Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 914 The Weak Shura God

Poseidon, as the Lord God of the Sea who was born in ancient times, is in charge of a temple and can be regarded as witnessing the history of the divine world.

The god Shura originated from Cain who held the first blade.

The other gods in the divine world who bathed in glory originated from Cain's younger brother, Abel.

These two were born from the father and mother of all living beings, and are brothers from the same father and mother. Logically speaking, they should both be equally powerful and noble, and the bloodlines they left behind should also be the same. As the first pair Brothers, their relationship should be very good.

However, an accident happened that overturned the divine world.

For some unknown reason, Cain killed Abel in the glorious Garden of Eden.

No one knows why Cain did this, only that it was related to a vicious snake.

That tragedy shocked the entire God Realm. It was the first killing since the birth of the world, and it was also an unethical tragedy of killing brothers and killing flesh and blood with your own hands!

That is the beginning of all evil, that is the root of evil, that is the opening of the abyss.

Cain is no longer a noble being alongside Abel, the father of the gods. When his brothers' blood stains his hands, his divine blood becomes filthy. The sin of brother-killing devours him. He creates with that hand The first blade that caused the first massacre and became the source of evil served as the key, opening the door to the abyss.

With the tragedy of killing his brother, Cain, holding the first blade, became the enemy of the gods and the origin of all evil.

Before that, there wasn't even a word for killing!

It was Cain who created killing and sin. Even in ancient times, his name meant "killing."

He is the originator of crime and murder.

He became a villain walking in the darkness with a knife, the embodiment of pure killing and evil. It is said that he is an immortal existence. It is said that everything in front of him will be pierced by the knife called the first blade. There are even some The god said that he once saw the fierce figure holding the first blade walking towards the God of Creation who came to punish him, and even the glory of the God of Creation could not stop that figure full of sin and killing.

As for the first blade - it is the name of the rough, primitive bone knife stained with Abel's blood. Its original name has long been forgotten, or it did not even have a name when it was created, because in Before it, there were no words for "blade" and "knife", nor was there the concept of "weapon".

That was the first weapon in the universe, or in other words, it created the concept of "weapon". Before it, there was no word "weapon" at all.

Not to mention weapon categories such as "knife", "sword", "gun", and "halberd".

Therefore, the sword that created the first killing is called the "first blade" just like Cain, who is called the origin of all evil, and is also called the ancestor of all weapons.

And the bloodline left by Cain was equally dirty, equally full of killing and bloodthirsty desires.

That bloodline is called Shura God!

A terrifying and evil bloodline that grows by killing and devouring gods!

The bloodline full of elegance and divinity left by Abel was a noble god, incompatible with those evil and powerful Shura gods. The two went through countless battles. In the end, the gods paid countless prices and wiped out all the Shura gods. Kill to avenge the ancestor Abel.

And during that battle, Cain was nowhere to be found.

Some say he was killed by the God of Creation.

But some people say that the unstoppable culprit of all evil was not killed and could not be killed. He was just expelled to purgatory by the Creator God using some ancient and taboo method. It is a place between reality and nothingness. A terrifying world on the edge, full of painful struggles, endless death and killing day after day but unable to escape.

As the surviving main god of that era, unlike those young gods who had only read descriptions in classics, Poseidon had witnessed with his own eyes how powerful those Shura gods were, and had also seen with his own eyes the shadow of the Shura gods!

This dark shadow was once a nightmare in the God Realm!

"This is...the Shura Army of God Shura!"

"Damn it!"

Poseidon was no longer as calm and calm as before, almost trembling as he said: "There is an Shura Army in this world... In other words, there is a Shura God in this world!"

"There is God Shura hiding in this plane, this plane, there are humans who have taken the path of God Shura!"

Poseidon's whole body was shaking!

God Shura is not dead yet!

In this plane, there are probably humans who have become Shura Gods!

And the appearance of every Shura God means a disaster, a disaster sweeping the God Realm!

The growth of every Shura god is stepped on the bones of countless gods! That is the path of carnage and death!

That's a monster that feeds on gods!

Or think about it again, could the missing Cain... be the Shura God hiding in this plane?

In an instant, Poseidon almost lost his desire to conquer this plane. He grabbed North and said, "North, come back with me!"

"Ah?" Lin Fan was stunned: "Don't fight?"

"We can't delay here any longer! There is a Shura God hidden in this plane! And, if my prediction is correct, this should be the missing Cain!" Poseidon kept looking around nervously, as if he was surrounded by There was a terrifying existence lurking, and he protected North tightly and said, "This matter is of great importance! We can't wait for him to show up!"

Lin Fan: "..."

You may not believe it.

God Shura is right in front of you...

But Lin Fan still looked horrified: "What, Xiu, Shura God? Where is he?"

"It doesn't matter where they are! Every Shura god is extremely powerful, and it's possible that Cain is here in person...!" Poseidon said solemnly: "We can't drag you here any longer now, in case you are caught by that Shura It would be bad if God killed him!"

"You have to go back quickly, tell Zeus the news, and ask him to come here with all the temples and kill the Shura god who may be Cain!"

Poseidon knew it very clearly.

Without the appearance of Shura God, this is just a simple conquest. It is nothing more than that the strength of these human beings who have become gods is a bit beyond expectations.

And once there is Shura God... this will involve a war between Shura God and the entire God Realm. This is not something that the Ocean Temple can resist!

Poseidon grabbed Lin Fan and was about to rise into the sky!

Lin Fan's expression was slightly strange: "Father, wait!"

"What?" Poseidon asked very quickly: "My son, what's the matter?"

His eyes were full of panic, and he clearly didn't want to stay any longer.

But Lin Fan couldn't let Poseidon leave, because once he left, the coordinates of the human plane would be exposed to all temples!

At that time, Daxia will face countless temples led by God King Zeus!

No chance of winning at all!

"Father, don't panic!" Lin Fan comforted the panicked Poseidon in a deep voice: "The Shura god hiding here is definitely not Cain."

"He can't even be called powerful."

"What do you mean?" Poseidon frowned.

"The Shura God is hiding here. Now that we are here, we dare not show up or take action." Lin Fan said solemnly: "He is using human power to stop us."

"If he was really powerful, why would he need to rely on human power? He would have come forward to kill us long ago!"

"He has even reached the God Realm long ago!"

"It is even more impossible to join forces with humans to fight against us. He should kill all these humans first, use this plane as nourishment, and then enter the God Realm!"

"So, it can't be some powerful Shura God, let alone Cain... It should be a certain Shura God who was chased by the God Realm until he was seriously injured and dying, and accidentally escaped here."

"His strength is not as good as these humans, so he has to cooperate with humans and use humans to resist us."

North analyzed it for a moment, then looked at Poseidon: "So, father, facing such a dying and weak Shura god who is not as powerful as these humans, what do we have to be afraid of?"

"We are here to conquer these humans!"

"If father reports it to God King Zeus, then... once other temples learn that there is such a fertile plane, how much will be left in our hands?"

"Didn't our uncles and aunts who died to conquer this plane die in vain? Didn't the uncles who died in that battle also died in vain?"

"When will the glory we lost because of that battle be restored?"

"So, we can't report it! On the contrary, if we kill that Shura God conveniently, there may be other benefits. Not only will God King Zeus give him a reward, I also heard that each Shura God possesses countless artifacts and fragments of the divine domain... …After all, they are the ones who kill the gods.”

Lin Fan looked at Poseidon, with only one sentence in his eyes - Father, believe me, that Shura God is very weak, you believe me!

Lin Fan even wanted to tell Poseidon directly that I am the Shura God, and I am really weak!

Rather than being exposed directly, he couldn't let Poseidon report it!

Upon hearing Lin Fan's analysis, Poseidon was stunned!

The weak Shura God who was seriously injured and dying?

After a while, Poseidon's breathing quickened and his eyes shone: "My son is indeed smart and wise!"

"Yes, that Shura God is hiding here and has not shown up yet. He is also cooperating with humans to resist us... Obviously his strength is not as good as ours, or even inferior to these humans!"

"That's a Shura God who is already too weak to be vulnerable!"

"Thankfully my son thought of this, otherwise once the report is reported, we will no longer have our share in this fertile plane!"

"Moreover, every Shura God is so fat... Haha, no wonder there are so many of these humans wearing a set of medium-level artifacts... If we can kill that Shura God, this plane, and that Shura God’s treasure…”

"We must find that Shura God and kill him! Even if we turn this plane upside down!"

Poseidon laughed loudly, and all the previous nervousness and panic were gone, leaving only his overwhelming pride. He patted Lin Fan heavily on the shoulder and praised, "Hahaha, my son North is so smart and wise!"

The previous dissatisfaction with being restrained by Lin Fan and being unable to take action with all his strength disappeared.

Lin Fan quickly handed over his hand: "It's all because of my father's good education. To be smart, I still inherited it from my father!"


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