Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 916 Melting Poseidon

Poseidon couldn't understand at all what was going on.

Why is it that the subsidiary planes conquered by the Ocean Temple are helping humans fight at this moment!

Why do those loyal believers, who regard death for God as the greatest honor, betray themselves!

And at the moment when Poseidon was distracted!


The roar came!

All the gods of Daxia take action together!

The sword light was like a dragon, and Fang Tian's painted halberd hit him head and face!

Bai Qi raised his blood sickle high, like a bloody dragon, slashing at him!

Mr. Zhang had the blazing sun on his back, holding a cold scalpel in his hand, and silver needles were passing through his body like a swimming fish.

In just an instant, murderous intent was everywhere!

"My son, be careful!" Poseidon subconsciously protected North behind him and grabbed the Poseidon Trident.

The high-level artifact shines brightly under the infusion of divine power. Poseidon's seawater with a radius of ten thousand meters rises into the sky, shooting at the gods of Daxia from bottom to top like bullets!

The drops of sea water reflect the divine light, crystal clear, like blue gems.

But no one can underestimate their power. With the power given by the high gods, every drop of sea water is indestructible, enough to penetrate the body of every Daxia god!

Looking around, the 10,000-meter sea surface beneath Poseidon's feet was like a volcano erupting, as if venting the wrath of the Lord of the Sea!

But at the moment when the seawater was about to hit everyone.


The seawater rushing up quickly lost all its strength and fell back to the surface of the sea.


A dark, cold knife suddenly penetrated Poseidon's chest from back to front, interrupting Poseidon's magic.

Poseidon lowered his head blankly and looked at the dark knife.

A bone-chilling feeling came from his body, as if the abyss had opened its mouth, swallowing Poseidon's soul and divine power.

"My son..."

Poseidon seemed to have forgotten the pain, and slowly turned his head in disbelief. His neck was heavy and dry, as if it had been filled with lead.

Behind him is North!


What caught his eye was not the familiar figure that exuded the same glory as himself.

But a young man.

The young man was holding a cold black knife, and there was no trace of the glory that a god should have on his body.

Only the dark, viscous, and cold liquid kept dripping from the body and the tip of the knife, rendering the azure sea water pitch black, as if hell had descended.

The left hand was as black as ink, exuding an evil and cold smell.

Just standing there, like a vengeful ghost from hell.

If you look carefully, you can still see traces of dissipating blue glory around him.

"You... God Shura!" Poseidon's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was about to grab the black knife that pierced his chest, but Lin Fan was on guard and had already drawn the knife and retreated a hundred meters before Poseidon stretched out his hand!

Poseidon subconsciously wanted to rush up and ask where his child had gone and what he had done to his child - yes, Poseidon never thought about it and did not believe it at all. He was so filial, brave, and most importantly, smart. The wise and perfect child turned out to be Lin Fan pretending to be.

I don’t even believe that my child will attack me!

In his opinion, it was his own inattention that caused North, who was protected behind him, to be attacked by the Shura God and kidnapped!

But suddenly, Poseidon remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something.

What did you forget?


At the moment when Poseidon was disturbed by Lin Fan's sudden attack, the other gods of Great Xia came to attack!

One after another, powerful figures smashed into the curtains of falling water droplets, the sword blade pierced the water droplets, and a series of attacks came one after another!

Fang Tian's painted halberd covered the sky and the sun, wrapped in purple evil energy, and slammed into Poseidon's back!

"For Diao Chan!"

Lu Bu's eyes were wide open, and his canthus was about to burst. He was filled with evil energy like blazing flames. Behind him, the shadow of the demon god thousands of meters away was also swinging the sky-painted halberd below.

That terrifying blow directly sent Poseidon, who was still distracted, flying hundreds of meters upward!

——Because of Poseidon's identity as the Lord God of the Sea, and the god of the sea's terrifying combat power and rapid recovery in seawater, it is impossible for the gods of Great Xia to beat him into the seawater during an offensive that truly shows their murderous intent. .

Before Poseidon could stabilize his figure in the sky, another sword strike came!

The sword is named Daxia!

That terrifying sword, wrapped in sword energy like a silver dragon, roared and crushed layers of water droplets, and also stabbed the wound on Poseidon's back caused by Lin Fan's sneak attack!

This sword suddenly knocked Poseidon's figure flying a hundred meters!



Amidst the constant roaring, the gods of Daxia seemed to arrive in unison, but in extremely small order, they all bombarded Poseidon's back!

Finally, Mr. Zhang appeared behind Poseidon with the blazing sun on his back.

"Treatment, begin."

"You are lucky, God's body structure... I have already figured it out."

"It's an honor for you to allow me to use this... Hua Tuo acupuncture technique!"

Mr. Zhang's aura suddenly surged, his white coat was floating, his hands were like afterimages, and silver needles were splashing ink!

Behind you, the sun is shining brightly, and the word "medicine" is burning your eyes!


The silver needles stirred and pierced Poseidon's body hard, locking each of Poseidon's acupuncture points!

When the last needle fell, Poseidon's glory suddenly shrank, and his whole body floated motionless in the sky, like a corpse.

The gods of Daxia looked weak and gasped, while nervously staring at the figure floating in the sky like a corpse.

"How is it?" Lin Fan looked at Mr. Zhang.

"I locked every muscle and tendon of his, and every meridians of his." Mr. Zhang exhaled slowly and said weakly: "But even if it wasn't like this, he probably wouldn't be able to move."

After all, Poseidon's injuries were too severe at this time.

Lin Fan's sword and the major offensives of the Daxia gods almost expanded the wound on Poseidon's back to the size of a fist, and it seemed that even his heart was about to be broken.

"Is he dead?" Lu Bu frowned, a little regretful. He hadn't asked clearly where Diao Chan was yet.

"Hahaha," Bai Qize laughed loudly: "It's good to die! Little Poseidon dares to set foot on my king's land. Hey, I will go over and cut him into pieces..."

Bai Qi said that he was about to rush over and throw pieces of Poseidon into the hot pot.

But Lin Fan grabbed him and said, "Wait a minute."

"What?" Bai Qi frowned: "Don't worry, we will eat him together later! This thing is a great supplement!"

Lin Fan stared at Poseidon.

Poseidon is dead?

This injury should lead to death.

But, so simple?

Lin Fan did not really participate in the battle against Poseidon until the end. In the end, it was the two ancestors who faced Poseidon head-on.

So he didn't know how powerful Poseidon was, nor what means Poseidon had to save his life.

But to force the two ancestors to burn their lives and die of exhaustion... How could Poseidon be killed so easily?

"He didn't bleed." Blood Demon King Hu suddenly said in a somewhat complicated voice from the side.

"What?" Lin Fan was stunned.

"He didn't bleed." Blood Demon King Hu repeated, and then muttered: "Is Poseidon so special that he is not allowed to drink blood?"

Wang Hu had been staring at the blood, so he was the first to notice something strange.

No bleeding…

A feeling of extreme danger suddenly came over, and Lin Fan suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Be careful!"

The gods of Daxia, whose physical strength was almost exhausted, quickly cheered up and prepared for battle.

But Poseidon did not open his eyes or move. His body just began to twist strangely and then melted.

Like a painting with distinct colors being splashed with water, all the colors blend together, eventually turning into a ball of weirdly colored water with a hint of blue.


Under the gaze of everyone, the ball of Poseidon, or rather the ball of water transformed by Poseidon, slowly poured down to the sea below.

"Keep him out of the ocean!"

Lin Fan shouted loudly, and at the same time, a strange figure suddenly appeared behind Lin Fan, a woman in a dark dress and pale skin.

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