Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 720 Lin Fan is at a loss what to do

At this moment, Lin Fan realized that he was wrong.

I mistakenly underestimated the faith established by the gods here!

These orcs, through generations of education, have completely lost the wildness of their ancestors and have become well-behaved sheep of the gods.

Lin Fan stared blankly at the orcs, whose eyes were still pious.

They had long been accustomed to Lin Fan's harsh conditions.

It didn't feel like anything was wrong at all, that's how it should be.

"No." Lin Fan was silent for a moment and said in a hoarse voice: "You can even abandon the history of your ancestors?"

"God, please don't mention our ancestors again." The high priest said with a guilty look on his face: "Our ancestors actually dare to be enemies with you!"

“They advance in darkness, unaware of the glory of their gods!”

"Stupid, selfish, unable to look up and see true greatness!"

"It was God who saved them. Even if they committed crimes against God, God forgave them and only killed those who persisted in their sins."

"The blood of sin flows on our bodies, but the glory of God illuminates us. We should serve God!"

"Those stupid ancestors, please don't mention them again! That is our shame!"

"God, please forgive us!"


The high priest kowtowed fiercely, his face buried deeply into the soil.

"God, please forgive us!"

"We will use our devout faith to wash away the sins from our ancestors!"

The orcs kowtowed together.

Lin Fan fell silent.

The gods taught them so well.

Make them feel like they are born guilty, similar to pua.

Let them feel their sins, let them feel guilty, and let them feel God's tolerance.

This allows them to willingly dedicate everything to the gods and wash away the so-called sins.


What a crime!

What's the crime in laughing wantonly and writing your own history!

That is not the power given by gods, but the power that everyone is born with!

Lin Fan sighed: "You should have your own culture, your own songs, and your own stories."

"Don't you want to sing your own songs and write your own stories?"

"God, don't test us anymore!" The high priest raised his head and said sincerely: "Everything we have must be dedicated to the gods!"

"We have long erased those so-called emotions!"

"All private emotions will lead to selfish desires and ultimately destruction!"

"Only God can guide us!"

"We don't need our own stories or our own songs. Those are all contraband!"

"Our own ideas will only bring greed, evil, and ultimately chaos!"

"We only need to sing hymns in praise of the gods and recite the epics of the gods, that's it! Everything about us belongs to the gods!"

In this world, there are no songs, no stories, and no culture of its own.

There are only hymns of gods and legends about gods.

This is a world conquered by gods!

These orcs even feel that self-awareness and private emotions are a sin!

There was no loud laughter, no playing and fighting, only devout kneeling and singing.

At this moment, Lin Fan felt a chill spreading directly from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. This chill was more terrifying than facing a god.

Lin Fan saw endless emptiness and darkness in the pious eyes of these orcs.

It is darkness and emptiness covered in glory.

Faith is a good thing.

It can make people fearless of life and death, not afraid of any difficulties, and remain firm in their hearts.

But crazy belief is more terrifying than poison.

Lin Fan finally wanted to try harder, and said in a deep voice: "You have no love... If you don't fall in love or get married, how can you reproduce?"

Love is a very powerful emotion.

Lin Fan felt that maybe this emotion could awaken these orcs.

But the expression on the high priest's face suddenly changed: "God, we don't have love. Please don't test us with that evil emotion of lust and possession!"

"We have already obeyed your orders and abandoned love. Everything we do is to serve you!"

"As for reproducing offspring..."

"God, we have a breeding day every half month!"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment: "Breeding day?"

"A festival purely for breeding, for cultivating more believers for you!" the high priest explained: "On that day, all of us will not wear clothes, and we only need to say 'Hello, breeding' to each other to breed. .”

“There’s no need for too much communication, and no rejection is allowed.”

“After all, this is to cultivate more believers for you!”

"When the child is born, everyone will raise it together, even if we don't know who the father is... After all, we are all your devout believers!"

"We don't need the selfish emotion of love. Our reproduction is all for the gods!"

"We don't need to commit the possessive crime of falling in love and getting married. Our bodies and even our spirits have already been dedicated to you!"

Lin Fan: "!!!"

Breeding day?

Hello, breeding?

Is it so exciting?

Lin Fan suddenly felt like he didn't want to leave... but after thinking about it, he decided not to leave. He had forbidden things...

Ahem, it's not the forbidden condition of being single forever.

The main reason is that I, Lin Fan, have long been out of vulgar tastes, and I can’t do anything at home until I get rid of the gods!

Lin Fan continued: "But those who are beautiful will be at a disadvantage. Everyone will run to find those who are beautiful and say this..."

"What is beauty?" The high priest and a kind of orc both looked confused.

Lin Fan's heart sank.

These orcs have been so brainwashed that they don't know beauty and ugliness.

This may sound incomprehensible, but the distinction between beauty and ugliness comes from one's own aesthetics.

And these orcs no longer have their own thoughts, and therefore no sense of aesthetics.

From spirit to body, everything is in the service of God.

In their view, there is no distinction between beauty and ugliness, only devout faith is beautiful.

As for love, love, marriage?

That kind of private emotion is evil!

Only the glory of God is the only sacred yearning!

There is only pure reproduction without any selfish motives to bring more believers to the gods!

"God," the high priest knelt on the ground and looked at Lin Fan: "Do you have any other instructions?"

The orcs were also kneeling on the ground with pious expressions on their faces.

Just like a group of pigs raised in a pig pen and domesticated.

Lin Fan felt that he had to take some harsh medicine.

"I order you to commit suicide." Lin Fan said calmly.

The choice between life and faith!

Lin Fan didn't believe it. These guys were really so pious!

But seeing that these orcs did not hesitate at all, the leading high priest instantly took out his knife and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the time has come to dedicate everything to the gods!"

The faces of all the orcs are full of glory and enthusiasm! !

"The glory of dying for a god!"

“We will die in glory and enter God’s Kingdom of Heaven, accompanying God!”

"This is great detachment!"

Even a five-year-old orc child picked up a dagger made of animal bones with a fanatical look on his face at this moment and pointed it at his throat.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then shouted loudly: "Stop!"


All the orcs suddenly paused, neatly and uniformly.

After all, it is God’s command!

"God, please give us the opportunity to serve you!" The high priest who almost died on the spot did not feel happy at all. Instead, he said with a look of regret: "Let us die for you. It is us who will die in your glory." It’s an honor!”

"We have all dreamed of this day. As long as we die for God, we can ascend to heaven and be with you!"

"Please continue to die and let us die for you!"

The other orcs also looked fanatical: "Please order us to die for you!"

Begging to commit suicide!

Lin Fan: "..."

Looking at these pious faces, Lin Fan suddenly felt helpless.

It is absolutely impossible for these guys to rebel!


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