their homes, their skin became darker and rougher.

However, the smiles on their faces were so hot and sincere.

Home, rebuild!

With the help of superpowers and an army of animals, these ordinary people rebuilt the entire Qingqiu City brick by brick at a terrifying speed.

Many of them were city dwellers who had never worked, but when their homes were destroyed and faced with the ruins, they burst out with terrifying power.

The memory of everyone sweating and working together to rebuild their home under the scorching sun will be cherished by them for a lifetime!

Because of that memory, the rebuilt city seems to have become more welcoming.

This city seems to have emotions. Pedestrians who passed each other on the road in the past will look at each other and smile. The streets have not lost their previous color, but have become more friendly.

Because this is the home they built brick by brick with their own hands!

The entire city seemed to have become a home, and the residents fighting side by side under the scorching sun seemed to have become comrades and family.

Of course, this terrifying construction speed is actually due to one aspect. It seems that the word "construction" is written in the DNA of Daxia people...

Some city dwellers who have never done heavy work and are out of breath when running find the feeling immediately after moving bricks for a few days.

For a time, the whole country congratulated!

The barrage took off like crazy.

“Hezhou netizens sent congratulatory messages!”

“A netizen from Zhezhou who donated 20,000 tons of cement sent a congratulatory message!”

"Congratulations on the completion of the reconstruction!"

"The house has been rebuilt, but is it in short supply of home appliances and clothes? Sichuanzhou can provide support!"

A difficult one, P Plus support!

And when they saw their compatriots' homes being rebuilt again, people in Daxia everywhere were happy for them.


This word always has a different meaning to Daxia people.

Foreign netizens were shocked by the news and were completely speechless.

Building the 36,000-mile Great Steel Wall is terrifying enough.

In the process, Daxia also rebuilt a city.

"No, everyone in Daxia is crazy!"

"It will take us seven years to build a subway here!"

"When building the Great Wall of Steel, they also helped rebuild a city... Is the DNA of Daxia people made of cement and steel bars?"

Lin Fan looked at the camera and smiled: "You thank Daxia, and Daxia thanks you too."

"Thank you for bringing such good news to Daxia!"

"Congratulations to you, and also to Daxia, for the reconstruction of Qingqiu City!"

This day can be described as a double happiness for Daxia!

The Great Steel Wall is completely completed and the soldiers enter.

At the same time, Qingqiu City has been rebuilt!

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