Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 782 Human Race Ignition

"Oh?" Poseidon was stunned, "What are you going to do on leave?"

Lin Fan was speechless for a moment.

What to do on leave?

Do you believe me when I tell you to ask for leave to help Daxia liberate the planes you conquered?

Just when Lin Fan didn't know how to answer, Poseidon smiled and said for Lin Fan: "I know what you are going to do... I just took over the Ocean Temple, so of course you must maintain those planes first. "

"Father has guessed this." Lin Fan was surprised.

"With my wisdom, what can you hide from me?" Poseidon smiled casually, "That's fine, you don't have to do anything for these two days. You can retreat in this room with peace of mind. You only need to deal with those planes. .”

"As long as you maintain those planes, you don't need to worry about other things. You only need to follow us to explore that plane and conquer that plane the day after tomorrow."

Lin Fan nodded heavily: "I will take the lead in the charge!"

"Yes." Poseidon nodded with satisfaction and handed Lin Fan a space ring: "There is a lot of divine gold and various resources in it. You just took over those planes, so you will naturally be generous."

"As I said before, those planes must be taken care of and maintained!"

Remember m in one second.

After Poseidon finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Lin Fan looked at the space ring in his hand, which contained tens of thousands of cubic meters and was filled with divine gold and various foods and minerals. His eyes turned red for a moment and he couldn't help but said to Poseidon's leaving back: " Father!"

Poseidon turned around and smiled: "My child, don't let me down!"

"Father, I believe that you can lead the Ocean Temple to new glory!"

The door closed, and in the room, Lin Fan shed tears of emotion!

Such heavy fatherly love!

What a wonderful father!

I originally wanted to ask for leave to help Daxia, but that was too much.

Unexpectedly, Poseidon also gave me another batch of resources!


"Father, don't worry, I will never let you down and lead the Ocean Temple to new glory!" Lin Fan clenched his fists and swore silently.

Lin Fan waited in the room for another moment. When he saw that no one was disturbing him, he finally exhaled.

The spatial rift opened again, and Lin Fan returned to his bedroom again.

This round and round spent more than an hour in the God Realm, and two days in Daxia have passed.

After looking at the calendar, Lin Fan rubbed his head. The feeling of traveling between two planes was really too weird.

More than an hour has passed over there, and two days have passed here.

Without the support of the soul, it would be difficult for ordinary people to adapt to this difference in time flow rate between planes, and it would be easier for ordinary people to get lost in the disorientation syndrome caused by the time gap.

In his previous life, Lin Fan ended up lost in time during his final battle with the Lord of Time.

"Lin Fan!"

A voice woke up Lin Fan, but it was Mr. Jin who pushed the door open and entered.

"Lao Jin?"

"What have you been doing? I haven't found you in the past two days." Mr. Jin looked at Lin Fan nervously.

Lin Fan smiled: "Go and ask for leave from Poseidon."

"Poseidon, asking for leave?" Jin Lao looked confused. Why did such a majestic and supreme commander-in-chief of Great Xia go to ask for leave from Poseidon?

Lin Fan was too lazy to explain and just said: "Anyway, from now on I can devote myself to staying in the ocean treasure house and waiting for those plane spirits."

"By the way, there are still these things." Lin Fan walked to the window and stretched out his hand towards the open space.

The next moment, resources like mountains surged out!

Tens of thousands of tons of divine gold, various mineral resources, and a set of low-level artifacts with armor and weapons!

"This..." Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment. There were really too many resources!

More than Lin Fan’s previous two times combined!

"This is what Poseidon gave us." Lin Fan smiled.

Mr. Jin: "???"

Is this Poseidon crazy?

Give Daxia these resources and let Daxia resist him?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now." Mr. Jin grabbed Lin Fan and said, "Come with me quickly, the swearing-in ceremony over there is ready!"

Swearing-in meeting!

Millions of investigators, after two days of study, have mastered the process of shattering faith, and are about to rush to various dimensions for Daxia!

Mr. Jin pulled Lin Fan all the way to the Great Steel Wall.

The morning sun pours down.

On top of the Great Steel Wall, the Great Xia Kingdom Seat stood securely. Important officials from all parties and the gods of Great Xia were present. Even Brenda, members of the Alliance of Gods, and General Mike were also there!

"Why are you here?" Lin Fan was stunned.

Brenda walked up politely, hugged Lin Fan happily, and then said: "After all, you represent all mankind. Why, don't I, Ou Fang, count as a human being?"

"We, the Free Nation, still have to express our stance." General Mike put his hands in his pockets and said calmly: "For those guys, this kind of thing does not require their efforts, so they are naturally happy. As a representative, I come here to show my face."

"Of course, you'd better not act too close to me." General Mike lowered his voice and said with a cold face: "Privately we are friends, but on the surface... we'd better act very opposite. This will be good for you. It’s good for me too.”

Lin Fan nodded and immediately walked to the edge of the Great Steel Wall.

Under the Great Steel Wall.

Fifty million soldiers are already in formation!

The demons in the Demon Alliance are fierce and terrifying, but they are all dressed in military uniforms, holding swords, guns, clubs, or modern weapons.

Da Qin's armor is all covered with armor, and the shields are as heavy as mountains!

The Great Qin Iron Rider holds a spear and sits astride the beast!

Disciples from Buddhism, Taoism, and other sects also lined up in formation.

Before the fifty million warriors, there are one million warriors with the mark of the god symbolizing the Ocean Temple painted on their eyebrows. They are the infiltration talents of the reconnaissance unit and spy unit who will soon replace Daxia in infiltrating other planes.

Daxia is inherently strong in these aspects!

These people may not be able to kill many on the battlefield, but when it comes to reconnaissance, infiltration, and instigation of rebellion, they say they are second, and no one dares to say they are first!

Under the Great Steel Wall, there are rows of arms and paper!

There are tanks, airplanes, and individual combat equipment. They are exquisitely crafted and lifelike, and are faintly surrounded by golden Buddha light.

These are munitions paper sticks that have been consecrated by Buddhism. In order to consecrate these paper sticks, the Buddhist disciples are still weak, and the fifth-level monks even need to be helped to stand.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Countless domestic and foreign reporters held cameras and took pictures frantically.

Just because this swearing-in meeting is the swearing-in meeting for Daxia to liberate the heavens!

Liberating the heavens and integrating all realms officially begins from here!

All mankind is watching here at this moment, and what happens here will also change the fate of mankind and the fate of thousands of races.

Under the lens.

Lin Fan slowly took a step forward and walked to the edge of the Great Steel Wall. He looked at the 50 million soldiers below and the numerous citizens who were coming and said, "Everyone, it has been half a year since the gods came."

"In the past six months, we resisted the coming of gods twice. The first batch killed two gods, and the second batch killed four gods!"

"It all seems so easy."

"But, we know how difficult it is, and we also know how hard we worked to kill them!"

"Daxia, the entire human race has paid endless blood and sweat! Just to protect our land, our home, and our relatives and friends!"

"Today, we have the Great Wall of Steel, we have 50 million warriors, and we have fourteen Daxia gods!"

Lin Fan's voice echoed and reached everyone through TV and the Internet.

At this moment, every Daxia person was moved, with proud and emotional expressions on their faces, as if they had seen the hard work these days, the fifty million soldiers, and the battles with sea beasts on the Great Steel Wall again and again.

How difficult it is to get to this point!


"All this is not enough!" Lin Fan changed the topic and said in a heavy voice: "The one who is our enemy is the Ocean Temple, and in the future, even the entire God Realm!"

"Two and a half months later, the Ocean Temple, Poseidon, and one hundred and thirty-two gods will come together! Just to conquer us!"

"And if you want to resist the Ocean Temple and the entire God Realm... it's not enough to rely on us alone!"

"For the hope of our species, for the future of our species... we must unite other races!"

"Here, I announce that the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance Plan has officially begun!"


Under the rising sun, Lin Fan held the torch high, and the young man's figure seemed to merge with the rising sun. The entire Great Steel Wall shone brightly in the sun.

"Thousands of races are still moving forward in darkness, shouting God's name and praying for God's blessings."

"I am the only human race and I don't need guidance."

"I am the only human race to follow my heart and rely solely on my own hands!"

"Only my human race still remembers the oath of our ancestors, and creates our own splendid culture with the inheritance and history of our ancestors!"

"If no clan in these worlds holds up a torch, then we, the human race, are willing to hold up fire for all the heavens and all the worlds, and we are willing to ignite the flames for the creatures in all the worlds!"

The words fell.

"Wish to lift fire for all worlds!"

The millions of warriors who are about to go out to fight, all raise their torches!

The fire is burning!

Hot and fiery!

Lin Fan took a step forward again, stood on the edge of the Great Steel Wall, and said loudly: "Everyone, the time has come to let this flame illuminate the world!"

"Let me, the human race, guide the true direction for all creatures in the world!"

"Let our fallen brothers see this fire rising into the sky!"

"This flame that burns the heavens is ignited by my human race today!"



Lin Fan dropped the torch. The torch, with its hot and red flames, was like a meteor streaking through the air and falling on the munitions paper bundle below.

Millions of soldiers also shouted loudly: "Today, my human race will light the fire!"

Millions of soldiers raised their torches and threw them forward with all their strength!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Millions of torches, like fire dragons that light up all the darkness, faced the rising sun, swept out curves in the air, and smashed into the piles of munitions and paper.


The fire is soaring into the sky!

The Buddha's light stirred, and the three million paper bundles that had been consecrated by Buddhism burned fiercely, turning into a continuous fire. The red fire seemed to burn the world and illuminate everything!

The soldiers looked at the flames soaring into the sky, watching the paper crackling and burning in the flames, and their eyes turned slightly red.

A warrior who was drawn to liberate the Fox Tribe plane gritted his teeth and said: "Er Gouzi, you have to watch over there, I will bring a group of Fox Tribes back to help you avenge you!"

"Heizi, grab your weapons, you go to the Temple of Death over there! I'll bring back a group of howling werewolves to go to the Ocean Temple here!"

"Damn it, Third Brother, I will burn a nuclear weapon for you this time. If you don't break it to pieces in the Temple of Death, wait until I go down and kick your ass."

Millions of soldiers, fighting spirit is soaring!

They witnessed the blazing fire, as if they were seeing their former brothers, and even more as if they were seeing a fire that burned the heavens and burned away the shackles!

That firelight is more dazzling than the morning sun! This is the fire that will light up the heavens!

Today, the human race sets fire!

The flames burned for half an hour. When the flames gradually extinguished, Lin Fan held the microphone tightly, looked at the ocean treasure house in the ocean, and said solemnly: "Open the city gate!"


The Great Steel Wall shook violently, and the more than 200-meter-high gate slowly opened from bottom to top, like a giant beast opening its mouth and roaring lowly.

Outside the Great Steel Wall, there are spacious passages lined up by 100,000 warships, leading to the ocean treasure house!

"Everyone," Lin Fan looked at the ocean treasure house, "The next step is left to you."

"To liberate these planes! To shatter the faith of gods! To let them have their own thoughts!"

Millions of warriors roared: "Liberate these planes!"

"Free them from the darkness and show them the world for what it is!"

"Free their minds!"

"Crush God's faith!"

"Let our flags fly all over the sky!"

"Proletarian brothers and sisters from all over the world, unite! Proletariat will win! Faith in God will eventually collapse!"

With neat steps, millions of soldiers stepped through the ashes with sparks, walked into the ocean, towards the ocean treasure house, and towards each plane.

At this moment, the gates of Daxia are wide open. Groups of Daxia warriors hold high the red flag and step into hundreds of planes with the greatest ideological weapons in the world!

Like a hungry wolf coming out of the cage!

Just like a little spark, scattering into the heavens and all realms, a powerful, red flame began to sweep across the heavens!

But when these warriors entered the world of God, they immediately changed their faces and said to the other races in front of them: "Hello, I am the most devout believer of God, and I came here to worship here."

"What? You say I'm a pagan? You're insulting me! Can a pagan have the mark of a god like me? Come, watch me kneel on the ground and sing a hymn to God..."


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