Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 780 Invasion of the Heavens

After hanging up the communication, Lin Fan received another communication.

"Lin Fan, congratulations. I heard that your Daxia has formed an alliance with the orcs on behalf of humans. The top leaders of the Free State have unanimously expressed their support for Daxia's plan to unite all realms." General Mike put his hands in his pockets and covered his coat with a smile to Lin Fan. Smile back.

"Haha, congratulations." Lin Fan smiled, "I didn't expect those people from Jishihui to support me."

General Mike sneered, "Humph, those people are not stupid. Anyway, they don't spend a penny. Once you become successful, the gods will not dare to invade again, and they can also take advantage of it. Once you was Daxia who did it anyway." , what is being wasted is Daxia’s manpower and material resources, what does it have to do with them?”

"That's really smart." Lin Fan nodded and then joked: "What do you want to do with your hands in your pockets? Don't you know what an opponent is?"

General Mike's expression suddenly became complicated, and he finally slowly took out his hands, only to see them trembling continuously.

"I just don't want people to know that I'm a loser." Mike said lightly.

Lin Fan: "Sorry, I don't know your hands..."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Mike smiled: "It's really ridiculous to say that you, Daxia, have begun to unite other planes, but here we are still bullying our compatriots and trying to find ways to squeeze out of them Benefit."

Lin Fan was also silent. After all, although Ou Fang has now given up part of the land and the people are short of water and electricity, at least life is still in order and the people are not hungry.

When they looked up, they could still see the sky.

However, the free country where General Mike lives has sent its people underground with their own hands, and from then on they live in darkness where they cannot see the sky when they look up.

Give up all the land!

The underground shelter is said to be a great project to be proud of, but in fact, it is nothing more than an escape!

"Anyway, I wish you success." Mike was not very interested and finally hung up the communication.

Lin Fan also sighed, and his heart was extremely complicated. He witnessed with his own eyes that the countries took different paths due to their own choices.

But now is not the time to lament.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already evening.

With no time to rest, Lin Fan picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "Gods of Daxia, Elder Jin, Elder Chen, and senior military officials, please come to the conference room for a meeting!"

"Content of the meeting, the One Thousand Realms Plan has officially begun!"

At this point, Lin Fan paused and said, "Mr. Jin, please bring me a meal when you come."

I haven't eaten much this day.

Not long after.

In the conference room, the gods of Daxia, Elder Jin, Elder Chen, and more than a hundred people from the top military ranks all arrived.

Everyone came with food, and there was a lunch box in front of them. They were preparing for an all-night meeting tonight.

The content of this meeting is really shocking!

All worlds are one!

"Lin Fan, what are we going to do next?" Mr. Jin asked in a deep voice while handing Lin Fan the lunch box he brought to him.

Lin Fan simply took a few mouthfuls of rice, padded his stomach, and then said: "Everyone already knows that Daxia has established diplomatic relations with the orc plane."

Everyone nodded, with smiles on their faces.

"Well, my brother has been recruited to be a teacher in the orc plane. He will set off tonight."

"This is a good thing!"

"We have to pull minerals back again. We haven't finished moving over to Universe Kingdom yet... But I heard that the move over there is almost done, and we have already started pulling back soil. The average altitude of Universe Kingdom has dropped by more than ten meters. …”

"Everyone, this is indeed worthy of celebration, but we don't have time to celebrate now." Lin Fan slowly stood up, looked around, and said word by word: "Because this is not the end, but the beginning!"

"This establishment of diplomatic relations with the orc plane proves the possibility of us uniting with other planes!"

"Besides, my trip this time is equivalent to exploring the way for everyone and making a sample!"

"But with my own strength, it is absolutely impossible to establish diplomatic relations from one plane to another... there is not enough time!"

Mr. Jin frowned slightly: "You mean..."

"Next, I will tell everyone what I did when I went to the orc plane, as well as my feelings and summary. Everyone should keep it in mind and summarize a set of methods on how to break the belief in gods and liberate a world,"

Lin Fan immediately said: "Then, teach warriors who are strong, flexible and adaptable to adaptability...such as the scouts and the spy team we have trained."

"At that time, our Daxia warriors will enter every plane in the ocean treasure house and liberate those planes in batches!"

"In this way, our red flags will be planted in hundreds of planes in a very short period of time!"

Everyone was breathing rapidly!

"I knew you kid definitely wanted to come to Boda!" Jin Lao laughed, "Come on, let's talk about what you did in there."

Lin Fan recounted his experience in detail.

From the failure to calmly request communication, to the failure to threaten the orcs with death to surrender, until finally he pretended to be a believer of the gods, using the reason of "preparing to lead the orcs to attack his own plane", so that the orcs began to understand human culture.

In the end, I didn't find the song, but the orcs who had awakened their minds sang the song themselves!

"Look at it this way, neither the soft one nor the hard one can do it." Mr. Chen nodded and said: "These believers will not accept soft or hard beliefs in their faith in God."

"They must be made to think that the person in front of them is a believer," Jin Laoye concluded: "Let them think that he is one of our own, only then will there be a chance."

Dao Wanqian also nodded slightly: "Strength is of little use in this aspect, the main thing is to awaken their minds!"

After several discussions, Mr. Chen finally gave a copy of "On How to Break Faith."

Specifically explains how to break the faith established by the gods in the conquered planes.

"First of all, keep in mind that when you enter this world, you must hide your identity and not let anyone know your purpose. Once exposed, your life will be in danger and you must escape from this plane quickly."

"Second point, you cannot believe in any gods. You have to remember that these beings in front of you are all crazy believers in gods."

"The third point is that the sign between believers to confirm whether they are pious or not is the mark of the gods. This is very important. As long as there is this mark, there is a cornerstone to gain their trust."

"Next, we explain the specific steps."

"The first step is to draw the mark of the god between the eyebrows. The special pigment is provided by Chen Lao's scientific research team. It is waterproof and sweat-proof and requires only simple maintenance every day."

"The second step is to enter the plane to be liberated, do as the Romans do, and shout God's gifts with them. The more pious the better. It is best to sing a few hymns to show your identity as a believer."

“The third step is to maintain a devout attitude. As long as those believers believe in you and recognize that you are also a believer in God, congratulations, you have already succeeded halfway... You will become their brothers and their most beloved relatives and friends. "

“The fourth step is, when the time is right, propose to lead these believers to counterattack their own human plane, liberate mankind from the dire straits, and allow mankind who are in darkness and without guidance to witness the glory of God and accept God’s guidance. , providing them with human information in a legitimate manner.”

"At this stage, the weaker the human beings are, the better, and the more evil the better. Don't feel any burden or moral pressure."

"the fifth step……"

This is the process that Mr. Chen compiled based on Lin Fan’s experiences and descriptions on how to liberate planes and shatter faith!

Clearly organized and extremely accurate!

It’s even precise enough to teach you step by step what to do every step of the way!

The terrifying red doctrine is about to invade the world!


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