Lu Bu on the side also frowned slightly, and couldn't help frowning as he looked at the figure standing in front of Poseidon. He, who was always proud, actually had a bit of fear in his eyes: "Very strong."

"After all, that is King Arthur." Lin Fan said softly, then frowned and said, "You don't know him?"

Lin Fan was a little stunned.

Thousands of years ago, both Lu Bu and King Arthur were enemies of the gods.

After all, they are comrades in arms.

"King Arthur..." Lu Bu shook his head slightly: "Perhaps these people in the West were defeated too early, and we didn't have much interaction back then. But, this guy is indeed very strong."

King Arthur.

The most powerful and greatest king in European legends, he abides by the honor and oath of knights and protects the entire Roman Empire.

Although he has a human body, he has pulled out the sword in the stone.

"Whatever!" Lu Bu snorted coldly and was about to rush forward.

But then Lin Fan pulled him back: "Wait a minute."

Lin Fan looked at the battlefield, but did not rush over immediately.

In the golden but not dazzling soft light, King Arthur held the sword in both hands, and the aura in his body actually had an eleventh level!

High gods!

And he was slightly stronger than Ashude, maybe that's why he wasn't directly killed by Poseidon.

It can be said that King Arthur, who has just woken up, is currently the strongest human combat force in the entire Blue Star!

But even so, King Arthur was still not in good condition at this time. The simple and heavy knight's armor was full of cracks, and the wet seawater stuck his golden hair together.

Streams of blood flowed out from under the armor, falling drop by drop on the sea water.

The hand holding the giant sword began to tremble, and the breath in his body began to become weak. After all, he had just woken up and could not hold on for too long under Poseidon's hand.

Lin Fan could see that if it weren't for the strange sword in the stone, the awakened Western emperor would have turned into a corpse.

In the seawater at the feet of Poseidon, the corpses of ten low-level sea gods lay quietly, floating in the seawater.

Lu Bu on the side was a little anxious: "Why don't you rush forward?"

"Look for an opportunity!" Lin Fan said in a deep voice.

And the other side.

Poseidon stared at the man with golden light in front of him with narrowed eyes, frowned and said: "You...are..."

He thought about the portraits that made the gods afraid of thousands of years ago, and said word by word: "King Arthur?"

A dull voice came from under King Arthur's heavy armor: "It's rare that God still remembers me."

"It's really you." Poseidon chuckled, "Of course I will remember you."

"Ares, the God of War who was your enemy at the beginning, had an arm broken by you, and it has not recovered yet. He wants to find you again day and night."

"But... it seems that your condition is even weaker than that of Ares, the God of War..." Poseidon shook his trident: "How many more of my magical spells can you take on?"

When Poseidon said this, he glanced coldly at the members of the Alliance of Gods who were hiding behind King Arthur and barely had the strength to fight.

His eyes were filled with hatred!

"You traitors. You betrayed your father, your own blood and your strength, just for those humans..." Poseidon's glory became more and more dazzling: "When I kill King Arthur, I will let you see these How do weak human beings kneel down and surrender!”

Compared to the sudden appearance of King Arthur, he hated these gods even more!

No one has ever rebelled against the gods!

When he and the ten low-level ocean gods arrived, they were completely unsuspecting. He thought that the humans, under the control of these gods, had completely established their faith, and were excitedly and respectfully waiting for his arrival.

He even thought about how to greet the kneeling and singing praises of humans with a kind smile.

At first, these humans were indeed enthusiastic.

The two-hundred-meter-high Steel Great Wall, firecrackers roared, gongs and drums roared, and salutes roared.

Two men in black robes and a group of people stood on the 200-meter-high steel Great Wall, greeting warmly the lower gods who came to accept human worship.

After all, Poseidon, as the main god of the sea, can't just appear directly. That would be too cheap.

Under the persuasion of the descendants of God, Poseidon stood on the sea in the distance, shining brightly, while the ten lower gods served as messengers to accept those humans as believers, and then brought those humans to worship Poseidon.

Those people cheered to the ten lower gods.

"God, I've been waiting to take you for a long time!"

"God, I finally see your glory!"

"O God, please tell me your name. I will sing its praises day and night. I will pray day and night and never forget it."

The lower gods were happy too.

It seems that the humans here are well educated by those gods.

The two low-level ocean gods at the head spoke without any precaution:

"Humble human being, since you asked the question sincerely, as a pity for you, I will tell you my name."

"My god's name, Anopole."

"My divine name, Avasi."

"Sing it day and night, with the most pious heart. When you sing my name, I will hear your prayers."

Then, the two men in black robes stepped forward.

One hand held a purple-gold gourd, and the other held a bottle made of mutton-fat white jade.

The gods smiled even more happily. They could feel that these two things seemed to be extraordinary. They were surprised that humans had carefully prepared such two tributes for them.

Under the gaze of the gods, the two men in black robes held the two things respectfully and devoutly sang the name of the god: "Anobol."


"Great God, please respond to our songs and grant us glory."

The two low-level gods whose names were read laughed and said, "Okay."

They stretched out their hands, and the blue glory flowed in their hands.

But the future has not yet had time to shine.

In an instant, the two inferior gods turned into two rays of glory, rushed towards the treasure among the two black-robed men, and then disappeared from them.

The other low-level ocean gods were stunned, but at this moment of confusion.

"Do it!"

Brenda and a group of divine descendants took action one after another!

God-born kills gods!

The remaining eight low-level gods are no match for the current ninth-level Brenda and most of the other senior members of the League of Gods who are at the eighth level!

It can even be said to be a crushing!

They never expected that these gods who were born from their bloodline and given power by them would betray them!

The thunder flashed past, and the giant hammer carrying the thunder smashed the head of a god.

Almost at the same time.

Neil picked up his own trident with an expressionless face, wrapped the water dragon, and suddenly pierced the body of a god.

The dying god's eyes were full of disbelief: "You...cousin..."

Neil and he had various relationships along the way - as descendants of the God of the Ocean, they were always related.

And this god was born after that battle. Although he was a pure god, his seniority and strength were not as good as Neil's. In addition, although Neil is not as good as a god, he is also the illegitimate son left by Poseidon himself, which makes him also want to make friends with Neil.

Poseidon is a well-known protector of calves. Although illegitimate children cannot be compared with the pure-blooded young master North, some illegitimate children who perform well will be brought back to the temple by Poseidon and hold some authority - today's ocean There is a god of the sea in the temple, a descendant of Poseidon.

The two of them were not unfamiliar at all. They immediately recognized each other as cousin and cousin. They were called "cousin" and "cousin" constantly along the way. They had a good relationship, just like brothers, holding hands.

But at this moment, Neil's eyes were cold. Looking at his shocked cousin, he just pulled out the trident solemnly: "Cousin, what you want to destroy is my home."

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