Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 48 Refuse to relocate

Various edited versions of this video went viral on the domestic Internet, directly sweeping up all the hot lists.

This is a video that goes beyond common sense!

Corpse King General!

Xingyiquan, demon-suppressing stick, Taoist true fire, Confucian awe-inspiring energy!

All this is like a new door opening, letting Daxia know about this unprecedented power and this unprecedented enemy!

The whole Daxia was tense at this moment!

Because they witnessed with their own eyes how powerful that Corpse King general was!

But more importantly, there is a fighting spirit!

Because even such a powerful general of the Corpse King was still beheaded by the commander-in-chief of Daxia!

Coupled with the passionate BGM, the moment everyone in the God-killing Army took action was so shocking.

The young man's back was as strong as a knife!

Each edited version spreads rapidly on the Internet, and the number of comments and comments increases almost geometrically!

Some people were shocked by the power of the Corpse King's generals.

There are those who mourn the sacrifices of the soldiers.

There are people who lament the weakness of human beings.

But when the sword that chopped off the general's head appeared, everyone had only one voice.

Converged into four shocking words!

"Praise me Daxia!"

This video made Daxia no longer afraid of the upcoming war.

Unite as one!

The complete opposite is the reaction of international friends on the Internet.

"Oh my God, what is that thing? Even guns and cannons can't destroy it. Could it be that what the Daxia people said before is true?"

"No, no, no one really thinks this is true, right?"

"I tell you on behalf of countless third brothers that this can't be true. The Daxia people must be bragging again!"

"Yes, I have studied it, this is a special effect!"

"Haha, the stupid Daxia people actually want to use special effects to scare us."

"But don't tell me, the special effects are pretty good, they look real. The special effects industry in Daxia is so developed."

All opinions, without exception, believe that this video was deliberately fabricated by Daxia.

after all.

This video is really incredible.

Lin Fan read the comments on the Internet, rubbed his eyebrows, and sighed in a low voice: "It's exactly what I thought..."

But then.

Lin Fan smiled: "It's okay, this video was not originally meant for them to watch."

He suddenly remembered something.

In the last life, when the gods first came, the chief scientist led Daxia's scientific researchers to study the gods.

They just came up with very simple analysis results.

At that time, even a fool could see the analysis results at a glance, which was extremely superficial.

However, Daxia has a high degree of blocking on these analysis information about gods. Even Lin Fan and other combatants need to recycle their notebooks after going to class to avoid information leakage.

Lin Fan was very confused at the time and asked Chen Yan: "Why do we still block it after such a superficial analysis result?"

Lin Fan still remembered that Chen Yan was silent for a long time, and finally said in a complicated voice: "Because we don't want the enemy to know that we know nothing about them."

At that time, Daxia knew nothing about gods, so instead, they needed to block the news!

And now.

Not only did Daxia already know the existence of gods, but he also knew that the first god to come was the God of the Ocean, with the ability to control the ocean and possess sea beast followers!

The Great Steel Wall was built at the landing site in advance, and Lin Fan even knew clearly the order of the Ocean God and the height of the tsunami that came for the first time!

He was even more prepared for the hidden secrets.

At this time, Daxia no longer needed to hide, for fear of letting the gods discover that Daxia knew nothing about them.

Daxia wants those gods to know clearly.

We already know everything about you!

But you so-called gods know nothing about us!

Because there is no fear, there is no need to hide it!

"I hope this incident won't be another mysterious resurgence." Lin Fan sighed. He was still a little flustered because the call from Mr. Jin came out of nowhere.

Let yourself go and deal with it, it should be a bit troublesome.

But Jin Lao said there was no danger.

"So, what exactly is going on?" Lin Fan frowned slightly.

at the same time.


A sharp brake sound sounded.

Lin Fan immediately opened the car door and jumped out of the SUV.

Area 0124, Wangjia Village.

Lin Fan saw a commotion in front of the intersection in Wangjiacun. Several staff members were sweating profusely and negotiating with a few respectable old men dressed as farmers.

The process seemed to be not going smoothly, and they were already shouting.

"No, uncle, listen to me, there is really danger here..."

"Don't say anything about danger or not! I can't leave anyway!"

Lin Fan was slightly relieved. At least from the looks of it, it wasn't some mysterious revival, but... something went wrong in the negotiations with the people?

Lin Fan walked over quickly and asked a staff member, "What's going on?"

When the staff member saw Lin Fan, he was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, his eyes instantly filled with respect and admiration, and he saluted: "I've met the commander-in-chief! I am Li, the person in charge of area 0124..."

The old men also recognized Lin Fan and stopped entangled with the other staff. They shouted loudly to Lin Fan from a distance: "Leader, you have to make the decision for us!"

"We have lived here for generations, how can we just leave?"

"Don't talk about this yet." Lin Fan interrupted the person in charge's greeting and said bluntly: "Tell me, what's going on here?"

The person in charge had a complicated expression on his face: "Reporting to the commander-in-chief, it's actually not a big deal, it's just a bit difficult to handle."

"You have previously issued an order to urgently relocate residents in all villages and towns within three kilometers of the Great Steel Wall."

"It stands to reason that this should be quite negotiable. After all, everyone knows that when the gods come next, the ocean will be in danger. This Wangjiacun is a small fishing village living by the sea, but no matter what, they are unwilling to move!"

"Even several surrounding fishing villages heard the news and sent representatives. They all expressed their attitude and were unwilling to relocate."

Lin Fan frowned slightly: "Have you informed them of the relocation policy?"

"I told you! We will provide them with relocation fees and assist in their relocation, and the new houses have been built. As long as they nod, they can measure them immediately." The person in charge looked helpless: "No matter what we say, They don’t want to!”

"This is strange." Lin Fan exhaled, "You guys take a rest first, I will negotiate with them."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he walked up to the old men.

"Old man, what do you call me?" Lin Fan said politely.

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