Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 971 I will kill those thugs with my own hands

Lin Fan nodded: "Okay, let them go."

Mike was silent for a moment, a little worried: "Can your place... be able to hold on?"

"Just let them go and leave the rest to Daxia." Lin Fan still answered.

Mike nodded and sighed: "Delaying these forty gods until now is my greatest ability."

"While you are facing the gods, we, the Free Country, are hiding underground."

"While you are fighting against the gods for the sake of mankind, we, the Free Country, can only shut the gods in and delay them."

"It's my shame that I can't fight side by side with you Daxia."

"We will let the gods leave now. We are expected to arrive in Daxia in two hours. You should be prepared."

It could be heard that there was deep guilt and regret in Mike's tone.

Lin Fan smiled: "Mike, you did a great job. The time you delayed is very important to our Daxia."

"Okay, that's it, hang up."

Lin Fan turned off the communication, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Everyone is here, the gods will arrive in two hours, so hurry up and rest."

After saying that, Lin Fan stopped inking, closed his eyes and crossed his legs. While relaxing his extremely tired body and mind, reviving his spirit and physical strength, he, the First Emperor and the Great Sage quickly absorbed the divine power from the corpses of several gods to recover.

"Haha," the chained figure next to Lin Fan smiled fiercely: "You seem to be very tired... The gods of my Ocean Temple have heard my call, and they should be coming soon."

"Can you humans really hold on to the next battle?"

"Maybe I don't need to wait until I completely master this body. My forty subordinates can completely destroy you and rescue me."

"Human, the most exciting part of this battle has just arrived!" Poseidon smiled fiercely: "God Shura, if you don't kill me directly, it will be your biggest regret."

Lin Fan originally wanted to raise his hand to slap him, but after looking at the girl's face, he put down his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will let you see with your own eyes how your subordinates died."

And the other side.

free country.

In the empty "wealth" shelter.

The neon-lit streets were crowded with people, but no one spoke, falling into an eerie silence.

Those people looked towards the distance with fearful expressions, in the direction of the entrance and exit.



At this moment, only this dull voice echoed in the entire Fortune Shelter!

The steel door was shaking violently, as if something was behind that door and was about to break out!

The terrifying roar resounded throughout the shelter, and the beautiful and elegant music on the street was obscured.



This time, a huge bulge suddenly appeared on the last steel door leading to the shelter!

There is only a steel gate between them and those gods and sea beasts!

Outside the door is God!

God is knocking!

Just a moment.

"They're coming!"

Someone shouted loudly, and countless people seemed to wake up suddenly, shouting and running wildly on the streets. The workers in the factory ran out of the factory quickly!


The last steel door is still shaking, and the roars of countless sea beasts behind the door can be clearly heard!

Even though there are countless soldiers and armored vehicles surrounding the gate, even though there are many battle formations, at this moment, even the soldiers are trembling.

There is no Great Wall under their feet!

Everyone knows that once the final door is blasted open, they have no chance of winning against the monstrous seawater and sea beasts!

At the same time, in the top-floor conference room of the Rockefeller Building overlooking the entire sanctuary.

"Report!" A nervous voice came from the intercom: "The gods have conquered the final battle area! They have arrived at the last door!"

"It is expected that in ten minutes, the gods will break through the steel gate and enter the refuge of wealth!"

The family representatives looked ugly and stared at the surveillance screen.

Under surveillance, God is knocking on the last door!

"Damn it!" Mr. Roosevelt gritted his teeth and looked at the empty seat after Mr. Carnegie left: "It's all this guy. If this guy hadn't suddenly betrayed us at this time... we would have built 356 steel doors. Door!"

"Originally, if the gods wanted to attack here layer by layer, it would take at least hundreds of hours! By then, the battle in Daxia would have been over long ago, and these gods would have already left to support the battlefield in Daxia!"

"But... the people sent by Carnegie's lunatic actually opened all the steel doors! They waited until the gods penetrated deeper and then closed them again! They used two hundred steel doors to close the gods and prevent others from leaving!"

"Those gods are going to fight all the way in now and won't leave at all!"

"What to do now!" Mr. Roosevelt's neck was red, his eyes were full of panic, and he shouted hysterically.

General Mike strode out of the bathroom, gritted his teeth and said, "I suggest you stop following those people and force a breakthrough!"

The woman representing the Wal-Mart family sighed: "But once the madmen occupying the control center are angered, they will open the door directly... We may not even have the last twenty minutes."

"Moreover, those lunatics have even blown down the sewers and vents, so we have no way to sneak in and attack."

As soon as these words came out, General Mike's eyes turned red and he kicked his chair fiercely: "So we are just waiting here to die!"

"I proposed a strong attack before. If you had agreed earlier, maybe we would have captured the control center now!"

"But now..."

Before Mike could finish speaking, the old man sitting at the top finally spoke: "Mike, don't get excited."

Mike gritted his teeth: "Then tell me, Dad, what should we do now!"

"Everyone," the old man looked slowly around, "I can probably guess what Mr. Carnegie is thinking."

"My informant told me that after Carnegie returned to the shelter he was responsible for, he cut off all traffic and channels connecting the shelters, closed the internal doors, and increased the defense force."

"This time, he not only wants to rob our supplies, but also wants to use the hands of gods to inflict heavy damage on us."

"I have received news that the battle in Daxia is over, and Poseidon seems to be dead. What Carnegie wants to do most now is to let the gods invade here and eliminate us. When we are almost severely damaged, he will let Those lunatics occupying the control center open the door."

"At that time, those gods will no longer go to the refuge he is responsible for to cause trouble for him, but will go to Daxia. By then, facing us who have been hit hard, the Carnegie family can reap the benefits. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly darkened.

"So," the old man said word by word: "If we sit here and wait any longer, we will only die!"

"Those thugs sent by Carnegie have been lying to us for so long. In fact, they don't want to negotiate with us at all!"

"If we want to survive... we must forcefully capture the control center before the gods break through the last door, immediately open the two hundred doors that block the gods, and let the gods leave!"

"Moreover, once a force is launched, it must be dealt with quickly, without allowing those lunatics to react and without giving them a chance to open the last door!"

"Otherwise if the gods enter, we will still die here!"

"When the time comes, the shelter we build will be our tomb!"

Other family members also nodded.

Speaking of which, they also hate this old man in their hearts. If the old man hadn't forcibly placed them under house arrest here, and a group of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the building and controlled the elevator to prevent them from leaving, they would have run away by now and would have returned to their homes to take charge. The refuge holds fast.

After all, a dead Taoist friend is better than a poor Taoist friend.

In fact, this is also the reason why the old man put them all under house arrest here. He is afraid that these families will not fight with all their strength, and he still has Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

But now, everyone is in this wealth refuge close to the door.

Once the gods come in, no one can escape!

"I have a special team under my name that specializes in training to attack difficult targets. With the help of armored forces, we can quickly attack the control center," the representative of the Roosevelt family said through gritted teeth: "It is better to leave this task to me, the Roosevelt family."

"Leave it to you? Does your team have any actual combat experience?" The head of the Wal-Mart family sneered: "The armed forces of my Wal-Mart family are much stronger than yours..."

"You are a retail company, how can you fight for armed force? I, the Monsanto Group..."

The heads of the various families started to quarrel. After all, no one wanted to put their fate in the hands of others.

And if you can really survive, this will be a great achievement. If you really want to settle accounts with the Carnegie family in the future, you can also use this to divide more benefits.

Even if we fail, we will all die together.

The old man's worries are actually not unreasonable. It's time for the last ditch effort, and each family is still making various plans.

But right now.

"I will do it myself." General Mike said solemnly: "I am from the army, and I know the internal structure of the control center. The soldiers under my command are all elites who are not afraid of death."

"Besides, I can mobilize Little John and Nicole."

As soon as these words came out, all the family representatives fell silent.


Among the family representatives present, only Mike came out of the army.

Needless to say, General Mike's own command level, and his private security group is also a group of troops with the highest combat literacy.

Although there are only a thousand people, this kind of critical battle cannot rely on numbers.

The most important thing is that he can mobilize Little John and Nicole!

"Mike, do you know how important this mission is?" The old man took a deep breath, "Once it starts, we must occupy the control room immediately, otherwise once those lunatics notice, they will take the initiative to open the last door... By then, we All must die.”

Once it fails, everyone will die!

"Don't worry." Mike nodded: "Since I have decided to fight, I will wipe out all those lunatics within three minutes!"

Everyone nodded slowly.

In fact, they are not willing to take this risk, but now, they can only fight!

And Mike is the best candidate to lead the team!

The old man smiled: "There is no need to annihilate them all. You'd better catch two alive... I want to ask myself whether they were sent by Mr. Carnegie."

"Yes." Mike nodded, "In addition, each family, I need the cooperation of all your family troops."

The representative of the Roosevelt family did not hesitate and picked up the intercom: "From now on, all troops under the control of my Roosevelt family, whether armored or infantry, will be under the command of General Mike!"

Other family representatives also picked up the walkie-talkies.

"Listen up, officers, all the troops controlled by my Wal-Mart family are temporarily under the command of General Mike!"

"Listen up, officers, I'm Monsanto..."

Although the military of the Free State is theoretically an independent entity, in fact, supporting the troops is a very expensive matter. It requires fuel, steel, weapons, electricity, food, and transportation...

In the final analysis, these things are provided by various family consortiums.

What each family wants is, on the one hand, to seek greater benefits, and on the other hand, the right to own and truly control the troops.

Normally there are no major events, and the families would not interfere, allowing the troops to obey the orders of the White Palace, but now... with the coming of the gods, the White Palace is gone, and the Jishihui has surfaced, so naturally there is no longer any cover-up. , directly took over the troops.

Now, each family has briefly handed over command of the troops to Mike.

"Mike, it's up to you whether we survive."

"Mike, it's time to show your loyalty to the Franciscan Society."

"Mike, we believe you."

Representatives of each family looked at General Mike.

Mike took a deep breath and nodded slightly: "Everyone, wait for my news. I will end the battle within ten minutes and kill those thugs with my own hands."

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