Myth is Coming

Chapter 109 Advanced Boxing

Leave the time shards!

The light curtain hangs——

Shao Yang felt that his limbs regained consciousness, and became agile again. When he looked down, he couldn't help but feel relieved, he finally recovered his human body!

It's better to be human.

And soon, Shaoyang also got the reward for completing the task of time fragments...

First of all, it is the attribute!

In the time shards, he has cultivated both the physical body and the spiritual sense to 30 points. After coming out of the time shards and transforming from the python body back into the human body, it is of course impossible to maintain the attribute values ​​of the python body.

But Shaoyang only felt a huge power pouring down, and his physical body and spiritual sense attributes also made great progress immediately.

[Spiritual perception: 26; physical body: 38; energy: 19;

Level: Awakening Realm, Entry (partial). 】

The spiritual sense has increased by 4 points, the physical body has increased by a full 6 points, and even the energy attribute has increased by 1 point.

It can be said that the harvest is huge.

However, before Shaoyang could look at other rewards in the future, he saw a flash of light in the void beside him, and the figure of the Nanyang power user who escaped before appeared beside him.

It's just that compared to Shaoyang, the superpower looks much more embarrassed!

Obviously, after entering the time shard, he was also forced to change into a beast, but what he turned into was a spiritual bird from Mount Hua.

Although he was also struggling in the fragments of time, relying on his own experience of transforming into a bird, he finally survived by luck, but the harvest? It's too much to mention. Among the countless ferocious birds and beasts in Huashan, he was very lucky to survive to the end.

But being able to come out alive already made him very happy.

But how did you expect that when you just came out, when you turned your head, you saw a smiling face?

His eyes widened instantly!

But at this time, there was another flash of brilliance next to him, but the "earth fox" also showed his figure. As a living being, it has a spiritual sense, so it is naturally also involved in this fragment of time.

However, it is the body of a beast, so entering this piece of time is like a fish in water.

After coming out, its strength has also improved greatly!

The earth fox is very swollen!


When the earth fox saw Shaoyang, it immediately raised its claws, showing a provocative look.


The Nanyang power user didn't dare to be careless, he flicked the feather in his hand, and hurriedly flew away into the distance, wanting to take advantage of Shaoyang's attention to be attracted by the little fox that suddenly appeared, and quickly escape for his life.


But Shaoyang moved immediately, he swayed and appeared beside Dihu, and slapped him down, making the latter honest.

Then followed by a flash of brilliance, the body speed technique!

He has come first, chased after the Nanyang power user, and captured the latter...

Don't delay.


The Nanyang power user looked at Shaoyang in despair, opened his mouth, and said "Ula Ula" for a long time, but unfortunately the speed was too fast, and Shaoyang's English level could not understand at all.

Forget it, don’t listen if you don’t understand it.

Thinking of his croaking, Shao Yang kindly reminded him, "Hello, I don't understand your words."

With such a combination of Chinese and Western, the Nanyang power user was of course dumbfounded.

Shao Yang simply slapped it.

That Nanyang power user simply fainted...


Or simply do it.

However, Shao Yang didn't know that the Nanyang power user was actually very shocked. He felt that he had offended the devil. He couldn't figure it out no matter what, how could Shaoyang be so comfortable in the time fragments after transforming into a beast?

Shao Yang turned his gaze to the earth fox...

The earth fox quickly showed a flattering look,

He ran up behind Shaoyang in a decent manner, making the appearance of beating his back.

Shao Yang lifted it and slipped it to the front.

You little bear, you can't do without a fight.

Shaoyang didn't care about its small appearance, and gave it a good beating before talking...


After capturing the Nanyang power user and "convincing the fox with reasoning" again, Shaoyang had time to check the various task rewards after the local fox was honest.

Since Shaoyang caused another deduction and change of time fragments, the rewards given by the system are doubled, that is, 8 skill points, two magical powers, and two awakening opportunities!

The first is skill points.

Shao Yang looked down at the screen, there were 8 skill points available, but to be honest, there were more points to add.

Cultivation techniques, magic spells, supernatural powers, basic skills... Shaoyang wanted to improve any of them.

After careful consideration, Shao Yang finally gritted his teeth and decided to add skill points to basic skills! The six basic skills are Shaoyang's initial "start-up" skills, which later benefited Shaoyang a lot. But to be honest, these six skills have stagnated and have not improved since they all reached "fulfillment" a long time ago.

However, Shaoyang can clearly perceive these six basic skills in his daily diligent practice, and the current state is definitely not the limit.

Then what will happen if you improve it?

He has met several great masters, and they all spoke highly of these "basic skills", so Shaoyang also wanted to see the limits of these skills.

Shao Yang immediately focused on [Basic Boxing Technique], and the points needed for upgrading were quickly displayed on the screen:

5 o'clock.


But fortunately, it didn't exceed Shaoyang's estimation. After all, it was a continuous improvement after [Consummation]. Therefore, Shaoyang reluctantly chose to continue to improve.

A change quickly appeared on the screen, and a light and shadow in the shape of a villain emerged, gesturing various boxing techniques there.

Immediately afterwards, the light and shadow of the second villain emerged, and he continued to make boxing gestures.

It is very similar to the boxing technique of the first villain, but there are many differences in many subtleties.

Soon, the third villain...

the fourth.

the fifth……

After a short while, there are already thirty-six villains in front of Shaoyang's eyes! Every villain is gesturing a kind of boxing, which is different, but vaguely forms a unified system.

Looking at such a surprising scene, the first thought that crossed Shaoyang's mind was——

"Mud horse, you know the system won't let you improve directly!"

Helpless, Shaoyang had no choice but to cheer up and study the boxing techniques of each villain carefully. Fortunately, he already has a certain foundation, and [Basic Boxing] has already reached the [Consummation] state, so he comprehends it very quickly.

Shaoyang walked all the way, and felt it all the way.

three days later.

Arrive at [Huashan North Station].

Shaoyang finally grasped a general idea of ​​the boxing techniques of the thirty-six villains, and finally a change appeared on the screen in front of him:

[Advanced boxing, getting started]!

Finally broke through!

Shaoyang was very speechless. However, after being promoted to [Advanced Boxing], Shao Yang made gestures again, and he only felt that the boxing was done from the heart, pointing to where to hit, and he was much more proficient than before.

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