Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 597: Meeting of the Jishihui

"Now, please evacuate in an orderly manner, pack your things, and follow the guidance."

"Each residential building will have dedicated vehicles to transport personnel and luggage, and dedicated people will guide you. Please don't panic."

"I repeat, this is not a defeat, but a strategic retreat for victory!"

The leader of the French Country emphasized one last time and then hung up the communication.

On every street and downstairs of every resident, there were immediately uniformed personnel holding loudspeakers: "Please pack your bags immediately and prepare to go to the evacuation location!"

"The first evacuation vehicle will leave in half an hour. Please hurry up, we don't have much time!"

There are also staff who go door-to-door with the list to count.

In just an instant, the entire city of Lebanon was in chaos!


"What do you mean? Let us leave?"

"Are you kidding me? I've been running this suit shop since my grandfather's generation. This is the accumulation of three generations of my life!"

"Can we come back?"

Suddenly, stunned.

It wasn't until this moment that people felt that the arrival of the gods was indeed a devastating disaster as Daxia said!

This was something they had never experienced when they watched Da Xia's battle live broadcast.

When they saw those gods displaying their power in the Great Xia Sea, although they witnessed the power of the gods, they felt that it had nothing to do with them.

Some people even bought popcorn and Coke and watched it at home like a war movie.

But suddenly, overnight, everything changed!

The disaster that was once blocked by Daxia befell them!

Throughout the city of Leba, all residents were awake, getting up and packing their luggage, calling their relatives and friends, picking up their parents, and driving east on crowded roads in private cars.

For those who do not have private cars, there are special evacuation vehicles.

The original romance was gone, and some stores were first crowded due to frantic shopping, and then chaos broke out.

But fortunately, people here still have the last hope. There is not much chaos, and police officers will soon come to subdue the chaos.

"Don't mess up!" On the street, a police superintendent leaned against the police car and shouted loudly: "We still have a country! Although we have lost our home, everyone is still here!"

"Everyone, this is just a relocation, don't panic!"

"When we get to the new place, we will still live a normal life. This is not the end of the world! Don't be nervous!"

In the quiet night, the city of Leba suddenly became more lively than during the day, with bright lights, loudspeakers and shouts, as if on the eve of destruction.

Vehicles loaded with goods and people drove out of Paris, as if fleeing for their lives.

The people in the car suddenly realized that this was their last sight. From then on, they left their hometowns and looked back at the prosperous city where they had lived for generations.

The art-like copper street lamps on the street have a history of two hundred years!

Maybe their father or grandfather once walked under that street lamp.

When they walk on the streets, they seem to feel the breath left by their elders.

And now, running away in a panic!

There were cries, curses, and angry roars.

Human beings have lost their land and left their homes like bereaved dogs.

Who could have imagined that the artistic center and romantic capital of Leba, which once made all of Western Europe proud, this treasure of Western civilization, would actually enter the countdown to its demise overnight!

Fortunately, at least all the citizens were able to evacuate, and they still have a large area of ​​land to survive on.

But everyone knows it.

This so-called "strategic evacuation" for victory...

"It's a failure!" A man still wearing pajamas and sitting in an evacuation vehicle with a suitcase in his arms cursed with red eyes: "We all had to abandon our homes and run away. Isn't this a failure? Then what is a failure!"

A middle-aged man cursed loudly: "Daxia can be defended by others! Why should we flee in a hurry! In terms of technology and military strength, with so many countries joining forces, where are we? Why can Daxia be defended by us? Run for your life!"

"It's not fair. It's the same god who came. The Daxia people are eating sea beast meat behind the Great Wall. Why did we run away in a hurry!"

Behind, there is a bustling romantic city, and the accumulation of hundreds of years of history is getting further and further away.

Outside the car window, by the Rhine River, Western European-style pastures stretch as far as the eye can see. The green grassland was once the favorite place for Lebanese citizens to go on weekends.

But everyone knows...

"Child, take one more look." A mother hugged her baby who was learning to talk. "Keep it in your heart, this is your home."

"Because we...may never come back."

This scene took place in every city, village, and town in the French country, and also in every corner of the European countries that were about to evacuate.

Evacuation of a continent!

Countless people are displaced! Countless splendid cities have been abandoned!

While Daxia was accumulating strength, communicating with the demon alliance, and swallowing the universe, he was preparing to face the gods.

The West’s “strategic evacuation” plan also begins tonight!

In addition to these two regions, there is another region that is also holding a meeting.

In a quiet villa study in the Free Country, several people were sitting at the table in casual clothes in the living room.

Although they seem casual, every word spoken by these people is enough to influence an industry!

They are a group of beings who control the economic lifeline of a free country, and stand tall above 300 million citizens!


Their family businesses are so intertwined that even some citizens don't know who they are working for, and no one knows who the majestic leader in public takes orders from.

It's just that they are different from the attitudes of the European countries. Now that the third god is about to come, these people don't look a little nervous and are sitting here talking and laughing.

It was as if the arrival of gods had nothing to do with them.

General Mike sat upright on the second sofa, smoking a cigar with an ugly face, and looked at the other representatives of the consortium who were still joking with suppressed disdain.

Taking a deep breath, General Mike interrupted: "Everyone, let's not discuss quarterly profits now. You all know the situation. What should we do now?"

"I heard that just now, Daxia has been looking for their demon alliance with the intention of forming an alliance, and Daxia has also begun to move the Universe Kingdom."

"They are preparing for war."

"The European side is not idle either. Brenda and I have communicated that she is prepared to make a strategic retreat at the cost of giving up part of the land and prepare to hold on to the remaining land."

"I have to say that Brenda is a decisive and smart person. This plan is not as good as Daxia, but it is the only one they can do."

"What about us? What are your current thoughts?"

General Mike glanced at the consortium representatives.

Mr. Roosevelt smiled: "Us? What does it matter about us? Are you really afraid that we people will die in the hands of gods?"

"General Mike, you may have just joined and haven't realized what sitting here means."

"Sitting here means that unless the entire free country dies, there will be no change in our daily lives!"

After speaking, Mr. Roosevelt picked up the red wine glass and took a sip with an expression of enjoyment.


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