Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 948 The most terrifying disaster

"Lord Poseidon, save me!"

"Lord Poseidon!"

As if aware of Poseidon's gaze, those light groups suddenly began to flicker violently.

At this moment, Poseidon suddenly saw clearly what those light groups were.

That is...the soul of a god!

Souls bound and chained by the dark and sticky Shura divine power!

They trembled and let out painful wails, and were caught in the woman's hands and kept stuffed in her mouth.

Under those fangs, there is the cry of the soul, the sound of the soul breaking!

Poseidon looked at the faces that appeared on the light ball in astonishment. They were faces that he was particularly familiar with...



The old man cried and looked at the Lord God, "Be careful young master, the young master is fake, he killed me!"

"Lord God, save me. As long as the Lord God saves me... I will devote my whole life to the Ocean Temple in the next life!"

"Lord God, save me, I don't want to lose my soul!"

That old man turned out to be Anmude, who had loyally protected Lin Fan before!

It sounds like he was really loyal. After his death, his first words were to tell Poseidon to be careful of the young master.

But it's too late now, Poseidon already knows...

Poseidon looked at the souls in front of him. These were obviously the gods of the sea who followed the young master to invade Daxia, especially the ten middle-level sea gods who were specially added by him to protect the young master...

At that time, Poseidon was just worried that North would suffer a loss.

Now that I think about it, that damn Shura God pretending to be Noss is probably going to be happy, so why not give him some extra food?

But suddenly.

Poseidon's pupils shrank suddenly, staring at a dark ball of light that was bigger than other souls!

That is……

Ashude's soul!

It wails in agony.

Poseidon's blow almost knocked him out of his mind, but for God Shura, that kind of fate was too cheap for Asiu.

This is the soul of a higher god!

Such good nourishment must of course be broken into your own mouth and become a part of yourself!

"Lord God, save me!"

Ashude's voice was full of pain.

The female ghost stared at Poseidon with cold eyes, but kept whispering: "Hold on...Master wants me to eat them all...Master's order, I must obey..."

For a moment, Poseidon's heart was filled with turmoil!

No wonder the natal ghost didn't show up when that kid fought with me for the second time!

He thought that his natal ghost had given up on him, so he hid in fear!

Thinking about it now, it was clear that when he was smashed to the bottom of the sea, he released the ghosts and gods, devouring his soul and seeking a breakthrough!

"This kid, even if the time comes... Facing me, it seems like he is fighting to the death, but in fact he is stalling for time and seeking a breakthrough!"

"I thought he had run out of tricks, but in fact, he is still plotting against me!"

The Lord of the Sea was actually plotted against by a human boy!

And he had plotted against him more than once. He had plotted against himself since he disguised himself as North and sneaked into the temple!

Calculations again and again!

Is this guy really a human being, really a boy?

In terms of scheming, he is comparable to Loki, the god of trickery!

Poseidon's scalp was numb. He had never felt that a human being was so difficult to deal with!

But what makes Poseidon's scalp numb even more is...

That ghost and god actually tried their best to obey Lin Fan's will, enduring the pain of exploding and devouring their souls!

Those are ghosts and gods who are always waiting for backlash!

All Shura gods are puppets controlled by ghosts and gods. Just to satisfy the greedy demands of ghosts and gods, they have to kill like crazy.

Until he is killed by a god, or... he becomes the nourishment of ghosts and gods step by step, and is eventually replaced by ghosts and gods.

There is even a view in the divine world that the sign of maturity of the Shura God is to be swallowed by the natal ghosts and gods and become ghosts and gods.

Once he becomes a ghost and god, the murderous bloodline from Cain, the beginning of all evil, will completely control the body. At that time, the Shura God who has become a ghost and god will have almost unstoppable power.

Every time ghosts and gods appear in the world, the bloodline from the beginning of all evil will bring a bloody storm to the divine world.

This is why, once the God Realm discovers Shura God, it must be killed immediately - just to prevent him from growing up and becoming a ghost or god!

This is a powerful priesthood, but it is also a tragic priesthood that is destined to fall and become a puppet of ghosts and gods.


"Does this ghost and god obey this boy's orders?"

"This Shura God... has completely controlled ghosts and gods, and controlled a trace of blood from the beginning of all evil?"

Poseidon stared hard at the ghost and god who was almost stretched to the point of self-explosion, but still obeyed his master's will.

He has never seen such a terrifying scene!

This ghost actually takes orders from a human being!

To be honest, Poseidon was not surprised that this human being had blood from Cain in his body.

Because Cain, that is an ancient being that has existed for countless years, is the second child of the parents of the gods, and is the eldest son - the younger brother of Abel, the ancestor of the gods!

He has been born for so long, and has been hunted by the gods, hiding in various planes, and walking in countless worlds.

Under the bloodline of that terrible, the beginning of all evil caused by the first killing in the world, he is like the seven original sins of hell. As long as there are still killings, theoretically, he will not die.

This is why, even though Cain has disappeared for many years, and there are even rumors that he was killed by the God of Creation, many gods still believe that he is still alive.

He represents pure killing.

Draw strength from killing, the unstoppable beginning of all evil!

His bloodline spreads across thousands of planes.

For countless years, it is normal for Cain to inadvertently enter this plane, and it is normal for him to leave his bloodline behind. Even after so many years, there may be many humans in this plane who have more or less a trace of this. Hidden bloodline.

The same is true in the God Realm. Whenever Cain went on a killing spree to satisfy his sinful bloodline, he briefly regained his sanity and lived an anonymous life, leaving behind some children.

Some of those children may grow up, awaken their bloodlines, become Shura gods, and become slaves of ghosts and gods. After being discovered by the gods, they join forces to kill them.

But there are also some children who live like normal gods and give birth to his children, and their descendants continue to multiply from then on.

Although after countless years of dilution, there is very little Cain blood in those gods, but occasionally a few Shura gods will appear.

As if there is no end to the killing, several Shura gods will be born every once in a while.

It is a bit embarrassing to say that the bloodline that the gods hate and despise is the beginning of all evil, the bloodline that is full of sin, the bloodline that killed their ancestors. Seriously counting, after countless years of reproduction, it actually covers most of the God Realm and exists in the world. Within the bodies of countless gods...

But even so.

No Shura God has ever controlled ghosts and gods!

At this moment, Poseidon felt chills all over his body. He knew how terrifying the Shura Gods were, but... in the final analysis, those Shura Gods were just puppets of ghosts and gods. They were driven by their blood to kill like crazy, and eventually even themselves became food for ghosts and gods. The poor puppet!

Even so, the appearance of every Shura God is a disaster for the divine world.


How terrifying would a Shura god be who could control his own ghosts and gods, control the bloodline that was the beginning of all evil, and control this terrifying power of killing?

That would be an unprecedented disaster in the divine world!

He might even be a second Cain!

At this moment, Poseidon looked at the dark giant cocoon, as if he saw the awakening and birth of the most terrifying thing in the world.

His eyes became extremely frightened - even more frightened than when he looked at the stick chasing him behind him.

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