Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 882 Don’t open the door


Little John nodded and stuffed the photo into his pocket, "I'll give it to you after I finish it!"


"A man's promise!" Little John stretched out his small fist stained with the blood of the gods.

The officer was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "A man's promise."

Fist bump.

Little John and Nicole climbed into the small dog hole, passed through the five-meter-thick steel door, and came to the next combat area.

As soon as they arrived at the next battle area, several medical personnel came quickly to provide emergency treatment. They provided glucose and chocolate to help Little John heal his injuries and replenish his strength. Some people also carried over a corpse of a god that Daxia had provided for them. Absorb the divine power to recover.

There were even several masseuses who immediately lifted Little John to a soft sofa and massaged Little John and Nicole's muscles to relax them.

at the same time.

The commander of the second combat area walked quickly. Hearing the roar of sea beasts outside the door, he pointed at the dog hole and shouted: "Where are the engineers! Seal it! Seal it quickly!"

"Uncle! There's something else outside..." Little John was stunned.

"Don't worry, they have other evacuation channels. This dog hole is just for your emergency evacuation. They can't get in." The officer gave a complicated smile.

Little John nodded, then he felt relieved.

Several engineers manipulated the equipment and immediately stuffed a five-meter-long, several-ton divine gold alloy into the dog hole. It was a perfect fit, and then immediately held up the welding gun to weld.

On the other side of the Steel Gate, the commander of the first combat area saw that the dog hole where Little John had evacuated was blocked, his eyes became increasingly bleak, but he still forcefully said: "Everyone, hold on!"

"Come in with a few engineers and completely seal this dog hole from this side, and then we can retreat!"

"Disperse the firepower, use some of the firepower to suppress the gods!" The officer shouted loudly. As Little John left, the figure of the miner holding down the three gods, one against three, also disappeared.


"We can retreat soon!"

"Hold on! After the fight, I'll take the bonus and treat the third class to a barbecue!"

“I’ll see my wife and kids soon!”

"Haha, I got the bonus of 30,000 US dollars! This trip is not in vain!"

In the cold sea water, the warriors who had reached their physical and mental limits heard these words, their eyes shone with hope, and they all laughed.

It seemed that he had more power, and with the few remaining ammunition, he burst out with ferocious firepower!

Some of the firepower was forcibly dispersed, suppressing the three gods and forcing them to retreat. At the cost, the densely packed sea beasts moved faster and faster, getting closer and closer to the military formation.

But the soldiers were not afraid, but became more and more excited and happy. Anyway, I retreated soon...

Soldiers from several engineering units quickly ran over under the command of their commander, holding welding guns, and completed welding the puppy hole from this side.

In just a few minutes, the puppy hole in the steel door completely disappeared, and the escape passage for Little John and Nicole was completely closed.

"Sir!" a soldier shouted: "Let's retreat too!"

"Retreat! All the dog holes in the Steel Gate have been welded! They are completely sealed! We can't hold on any longer!"

"I only have half a box of ammunition left!"

Some soldiers laughed excitedly at the people next to them and said, "I can't wait to go home! Haha, how do you spend the 30,000 US dollar bonus!"

"Yes, after this battle is over, we can go to the high-end living area when we go back!"

"I really want to hug my daughter quickly. She cried a lot before leaving. Haha, she must be worried about me!"

"I killed five sea beasts, five! Haha, I can tell my child that dad is a hero! When I receive the commendation, I have to hold my child on the stage!"

"Class three, I'll treat you to barbecue when you get back!"

"The monitor is awesome, you are my dad!"

But the commander remained silent, just looking at these young soldiers with eyes full of excitement and hope.

"Sir, give the order to retreat quickly!"

The assistant staff officer next to him urged him expectantly.

The commander finally sighed. At this moment, he seemed to have aged dozens of years.

"Everyone." He picked up the walkie-talkie, looked at the ferocious sea beasts that were getting closer and closer, roaring crazily, and the soldiers whose faces were full of anticipation and excitement, and said slowly: "I'm sorry."

All the soldiers were stunned.

"What's the meaning?"

"Sorry for what?"

"Sir, don't make a speech at this time. Order the retreat immediately! When you go back, you can express your emotions as much as you want, and we can hug you and cry with you!"

Countless soldiers fired while urging in their headsets.

Amidst the roar of artillery fire, and under the dazzling light of the fire, countless ferocious sea beasts were approaching despite the gunfire.

The commander looked at the soldiers who gave their backs to him with confidence, slowly knelt on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, I lied to you."

"Stop being sensational right now and order a retreat immediately!!"

"Stop apologizing now!"

"Did you deduct our military pay? Why don't we forgive you? Order a retreat immediately!"

"Hurry up and order a retreat. No matter how much you miss our military pay, we will not complain against you! Don't make any ink!"

The soldiers cursed loudly.

But the next moment, all the soldiers were silent.

"We have no escape route." The officer's trembling voice echoed in the headset.

For a moment, there was silence.

Only the guns continued to roar.

The soldiers' eyes widened in disbelief. Some soldiers had forgotten to think and pressed the trigger stiffly. Some soldiers suddenly turned their heads to look at the figure kneeling on the ground.

Amid the roars of sea beasts and the light of cannon fire, time seemed to stand still.

The soldiers were stunned for three seconds.

Then it exploded!


"No escape route?"

"Did you lie to us before?"

"What do you mean, are you kidding? Stop joking now and retreat!"

"Please speak, tell us you are lying to us, sir!"

The expressions of the soldiers varied, including anger, begging, and despair.

The light of hope in those eyes suddenly became fainter.

"I'm not kidding." The officer said one word at a time: "The order I received is to die!"

"Use our lives to delay until the last moment."

"The only escape route is for Little John and Nicole."

The engineers who were responsible for welding the dog holes were confused.

They believed in their commander and believed that there were other escape routes.

Unexpectedly, the only escape route was welded to death by their own hands!

At that moment, the first combat area and the second combat area at the rear were completely isolated. These warriors who faced sea beasts and gods in front of the Steel Gate were completely isolated, as if they were abandoned.

A soldier looked at the door behind him that was guarded with his life in disbelief, and said in a dry voice: "Isn't this door... our evacuation channel? Why don't you open the door!"

"This is a gate to protect the people behind us. It cannot be opened." The officer sighed: "If it is opened, we can indeed retreat quickly... But sea beasts and gods are right in front of us. If they take the opportunity to rush in... so we cannot open it. !”

For a moment, all the soldiers were in disbelief!

"Why can't you open it?"

"This is the door we protect with our lives!"

"We are here to protect them, and we are going to die! They don't open the door?"

"What a gate to protect humanity, we are humans too!"

One soldier had a complete mental breakdown. He actually put down his firearm, turned around, ran to the heavy steel door, kicked it hard with his feet, smashed it with the butt of his rifle, and almost cried out to the camera above: "Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

"We don't want to die! We are protecting you, you can't do this!"

"You can't abandon us!"

The cold camera watches everything,

In the conference room on the top floor, members of the Jishihui watched all this silently.

"Do you want to open the door?" General Mike asked with his last hope.

"Mike, don't be emotional." The old man said calmly: "We finally built the steel gate to keep out all dangers."

"Now they are about to be unable to withstand it. Once we open the door, gods and sea beasts will rush in... and more people will die."

General Mike looked at the soldiers in the picture who were crying and smashing the door, and said complicatedly: "But these are the soldiers who are protecting us with their lives. They are protecting this door with their lives..."

"It's not like we don't give them pensions. It's 600,000 US dollars! What we buy is their lives!" The old man smiled: "Actually, we treat them well. It's hard for them to save up to 600,000 US dollars in their lives. .”

"What I bought is that they will still fight loyally to the death at the last moment, delaying more time for us!"

"And their families will also be placed in senior living areas in various shelters by us. Their boys will also be given priority by the military, and we will promote them as heroes..."

The old man looked at the soldiers in the picture who were crying and smashing the door. He frowned and said, "We are all like this. These soldiers actually ran to smash the door instead of continuing to fight the sea beasts. They fought until the last moment. This is AWOL." , deserters who fled the battlefield... were recorded, and the pensions of these soldiers were confiscated."

"By the way, let's remind the control center again and tell the people there not to be emotional."

"Yes." The assistant on the side nodded, and then picked up the intercom: "Control Center, I emphasize again, do not open the door. Repeat, do not open the door."


A cold reply came from the intercom, "Don't open the door."


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