Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 452: Sudden Fighter Plane

When the soldiers heard this, their eyes became more and more excited, and their eyes changed when they looked at the sea beasts.

Just like, look at food!


"Additional meal!"

"Thank you God for your gift!"

"I've been tired of eating fried tenderloin all day. It's time for a change!"

"Giant whale tribe warriors, please bring a few more! This thing is so big, it looks delicious at first sight!"

"If you are allergic to seafood, stand back and let me kill a few more!"

The firepower became more and more fierce. At this moment, for the soldiers, this was no longer a battle, but for food...

Daxia people always have an inexplicable yearning for delicious food.

The DNA in the body has moved.

There was continuous artillery fire, and bombers and fighter jets continued to rush out of the Great Steel Wall, dive and drop bombs on the sea, and then come back and reload again.

And on this chaotic battlefield where artillery fire roared and fighter planes bombed in turn.


A fighter plane roared into the battlefield.

Mr. Jin looked up and thought it was his fighter plane coming back to reload ammunition.

The fighter plane did not land, but flew past the Great Steel Wall at a terrifying speed and rushed straight to the center of the Bohai Sea. Only then did Jin Lao feel that something was wrong.

"Which unit does that fighter plane that flew over the Great Wall belong to?" Mr. Jin picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "That fighter plane from the flying brigade?"

"I never told you that each brigade is responsible for its own area. Don't move the battlefield casually, let alone go to the battlefield of gods! We cannot participate in the battle there, and fighter planes are useless!"

"Order, let him come back!"

There was a brief silence on the intercom, and the captains of each flying group quickly verified on their own channels.

"Every squad of the First Flying Group, report their location!"

"Team 1 is currently reloading."

"The second team has just finished loading and is taking off!"

"The third team has taken off, fully loaded with ammunition, and will enter the battlefield again in three minutes!"

"The fourth team has entered the battlefield, has locked the target, and is ready to dive bomb!"

"The fifth team has completed its bombing and is preparing to return to reload!"

Each team reported the current status of operations to the team leader in an orderly manner.

Mr. Jin originally thought that the matter would just go away, but unexpectedly, reports from the captains of each flying group came over the intercom.

"Report to Mr. Jin that this aircraft does not belong to our First Flying Group."

"Report to Mr. Jin that this aircraft does not belong to our Second Flying Group."

"Report to Mr. Jin that this aircraft does not belong to our Third Flying Group."

"Report to Mr. Jin..."

"We, the Wolf Fang Flying Force, don't have this aircraft either."

"We, the Canglong Special Forces, don't have this opportunity either."

For a moment, Mr. Jin’s expression suddenly changed!

That fighter plane does not belong to any Daxia department!

That is to say...

That's not Daxia's fighter plane!

Mr. Jin suddenly turned his head, but the fighter plane was extremely fast. In just ten seconds, it had already rushed more than ten kilometers towards the Bohai Sea. Only a small black dot could be seen in the distance.

But Jin Lao is not too worried at this time.

After all, as long as it is a fighter plane, no matter which country it is from, the pilots sitting in it are human beings!

This is the armed force of mankind!

In this battle between humans and gods, no matter which country they are, they stand with Daxia, and no matter which country sends fighter planes, they are all fighting for humanity!

Mr. Jin just wants to know, which country sent this?

"Mr. Chen, call up the satellite image!" Mr. Jin picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "I want to see where that fighter plane came from!"


In the electronic command center, Mr. Chen received the order and immediately turned to the technicians and said: "Information Team No. 1, adjust the long-range radar to lock the position of the fighter jets deep into the Bohai Sea."

"Already locked!"

"Adjust the satellite angle and call up the picture!" Mr. Chen said in a deep voice.

In just an instant, high-precision satellite images were projected on the screen.

in the screen.

A fighter plane flew quickly across the endless sea, and the violent air currents rolled up layers of sea water along the way!

Seeing the fighter plane that looked like a black bird and the terrifying speed, Mr. Chen's expression suddenly changed.

The technician on the side recognized it immediately and said solemnly: "SR-71 Blackbird!"

SR-71 Blackbird.

The fastest fighter plane in the world today.

A deformed product that appeared during the Cold War, it abandoned other properties and only achieved the ultimate in speed!

A speed of 3,600 kilometers per hour!

The iconic fighter planes of the Free State are only owned by the Free State!

Just like the name, the supersonic fighter plane was like a pitch-black bird, flying across the endless sea at an incredible speed, heading straight for the center of Bohai!

The fuselage is even spray-painted with the national emblem of the Free State, declaring the sovereignty of this fighter jet.

Mr. Chen picked up the walkie-talkie and said succinctly: "The target has been identified, Free State, SR-71 Blackbird."

As soon as these words came out, Jin Lao was stunned.

"It's them...this is something I didn't expect."

Mr. Jin was a little stunned. He thought that even if the Free State provided weapons for this battle, it would not personally go to help Daxia.

After all, the Free State had always targeted Daxia and regarded Daxia as an imaginary enemy.

Even if they supported weapons in the past, most of them were because other countries also supported Daxia, which felt a bit like being kidnapped by morality.

Mr. Chen smiled and said: "No matter what, we are all human beings. If Daxia cannot cope with it, the Free Country will also suffer huge losses."

"They still know how to handle these vital interests. Even if it's for their own good, they still have to help."

"After all, this battle is about the whole world and the safety of all mankind! Since they claim to be the world's hegemon, whether it is for reputation or their own interests, how can they sit idly by and watch?"

Hearing this, Mr. Jin nodded, but he still felt something was wrong.

Mr. Jin frowned and said: "But the SR-71 Blackbird is just a reconnaissance aircraft and cannot carry heavy firepower... Besides, over the battlefield of the gods, even if we really send fighter jets loaded with ammunition, it will not help."

As a five-star gold general in Daxia, especially a veteran who had experienced the friction wars of that period, Mr. Jin was familiar with the fighter models from the Cold War era.

Of course he knows the SR-71 Blackbird, the iconic supersonic fighter jet.

Abandon all performance and serve the ultimate speed.

If you want to achieve the ultimate speed, you must keep the fuselage light, and it is impossible to load any ammunition. This fighter does not have the function of loading any ammunition, not even the ammunition compartment and missile suspension.

Mr. Jin just doesn't understand. If you want to help, why don't you bring a group of fighter jets loaded with ammunition?

Why send a reconnaissance plane over?

Is there any use in running fast? You don’t even have weapons, so you go over there to cheer me on?

Moreover, the waves on the battlefield of the gods were so rough that even the satellite images could not be seen clearly. The battle was so fierce that it was unimaginable. The power of the gods controlled the ocean!

The God of the Ocean in the ocean cannot be killed by fighter planes at all.

The other party is too flexible and too powerful!

Mr. Jin was a little confused about what Free Country meant.

Mr. Chen also frowned and said, "Do they want to see how the battle goes before making a decision?"

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