Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 930 Entering the God Realm

Although the man was just sitting there, the whole world was silent at this moment, as if he did not dare to disturb his sleep.

A powerful majesty filled the air, as if even raising your head to look at him, or even standing in front of him, was a sign of disobedience!

It was a very terrifying aura, a majestic and imperial aura, but also filled with murder and domineering.


"Gu, wake up."

The man slowly opened his eyes, raised his head, and looked to the east.

His sight seemed to have passed through the soil, and he saw the great mountains and rivers, the Great Steel Wall, and the battlefield between the gods of Great Xia and Poseidon.

"Gu, I seem to have heard the voice of God."

Nine golden dragons of luck surrounded him, and from time to time they would gently touch the man's shoulder with their mouths, as if calling him to wake up, or telling him something wronged.


The man frowned: "You mean...Bai Qi...God..."


"I understand." He touched a golden dragon and then slowly stood up from the throne.

The moment he stood up, countless armored men knelt down in the endless square pit!

Even the war horses slowly knelt down!

Millions of armored men roared in unison: "Greetings to Your Majesty!"

At this moment, even the tourists around him involuntarily knelt down and shouted: "Greetings to Your Majesty!"

That is the reverence in the blood!

That is the emperor of emperors!

The First Emperor looked at the millions of iron armors and said expressionlessly: "It's been a thousand years."

"I once said that when I die, I will turn into a dragon soul and protect my country from decline forever!"

"And now, in my deep sleep, I seem to hear the voice of God again."

"Some god dares to knock on the door of our country, Da Qin, and set foot on our land!"

"Bai Qi fought to the death and was defeated."

"Everyone, what should we do?"

The voice of the First Emperor echoed like a roaring dragon!

Millions of armored men roared in unison: "We will fight to the death to protect the land of Great Qin and protect His Majesty's majesty!"

We fight to the death!

Da Qin Iron Armor, the only option is to fight to the death!

"Then just follow me and fight to the death!"


The First Emperor took one step forward, and nine golden dragons rose into the sky, carrying the Qin armor, turning into dazzling golden light, and soaring into the sky!

This terrifying army once made an era tremble. It swept across the armies of six countries in the world and headed straight for the country's gate!

Just a moment.

The entire land of Daxia is shaking, like a giant dragon awakening, and the roar of the dragon resounds throughout the world!

The people of the entire Great Xia saw the golden light rising into the sky, and saw the figure sitting on the dragon chair in front of the army in the faint golden light.

And those Daqin flags fluttering!

Everyone who saw it was shocked and felt a sense of reverence from the heart. They fell to the ground under the impact of the majestic imperial energy and shouted loudly: "Greetings to the First Emperor!"

Countless voices gathered together, and the four characters resounded throughout Daxia.

Meet the First Emperor!

No introduction is needed, and no man needs to reveal his identity.

Everyone knows that with such iron armor and such a majestic person, there is only one emperor among countless emperors in the vast Xia Dynasty with a history of five thousand years!

Great Qin, the First Emperor!

China began with him, and thousands of emperors began with him!

One emperor through the ages, the First Emperor!

Nine golden dragons swept toward the Great Steel Wall at incredible speeds!

Above the golden dragon, the man sitting on the throne looked at the long-lost mountains and rivers and nodded slightly.

On the Great Steel Wall.

While calling the medical staff to provide emergency treatment to Bai Qi, Mr. Jin turned his head to look at the horizon in the distance with his numb scalp: "The First Emperor..."

Even the throne of the state looked at him in awe and crossed his hands as if he was a disciple.

Under the Great Wall.

"Damn it!"

Poseidon's face was extremely ugly, and he could feel the powerful aura approaching quickly!

"Haha," Lin Fan, whose neck was strangled and his whole body was twisted, grinned. His smile covered in blood looked particularly ferocious: "I finally managed to persevere..."

Poseidon's face darkened.

Subconsciously use your right hand!

His reaction was not unpleasant. The awakening aura was extremely powerful. If he fought with it, although he should be able to defeat the opponent, he would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent for a while.

If this Shura God doesn't kill him immediately, he might have to find trouble for himself again!

I heard that God Shura has an evil way of sacrificing his soul in exchange for power!

At that time, I am afraid that while facing the awakening existence, I will have to distract myself from dealing with another Shura God.

Now is not the time to consider using this body as a puppet!


There was a crisp sound, and Lin Fan was immediately speechless. His neck was squeezed hard, and the protruding bones broke his flesh and blood. His expression was extremely painful, and his whole body was trembling, but even breathing and screaming in pain were extremely uncomfortable.

"You are trying every possible means to hold me back just to wait until this person wakes up?"

"Don't worry, this person will accompany you soon." Poseidon snorted coldly and threw Lin Fan away. Lin Fan suddenly fell into the ocean like a piece of rag, and sank all the way to darkness in the sea water. seabed.

It seems that death is certain.

"Lin Fan!"


On the Great Steel Wall, Mr. Jin and many soldiers had red eyes and roared loudly.

Even the throne clenched his fists and his hands were trembling.

Lin Fan, the commander-in-chief who seemed to always stand in front of them, face the gods, and lead them to victory again and again, could he die here?

And the next moment.

"Don't worry, you will all die here!"

Poseidon's face was expressionless, and he raised his hand again to recall the half of the trident that fell under the Great Wall, slowly raised it, and pointed it at the Great Steel Wall.

Divine power surges.

The glory is dazzling.


The trident flew through the air!

Wrapping up the bright glory, it smashed straight towards the Great Steel Wall.

Surrounded by several kilometers of water dragons, the huge waves seemed to smash the Great Steel Wall into pieces!

"Shield up!"

Jin Lao's eyes were red and he roared loudly.

And the warriors who witnessed the fall of the gods of Daxia and Lin Fan's death seemed to have given up their lives. Every disciple, every superpower, every member of the God-killing Army and the Divine Legion, every one of them... The huge God-killing mecha rushed towards the Great Steel Wall like crazy and used its body to form a huge shield!

That was not considered a powerful spurt of countless powers at all. Red Bird's eyes were filled with tears, and countless flames burst out like a fire phoenix, loudly saying: "Block it!"

But even so, everyone knows it.

Having lost the gods of Daxia, even if they still have 586 members of the divine legion, they are unable to face the attack of Poseidon, the 13th-level high god and the Lord of the Sea!

But no one steps back!

Although they are not as powerful as the gods of Daxia, they are still warriors of Daxia!

"Defend to Daxia!"

"Revenge the commander-in-chief!"


Under the glory, the ant-like humans roared loudly with determined eyes!

But at that moment the trident was about to hit the Great Steel Wall.


Dragon roars are coming!

A golden light flashed from the sky, and nine golden dragons swooped down, bit the trident again, and then threw it back to Poseidon!

At the same time, there was a sound in the sky.

"If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live a long and prosperous life."

"Great Qin, the First Emperor!"


A dragon chair, wrapped in golden light, fell from the sky, landed on the Great Steel Wall, and landed next to Bai Qi who was receiving treatment!





Millions of armors suddenly fell under the Great Steel Wall, forming a fierce formation!

For a moment, the world was silent.

A majesty mixed with violence, killing, and domineering swept across.

Although he hadn't spoken yet, he was just sitting on the dragon chair with his head in one hand, but the entire Great Steel Wall was silent.

Looking at the figure sitting on the dragon's throne, looking down at the world, the soldiers who were roaring on the Great Steel Wall just now did not dare to breathe, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

There were even weaker warriors who were directly suppressed by the terrifying majesty, as if Mount Tai was on their backs, and fell to their knees directly!

It is a kind of aura that dominates everything, and it is the majesty of a whale that swallows up the world and a tiger that swallows up the six countries.

That is the imperial energy of thousands of years!

The emperor's Qi in the world is one stone, and he has eight fights to himself!

The most powerful emperor in the history of Daxia!

First Emperor!

Even Jin Lao, a well-known and experienced general, trembled slightly in front of that figure. He felt like a giant dragon was watching him, and he had to bite the tip of his tongue to maintain his sanity, so as not to kneel down in public.

Although the person sitting on the side of the throne has national destiny and is also the head of a country, facing this legendary emperor, there is a slight sweat on his forehead. It is a long-lost feeling of oppression when facing a superior.

after all.

This is the First Emperor!

"I have met the First Emperor." Jin Lao said in a deep voice.

"I've met the First Emperor!"

Countless soldiers came to pay their respects at this moment.

"Pingsheng." The man waved his hands slightly on the dragon chair, turned to look at Bai Qi, who was lying on the ground next to him, his throat still bleeding: "I still owe you an apology."

"How dare you die without Gu's orders?"

Bai Qi's throat was being cut open by two medical disciples. They were holding hemostats inside and trying to piece together the blood vessels and trachea. However, even though the blood was pouring in, Bai Qi still used his last strength to try to get up while purring: "Finally... I will lose and bring shame to my king... Please forgive me..."

"I don't have much strength left, so just lie down." After the man said this, he became slightly silent: "Gu, I couldn't help you back then."

"My king... why do you need to say these..." Bai Qi, whose face was covered with blood, actually smiled sweetly. Looking at the still majestic man in front of him, he smiled and said: "My king's dream is Bai Qi's dream... Bai Qi is the sickle in my king's hand...Bai Qi has long known that only Bai Qi's death can make my king's dream come true..."

"When Bai Qi drank the poisoned wine... he was smiling... I still remember that day... it was the day when my king was established as emperor. My king walked on the throne of God and attracted the attention of the world. He wore a dragon robe and an emperor's crown. He became the emperor. The honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan established the position of emperor..."

"My king, sit on the dragon chair..."

"Bai Qi can fight king, please be optimistic..."

As Bai Qi spoke, he tried to stand up again, as if he had a lot of strength again!

"That's all, you rest now. This time, I'm here alone."

The man sat on the dragon chair, sitting on the high steel Great Wall. He lowered his head and looked down at Poseidon, just like a giant dragon looking down at ants. One hand gently touched the jade seal placed on the dragon chair.

Facing the man's gaze, even Poseidon had the urge to kneel down and surrender!

That imperial power was so overwhelming that even the Lord of the Sea couldn't bear it!

Poseidon's whole body was trembling and he had to bite the tip of his tongue to stay awake, but his heart was extremely frightened.

That man's gaze... actually made him feel insignificant. It was a kind of overlooking on a life level, just like an ant being looked down upon by a giant elephant... This was the first time that Poseidon, as a god, had felt this way!

You must know that before this, no matter what life the gods faced, no matter what plane they reached, they were aloof existences!

They are the only ones who have ever looked down on other lives!


In front of this man, it was as if even the gods were not worthy of standing!

He is obviously only human!

Poseidon suddenly remembered: "That's right! He is..."

Great Qin, the First Emperor!

Poseidon suddenly remembered an image that was still fresh in his memory.

Thousands of years ago, gods descended from the sky.

His eyes looked at the world greedily.

A group of oriental warrior gods and oriental gods and Buddhas are waiting for them as if they are facing a formidable enemy.

Only a man sitting on a dragon chair faced the gods, opened the door to the invasion of the divine world, and faced the vast divine realm. Instead of being afraid, he was extremely excited and laughed from the bottom of his heart. It looked like the divine realm. His eyes are actually more greedy than those of the gods who look at this world!

He still remembered the man's eyes looking at the God Realm, as fierce, greedy, confident and domineering as a wild wolf sizing up a lamb.

He still remembered the man under the banner of Da Qin, looking up to the sky and laughing in front of the iron armor: "I didn't expect that there is such a vast land, great mountains and rivers... Oh, God Realm? Haha, I don't care what God Realm is... my place See, it’s Da Qin!”

"You have such a vast land, but instead of hiding well, you dare to invade my country, the Qin Dynasty? Are you treating my country, the Qin Dynasty, as if it is nothing?"


"Where is Bai Qi? I want your sickle to sweep away the weeds in the God Realm and turn it into my own land in Great Qin!"

Poseidon didn't have many confrontations with this man. Back then, his Ocean Temple had suffered heavy losses just after fighting with the general Bai Qi. Among the 400,000 gods Bai Qi killed, there were fully 100,000 ocean gods, so he had to retreat to his position for a while. rest.

After hearing this, the Lord God of Huangsha sneered and volunteered: "Ah, arrogant people, ants, you other temples should deal with others, I, Huangsha Temple, will concentrate on dealing with this army."

Later, Poseidon didn't see the main god of Huangsha very much. He only heard that this armor actually fought all the way to the God Realm, howling about "unifying the God Realm", "unifying their writing, weights and measures", "cutting two With slogans such as "You can become an official and land a land with just one god's head" and "Don't let those military exploits get away", they attacked cities and territories all the way, slaughtering cities and killing gods like pigs and dogs, chasing a group of yellow men. The God of Sand ran away and almost put the Great Qin flag on the Yellow Sand Temple.

This is why the gods in the God Realm can actually speak Chinese... That Great Qin Iron Armor swept all the way and made outstanding contributions to the cultural exchanges between the two realms... There are even a group of wise gods in the God Realm who are attracted by the culture of this plane, until Even after this plane disappeared, it was still being studied.

In the end, it was Zeus who joined forces with several other temples to fight them back.

Otherwise, if we continue fighting like this, I'm afraid the God Realm will become that kind of Great Qin!

At this moment, facing this man, Poseidon's breathing almost stopped. He even thought of the scene of the Great Qin flag being planted in the Ocean Temple in his mind!

The man sitting on the dragon chair glanced at Poseidon and smiled: "It seems that Gu had killed too few people back then, and the god still dared to come..."

"But that's okay."

"Gu, I have always been thinking about your God Realm."

For a moment, cold sweat broke out on Poseidon's forehead!

Why are you still thinking about us?

On the other side, Jin Lao relaxed a little and looked at Bai Qi with a confused look on his face, who had just said a few words and even struggled to get up. He had never seen such a tenacious Xiaoqiang.

Mr. Jin was silent for a moment and asked the medical staff who were operating: "No, is this guy's injury serious?"

"It's very serious! I have never seen anything so serious in all my years of working!" The medical staff's scalp was numb. "The aorta and trachea were all smashed. That means the Great Steel Wall has a death contract, otherwise there would be no need to rescue."

"To be honest, I don't even understand how he can still be alive and talking... If it had been someone else, even if he had a death contract, he would have died in ten seconds at most... He actually still has a chance to be rescued!"

Not finished yet.

Bai Qi, who was being operated on, suddenly said intermittently: "How can it be so serious... I just feel... a little out of breath... and a little dizzy... But there are too many fractures, and I really can't get up, otherwise... ...How can I let my king go to the battlefield in person... This is a shame, the shame of the sickle..."

Mr. Jin had a complex look on his face: "Stop talking, blood will spurt out from your throat and all over the doctor."

What kind of monster is this!

The aorta has been bleeding for several minutes. You told me that you felt dizzy and your trachea was severed. You said you were a little out of breath...

"I hope Lin Fan can... live." Mr. Jin suddenly sighed.

However, Mr. Jin knew that there was not much hope. After all, although Lin Fan was strong in combat, he could not compete with the monster Bai Qi in terms of physique and vitality...

In a strange space.

The young man pushed up his glasses: "It's still a two-in-one chapter of 5,000 words. Today is equivalent to an extra chapter."

"Lin Fan will definitely not die. He left a back-up before and will join the battle again and play a decisive role... But as for how to recover and even become stronger, everyone can guess."

"There were foreshadowings before. Let me remind you clearly. Poseidon and Lin Fan had some doubts about this when they fought again... but I guess no one could guess it."

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