Myth is Coming

Chapter 255 Ghost Soldiers

Boss Fang Yu!

Shao Yang was mixed among the souls, and Ling Jue had already keenly identified the identity of the person who came.


Shaoyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion, he actually did it directly in this Fengdu city! ? The other party didn't think of his own method of mixing in, or even if he thought of it, he didn't bother to use it? In short, he acted recklessly, and in a short while, this place has been turned upside down.

Countless ghost soldiers were strangled under his supernatural powers. For a moment, the ghost city of Fengdu was surrounded by smoke, and the ghost soldiers reappeared, but they were all panicked.

"Report to the king!"

"Quick report to the lord!"

Boss Fang Yu showed his might... However, Shaoyang was a little worried in his heart.

The underworld is not a rookie!

Although in "Journey to the West", the underworld and Yama of the Ten Palaces are portrayed in a very embarrassing manner, as if he was beaten to pieces and embarrassed after several appearances.

A perfect "background board".

But in the final analysis, this is also one of the "Three Realms" recorded in Journey to the West, an important place where the six paths of reincarnation run!

How can it be so unbearable?

Reckless. Reckless.

Of course, this is just a "time fragment" after all, somewhat similar to the "projection" of history, so the strength of these "plot characters" may not necessarily be the original strength, and it will probably be much weaker.

But if Fang Yu made such a reckless move, he might cause unnecessary trouble, right?

What should I do?

Shao Yang changed his mind, he naturally couldn't decide how Fang Yu would act; but at this time Fang Yu's sudden move gave Shao Yang a chance.

There was chaos at the city gate, so Shaoyang didn't have to keep pretending.

Therefore, Shaoyang acted immediately.

The two bull-headed and horse-faced people beside them were suddenly startled, and turned their heads to look at the wandering soul they "captured", but seeing the latter suddenly smiled at them, his body seemed to explode with surging power,

With a swipe towards the two of them, a vast and irresistible force was suddenly released from the "wandering soul" in front of them, and the two of them only had time to let out a miserable grunt before flying backwards.


Most of the guards in front of the city gate were already attracted by Fang Yu, so Shaoyang made a sudden move here, and there were only a few people who had time to stop him.

All the ghosts yelled and asked in a stern voice with fear on their faces. They held all kinds of magical weapons, but they retreated continuously, and no one dared to approach them.

Shao Yang smiled slightly, "The Monkey King!"


The ghosts were startled, Shaoyang had already drifted away, passed them, and broke into the ghost city of Fengdu.

This Fengdu ghost city is also very vast, Shaoyang took advantage of the chaos in front of the gate, and after entering, he was immediately mixed in with the ghosts. He didn't even use the "Painted Skin" technique...not at all! How easy is it to find someone out of this vast crowd of ghosts?

Hey, it's no wonder that housing prices in the underworld are very expensive.

With so many people, is it expensive?

God knows there are six reincarnations, how can there be so many people in this ghost city of Fengdu in the underworld?

Shao Yang walked forward, for convenience, he still used the technique of [Painted Skin] to change his appearance several times, and then "knocked" sideways "hit" along the way, knocked out and tortured countless times, and finally found a place to stay .


Shao Yang waved his hands to release more than a hundred ghosts, and they entered here, each one of them showed joy.

This ghost city of Fengdu is the center of the underworld, and it is naturally an excellent place to practice the supernatural powers of the underworld. Although Shaoyang himself can't cultivate, it is just right for these ghosts.

These more than a hundred ghosts can't stop wandering in the void, absorbing the yin energy in the void, transforming into their own body, and strengthening their own breath.

Shaoyang has already [appraised] those soul orbs, knowing that they are useless to him, but to these ghosts, they are nothing less than heavenly talents and earthly treasures! Therefore, Shaoyang was not stingy, he threw the hundreds of soul beads he got recently into these ghosts one by one, and used the "exorcism method" to help them refine their soul beads and strengthen the ghosts.



All the ghosts tempered the soul beads, and the souls continued to grow... Flying in the void, the speed increased significantly!

Shaoyang was very satisfied, he suddenly moved in his heart, waved his hand, and sacrificed that young wandering spirit, but seeing him still confused, only when he saw Shaoyang, he showed obvious joy.

But Shaoyang tried to communicate with him, but he was still in a daze, unable to explain why.


Shao Yang stretched out his finger, and also sent a few soul beads into his body, using his spiritual sense to help him refine.

The aptitude of this young wandering soul is obviously much better than those ghosts! With the same soul orb, those ghosts rose slowly, but this young wandering soul rose in a straight line!

Shaoyang clearly felt that his potential was being stimulated...

Shaoyang couldn't help being curious, what is the identity of this young wandering soul? To have such heaven-defying qualifications.

I don't know how long it has been.

In short, Shaoyang spent a lot of effort to temper these ghosts again, and most of the soul beads have been used up.

He looked at those ghosts again, but saw that each of them was already enlightened, with some faint substance, and their strength had a huge leap compared to before.

[Spiritual perception: 45; physical body: 0; energy: 25. 】

The attribute of spiritual sense has directly increased by two small levels!


Shao Yang left his hiding place and began to walk in the ghost town of Fengdu. This Fengdu ghost town is also quite lively, with many "cultivators". Shaoyang has already understood that some of these people are people with "merit", they were assigned to the underworld after their death, so they were able to stay in the ghost city of Fengdu; Freed from the suffering of reincarnation, they turned into ghost cultivators, and also obtained the qualifications to live here; some of them are cultivators of various supernatural powers, and they use various means to enter and live here temporarily...

Therefore, the accumulation of countless years and the worlds of the heavens has also made this place very lively.

People and ghosts live together.

Why? Thinking about it this way, isn't it the same situation in the "Heavenly Court"? Shaoyang's mind was wide open.

All the way in Shaoyang, there is a lot of ghost smoke and ghost heads, which is very lively.

There is a place that sells "ghost soldiers" right in front. Shaoyang found it interesting and immediately stepped in.

"Guest officer."

Immediately, a delicate female ghost came up to meet her, with a charming smile on her face, and her clothes were half-covered, revealing a touch of white on her chest, "I wonder what the guest officer wants?"

Shao Yang didn't look sideways, "I'll take a look at your ghost soldiers."

"Okay." The female ghost said repeatedly.

After a while, Shaoyang exchanged some materials on his body for two rather interesting ghost soldiers, and he was also very satisfied.

One of them is called "Silent Fire", which is collected from the "Volcanic Hell" of the eighteen layers of hell. Of course, when Shaoyang bought such a You Huo, he also valued the help of this You Huo in refining the weapon! Quenching materials is also quite useful.

The other one is called "Runner Banner", which is more interesting. When offering this banner, it will "mark" a position, and within ten breaths, it can quickly appear on the marked position by being guided by the runner banner !

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