General Mike quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "No armed suppression, please persuade us to surrender!"

Armed suppression!

There will be a river of blood!

Those unarmed people will be torn into pieces under the terrifying firepower of the consortium!

Of course the consortium doesn't care, they don't lack people to work, but... Mike can't just sit idly by!

There was silence on the intercom for a moment, and then a message came: "After communication, the leader of the other party refused to surrender and his attitude was firm."

"Our 302nd Infantry Regiment has surrounded it, its firepower has been deployed, and we can annihilate it at any time!"

"Please General Mike to order an encirclement and annihilation, our troops are ready for battle!"

General Mike's scalp was numb. He seemed to be able to see that thousands of miles away, armed helicopters roared in the sky, machine guns were set up, and tanks roared.

And those surrounded in the middle are the disgraced common people!

"No fighting!"

General Mike picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "We'll wait until I get there!"

The person on the other side seemed to be hesitant: "But if it is delayed for a long time, once this kind of riot spreads..."

General Mike said in a harsh tone: "Are you doubting my order? I am the second highest ranking member of the Jishi Association!"

The attitude on the other side was respectful and flattering: "Yes! General Mike, please come as soon as possible!"

Once upon a time, Jishihui was a huge thing hidden under the water, and almost no outsiders knew about it.

Now, as the shelter plan unfolds, Jishihui also begins to show its strength, and some people with a little status have discovered this mysterious and powerful organization.

General Mike hung up the communication and said in a deep voice: "Stop the car, turn around, and go to the apron!"


The convoy immediately braked, turned around, and then roared away!

Arriving at the tarmac, the thousand-person security team got out of the car and locked the doors.

General Mike said to the person in charge of the tarmac with a cold face: "No one is allowed to approach these vehicles without my order!"

"Yes!" The person in charge of the tarmac nodded seriously.

He only thought that the big man was afraid that the vehicles would be planted with bombs by crazy poor people, but in fact, General Mike was worried that what he had done would be discovered.

After all, half of the money that was just distributed is still inside!


Helicopters took off.

Not long after.

The helicopter group landed, and General Mike and a thousand security team members got off the helicopter.

No mechanical roar!

But... chilling!

The heavy murderous aura made General Mike's breathing quicken. It was the murderous aura that was about to begin.

That's right, it's like a war!

Deadly silent and chilling.

What came into view was soldiers with loaded guns lined up to surround the front, countless armed helicopters hovering above, and even bombers and fighter jets ready to go!

The machine guns have been set up, and each combat team has built defensive positions to lock the construction area in front from all directions.

As long as you give an order, you can charge as a group!

In the middle, the excavated soil looks like a mountain, and some figures can be vaguely seen shuttled between the gravel.

"General Mike!"

"What's the situation?" General Mike walked quickly towards the commanding officer.

The commanding officer immediately took out a temporary map and replied: "Report to General Mike that this large-scale riot occurred five hours ago. Almost instantly, all the workers in the mining area rebelled. Because of the sudden incident, the five thousand soldiers who were originally on duty were used by them at close range. Half of them were stoned to death, and the remaining half managed to organize a defense and escape alive."

"We had a brief exchange before, but the leader of the other party refused to communicate! And he hid in the construction site, using gravel and excavated soil as a bunker to confront us!"

"Our unit has surrounded them. To be honest, we can wipe them out at any time if we want!"

General Mike ignored him, but looked at the leader's information.

Enjoy the sunset.

A very simple Daxia name.

It was a Chinese girl in her twenties. She looked soft and frail, but there was a stubbornness between her eyebrows.

The information shows that this is an international student from Daxia. He was originally a student with excellent academic performance. He came here to learn knowledge and hoped to return to his country to build his motherland.

But just when there was only half a year left to graduate and return to China, God came!

The Free State sealed the country's borders, so she couldn't go back, and her family couldn't send money over.

During that time, this Chinese girl from a good family had to fight for life alone in a foreign country.

And now, with the start of the shelter project, she has to join in working here, just to survive!

But such a seemingly ordinary Daxia girl actually grew up to be the leader of a large-scale riot in such a short period of time!

Even General Mike couldn't understand it.

Big riot!

There are 300,000 workers at this construction site!

And these workers all followed her orders to riot!

This organizational ability is incredible to General Mike.

You know, this is a person in a desperate situation! Moreover, these workers are not trained soldiers, but low-level people from all walks of life, who are in competition with each other!

Three hundred thousand people could actually listen to such a Daxia girl and start a riot?

Even the best commander cannot do this!

"Please give the order, General Mike, let us charge!" the commanding officer said urgently: "Otherwise, if it is delayed for too long..."

"No!" General Mike looked away from the photo and said solemnly: "If we really want to annihilate them all, it will definitely affect the construction process!"

"In this case, I'll go in and talk to her."

The commanding officer looked at the construction site with mud and gravel blocking his view. He hesitated and finally said: "This will be very dangerous. Those thugs are crazy now... In this way, if you bring 30,000 soldiers in, you can at least ensure your safety." …”

"No need!" General Mike said solemnly: "I can just bring my own escort."

The commanding officer's expression suddenly changed: "There are three hundred thousand thugs inside! Although they don't have firearms, they can use stones..."

"No need." Mike smiled: "I've seen a lot of riots."

"The reason why these leaders are making trouble is just to survive. As long as I offer her a hundred places to bribe her, she will directly agree to stop the riot." Mike said this, and then said: "Even, in order to fight for a With a hundred quotas, those thugs who were originally united will start fighting on their own."

"And you can also trust my security team."

Behind General Mike, more than a thousand security personnel were armed with live ammunition and well-trained!

But even so, the commanding officer was still a little worried: "But..."

"No need! This is an order!" General Mike said in a deep voice: "Now let the soldiers retreat five hundred meters, and I will talk to you personally! I am now the leader of the Free Country and the second leader of the Jishi Association!"

As soon as these words came out, the commanding officer could only sigh: "Yes!"

"Don't worry," General Mike patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "I've seen a lot of thugs! Their resistance is nothing more than a few quotas for survival."

General Mike waved to the security team at the rear: "Let's go, everyone, follow me to negotiate!"


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