Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 584 The Compassionate Person

"Charge!!" The yellow wind monster changed direction again.

One hundred thousand demon soldiers killed again.

But what greeted him...

"Shushan disciples form an array!"

Sword God Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

"Raise your sword!"

Hundreds of swords are pedicured, flying swords are trampled on, and white clothes are used to seal the secrets!


The sword roars to the sky!

Tens of thousands of flying swords covered the sky and hung in the sky, as majestic as the silver ocean, and like the towering Shu Mountain!

The tip of the sword points to the one hundred thousand demon soldiers!

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The yellow wind monster once again glanced across the street, looking at a group of helpless scholars.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

"These are these helpless scholars!"

The yellow wind monster roared and rushed forward, and a hundred thousand demon soldiers roared into the sky!

Zilu chuckled.

The green shirt is swaying.

Mr. Mo Zhi held the scroll and said loudly: "Confucian disciples, but you don't have the power to tie a chicken?"

Behind him, hundreds of Confucian scholars shouted in unison:

“Confucius said, if you don’t worry about others, you don’t know yourself; if you worry, you don’t know others!”


Soaring literary spirit!

Amidst the sound of reading, the big golden characters are like mountains hanging in the night sky, full of pressure.

At this moment, the world seemed to be trembling because of this will!

Daxia has inherited five thousand years of will!


The Confucian shirt on Zilu's body suddenly shattered. Underneath the flow of literary energy, there were those ferocious and burly muscles. His long hair rose to the sky under the restraints of the belt, and his smile was as ferocious as a lion!

Benevolence carries on the shoulders of virtue!



The Confucian shirts exploded, revealing burly, powerful, and muscular bodies.




The stacked muscles form characters.

Those ferocious back figures contain power that has been tempered by thought!

"Can we finally start spreading knowledge?"

Zilu took off the Fuzi pen on his back and held it in his hand as if he were carrying a beam. He looked at the hundred thousand demon soldiers quietly under the moonlight. The billowing literary aura radiated from his body, and his long hair reached the sky, like a lion.

"Things are getting interesting."

Dao Wanqian weighed the "Whispering Language" like a brick in his hand and smiled fiercely.

Behind him, someone is holding a book, someone is holding a sword, someone is pulling a bow, someone is driving a chariot. After all, a gentleman is a project of the six arts of the gentleman...

There are also people holding brick books, huge stick-like brushes, huge and heavy inkstones...

Paper, ink and pen.

The power of knowledge.

The yellow wind monster didn't know whether it was true that there was a golden house in the book, but looking at the brick-like book, the yellow wind monster knew that being hit by him would be about the same as being hit by the golden house...

"Come on, class has started."

"Today I will teach you a sentence. If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening. It means that if you learn knowledge today, it will be a good deal for you to die."

Dao Wanqian had a face full of joy in spreading knowledge. He was holding the heavy "Whispering Language" in one hand and waving to the hundred thousand demon soldiers with the other hand.

Each Confucian disciple is like a lion, with a kind smile on his face.

For a moment, I looked at these strong men in explosive clothes with ferocious faces and gleaming wisdom all over their bodies, as well as the heavy books and pens...

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Damn it, have humans evolved? Why are these scholars like this!"


The hundred thousand monster soldiers who had just swarmed forward crowded back, their eyes filled with fear.

The yellow wind monster glanced across the sky again.

This time, before the yellow wind monster could greet him, Dao Wanqian, who met his eyes, snorted coldly.

"Daxia Daomen!"

Behind him, hundreds of Taoist disciples took a step forward, holding magic swords: "The Taoist disciples are here!"


All the talismans are flying and hanging in the air.

The heaven and earth seem to be controlled, and an invisible Taoist rhyme guides the power of heaven and earth, using the spirit of this world.


The wind is blowing!


Thunder suddenly broke out in the sky, and thunder fell like raindrops, and dazzling light hit the ground!


The ground cracked, and streams of Nine Yang Earth Fire spewed out!

Thunder and fire!

The thunder in the sky is like a pillar, and the fire on the earth is like the sea.

"Come on, you're welcome." Dao Wanqian stood with his hands behind his back.

Yellow wind monster: "..."

One hundred thousand demon soldiers: "..."

Looking at the purgatory-like scene, with sky thunder rolling down like raindrops, and earth fire like the sea, the Yellow Wind Monster even thought that he had gone to hell.



The yellow wind monster shouted loudly.

"Boss, we haven't charged yet..." a demon soldier reminded in a low voice.

The yellow wind monster finally came back to his senses, and then his eyes converged again.

His eyes swept over the position of the Buddhist disciples.

He squinted his eyes.

It was really a group of bald heads standing there, which was a bit dazzling, even under the moonlight.

"Kill it!"

The yellow wind monster suddenly shouted loudly.

One hundred thousand demon soldiers turned around again and rushed towards this side.

The Buddhist abbot was stunned for a moment: "Amitabha, doesn't this donor know...that my Buddhist specialty is killing demons?"

Before the abbot could form a formation, one hundred and eight bronze men had already rushed out with sticks in hand.



There were waves of stick shadows, and the sand and gravel on the ground were swept away.


One hundred and eight sticks hit the ground, and the monks all held the sticks in one hand. Then a row of monks suddenly took out machetes from their arms and slapped them on the bald head!


The knife breaks!

Buddhist iron head skill!

The second row of monks walked out, in pairs.

One person held a spear and poked the other person's throat with the tip of the spear, while the other person just walked up with the tip of the spear in his hand, bending the wooden gun shaft at a shocking angle, and then broke it with a "click"!

Buddhist golden bell!

For a moment, the demon soldiers felt as if they were watching a performance, and even forgot that they were on a battlefield.


A demon soldier shouted loudly!




"Amitabha, there's a war! Are you selling tickets?" the abbot suddenly scolded with a complex expression.

The leading bronze disciple was slightly stunned, clasped his hands together, and said with a guilty look on his face: "Amitabha, I'm sorry, abbot, it's just that I have been doing too many business performances in recent years... I have a bit of an occupational disease."

"I accidentally acted out."

" hundred and eight Arhats are arrayed to slay demons!"

"Demon soldiers, look for treasures!"

The one hundred and eight bronze men suddenly shouted angrily, quit performing, and formed an Arhat formation!

One hundred and eight, Bronze Man Arhat Formation!

I saw that the one hundred and eight bronze men actually carried the long stick on their backs, and then they all shook their cassocks and took out Buddhist magic weapons from their cassocks!

rp/g, gatling. Mortar/artillery.

It is surprisingly better than the equipment of the previous special operations group!

Behind them, there was a faint shadow of the Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged. The Bodhisattva had a cigarette in his mouth and a cluster missile launcher on his shoulder.

"Monster! Come forward and listen to the Sutra of My Great Mercy and Great Compassion, and I will increase your merits!"

Gatling spins and makes a low hum, like chanting sutras for salvation.

"You guys!" Dao Wanqian looked stunned!

"Amitabha, times have changed." The abbot slowly picked up an AK from his cassock, showed compassion on his face, and pulled the bolt of the gun with Buddha's light: "You don't need to use martial arts if you have a gun?"

"No, this can be considered a Buddhist method?!"

Dao Wanqian was astonished. In his impression, these bald-headed magic weapons were all lotus thrones, demon-conquering pestles, and thousand-year-old Buddha statues...

What happened when he suddenly took out an AK from his pocket?

Is this what you Buddhists should use?

"The donor has become a monk. How can this not be regarded as a Buddhist method?" The abbot said in a low voice: "These guns were fired by the old monk himself. They are very good."

Thousands of Taoist voices trembled: "But doesn't your Buddhism emphasize compassion?"

"Amitabha is truly compassionate." The abbot smiled and fired a few shots into the air. "If the injured person is hit by the Zen staff, the injured person's tendons and bones will be broken, and the pain will be extremely painful. Even if he dies, it will be very uncomfortable."

"But this thing only needs to come here."

"Without any pain, I went directly to the West to see the Buddha."

"Isn't this also a kind of mercy? Good, good."

The abbot pointed to Gatlin beside him: "I heard that the person who invented this magic weapon was a doctor who saved lives and healed the wounded. He must also be a compassionate person. He is so kind. This person must have immeasurable merit."

For a moment, I was speechless.

Look at the aks in the hands of those Buddhist disciples, and then look at the magic swords in the hands of himself and the Taoist disciples. Dao Wanqian just feels that he seems to be lagging behind... Go back and study more on the combination of Taoist talismans + modern weapons, and see Can you also change the mahogany sword...

The weapons and equipment in the hands of Buddhist disciples are surrounded by Buddha's light and blessed by Buddha's power.

The bald head and cold firearm exuded a golden luster, like a Buddhist magical weapon that could save the world.

Buddhist disciples recite Buddhist scriptures, and all of them have the phantoms of Bodhisattva condensed on their bodies.

There are Bodhisattvas holding Gatling, there are Bodhisattvas holding AK, there are Bodhisattvas carrying RP and G, and there are Buddhist Vajras holding heavy snipers.

"Namo Amitabha, Great Merciful and Great Compassion..."

The sound of chanting blended eerily with the low hum of Gatlin's spinning.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate."

"Come, all donors, come up and listen to me recite sutras for salvation."

"Don't be afraid. In just a moment, you can meet the Buddha and listen to my Buddhist teachings."

Surrounded by the Buddha's light, the abbot held an ak in one hand and waved to the yellow wind monster and the hundred thousand demon soldiers with a compassionate face.


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