Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 862 How do they know where we are!

"what to do!"

Facing the powerful ships and cannons that stretched across the entire Bohai estuary, another ninth-level ocean god felt his scalp numb. The ninth-level military god's power that blessed him made his whole body tremble!

These humans actually have military gods!

The God of War is a priest with extremely strong combat power. The War Temple is an existence countless times more terrifying in the God Realm than the Ocean Temple!

And this military god who appeared among humans, although he does not have the unique followers of gods, he still has a terrifying human army!

"Don't panic!" The tenth-level Ocean God, who was dragging Young Master North, tried to calm down. Seeing the muzzles of the cannons being pointed at him, he made a decisive decision: "Dive into the bottom of the sea!"

Just a moment.

The two dazzling bodies that radiated glory and stood on the waves rushed into the seabed instantly, and their dazzling glory also dissipated in an instant!

Three figures were like ghosts, floating on the dark seabed.

On the seabed with a radius of thousands of miles, the cold water surged rapidly, rolled up the thick sand, and quickly took away the body heat of the three of them.

When it comes to hiding one's figure in the sea, no one can surpass the God of the Ocean.

"Using the cover of the seabed, we will sneak out slowly." The tenth-level ocean god said with an ugly face, "On this seabed, those humans will never be able to find us."

And the next moment.


Situ Hong's roar echoed throughout the Bohai Estuary.


Heavy artillery roars!

The terrifying sound of cannons made the heaven and earth tremble, making the sea with huge waves silent, as if there was only this sound left in the world!

One hundred thousand battleships, guns blazing!

The Great Steel Wall on both sides, heavy artillery roaring!

Under the terrifying recoil, the entire mouth of the Bohai Sea shook. The dense cannonballs smashed into the sea like raindrops, shattering the huge waves, and the brilliant fire blasted through the sea!

at the same time.

"The missile has locked onto the signal source!"


Huge missiles soared into the sky and hit the sea directly!


The fighter planes hovering in the sky swooped down like steel birds of prey, screaming loudly, and missiles and explosives rained down!

All in one place!

It happened to be the hiding place of the three people under the sea!




A round of cannonballs smashed into the sea water like raindrops. Before the ten-level ocean myth could be finished, he suddenly froze and raised his head.

I saw that in the sea water where the sun was swaying, black dots smashed into the sea water from the sea surface, hitting me!

Human cannonballs!

Huge missiles carrying firelight pierced the sea surface and hit the bottom of the sea!

The tenth-level ocean god hiding under the sea suddenly became distracted. At this moment, humans actually made it rain under the sea! A rain of cannonballs and missiles!

Even if he is the God of the Ocean, he has never seen such a spectacular scene appear on the bottom of the sea.

But the next moment.


The face of the tenth-level Ocean God suddenly changed, and the surrounding seawater instantly rolled back and compressed, forming a thousand-meter shield, with water dragons circling around it!

at the same time.


The cannonballs, densely packed like raindrops, shattered and burst into dazzling fire.


The missiles roared and exploded!

The whole seabed is shaking!

Terrifying shock waves swept across the entire ocean, dazzling firelight illuminated the dark seabed, and scorching flames intertwined with the cold seawater!

Countless exploding flowers are blooming in this dark seabed!


The mud and sand fled in all directions, and the coral reefs that the shock wave touched were all shattered, the water dragons howled and collapsed, and the water plants were crushed inch by inch!


The tenth-level ocean god had a painful face, gritted his teeth and roared, and his majestic divine power continued to pour out, connecting more sea water!

For a moment, a whirlpool rose up on the entire sea surface, and seawater with a radius of thousands of miles was rushing towards this place, just to help the gods resist the explosion! !

But even so, the thousand-meter water shield is still dissolving quickly!


One round of bombing ends.

The thick smoke-like mud and sand slowly dispersed, and the cold water deep under the sea actually became hot, with a pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

The mud and sand on the seabed actually dug into a terrifying pit.

And in this deep pit...


A voice came out.

The tenth-level Ocean God looked disgraced, and cracks had appeared in his sea battle armor. He said with an ugly expression: "Fortunately... we are at the bottom of the sea now!"

There is endless fear in his eyes!

This horrific explosion!

Such terrifying firepower!

If you weren't hiding under the sea, if you weren't able to use the majestic sea water to defend yourself...

I am really going to die here!

The most important thing is that this is a range attack, there is no way to dodge it!

His back was already stained with blood, but even so, the tenth-level ocean god did not check the injury. Instead, he looked down at Young Master North, who was tightly hugged and pressed beneath him.

"Young Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay." North seemed to understand something at this time: "Such terrifying firepower...thanks to you."

"This is what subordinates should do!"

"This time, it seems that I underestimated these humans." Young Master North seemed to have become more rational after experiencing the round of bombing just now, and said immediately: "This is not something we can deal with, get out of here quickly! Go! Find my father!"

"Young Master is wise!" The tenth-level ocean god almost cried when he heard these words.

Brother, you finally figured it out!

I finally knew I was running away!

It would be great if it were like this earlier!

Young Master, you have finally grown up!

"Young Master, I will take you out right now!" The tenth-level ocean god gritted his teeth and was about to rush towards the mouth of the Bohai Sea from the bottom of the sea, but the next moment.


The terrifying sound of cannons rang out again!

The terrifying firepower is suppressed again!

"Damn it!"

"Change positions quickly!"

The tenth-level ocean god and the ninth-level ocean god joined forces to resist, manipulating the sea water to once again compete with the terrifying firepower, while moving quickly against the terrifying explosion!

"If we change positions, we'll be safe!"

"It was discovered before, maybe just by chance!"

"The ocean floor is so big, how can those humans find us?"

The tenth-level ocean god protected Young Master North under his body. He used his divine power to connect with the majestic sea water and withstood the bombardment. He moved quickly and shouted loudly.

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes!"

And the other side.

"The signal source is moving." Situ Hong looked at the fast-moving red dot on the screen and continued: "Lock the target and continue bombing!"

"I want to see how long these two gods of the sea can hold on!"

"Don't tell me, I'm running pretty fast, 300 miles! Come on! Go faster!"

Just a moment.

The heavy artillery roared and turned its muzzle, and the shells falling continuously on the sea moved with it!

Always follow the two tenth-level and ninth-level ocean gods who are moving quickly in the seabed!

"Damn it!"

The tenth-level Ocean God's face was pale, and blood was constantly flowing from his back. The scorching heat made him even faint.

There were even several metal fragments inserted into the back!

But even so, the tenth-level ocean god still protected Young Master North, but gritted his teeth with a puzzled face and said: "How on earth do those humans know where we are!"

"They're not trying their luck at all!"

"But it actually locked our position!"

"Yes!" Lin Fan also looked ugly and said anxiously: "How on earth did they know!"

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