Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 860: The End of the Crossbow

Something is very wrong!

Those low-level gods were completely extinct under the siege of 586 warriors of the divine legion wearing medium-level artifacts.

Even escaping in the sea has become a luxury!

As for those medium-sized ocean gods who are fighting with the gods of Great Xia, although there are currently eleven alive, they are all injured and are fighting with the gods of Great Xia with their last will.

But even so, everyone can see that this is the end of the war.

On the sea, the daggers made no sound, the corpse puppets of the gods had been replaced with a new batch, and the cold light of the scalpels flickered.

There are thunders from the sky and fire from the earth, Confucian scholars clenching their fists, ancient swords flying across the sky, and Buddha's light ak.


The thousand-meter-tall Bull Demon King is like an unstoppable bull. His huge body burning with flames smashes through the huge waves. He roars to the sky. The bull mooes to the sky. The huge steel horns pierce the body of the god and hang high like a trophy. generally.

The huge waves have retreated layer by layer, and the glorious bodies can only struggle to support themselves.

The gods of Daxia were originally at a numerical disadvantage, but they were all killed like this by a group of mid-level ocean gods. What's more, many of the gods of Daxia now deal with the ocean gods in two-on-one battles!


A large part of the reason for this is because of the help of Young Master North.

Feeling the rapid death of those believers in the distance, this tenth-level ocean god knew very well that if he continued like this, he would definitely die!

Another guard was beside Young Master North. The ninth-level Ocean God, who was already injured, also begged in pain: "Young Master, please, run!"

"What?" Young Master North's face suddenly changed: "You want me to run?"

"The enemy is not dead yet, there is no way I can run away!"

The tenth-level ocean god was suddenly stunned, and there were only three words in his heart, are you paralyzed?

Why do you still want the enemy to die?

Why haven't you figured out why those compatriots died so quickly?

"I still want to fight!" Young Master North suddenly rushed towards Bai Qi again!

In just an instant, Bai Qi raised his sickle and his blood surged!

"Well done!"

The word "kill" is scarlet, and two hundred thousand people in Qin armor raise their swords!

The God of Death smiles ferociously!

"Young Master!" The injured ninth-level ocean god exclaimed. Seeing Baiqi's sickle falling, the ninth-level ocean god didn't have time to think too much and directly pushed young master North away!


The ninth-level ocean god was directly divided into two diagonally!

"Amul!!" Lin Fan screamed, hugged Amul's upper body, and then looked at Bai Qi with red eyes: "I will fight with you!!!"

"Young Master!" Amul grabbed Lin Fan's hand with his remaining strength and said tremblingly: "Don't, don't kill... Hurry, run!"

"This plane is not where we should come..."

"Escape, find Master Poseidon, and ask him to take care of these Daxia..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was already dead.

Lin Fan turned a deaf ear and just gritted his teeth and looked at Bai Qi: "When I become the Lord God of Shanghai, I will be the first to kill you!"

"Don't think about the Lord of the Sea in the future!" The tenth-level Ocean God on the side barely withstood Bai Qi's attack again, retreated to Lin Fan, and gasped: "Young Master, take us out now. Bar!"

He had long wanted to leave.

It’s true that he can’t leave if the young master doesn’t leave!

But this young master is very good at stealing iron!

"Escape..." Lin Fan's eyes were red and he was breathing like a cow: "Escape?"

"Are you insulting me?"

"I am the young master of the Ocean Temple, the future successor of the Ocean Temple, the next Lord of the Sea decided by my father personally! I am the pioneer of the temple to conquer the human race in this world!"

"Are you asking me to escape in my first battle as a vanguard?"

The tenth-level ocean god looked confused and could only say: "Young Master, the situation is really unfavorable!"

"When the war started, we clearly had a numerical advantage and a strength advantage... but now the situation is unfavorable..." North's eyes turned red: "Are you saying that I made a mistake in command? Are you doubting my father-like intelligence? Or are you doubting the wisdom of my father, Lord Poseidon?"

The tenth-level ocean god was completely stunned.

Why do you wear your hat so neatly?

I just let you go!

Another ninth-level ocean god on the side didn't care so much anymore, and said immediately: "Now is the last chance. While these gods of Great Xia are still being held back and have not paid attention to us, we must escape now... I'm offended." ,Little Lord!"


The majestic divine power poured into the palm of his hand, and one hand suddenly grabbed the shoulder of Young Master North. His figure was like a blue dragon, riding on the huge waves, rushing towards the entrance where he came from!

That's the only exit!

While Lin Fan was struggling, he looked back with red eyes at the gods of Great Xia who were dealing with other ocean gods: "I'm going to fight them!"

"Don't stop me!"

"let me go!"

"I'm going to fight them to the death! I won't leave! I'm going to fight! I'm going to fight until the last moment!"

"The enemy is not dead yet, how can we escape secretly!"

"I won't run away! I'm going to kill!"

Lin Fan's voice echoed loudly, and for a moment, the entire Bohai Sea was filled with his voice.

"let me go!"

"I'm going to fight them to the death! I won't leave! I'm going to fight! I'm going to fight until the last moment!"

"The enemy is not dead yet, how can we sneak away!"

"I won't run away! I'm going to kill!"

The sound was like muffled thunder, echoing for a long time and reaching the mouth of Bohai Sea.

For a while.

The expressions of the tenth-level ocean god and the two ninth-level ocean gods who were guarding Lin Fan suddenly changed. One of the ninth-level ocean gods said in a deep voice: "Young master, don't shout! Keep your voice down!"

"I can understand your unwillingness now, but..."

"We are escaping secretly!"

You shout like chicken feathers!

Just a moment.

Listen to the roar coming from the sea.

"Received." Situ Hong, who was standing on the Great Steel Wall at the mouth of Bohai Sea, picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "The gods are about to run away."

"But it's a bit late to run now."

"All soldiers obey orders, close the door!"

Just a moment.



The entire Great Steel Wall around the Bohai Sea suddenly shook, and the roar of the engine roared throughout the Bohai Estuary, like the roar of a giant dragon!

The warships hidden in the bay at the mouth of the Bohai Sea roared!

One hundred thousand battleships!

The huge hull is like a roaring angry beast. The steel body smashes through the huge waves head-on, like an angry dragon cutting through the waves on the rough sea!

It is vast and spread out.

This terrifying fleet crushed layers of tsunamis and crashed into huge waves like mountains!

Even tsunamis that are three to four hundred meters high must retreat in front of this terrifying fleet!

The unstoppable white torrent!

At this moment, human ships silence the ocean and silence the raging waves!

Almost the entire mouth of the Bohai Sea is rendered in white, like countless white arrows gathered together, becoming an arrow that makes even the gods fear!

The tip of the arrow reaches the mouth of Bohai Sea.

One hundred thousand warships spread out in a mighty manner, completely blocking the entire Bohai entrance!

at the same time.


The gears turn!

On the Great Steel Wall on both sides of the Bohai Port, the muzzles of all the heavy guns sank, and the dark muzzles stared at the direction in which the god was escaping.

Missiles are aimed, machine guns are set up!

"Be ready to engage the enemy at any time!" Situ Hong covered countless heavy artillery pieces on the Great Steel Wall with the power of a military god, and said in a deep voice: "As long as the gods dare to escape from here..."

"Blast me to death!"

"In my human world, gods are forbidden to enter, but if you really dare to come, then don't even think about leaving!"


"Keep them!"

The warrior roars!

At this moment, the dragon's fangs clenched and its mouth closed, as if it was biting the prey and would never let go!

Those 100,000 warships and the Great Steel Wall on both sides of the Bohai Port are the sharp teeth of the dragon!


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