Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 589 My name is Daji

How valuable is this magic weapon to restrain the divine wind of Samadhi!

Then Monkey King is powerful enough, with infinite power and countless transformations. However, when encountering the divine wind of Samadhi, he could only retreat in defeat.

It’s because there is no such magic weapon!

If there is such a magic weapon, then why does Monkey Sun need to bring in reinforcements?

How could he, the Yellow Wind King, be famous in the Demon League? I'm afraid that any big monster can take care of him!

The Yellow Wind Monster has imagined that when he regains some strength, he can once again harness the divine wind of Samadhi and devour the world! !

But I never thought, damn, you have more than 200,000 soldiers, one person per person?

And looking at the appearance of the young man in front of him, it seems that this magic weapon is not precious in today's Great Xia?

The Yellow Wind Monster suddenly felt the changes of the times.

No, it's not just the changing times.

The whole world has changed!

Humans are so dangerous?

My majestic King Huang Feng seems to have no advantage at all...

As for that!

I'm just a monster!

Seeing the disbelieving shock on the Yellow Wind Monster's face, Lin Fan frowned and said, "Is this thing very precious?"

The yellow wind monster's voice was trembling: "Isn't such a magic weapon precious?"

"There are tens of millions of sets of this kind of thing in Daxia now..." Lin Fan said complicatedly.

Because of the fight with sea beasts, the soldiers were all equipped with thermal imaging cameras in order to find out the movements hidden under the sea surface.

And with the terrifying productivity in the northwest production areas, for such urgently needed things, of course, we must seize the time to produce them.

Furthermore, this thing is not a high-tech technology nowadays. It is a very common equipment in war. Even some old men use a slingshot to shoot birds at night, and they all carry a thermal imaging device...

"Tens of millions of sets!" Yellow Wind Monster's eyes widened: "How is this possible? How is it possible to refine so many of such a precious magic weapon!"

"You're lying to me!"

"You may not believe it, but these goggles cost twenty yuan each in Daxia... The thermal imaging of individual soldiers is relatively expensive, with a pure cost of several thousand yuan..."

As soon as these words came out, the Yellow Wind Monster looked horrified.

Although I don’t quite understand it, it seems very cheap?

For a moment, the Yellow Wind Monster's mind went blank.

Unexpectedly, today's human beings are so powerful?

Magic weapons that can restrain the divine wind of Samadhi seem to be everywhere?

Those Buddhas and immortals were not able to do this!

"Are you really human?"

The Yellow Wind Monster looked at Lin Fan in disbelief, then looked up to the sky and thanked Tang: "In this battle, I, the Yellow Wind Monster, lost without complaint!"

"Just kill me!"

"My skills are inferior to those of others. I, Huang, have nothing to say!"

The yellow wind monster was also a man. He raised his head and waited for Lin Fan to slash it with his sword!

But the cold blade on his neck suddenly stopped.

"What do you mean!" The yellow wind monster looked at Lin Fan with a stern look, and said in a deep voice: "If you don't kill me, are you going to capture me and humiliate me?"

"No need to pretend!"

"I won't say anything. You don't want to find other returning demons. Just kill me and give me a good time!"

"You and I both know that demons and humans are inherently antagonistic. If humans are weak, demons eat humans. If demons are weak, humans will kill demons!"

The yellow wind monster's voice was cold.

But Lin Fan frowned and said, "When did I say I wanted to kill you?"

The Yellow Wind Monster was stunned for a long time, thinking that Lin Fan was joking. Seeing that Lin Fan was not faking it, he said in disbelief: "You won't kill me?"

For a moment, the Yellow Wind Monster's outlook on life seemed to be impacted.

How could these humans not kill themselves?

Since ancient times, humans and demons have been fighting each other!

When people are weak, monsters eat people.

If the demon is weak, the man will kill the demon!

"You are lucky." Lin Fan held the Shura knife and said coldly: "You have a chance to survive."

"But it depends on how you choose."

The yellow wind monster still didn't believe it: "How could you not kill me!"

"Because now, we have a common enemy!" Lin Fan looked at the Yellow Wind Monster, "That enemy is extremely powerful!"

The Yellow Wind Monster suddenly remembered the five heads he saw when he sneaked under the Great Wall that day!

The head of a god!

"The extraterrestrial demons...the group of extraterrestrial demons who claim to be gods!" The Yellow Wind Monster subconsciously exclaimed, with a trace of uncontrollable fear in his eyes, "They are back again!"

He knows how powerful those extraterrestrial demons are!

He had seen the Eastern Gods and Buddhas fighting side by side with the Eastern Martial Gods, but the powerful Eastern Gods and Buddhas and the Eastern Martial Gods were defeated, reincarnated, or fell into endless sleep.

"So, you are still worth living now." Lin Fan looked at the Yellow Wind Monster, "Now, you can agree to fight alongside us! Or you can refuse."

"But refusal means that you are still demons that are against us humans."

"Your demon alliance is still the demon alliance against the human race."

Lin Fan slowly raised the Shura Sword and raised it slowly: "I have to say that what you said before is right. If people are weak, monsters will eat people. If monsters are weak, people will kill monsters!"

"Now, choose!"

"Confrontation, or alliance!"

On the Shura knife, the dark flames danced, carrying the coldness of death.

The ghosts and gods roared behind the boy!

The word "Shura" hangs high, and the black knife seems to be falling at any time!

The yellow wind monster looked horrified, but more importantly, it was disbelief!

Demon League!

This guy knows about the Demon Alliance!

And the most important thing is... forming an alliance!

"How do you know about the Demon Alliance!" Yellow Wind Monster blurted out almost subconsciously.

Lin Fan frowned and looked at the Yellow Wind Monster: "I am holding the knife now, do I still have to explain to you?"

"Form an alliance..." The Yellow Wind Monster looked at Lin Fan and said in a trembling voice: "You humans actually want to form an alliance with our monster clan?"

Since ancient times, the human race and the demon race have been fighting to the death!

As the Yellow Wind Monster said, when people are weak, monsters eat people; when monsters are weak, people kill monsters.

This is the only relationship that exists between the two races.

For thousands of years, there has been no such thing as an alliance!

But now, this guy actually wants to form an alliance with the Demon Alliance?

The yellow wind monster's eyes were full of disbelief.

"The gods are too powerful." Lin Fan said directly: "If we want to protect this land, it will be too difficult for us, the Daxia people, to resist!"


The yellow wind monster thought of the divine light filling the sky and the figure walking out bathed in the divine light, and nodded slightly.

Those extraterrestrial demons who claim to be gods...

Too strong!

"Hahaha, of course it's too strong, for you humans, of course it's too strong!" The Yellow Wind Monster suddenly laughed: "Only humans want to form an alliance with our demon alliance, and they don't even care how much they weigh... "

But smiling and laughing, the Yellow Wind Monster suddenly couldn't laugh anymore.

The hanging blade reminded him that times have changed!

The one with the knife on his head now is him!

The era when demons were rampant in the world has passed, and the once weak human race now has the strength to talk to the demon alliance! We have the basis for forming an alliance with the Demon Alliance!

"You can refuse now. I will kill you. The human race and the demon race will go to war. Kill them until there is only one left, and then go to the one-faced god!" Lin Fan said coldly: "Or the demon race will form an alliance with the human race!"

"When the next batch of gods comes, you and I, the demon race and the human race, will fight side by side on this land!"

The yellow wind monster frowned, as if thinking.

But then, the Yellow Wind Monster suddenly snorted coldly: "To put it nicely, how can you humans tolerate my demon clan? Even if I agree to you..."

Daji, who was wearing military uniform beside him, frowned: "Are you the only one who is a monster?"

For a moment, the yellow wind monster glanced at Daji, who was wearing military uniform, and looked stunned.

There is no doubt that the human race is really planning to cooperate with the Demon Alliance!

They have even found a demon that does not belong to the demon alliance and incorporated it!

"But even if I agree, can you let go of your hatred for my monster clan?" The Yellow Wind Monster said coldly: "Back then, Huang was entrenched in Huangfengling and ate 382 people. Why do you humans pretend to be like this? hypocritical……"

Daji on the side frowned: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Daji."

The Yellow Wind Monster was stunned and thought to himself, "I'm talking about how many people I've eaten in the past. Why do you call me Daji?"

Are you sick? I didn’t ask you!

But the next moment, the Yellow Wind Monster was startled!



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