Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 887 We are the Jishihui!

He said, reaching into his backpack.


There was a slight clanking sound of metal in the backpack.

"Don't move!!"

Ender let out a loud roar and then decisively pulled the trigger.

"Da da!"

The ear-piercing gunshots rang out instantly, resounding through the streets and through the Rockefeller Building!

Two bloody flowers bloomed instantly on the worker's chest, and he fell backwards due to the impact.

But it's too late.

The worker had a smile on his face.

The moment Ender fired, he used all his strength to push his backpack behind Ender.

Ender watched in astonishment as the worker who fell to the ground opened his palms, and blood continued to pour out of the corners of his mouth. He gasped and said, "This, this is mine, the identity bracelet... Do you think it's enough..."

In the palm of your hand, there are iron rings tied together by a wire!

As a soldier of the Jishi Society, Ender could tell at a glance that it was the grenade ring!

Behind Ender, in the backpack that was thrown over the cordon and into the military formation, grenades scattered from inside and fell down!

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

Rolling down at the feet of the soldiers who were still resting and chatting.

next moment.



The explosion resounded through the military formation. Every soldier who was still chatting was riddled with holes. The entire Rockefeller Building was resounded by the explosion!

Before Ender could come to his senses.


A gunshot rang out, and Ender's head was blown open!

The worker standing at the front was holding a cloth bag. A black muzzle protruded from the cloth bag, emitting green smoke that had not yet dissipated.

"Kill me!"

The worker at the front roared angrily, knocked down a soldier again with one stroke, and rushed forward!


In an instant, on the streets around the Rockefeller Tower, all the workers threw away their cloth bags, holding cold firearms with numbers wiped off one by one in their hands, and even R and PG!


"Break into the Rockefeller Building!"

"Down with the Jishikai!!"

These workers stepped over the cordon, held guns, and rushed forward!

Like a gray wave, like a swarm of gray rats.

Countless shouts rang out on the four streets leading to the Rockefeller Building. It was a wave of people!


A shrill alarm sounds!

"Enemy attack!!"

"Get into combat position!"

In the military formation, the soldiers who were still resting and chatting turned around one by one. They were well-trained and immediately entered the military bunker. In an instant, the military's terrifying firepower began to spurt out!


Machine gun fire!

Armored vehicles blocked the outside, and terrifying flames burst out from the firing ports. Soldiers behind the military bunker entered fighting positions one after another, and mortars and grenade launchers burst out with fierce flames!

And the other side.

In the Rockefeller Building, the old man looked at the people who were about to leave and said softly: "Everyone, wait a minute."

"What?" Mr. Carnegie was stunned.

"Stay here." The old man smiled, "Everyone, I have prepared a sumptuous dinner, and I have also sent people to pick up your family members."

Everyone's expressions became strange. Mr. Carnegie frowned and said, "What do you mean? Put us under house arrest?"

"No, it's for your safety." The old man said softly: "Everyone, each of you represents your own powerful family and controls huge resources."

"Your safety is very important."

"And recently..."

Mr. Carnegie was stunned: "You mean, that organization called the Rat People..."

"Yes, now our military forces are all arranged at the Steel Gate. I'm worried that they will take advantage of this to take action." The old man had a clear vision and smiled: "And here, there are 40,000 soldiers from the military to protect us."

"And you don't have to worry about living problems here. This building is enough to meet all your needs. Mr. Carnegie, how about going fishing with me tomorrow?"

Mr. Carnegie was speechless: "Old man, you worry too much, just because of those shady guys..."

The words have not yet finished.



Downstairs, there was a loud sound of gunfire.

For a moment, everyone turned pale.

"Here we come." The old man exhaled slowly.

Mr. Carnegie and other members immediately ran to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked down. They saw crowds of people in work clothes surging towards the streets in all directions!

The tall buildings were lowered, eyes of fire burst out from the muzzles, and the military formation roared!

"Damn it!" Mr. Carnegie looked ugly: "How dare these people..."

Other Jishihui members also looked angry.

"We let them live, we built shelters for them, but they actually dared to attack us! And they even specifically chose the time when the gods are coming!"

"Damn it! They all deserve to go to hell!"

"They actually have guns! Damn it, there are also \\/pGs and mortars, where did they come from?!"

A member of the Jishihui turned pale.

"Haha, don't worry." The old man chuckled and said, "Those 40,000 soldiers are well-equipped and have sufficient ammunition."

"This Rockefeller Building is so impregnable that even mortars and bombs can't blast it away."

"As long as we're here, we're safe."

"Everyone, don't worry." General Mike stood up with a serious expression and walked out of the elevator: "I'll go down and organize a defense. Anyone who dares to attack us or betray us will die!"

Below the Rockefeller Building.

"Da da da!"

The sound of gunfire shook the sky.

The bustling streets turned into battlefields, with some customers wearing expensive clothes screaming and fleeing the streets.

"Don't panic!" The officer shouted loudly with a walkie-talkie: "These thugs are not as well equipped as us, and their fighting qualities are not as good as ours!"

"Machine gunner, stand up!"

Indeed, those thugs were poorly equipped!

There are no body armors, even R\\/PGs are rare, and the heavy firepower is equivalent to zero. At most, they have light and heavy machine guns, and most of them just carry ordinary rifles.

But there are just too many people!

Densely packed!

"At least 300,000 people!" The assistant on the side controlled the drone and saw dense crowds of people on the streets in all directions.

And although they don't have body armor.

But they used the most primitive method. The workers at the front were actually carrying thick steel plates stolen from an unknown factory. They were thirty millimeters thick and could even block rifle bullets!

"Damn it, you can't use large weapons in the shelter. Otherwise, if the missiles fall down..." the officer cursed, then gritted his teeth and said: "Grenade cannons, shoot them!"

But even so, the 300,000 people still relied on their numerical advantage to reach a stalemate with them.

As if they were desperate for their lives, those people rushed out of the bunker and the streets on both sides, and rushed towards the Rockefeller Building while holding bullets!

The battle reached its peak as soon as it started and became intense!

Impact from all directions!

Rush forward to the sound of gunfire with shouts!

"Are they desperate for their lives?" The officer gritted his teeth and said, "Do they really want to invade? Beat them all!"

Blood stained the streets.

The roars of people were mixed with the sound of gunshots.

Even veterans who have been in the army for many years have never seen such a crazy battle. Countless people in work clothes held guns, braved artillery fire and bullets, and rushed forward almost to death. In just two minutes, the streets were almost full of people. He grabbed the corpse, while the people behind stepped on the corpse and rushed forward!

I don’t know where those people came from. They seemed to appear out of thin air. There were so many of them, pouring out of the streets like rats one after another!

"Come in!"

That momentum made the soldiers' fingers tremble when they pulled the trigger.

They are well equipped.

But those people were fighting them with their lives!


"General Mike, why are you here!" the staff officer shouted in surprise.

"Of course I'm here to help you organize your defense!" General Mike's eyes were red, and he looked at the attacking crowd from a distance with a fierce face. He saw the figures falling under the gunfire and the gushing blood, and spat. , scolded with a trembling voice: "What a bunch of ungrateful guys!"

"Now, I'll take over the command!"

"These rats, never even think about stepping in!"

"Defensive position No. 2, move back a hundred meters to extend the defense depth! Move the armored vehicle back a hundred meters. Do not use it as a cover for soldiers. Get out of the way of the shooting!" General Mike gritted his teeth and said: "Aren't they not afraid of death? Then we will shoot with all our strength. ! All soldiers, return to the bunker and fire with all your strength!"

"These rats must die here!"

"Paul, you are my hand, you also help me bring people up!"

Paul and General Mike's private security team also rushed to the front line. Paul's eyes were red, he picked up a machine gun and fired wildly at the crowd!

Rockefeller Tower, top floor conference room.

"Damn it! Why are these people so crazy and not afraid of death?" Mr. Carnegie looked at the picture on the screen with an ugly expression on his face, "Where did all this come from!"

Other Jishihui members also looked nervous.

"Where did these come from! How did they get in!"

"There must be someone behind them, otherwise they wouldn't have weapons!"

"Damn it, how much money did that person give them? Why are these people not even afraid of death! None of our soldiers are so loyal!"

Although the workers were unable to get close to the Jishihui building under fire, the crowds of people that seemed to never stop and were always rushing made these Jishihui members tremble.

They are so pampered that they have a lot of security forces in their families. Even the entire military is run by their families. Each family provides fuel, electricity, water, food, weapons and equipment, and correspondingly has a separate army. actual control.

As upper-class people, they often go out hunting and practice shooting.

But he has never really been on the battlefield!

At this moment, looking at the gunfire battlefield below and the endless crowd rushing towards the building from all directions, these Jishihui members all felt fear.

"Mike!" Mr. Carnegie suddenly grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted: "How is the situation!"

"Don't worry." On the intercom, under the sound of gunfire, Mike's voice came: "There are roughly 300,000 people in these people. With our firepower and equipment, we can still withstand it for now."

"We can still withstand it now! What if they come up! Three hundred thousand people!!!" Mr. Carnegie seemed to be frightened, and immediately shouted: "If they come up, we will all die!"

"That's right, that's right!"

"I heard that there are ten thousand soldiers outside. Call them here! Call them here to defend!!"

As soon as these words came out, the old man frowned slightly.

On the intercom, General Mike refused coldly: "Mr. Carnegie, please trust us, trust me."

"Bring it in! Bring it here!" Mr. Carnegie, who was usually personable, had almost lost his mind at this time. The sound of gunfire outside made him pale and shouted loudly.

"Those ten thousand soldiers are very important. The area they defend is no less important than the Rockefeller Building!" General Mike said solemnly: "It is impossible to transfer them!"

"Is it more important than us?" Mr. Carnegie shouted almost heartbreakingly: "We are the Society for the Relief of the World!"

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