Prior to this, because Daxia resisted the gods and did not seem to suffer huge losses, people in other countries did not believe that the gods could bring destruction.

Only the people of Daxia themselves know what kind of efforts Daxia has put in to resist the gods!

Although the Free State suffered serious losses, the Free State blocked it so well that even most of the citizens of the Free State did not know what was happening on the west coast.

Therefore, some foreign people just regard the arrival of gods as a topic of conversation, as if the superior gods have nothing to do with the lives of people like them.

In their view, even if it is a war, it is only a matter for soldiers and high-level officials. What does it have to do with ordinary people like themselves?


This time, humans learned a cruel truth.

When disaster strikes, no one can be spared!

God will not be merciful because of your inconspicuousness!

This is an unprecedented war!


Huge waves are coming!

Towns were shattered one after another, and the wave carried broken bricks and soil, broken wood and broken human corpses, rushing all the way like an unstoppable beast.

Wherever you go, it is purgatory on earth!

The area where the huge waves rolled over, the once vibrant land, turned into a vast ocean, and the humans who once boasted of being the primates of all things became the nutrients of the ocean.

"Alas." Zilu sighed deeply.

Lin Fan's expression was extremely complicated. To be honest, he didn't want humanity to suffer such a loss.


This is the necessary path and the only path.

Lin Fan tried to change, but couldn't change after all!

"How about we kill him now..." Zilu clenched his fists and looked ahead at Little John, who was running away with Klein on his back.

"No." Lin Fan shook his head: "Killing him now will not change the stance of those people."

"There must be a big enough loss... to make them fully understand and make them completely hurt."

This god must enter a free country to die!


Lin Fan said softly: "This is exactly what they tried their best to want, isn't it?"

"I, Da Xia, am good at charity and have the beauty of an adult."

"If you want to rescue this god, then I, Daxia, will let him rescue him!"

"While the gods still don't pay attention to humans, let them see the true attitude of the gods!"

Zilu sighed again.

And the other side.

Little John, who was running all the way, had no idea what was happening behind him. He carried the god on his back and ran straight towards the Free Country without looking back while being chased by three people!


"Good uncle, did you hear anything behind you? What happened?"

Little John suddenly asked.

He also faintly heard the roar of the waves, but because of the distance, he couldn't hear it clearly, let alone the countless heart-rending shouts.

"It's okay." Klein smiled: "They are helping us delay the bad guys. Don't worry about it, just run!"

One of his hands stretched far back, as if grasping something, and the remaining divine power was condensed in his hand.

Ten kilometers away, the majestic seawater, pulled by him, rolled over the land and shattered the town, like a rag being dragged onto a messy table.

In the eyes of this god, this world is indeed like a messy desktop.

Since the most stubborn stains cannot be wiped off yet, it is better to wipe off the less stubborn stains first.


The waves surged.

At this moment, under the fear of the entire universe, and under the dying cries of the people along the way,

Little John carried the god on his back and passed through the three major districts of Chungcheong Province, Chungcheong West Road, and Gyeongsang West Road of the Universe Kingdom, crossing the Universe Country from the middle!

Wherever you pass, the sea water surges!

Under this terrifying speed and monstrous waves, there was no possibility of escape for the people along the way. Human beings and countless animals were buried at the bottom of the sea together, and the land turned into a vast ocean!

Seeing that the land in front of him was about to end and he was about to enter the ocean again, Little John shouted loudly: "Uncles and aunties of the Universe Country, thank you!"

He didn't know that in the land he passed behind, no one could answer him...

At this time, the citizens of the Universe Kingdom who were not affected were also confused, and they had no idea what was going on.


Little John bolted through the air, leaving the land and heading straight into the ocean.

"Good uncle, don't be afraid." Little John comforted him softly: "Don't worry, Kameda Kingdom is not far ahead."

"Uncle Shozuo told me before that the uncle from Kameda Kingdom will also help us!"

"We'll be there soon!"

"Yeah." Klein smiled: "I'm not afraid."

Although he didn't have time to collect the souls killed along the way into his divine domain, Klein had already made plans.

This journey will be a journey of spreading fear.

After all, showing miracles to build faith is too slow and too difficult.

When Zeus and others invaded this plane, even if they showed miracles and even established a religion, they could not completely make the humans in this plane believe in themselves and thus master this plane.

Klein, who recognized this plane, knew clearly that this path would not work in this plane.

And since we can't make them believe in themselves with gratitude and dedicate themselves to themselves, then... we can only make them fear themselves!

The fear brought by killing is the fastest way to build faith!

And this road to evade pursuit is also the road to spread fear!

Let them all not dare to face themselves, let them believe in themselves with fear!

And the other side.

To the east of Ershou City, on the top of Nanhan Mountain.

Even the huge waves failed to smash this thick mountain, but even so, the sea water was rolling and flowing at one-third of the height, and broken stones were washed down from time to time.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking around, you can see the endless sea.

Broken streets, clothes, quilts, advertising signs, and human fragments are still floating on the sea.

The leader of the Universe Kingdom, who had evacuated this place urgently, looked at the scene in front of him, remained silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "What are the losses?"

"There are no statistics yet!" The assistant on the side said quickly: " is expected that at least 15 million people will die and an area of ​​30,000 square kilometers will be lost...Fortunately, our land is spread out in a long and narrow way, and the gods pass through it, but Seoul city……"

Ershou City was also affected!

No, it should be said that Ershou City is the first to bear the brunt!

The leader of the Universe Kingdom slowly raised his head and looked at the sea surface that was almost dyed red with the floating remains of countless compatriots.

He climbed this mountain last year.

Standing here, you can overlook Ershou City.

The largest and proudest city in the universe.

The economy is prosperous and very developed, with a population of tens of millions!

Viewed from here, endless streets and high-rise buildings spread across the land, bustling with traffic and bustling.

At night, it is like stars falling into the world, with bright lights.

But now...

"One-third of the citizens, one-third of the country..." The leader of the Universe Kingdom sighed slowly after hearing this number.

How will future generations evaluate this leader?

During his tenure, he lost nearly one-third of his citizens and one-third of his country!

You know, the Universe Kingdom only has a total of 50 million people and 100,000 square kilometers!

This loss figure is almost unacceptable!

And right now.

"First seat! First seat!" Some people suddenly came running towards him, desperate and with red eyes.

They were hiking in the mountains during the holidays and were lucky enough to escape.

But unfortunately, some people have witnessed their homes being shattered and their loved ones dying from the waves!

They lost everything!

Immediately, a staff member forcibly stopped them: "Stop! Don't come near!"

The leader of the Universe Kingdom slowly turned his head, and saw the common people looking at him with red eyes, and said loudly: "Why, why is this happening!"

"My mother and father are both at home!"

"Why don't you save them!"

They want answers.

The leader of the Universe Kingdom did not answer.

But he knew the answers to these questions.

Why is this happening.

Because of the decision I made...

Why not save?

Can't be saved.

After all, the time is too short.

Of course, there is actually a way. After all, he just took a helicopter and flew over the huge waves to land here.

However, all helicopters, military and passenger planes were used to evacuate important people like myself...

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the red eyes of the people, and then looking at the land that was once economically prosperous but now turned into a vast ocean, the leader of the Universe Kingdom suddenly discovered something.

Turns out, it’s not just numbers.

Fifteen million!

Each one is a living life!

They are all parents of children, and their children are all amiable elders, with their own families and their own jobs!

So where are the numbers in the eyes of politicians!

It was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood with no end in sight!

Thirty thousand square kilometers.

Every inch is a home for living and working in peace and contentment!

The land where crops grow, the wilderness where animals run, the playground where children play, the square where couples embrace!

All gone!

Today, the universe country has almost directly turned into half an island country.

The land area bordering the mainland is only over 30,000 square kilometers!

Another 30,000 square kilometers of land are directly cut off by the ocean, blocked from the mainland, and become islands in the ocean!

If only I were not so arrogant from the beginning and did not fantasize about cooperating with the gods, I would have had the firm determination to resist the gods like Daxia from the beginning and be fully prepared to fight the gods.


Even with the national power of the Universe Country, it cannot build the Great Wall of Steel like Daxia.

But the mountains that stretch across the north and south of the Universe Kingdom are also natural barriers, which can evacuate people to the mountains to avoid huge waves!

Although it cannot be like Daxia, not giving up an inch of land, using the Great Wall to resist the huge waves that destroy everything.

But...even if the country will be lost, fifteen million lives will not be lost!

"Just now, I was worried about my political performance and how future generations would evaluate my actions during my tenure." The leader of the Universe Kingdom smiled.

He picked up the phone.

He said in a calm tone: "The leader of Kameda Kingdom, the gods have left the Universe Kingdom and are heading to you."

"Huh?" On the other end of the phone, the leader of Kameda Kingdom was stunned for a moment and asked with concern: "What are your losses?"

The leader of the Universe Kingdom was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I am a sinner of the nation."

"Perhaps only Daxia's Great Steel Wall can stop the power of the gods."

"Only Daxia can stop it."

"We may have done something wrong."

"Future benefits..." The leader of the Universe Kingdom smiled: "Haha."

The leader of Kameda Kingdom also sighed, but unlike Cosmos Kingdom, he was sympathetic and nervous at the same time.

After all, he has witnessed the power of gods!

The four major islands directly become the power of the five major islands!

And the gods are going to them!

"Have you arranged evacuation over there?" the leader of the Universe Kingdom suddenly asked.

"Emergency evacuation is underway." Kameda Kingdom's leader replied.

Because of the obstruction of Space Kingdom, Kameda Kingdom still has some time to evacuate its citizens.

"Yes." The leader of the Universe Kingdom nodded: "That cooperation... I decided to reject it."

"What?" The leader of Kameda Kingdom was stunned, and then whispered: "I know that you have suffered huge losses this time, but if you refuse, these losses will be in vain!"

"Think of the huge benefits in the future..."

"To say the least, the Free Country will never let you go!"

"You always have to pay a price for doing something wrong." The leader of the Universe Nation sighed, "Our Universe Nation has paid such a huge price and finally saw the right direction."

"Fantasy about cooperating with that kind of guy who puts interests first, fantasizing about cooperating with that kind of powerful existence...this is the price."


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